824 research outputs found

    Prevention and treatment of parasitic infections in organic pigs

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    Organic and free range pigs are potentially exposed to a wider range of parasites and zoonotic challenges. The livestock Subproject QLIF addresses 4 strategies to combat these challenges, and the present paper describes the initial results. Rodent control is the first strategy, and a survey concludes that Salmonella and Campylobacter infections were encountered in house mice and Norway rats, but not in other species. T. gondii antibodies could be detected in 6.4% of the blood samples taken from 235 wild small mammals. To reduce the presence of rodents around farms, the use of live-traps may be a good alternative for the use of rodenticides on organic farms. A second strategy is aimed at directing pig dunging behaviour in such a way that contact with (infected) faeces is minimised. The study showed that a rooting area resulted in a cleaner outdoor are and an extra outdoor drinker led to a cleaner area around the drinker, but to a dirtier indoor area. However, no difference in Ascaris suum infection were found. The nutritional strategy tested showed that pure inulin appeared the most effective as Oesophagostomum dentatum presence was reduced by 91%. Finally, as part of Strategy 4, a mixture of dried Thymus vulgaris, Melissa officinalis and Echinacea purpurea in a dosage of 5% in the diet showed to be preventive against a mild round-worm infection. The same mixture, however, was not effective in a lower dosage (3% in the diet) against a serious round-worm infection. Work is continuing to develop the above strategies further

    Towards a framework to evaluate the ‘total’ performance of buildings

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    Internationally, buildings are a major contributor to carbon emissions. Despite significant advances in the technology and construction of energy-efficient buildings, in many cases a performance gap between designed and actual performance exists. While much research has investigated the drivers of the building energy performance gap – both static and transient– there has been considerably less research into the total performance gap, defined here as performance gaps in building energy use, occupant satisfaction and Indoor Environmental Quality parameters such as thermal comfort and air quality which may impact on occupant health and wellbeing. This paper presents a meta-analysis of building performance data from buildings in the UK and China – selected due to their contrasting development environments – which illustrate the presence of and complexities of evaluating total performance gaps in both countries. The data demonstrate the need for (1) high end-use, spatial granularity and temporal resolution data for both energy and Indoor Environmental Quality, and (2) developing methodologies that allow meaningful comparisons between buildings internationally to facilitate learning from successful building design, construction methodologies and policy environments internationally. Using performance data from a UK building, a potential forward path is illustrated with the objective of developing a framework to evaluate total building performance. Practical application: While much research has examined building energy performance gaps, Indoor Environmental Quality and occupant satisfaction gaps are rarely included despite their relationship to energy. We use a meta-analysis of energy, indoor environmental quality, and occupant satisfaction data from buildings in the UK and China to illustrating the presence of and complexities of evaluating total performance gaps for buildings in the two countries, and the need for high resolution dynamic buildings data and novel methodologies for comparison between buildings across different contexts. Illustrative case studies are used to demonstrate potential future directions for evaluating ‘total’ building performance

