123 research outputs found

    Business simulation "Virtual hotel" as a method of facilitating profeesional language acquisition in hospitality higher education curriculum

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    The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to introduce innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to future specialists in the hospitality industry. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the computer business simulation “Virtual Hotel” in teaching the discipline “Foreign language in the field of professional communication”. The method of this study, along with the general scientific, is the modeling of the educational process, focused on the development of linguistic, socio-cultural and professional competences in the course of teaching a foreign language to future specialists in the hospitality industry.Актуальность выбранной темы обусловлена необходимостью внедрения инновационных педагогических технологий в процесс обучения иностранному языку будущих специалистов индустрии гостеприимства. Целью данного исследование является оценка эффективности компьютерной бизнес-симуляции "Virtual Hotel" в преподавании дисциплины "Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации"


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    В статье рассматриваются возможности применения технологий интерактивного обучения для формирования лингвопрофессиональной коммуникативной компетенции будущих специалистов сферы гостеприимства. В данном контексте представлена классификация современных информационных технологий как средств интерактивного обучения, активизирующих эффективное профессионально ориентированное иноязычное общениеThe article endeavours to research about the potential application of interactive educational technologies for the development of foreign language professional communicative competence of future specialists in the hospitality industry. In this context, this paper presents the updated classification of modern information technologies as interactive educational tools for facilitating effective professionally oriented foreign language communicatio


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    The article reflects on the theoretical and methodological potential for developing a postmethod model of interactive professional foreign language teaching based on the rational consolidation of contextual and didactic principles of the leading methodological systems: behavioral, cognitive, cooperative, learner-centered, integrated, problem-based and intercultural ones by applying innovative Internet, computer and virtual technologies.В статье рассматривается теоретико-методологический потенциал разработки постметодической модели интерактивного обучения профессиональному иностранному языку на основе рациональной консолидации содержательно-дидактических постулатов ведущих методических систем: деятельностной (бихевиористской), когнитивной, кооперативного, личностно-ориентированного, интегрированного, проблемного обучения в диалоге культур, с применением инновационных Интернет, компьютерных и виртуальных технологий

    Formation of Gold Nanoparticle Self-Assembling Films in Various Polymer Matrices for SERS Substrates

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    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is regarded as a versatile tool for studying the composition and structure of matter. This work has studied the preparation of a SERS substrate based on a self-assembling plasmonic nanoparticle film (SPF) in a polymer matrix. Several synthesis parameters for the SPF are investigated, including the size of the particles making up the film and the concentration and type of the self-assembling agent. The result of testing systems with different characteristics is discussed using a model substance (pseudo isocyaniniodide). These models can be useful in the study of biology and chemistry. Research results contain the optimal parameters for SPF synthesis, maximizing the SERS signal. The optimal procedure for SPF assembly is determined and used for the synthesis of composite SPFs within different polymer matrices. SPF in a polymer matrix is necessary for the routine use of the SERS substrate for various types of analytes, including solid samples or those sensitive to contamination. Polystyrene, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and polyethylene are investigated to obtain a polymer matrix for SPF, and various methods of incorporating SPF into a polymer matrix are being explored. It is found that films with the best signal enhancement and reproducibility were obtained in polystyrene. The minimum detectable concentration for the SERS substrate obtained is equal to 10 10 M We prepared a SERS substrate with an analytical enhancement factor of 2.7 104, allowing an increase in the detection sensitivity of analyte solutions of five orders of magnitude

    Effects of N-functional groups on the electron transfer kinetics of VO<sup>2+</sup>/VO<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup> at carbon:Decoupling morphology from chemical effects using model systems

