1,194 research outputs found
This paper builds on earlier studies of agricultural productivity by incorporating spatially referenced soil and climate data combined with high-resolution land-cover data. Econometric analysis of these data, along with panel data on agricultural inputs and outputs from 110 countries for 1961-1997, quantifies the significant impact that differences in land quality have on agricultural productivity.Productivity Analysis,
A record of eruption and intrusion at a fast spreading ridge axis : axial summit trough of the East Pacific Rise at 9–10°N
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 10 (2009): Q10T07, doi:10.1029/2008GC002354.High-resolution side-scan sonar, near-bottom multibeam bathymetry, and deep-sea photo and bathymetry traverses are used to map the axial summit trough (AST) at the East Pacific Rise between 9 and 10°N. We define three ridge axis morphologic types: no AST, narrow AST, and wide AST, which characterize distinct ridge crest domains spanning tens of kilometers along strike. Near-bottom observations, modeling of deformation above intruding dikes, and comparisons to the geologic and geophysical structure of the ridge crest are used to develop a revised model of AST genesis and evolution. This model helps constrain the record of intrusive and extrusive magmatism and styles of lava deposition along the ridge crest at time scales from hundreds to tens of thousands of years. The grabens in the narrow-AST domain (9°43′–53′N) are consistent with deformation above the most recent (<10) diking events beneath the ridge crest. Frequent high–effusion rate extrusive volcanism in this domain (several eruptions every ∼100 years) overprints near-axis deformation and maintains a consistent AST width. The most recent eruption at the ridge crest occurred in this area and did not significantly modify the physical characteristics of the AST. The grabens in the wide-AST domain (9°23′–43′N) originated with similar dimensions to the narrow AST. Spreading, driven primarily by the intrusion of shallow dikes within a narrow axial zone, causes the initial graben bounding faults to migrate away from the axis. Infrequent extrusive volcanism (several eruptions every ∼1000 years) fills a portion of the subsidence that accumulates over time but does not significantly modify the width of the AST. Outside of these domains, lower–effusion rate constructional volcanism without efficient drain-back fills and erases the signature of the AST. The relative frequency of intrusive versus extrusive magmatic events controls the morphology of the ridge crest and appears to remain constant over millennial time scales within the domains we have identified; however, over longer time scales (∼10–25 ka), domain-specific intrusive-to-extrusive ratios do not appear to be fixed in space, resulting in a fairly consistent volcanic accretion over the length scale of the second-order ridge segment between 9°N and 10°N.This work was
supported by NSF grants OCE-0525863 to D. Fornari and S. A.
Soule; OCE-0732366 to S. A. Soule; and OCE-9819261 to
H. Schouten, M. Tivey, and D. Fornari and by CNRS to
J. Escartın
Rapid ascent and emplacement of basaltic lava during the 2005–06 eruption of the East Pacific Rise at ca. 9°51′N as inferred from CO2 contents
© The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 453 (2016): 152-160, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.08.007.Eruption rates at the mid–ocean ridges (MORs) are believed to strongly
control the morphology and length of lava flows emplaced along the ridge axis, and thus
the structure and porosity of the upper oceanic crust. Eruption rate also represents one of
the few tools to gain insight into the driving pressures within sub-ridge magmatic
systems. As eruption rate is inferred to vary systematically along the global mid-ocean
ridge, understanding of how to assess eruption rate in submarine systems and how it
maps to observable features of the ridge axis would provide a powerful tool to understand
Earth's largest magmatic system. Eruption rates at MORs are poorly constrained,
however, because of a lack of direct observations, preventing the duration of an eruption
to be quantified. This study uses decompression experiments of MORB samples and
numerical modeling of CO2 degassing to reconstruct the timescales for magma ascent and
lava emplacement during the 2005–06 eruption of the East Pacific Rise at ca. 9°51’N.