    Gel meloksikama za topičku primjenu: In vitro i in vivo vrednovanje

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    Skin delivery of NSAIDs offers several advantages over the oral route associated with potential side effects. In the present investigation, topical gel of meloxicam (MLX) was formulated using N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) as a solubilizer and Carbopol Ultrez 10® as a gelling polymer. MLX gel was evaluated with respect to different physicochemical parameters such as pH, viscosity and spreadability. Irritation potential of MLX gel was studied on rabbits. Permeation of MLX gel was studied using freshly excised rat skin as a membrane. Anti-inflammatory activity of MLX gel was studied in rats and compared with the commercial formulation of piroxicam (Pirox® gel, 0.5 %, m/m). Accelerated stability studies were carried out for MLX gel for 6 months according to ICH guidelines. MLX gel was devoid of any skin irritation in rabbits. After 12 h, cumulative permeation of MLX through excised rat skin was 3.0 ± 1.2 mg cm2 with the corresponding flux value of 0.24 ± 0.09 mg cm2 h1. MLX gel exhibited significantly higher anti-inflammatory activity in rats compared to Pirox® gel. Physicochemically stable and non-irritant MLX gel was formulated which could deliver significant amounts of active substance across the skin in vitro and in vivo to elicit the anti-inflammatory activity.Primjena nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova na kožu ima nekoliko prednosti nad peroralnim načinom primjene uz koju se vežu određene nuspojave. U radu je opisana priprava gela meloksikama (MLX) za topičku primjenu. U pripravi gela korišten je N-metil pirolidon (NMP) kao otapalo i Carbopol ultrez 10® kao polimer za geliranje. Određivani su različiti fizikokemijski parametri kao što su pH, viskoznost i razmazljivost. Potencijalna iritacija MLX gela testirana je na kunićima, a svojstvo permeacije na svježim izrescima kože štakora. Protuupalno djelovanje praćeno je na štakorima i uspoređeno s registriranim pripravkom piroksikama (Pirox® gel, 0,5 % m/m). Testovi ubrzanog starenja MLX gela rađeni su tijekom 6 mjeseci prema ICH protokolu. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da MLX gel nimalo ne iritira kožu kunića. Kumulativna permeacija nakon 12 h bila je 3,0 ± 1,2 mg cm2, s odgovarajućem vrijednošću fluksa 0,24 ± 0,09 mg cm2 h1. MLX gel pokazao je značajno jače protuupalno djelovanje u odnosu na Pirox® gel. Pripravljeni gel je stabilan, ne iritira kožu, te in vitro i in vivo doprema kroz kožu ljekovitu tvar u dovoljnoj količini da ispolji protuupalno djelovanje

    Phase-stabilized optical frequency domain imaging at 1-mu m for the measurement of blood flow in the human choroid

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    In optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) the measurement of interference fringes is not exactly reproducible due to small instabilities in the swept-source laser, the interferometer and the data-acquisition hardware. The resulting variation in wavenumber sampling makes phase-resolved detection and the removal of fixed-pattern noise challenging in OFDI. In this paper this problem is solved by a new post-processing method in which interference fringes are resampled to the exact same wavenumber space using a simultaneously recorded calibration signal. This method is implemented in a high-speed (100 kHz) high-resolution (6.5 μm) OFDI system at 1-μm and is used for the removal of fixed-pattern noise artifacts and for phase-resolved blood flow measurements in the human choroid. The system performed close to the shot-noise limit (<1dB) with a sensitivity of 99.1 dB for a 1.7 mW sample arm power. Suppression of fixed-pattern noise artifacts is shown up to 39.0 dB which effectively removes all artifacts from the OFDI-images. The clinical potential of the system is shown by the detection of choroidal blood flow in a healthy volunteer and the detection of tissue reperfusion in a patient after a retinal pigment epithelium and choroid transplantation. © 2011 Optical Society of America

    Climate related sea-level variations over the past two millennia

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (2011): 11017-11022, doi:10.1073/pnas.1015619108.We present new sea-level reconstructions for the past 2100 years based on salt-marsh sedimentary sequences from the US Atlantic coast. The data from North Carolina reveal four phases of persistent sea-level change after correction for glacial isostatic adjustment. Sea level was stable from at least BC 100 until AD 950. It then increased for 400 years at a rate of 0.6 mm/yr, followed by a further period of stable, or slightly falling, sea level that persisted until the late 19th century. Since then, sea level has risen at an average rate of 2.1 mm/yr, representing the steepest, century-scale increase of the past two millennia. This rate was initiated between AD 1865 and 1892. Using an extended semi-empirical modeling approach, we show that these sea-level changes are consistent with global temperature for at least the past millennium.Research was supported by NSF grants (EAR-0951686) to BPH and JPD. ACK thanks a NOSAMS internship, UPenn paleontology stipend and grants from GSA and NAMS. North Carolina sea-level research was funded by NOAA (NA05NOS4781182), USGS (02ERAG0044) and NSF (EAR-0717364) grants to BPH with S. Culver and R. Corbett (East Carolina University). JPD (EAR-0309129) and MEM (ATM-0542356) acknowledge NSF support. MV acknowledges Academy of Finland Project 123113 and COST Action ES0701

    Splicing factors control triple-negative breast cancer cell mitosis through SUN2 interaction and sororin intron retention