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    Carbons and nanocarbons are important electrode materials for vanadium redox flow battery applications, however, the kinetics of vanadium species are often sluggish at these surfaces, thus prompting interest in functionalization strategies to improve performance. Herein, we investigate the effect of N-functionalities on the VO2+/VO2+ redox process at carbon electrodes. We fabricate thin film carbon disk electrodes that are metal-free, possess well-defined geometry and display smooth topography, while featuring different N-site distribution, thus enabling a mechanistic investigation of the intrinsic surface activity towards VO2+/VO2+. Voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy show that N-functionalities improve performance, with pyridinic/pyrrolic-N imparting the most significant improvements in charge transfer rates and reversibility, compared to graphitic-N. This was further supported by voltammetry studies on nitrogen-free electrodes modified via aryldiazonium chemistry with molecular pyridyl adlayers. Computational modeling using an electrochemical-chemical mechanism indicates that introduction of surface pyridinic/pyrrolic-N can increase the heterogeneous rate constants by approximately two orders of magnitude relative to those observed at nitrogen-free carbon (k0 = 1.29 × 10−4 vs 9.34 × 10−7 cm/s). Simulations also suggest that these N-functionalities play a role in affecting reaction rates in the chemical step. Our results indicate that nitrogen incorporation via basic functional groups offers an interesting route to the design of advanced carbon electrodes for VRFB devices.</p

    Adverse reactions of high-osmolar and low-osmolar radiographic contrast media in clinical practice

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    Introduction. Adverse drug reactions (ADR) to administration of radiographic contrast media (RCM) are observed in 10–20 % of patients. Individual tolerability of drugs is affected by RCM properties (ionicity, osmolarity). Aim. Evaluation of ADR in patients during diagnostic studies using high- and low-osmolar RCM. Methods. Analysis of 52 reports of adverse reactions to RCM registered in medical organizations of Voronezh region in 2014–2021 was performed. Group 1 included 21 patients with ADR to high-osmolar RCM (sodium amidotrizoate, yoxitalamic acid), group 2–31 patients with ADR to low-osmolar drugs (yogexol, yopromide, yopamidol, yoversol). Results. Age of patients is 6–82 years, median 48.5 years, children — 8 persons (15.4 %), women — 31 patients (59.6 %), serious reactions — 28 (53.8 %). Since 2017 there has been an increase in the number of ADRs with constant frequency of serious reactions. In 2020–2021 ADRs to low-osmolar drugs were mainly registered. Life-threatening conditions (anaphylactic shock, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia) were observed in 70.2 % of group 2, in 28.6 % of group 1 (p=0.007). One patient with initial renal dysfunction and comorbid pathology was reported to develop nephrotoxicity to yogexol. Pharmacological correction was performed in 92.3 % of cases. In 57.7 % of the patients ADR ended in recovery, in the  other cases — state improvement. Conclusion. Side effects of high-osmolar and low-osmolar RCM mainly had form of hyperergic reactions of immediate type and were reversible. High frequency of serious reactions to lowosmolar RCM against an increase in their use requires a more careful selection of patients for X-ray contrast studies


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    The purpose of the present work was the experimental substantiation of application of new biodegraded materials: gel implant «Sfero®Gel» and a film membrane of «ElastoPOB»® a domestic production, in surgery of defeats of peripheral nerves. Experimental researches carried out on females of nonlinear rats, is powerful 200–250 gramme. In experience 10 animals are used, 20 operative interventions on sciatic nerves are executed. Morphological studying of the received material in 101 days after operation was carried out. At application of a membrane «ElastoPOB»® it was defined delimitin of peripheral nerves from surrounding tissue. A film membrane of «ElastoPOB»® is perspective to apply at traumas of a nervous fabric for the purpose of formation of a friable hem in a damage zone. On the basis of the received experimental data it is possible to make the conclusion about possibility and expediency of application of biodegraded materials in surgical treatment of defeats of peripheral nervous system

    Искусственный нервный проводник для направленного роста периферических нервов (кадаверное исследование)

