982 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa di Desa Maregam Kecamatan Tidore Selatan Kota Tidore Kepulauan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of Village Fund management in Maregam Village during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The data collection technique used in this research is to copy the village budget realization report file. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method using a secondary data analysis approach with nonparametric test equipment using the Wilcoxon Test. The results showed that the level of effectiveness of village financial management based on an average effectiveness ratio of 98.33% was included in the "Effective". Meanwhile, the efficiency level based on the average efficiency ratio is 88.19%, which is included in the "Enough Efficient" category. &nbsp

    Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur

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    This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection

    Praktik Impunity dalam Kasus Pelanggaran HAM Berat (Tinjauan terhadap Kasus Pembantaian Rawagede 1947)

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    Impunity is one of the most often thing that ever happened in order to settle the gross human rights violations. Impunity means crime without punishment and an inevitable phenomenon in gross human rights violations\u27 cases. In the scope of International law, impunity refers to the failure to bring perpetrators of gross human rights violations to justice and denial of the right of victims to obtain justice and their right to redress. Impunity allows the cycle of human rights violations keeps going on, because the persons who committed the violations are not considered responsible. The 1947 Rawagede massacre case is an old case that began to become a hot topic which discussed by many recently ever since the case was taken to the Hague District Court in 2009. Therefore, the problems in this thesis are about the position of impunity in human rights violations\u27 cases, the International laws that related to the practice of impunity and how that happened in the case of the 1947 Rawagede massacre case. The research methodology used in this thesis is a normative legal research or library research, by collecting materials from books, journals, websites, legislations and other scientific papers which are closely related to the intentions and purposes of the preparation of this manuscript. Internationally, there are a few regulations which can be applied in this topic, because the scope is about human rights. First of all is the contents in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The second, for the assertion is the contents in the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. Last but not least, for the regulations on gross human rights violations are the contents in the 1998 Rome Statute. But because Indonesia has not ratified the 1998 Rome Statute and this events occurred long before the Rome Statute generated, then the case was submitted to the Hague District Court. As the result of this study, the conclusion is that the practice of impunity itself, even though not inevitable, still will not release the offenders from their responsibilities towards the victims of gross human rights violations because the victims have basic legal rights that must be fulfilled

    Kemampuan Menulis Pesan Singkat Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This study investigated the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. This study aims to determine the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan This study is a descriptive-quantitative. This research data is data result of taking the test, the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Instruments in this research is a form of an essay test on the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. The data collection was done by using the test. The population in this study were 98 students with the determination of the full sample as many as 98 students. Data were analyzed with descriptive methods. The validity of the data obtained through the method of data validation. Results of this study of the test results the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Judging from the ability to write a short message seventh grade students of SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan fall into the medium category with an average value of 79.10

    Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur

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    This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur's short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur's short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection


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    Permasalahan utama pemerintahan desa setelah lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa adalah rendahnya kualitas Sumber Daya Aparatur Pemerintah Desa, terutama pengetahuan dan kemampuannya dalam menyusun dokumen RPJMDes, RKPDes, dan APBDes secara benar. Penelitian ini menjelaskan Formulasi Kebijakan Penyusunan Perencanaan Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala Kecamatan Sungai Ambawang Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan: (1) kualitas Aparatur Pemerintahan Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala dalam formulasi penyusunan RPJM Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala. (2) formulasi penyusunan RPJM Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala, dan (3) kendala-kendala dalam formulasi penyusunan RPJM Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Pemerintahan Desa dalam Formulasi Penyusunan RPJM Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala dari segi pengetahuan dan keterampilannya masih rendah; dan dari Segi kualitas pelayanan pada aspek assurance, tangibles, empathy dan responsivitas sudah cukup baik, sedangkan aspek reability masih kurang. Kedua, Formulasi penyusunan RPJM Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala masih kurang, tahapan penyusunan RPJMDes tidak dilaksanakan secara partisipatif dan outputnya belum maksimal; dan Ketiga, kendala-kendala dalam formulasi penyusunan RPJM Desa Sungai Ambawang Kuala disebabkan karena kendala eksternal dan kendala internal

    The relationship between phenolics and flavonoids production with total non structural carbohydrate and photosynthetic rate in labisia pumila benth. under high CO2 and nitrogen fertilization.

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    A factorial split plot 4 × 3 experiment was designed to examine and characterize the relationship among production of secondary metabolites (total phenolics, TP; total flavonoids, TF), carbohydrate content and photosynthesis of three varieties of the Malaysian medicinal herb Labisia pumila Benth. namely the varieties alata, pumila and lanceolata under CO2 enrichment (1,200 μmol mol-1) combined with four levels of nitrogen fertilization (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg N ha-1). No varietal differences were observed, however, as the levels of nitrogen increased from 0 to 270 kg N ha-1, the production of TP and TF decreased in the order leaves>roots>stems. The production of TP and TF was related to increased total non structural carbohydrate (TNC), where the increase in starch content was larger than that in sugar concentration. Nevertheless, the regression analysis exhibited a higher influence of soluble sugar concentration (r² = 0.88) than starch on TP and TF biosynthesis. Photosynthesis, on the other hand, displayed a significant negative relationship with TP and TF production (r² = -0.87). A decrease in photosynthetic rate with increasing secondary metabolites might be due to an increase in the shikimic acid pathway that results in enhanced production of TP and TF. Chlorophyll content exhibited very significant negative relationships with total soluble sugar, starch and total non structural carbohydrate


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    The rapid-changing manufacturing environment requires a manufacturing system that is easily upgradeable to match new technologies and new functions such as Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS). RMS is distinctive from the conventional manufacturing system, where the RMS can be accomplished by using reconfigurable hardware and software, such that its capability and functionality are changeable over time. The reconfigurable components of a RMS include mechanisms, material handling system, sensors control algorithms, machines and modules for the whole production system. The objective of this project is to verify the integration between a simulation with a physical system of a reconfigurable material handling, in order to allow the simulation software controls the physical system directly. The methodology of this project starts with modelling of the physical system. Then, the control logic of the physical system model is constructed in simulation software in line with the behavior of the real physical system. Next, PLC as the controller of reconfigurable material handling connects a computer through OPC server. The PLC communication tags are extracted from OPC server. These tags are used to build the communication between simulation and OPC server. As a result, the integration capabilities are verified by using data comparison over time between simulation and reconfigurable conveyor system