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    BackgroundTriple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer with limited therapeutic opportunities. Recently, splicing factors have gained attention as potential targets for cancer treatment. Here we systematically evaluated the role of RNA splicing factors in TNBC cell proliferation.MethodsIn this study, we performed an RNAi screen targeting 244 individual splicing factors to systematically evaluate their role in TNBC cell proliferation. For top candidates, mechanistic insight was gained using amongst others western blot, PCR, FACS, molecular imaging and cloning. Pulldown followed by mass spectrometry were used to determine protein-protein interactions and patient-derived RNA sequencing data was used relate splicing factor expression levels to proliferation markers.ResultsWe identified nine splicing factors, including SNRPD2, SNRPD3 and NHP2L1, of which depletion inhibited proliferation in two TNBC cell lines by deregulation of sister chromatid cohesion (SCC) via increased sororin intron 1 retention and down-regulation of SMC1, MAU2 and ESPL1. Protein-protein interaction analysis of SNRPD2, SNRPD3 and NHP2L1 identified that seven out of the nine identified splicing factors belong to the same spliceosome complex including novel component SUN2 that was also critical for efficient sororin splicing. Finally, sororin transcript levels are highly correlated to various proliferation markers in BC patients.ConclusionWe systematically determined splicing factors that control proliferation of breast cancer cells through a mechanism that involves effective sororin splicing and thereby appropriate sister chromatid cohesion. Moreover, we identified SUN2 as an important new spliceosome complex interacting protein that is critical in this process. We anticipate that deregulating sororin levels through targeting of the relevant splicing factors might be a potential strategy to treat TNBC.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    El Mañana: Año II Número 9 - (09/01/29)

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    There is no consensus on the treatment of multifocal primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (C-ALCL). Radiotherapy (RT) and methotrexate (MTX) are the current treatment options, but their efficacy is unknown. Recently, targeted therapies showed promising results in C-ALCL, and may therefore be an attractive first choice of treatment. To assess the efficacy of conventional treatment strategies for patients with multifocal C-ALCL, and to define which patients may require novel targeted therapies. In this multicenter study, treatment was evaluated in patients initially presenting (n=24) or relapsing with multifocal C-ALCL (n=17; 23 relapses). Distinction was made between cases with ≤ 5 (n=36) and >5 lesions (n=11). Treatments most commonly used were radiotherapy (n=21), systemic chemotherapy (n=9) and low-dose methotrexate (MTX; n=7) with complete response rates of 100%, 78% and 43%, respectively, and an overall response rate of 100%, 100%, and 57%, respectively. Four patients showed a complete spontaneous regression. Sixteen of 24 patients (67%) first presenting with multifocal C-ALCL relapsed, including all five patients initially treated with CHOP. Compared with patients presenting with 2-5 skin lesions, patients presenting with >5 lesions had a higher chance of developing extracutaneous relapse (56 vs 20%) and more often died of lymphoma (44% vs 7%). Patients with ≤5 lesions should be treated with low-dose RT (2x4 Gy). Maintenance low-dose MTX (20 mg/week) is a suitable option in patients with >5 lesions. Targeted therapies may be considered in rare patients refractory to MTX or patients developing extracutaneous disease. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserve

    Metaphorical and interlingual translation in moving organizational practices across languages

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    Organizational scholars refer to translation as a metaphor in order to describe the transformation and movement of organizational practices across institutional contexts. However, they have paid relatively little attention to the challenges of moving organizational practices across language boundaries. In this conceptual paper, we theorize that when organizational practices move across contexts that differ not only in terms of institutions and cultures but also in terms of languages, translation becomes more than a metaphor; it turns into reverbalization of meaning in another language. We argue that the meeting of languages opens up a whole new arena for translator agency to unfold. Interlingual and metaphorical translation are two distinct but interrelated forms of translation that are mutually constitutive. We identify possible constellations between interlingual and metaphorical translation and illustrate agentic translation with published case examples. We also propose that interlingual translation is a key resource in the discursive constitution of multilingual organizations. This paper contributes to the stream of research in organization studies that has made translation a core aspect of its inquiry