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    At present, the search for effective ways of restoring peripheral nerves with anatomical damage continues. Autoplasty still remains the gold standard, which, however, is not without its drawbacks. The use of nerve implants for promoting directional axon growth is essential and promising.Objective: to study the biomechanical properties of laboratory samples of an artificial nerve conduit (NGC) made of hybrid biomaterials and to, on cadaveric material, assess the technical feasibility of using them in surgical practice to repair extended peripheral nerve defects.Material and methods. The objects of the study were three electrospun NGC samples: from synthetic material (polycaprolactone, PCL) and hybrid biomaterials (PCL + gelatin or PCL + collagen). The work compared the physical and mechanical properties of NGC: stiffness, plasticity, elasticity, brittleness, resistance to chemical attack, their ability to be impregnated with liquid media, permeability, possibility of making an anastomosis between the implant and the nerve during surgical procedure. Cadaveric material was the object of the study: we used a dissected superficial sensory branch of the human right radial nerve, 2 mm in diameter, isolated on the forearm, about 12 cm in length, because it most corresponded to the diameter of the NGC samples tested. After surgery, the echogenic features of the implants and their anastomoses with the nerve were assessed by ultrasound imaging.Results. It was found that hybrid NGC samples, based on their biomechanical properties, are fundamentally suitable for use in surgical practice, to ensure growth and replacement of a peripheral nerve defect. However, the best composition of a nerve guide can be established after comparative preclinical study of the biocompatible and functional properties of hybrid material samples.Conclusion. The physical and mechanical properties of the investigated NGC samples made of hybrid biomaterials meet the technical requirements for implantable nerve conduits for surgical application.В настоящее время продолжаются поиски эффективных способов восстановления периферических нервов при анатомическом нарушении их целостности. Золотым стандартом по-прежнему остается аутопластика, которая, однако, не лишена недостатков. Актуальным и перспективным является метод применения нервных имплантатов для направленного роста аксонов.Цель: изучить биомеханические свойства лабораторных образцов искусственного нервного проводника (ИНП) – нервного кондуита, изготовленных из гибридных биоматериалов, и на кадаверном материале оценить техническую возможность их применения в хирургической практике для восстановления протяженных дефектов периферических нервов.Материал и методы. Объектами исследования служили изготовленные методом электроспиннинга три образца ИНП: из синтетического материала – поликапролактона (ПКЛ) и гибридных биоматериалов (ПКЛ с желатином или коллагеном). В ходе работы сравнивались физические и механические свойства ИНП: жесткость, пластичность, эластичность, хрупкость, устойчивость образцов к химическому воздействию, их способность к пропитыванию жидкими средами, проницаемость, возможность наложения анастомоза между имплантатом и нервом во время хирургической операции. В качестве кадаверного материала использовали поверхностную чувствительную ветвь правого лучевого нерва человека диаметром 2 мм, выделенную на предплечье протяженностью около 12 см, как наиболее соответствующую диаметру тестируемых образцов ИНП. После хирургической операции оценивали эхогенные признаки имплантатов и их анастомозов с нервом методом ультразвуковой визуализации.Результаты. Установлено, что образцы ИНП из гибридных материалов по биомеханическим свойствам принципиально пригодны для использования в хирургической практике для обеспечения роста и замещения дефекта периферических нервов. Однако наилучший состав нервного проводника может быть установлен после проведения сравнительных доклинических исследований биосовместимых и функциональных свойств образцов из гибридных материалов.Заключение. Физические и механические свойства исследуемых образцов ИНП из гибридных биоматериалов соответствуют техническим требованиям, предъявляемым к имплантируемым нервным проводникам при их хирургическом применении

    The Size Ellect on the Infrared Spectra of Condensed Media Under Conditions of ID, 2D and 3D Dielectric Confinement

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    A general expression for the dielectric loss spectrum of an absorbing composite medium was obtained from a Maxwell-Garnett general equation. This expression was simplified for the cases of one, two and three dimensional dielectric confinement in both ordered and disordered thin layers, rods (wires) and spheres of absorbing medium which are considered as mesoparticles or mesoscopic molecules. This theoretical approach was verified experimentally using high purity organic liquids with strong absorption bands in the infrared range. Three organic liquids, namely benzene, chloroform and carbon disulphide, were measured in various dielectric confinement configurations using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with a Grazing Angle attachment GATRTM. A significant shift of the resonant absorption band of liquid mesoparticles was observed for various dielectric confinement geometries which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Possible applications of this work include investigations of industrial smoke, toxic aerosols and liquid droplets

    Смешанное дистанционно-аудиторное обучение как альтернатива традиционному аудиторному обучению базовой сердечно-легочнои реанимации и автоматической наружной дефибрилляции