Samples collected from the lava flow are all supersaturated in dissolved CO2 contents,
but CO2 decreases with distance from the vent, presumably as a consequence of
progressive CO2 diffusion into growing bubbles. Samples collected at the vent contain
~105 vesicles per cm3. Pieces of these samples were experimentally heated to 1225°C at
high pressure and then decompressed at controlled rates. Results, plus those from
numerical modeling of diffusive bubble growth, indicate that magma rose from the axial
magma chamber to the seafloor in ≤1 hour and at a rate of ≥2–3 km hr-1. Our modeling,
as validated by experimental decompression of MORB samples with ~106 vesicles cm-3,
also suggests that CO2 degassed from the melt within ~10–100 minutes as the vesicular
lava traveled ~ 1.7 km along the seafloor, implying a volumetric flow rate on order of
103–4 m3 s-1. Given an ascent rate of ≥0.2 m s-1, the width of a rectangular dike feeding
the lava would have been ~1–2 meters wide. MORB samples from the Pacific ridge are
generally more supersaturated in dissolved CO2 than those from slower spreading
Atlantic and Indian ridges. Our results suggest that Pacific MORBs ascend to the
seafloor faster than Atlantic or Indian MORBsThis project was partially
funded by a grant to J.E.G. from the U.S. National Science Foundation (OCE-1333882).2017-08-2
A Flight Investigation of the Lateral Control Characteristics of Short Wide Ailerons and Various Spoilers with Different Amounts of Wing Dihedral
This report presents the results of flight tests made to determine the lateral control characteristics of short wide ailerons and spoilers, as a consequence of the promise shown in wind-tunnel tests by these devices as means of obtaining lateral control, particularly at angles of attack above the stall. Several forms of spoilers, front-hinge, rear-hinge, plain retractable, and saw-tooth retractable were tested alone and in combination with the ailerons. The tests were made with several different amounts of wing dihedral so that the effect of the yawing moments of the different lateral control combinations, which varied from large negative to large positive values, could be evaluated. In conjunction with the tests, observations were made to throw some light on the feasibility of operating the airplane with two controls instead of the present three
An Empirical Study of Scoring Methods for the Conover Driving Attitude Inventory
The measurement of driving attitudes has followed in the wake of various studies and statistical data indicating that improper attitudes are responsible for an unduly high percentage of accidents. Certain of these tests have limitations, one of which is an economical method of scoring. Conover (Conover, 1947) used a scoring method such that the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, are assigned respectively to the responses designated as; most displeasing, displeasing, indifferent, pleasing, and most pleasing, for the positive items, and to avoid negative scores the values 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, are assigned respectively to the same responses; most displeasing, displeasing, indifferent, pleasing, and very pleasing, on the negative items. Summing the positive items according to the values given and the negative items by the reverse scoring system, the score for an individual is obtained. The Conover Driving Attitude Inventory is designed to measure the attitudes of individuals toward factors shown to be important in safe driving. An individual\u27s attitude toward specific factors, as indicated by his response to the items of the scale may be considered to constitute his attitude toward safe driving in general. In other words it is a test of one\u27s reactions to everyday driving experiences while behind the wheel. One-hundred fifty items make up the scale, thirty-five of which are considered positive items, thirty negative, and the remaining eighty-five are considered as fillers
The Initial Step in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 GagProPol Processing Can Be Regulated by Reversible Oxidation
BACKGROUND: Maturation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) occurs upon activation of HIV-1 protease embedded within GagProPol precursors and cleavage of Gag and GagProPol polyproteins. Although reversible oxidation can regulate mature protease activity as well as retrovirus maturation, it is possible that the effects of oxidation on viral maturation are mediated in whole, or part, through effects on the initial intramolecular cleavage event of GagProPol. In order assess the effect of reversible oxidation on this event, we developed a system to isolate the first step in protease activation involving GagProPol. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To determine if oxidation influences this step, we created a GagProPol plasmid construct (pGPfs-1C) that encoded mutations at all cleavage sites except p2/NC, the initial cleavage site in GagProPol. pGPfs-1C was used in an in vitro translation assay to observe the behavior of this initial step without interference from subsequent processing events. Diamide, a sulfhydral oxidizing agent, inhibited processing at p2/NC by >60% for pGPfs-1C and was readily reversed with the reductant, dithiothreitol. The ability to regulate processing by reversible oxidation was lost when the cysteines of the embedded protease were mutated to alanine. Unlike mature protease, which requires only oxidation of cys95 for inhibition, both cysteines of the embedded protease contributed to this inhibition. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We developed a system that can be used to study the first step in the cascade of HIV-1 GagProPol processing and show that reversible oxidation of cysteines of HIV-1 protease embedded in GagProPol can block this initial GagProPol autoprocessing. This type of regulation may be broadly applied to the majority of retroviruses
Lewis X antigen mediates adhesion of human breast carcinoma cells to activated endothelium. Possible involvement of the endothelial scavenger receptor C-Type lectin
Lewis x (Lex, CD15), also known as SSEA-1 (stage specific embryonic antigen-1), is a trisaccharide with the structure Galβ(1–4)Fucα(1–3)GlcNAc, which is expressed on glycoconjugates in human polymorphonuclear granulocytes and various tumors such as colon and breast carcinoma. We have investigated the role of Lex in the adhesion of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and PMN to human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVEC) and the effects of two different anti-Lex mAbs (FC-2.15 and MCS-1) on this adhesion. We also analyzed the cytolysis of Lex+-cells induced by anti-Lex mAbs and complement when cells were adhered to the endothelium, and the effect of these antibodies on HUVEC. The results indicate that MCF-7 cells can bind to HUVEC, and that MCS-1 but not FC-2.15 mAb inhibit this interaction. Both mAbs can efficiently lyse MCF-7 cells bound to HUVEC in the presence of complement without damaging endothelial cells. We also found a Lex-dependent PMN interaction with HUVEC. Although both anti-Lex mAbs lysed PMN in suspension and adhered to HUVEC, PMN aggregation was only induced by mAb FC-2.15. Blotting studies revealed that the endothelial scavenger receptor C-type lectin (SRCL), which binds Lex-trisaccharide, interacts with specific glycoproteins of Mr␣∼␣28 kD and 10 kD from MCF-7 cells. The interaction between Lex+-cancer cells and vascular endothelium is a potential target for cancer treatment.Fil: Elola, Maria Teresa. Fundación Instituto Leloir; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Capurro, Mariana Isabel. University of Toronto; CanadáFil: Barrio, Maria Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación para la Investigación, Docencia y Prevención del Cáncer; ArgentinaFil: Coombs, Peter J.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Taylor, Maureen E.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Drickamer, Kurt. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Mordoh, Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación para la Investigación, Docencia y Prevención del Cáncer; Argentin
Failure or success? Defensive strategies and piecemeal change among racial inequalities in the Brazilian banking sector
We analyze how Brazilian Black Movement organizations and banks deployed different mechanisms like cooperation, cooptation, and confrontation that generated affirmative action initiatives in the banking sector at the beginning of this century. Black movement organizations triggered an institutional change by connecting fields and exploring a constellation of strategies. However, Brazilian banks adopted defensive strategies aiming to accommodate their interests. We find that only piecemeal change occurred, as the field’s structures – resource distribution and power – remained unscratched. We conclude by noting how the success of social movement strategies can depend upon the framing and sense-giving work that social movements conduct in their continuous jockeying activity toward incumbents
Identifiability of flow distributions from link measurements with applications to computer networks
We study the problem of identifiability of distributions of flows on a graph from aggregate measurements collected on its edges. This is a canonical example of a statistical inverse problem motivated by recent developments in computer networks. In this paper (i) we introduce a number of models for multi-modal data that capture their spatio-temporal correlation, (ii) provide sufficient conditions for the identifiability of nth order cumulants and also for a special class of heavy tailed distributions. Further, we investigate conditions on network routing for the flows that prove sufficient for identifiability of their distributions (up to mean). Finally, we extend our results to directed acyclic graphs and discuss some open problems.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58107/2/ip7_5_004.pd
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