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    Introduction. Early bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical factor in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival, and the readiness of bystanders to provide the first aid is known to be positively influenced by effective training. It is recommended to use alternative teaching methods in order to increase the accessibility of CPR training. The study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of the blended approach to resuscitation training, where classroom training hours are partially substituted with remote learning.Material and methods. This prospective randomized study was conducted in November-December 2018. Nursing students and nonmedical university students underwent classroom training (1 hour of lecture, 3 hours of hands-on training) or blended training (1 hour of on-line course, 3 hours of hands-on training) in basic CPR with automated external defibrillation (AED). CPR knowledge and willingness to attempt resuscitation were evaluated before and after the training, and resuscitation skills were assessed as well after training in a simulation scenario. CPR quality measures were registered using the skills checklist when analyzing video recordings, and automatically by means of the Resusci Anne QCPR manikin.Results. The training and the study assessments were completed by 94 participants: 55 - classroom training, 39 - blended training. The mean age was 19 years and 17 years, respectively, 24% and 31% were male. Whereas there were more participants with previous training in CPR in the classroom training group (36% vs. 13%; p&lt;0.05), the baseline levels of knowledge and readiness to perform resuscitation on a stranger were generally comparable between the groups. After the training, there was an increase in willingness to perform resuscitation (from 3.6 to 4.4 points in both groups) and improvement in self-perceived CPR knowledge (from 2.4 to 4.0 points in the classroom training group and from 2.6 to 4.3 in the blended training group). The assessment of the CPR quality in the simulation scenario revealed no significant differences between groups, excepting higher rate of chest compressions in the blended training group (116.0 vs. 109.4, р&lt;0.01).Conclusion. The suggested method of blended training in basic CPR with AED is no less efficient than traditional classroom training, and it can be recommended for increasing access to high-quality training in first aid.Введение. Раннее начало сердечно-легочной реанимации (СЛР) свидетелями остановки кровообращения является ключевым фактором, определяющим исход, а повышение готовности свидетелей к оказанию первой помощи достигается эффективным обучением. Для увеличения доступности обучения СЛР рекомендуется использовать альтернативные формы преподавания. Исследование проведено с целью оценки эффективности смешанной формы обучения реанимации, подразумевающей замещение части аудиторной подготовки дистанционным освоением материала.Материал и методы. Проспективное рандомизированное исследование проведено в период с ноября по декабрь 2018 г. Учащиеся медицинского колледжа и студенты вуза немедицинского профиля прошли очное обучение (лекция 1 час, отработка навыков 3 часа) или смешанное обучение (онлайн курс 1 час, отработка навыков 3 часа) базовой СЛР с использованием автоматического наружного дефибриллятора (АНД). Проводилась исходная и заключительная оценка знаний по реанимации и готовности к проведению СЛР, заключительная оценка практических навыков в симуляционной сессии. Показатели качества реанимации регистрировались при анализе видеозаписей с помощью контрольного листа и автоматически при помощи манекена ResusciAnne OCPR.Результаты. Полностью прошли обучение и получили оценку 94 участника: 55 - очное, 39 - смешанное обучение. Средний возраст составил, соответственно, 19 лет и 17 лет, участников мужского пола - 24% и 31%. В группе очной подготовки оказалось больше участников, обучавшихся СЛР в прошлом (36% против 13%; p&lt;0,05), но исходный уровень знаний и готовности к проведению реанимации незнакомому человеку в целом был сходным. После обучения наблюдалось увеличение готовности к оказанию помощи (с 3,6 до 4,4 балла в обеих группах) и повышение уровня знаний по данным самооценки (с 2,4 до 4,0 балла в группе очного обучения и с 2,6 до 4,3 в группе смешанного обучения). Оценка показателей качества СЛР в симуляционном эксперименте не выявила существенных различий между группами, за исключением большей частоты компрессий грудной клетки в группе смешанного обучения (116,0 против 109,4, р&lt;0,01).Вывод. Предложенный метод смешанного обучения сердечно-легочной реанимации с применением автоматического наружного дефибриллятора по эффективности не уступает традиционной аудиторной подготовке и может быть рекомендован для повышения доступности качественного обучения первой помощи