207 research outputs found

    Territorial aspects of migration processes in Russia

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    This article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of migration of population. Particular features of international and interregional migration flows in Russia are revealed on the basis of the analysis of statistics on migration. Three model configurations of migration flows are singled out: counter, outgoing and incoming migration flows. Particular attention is given to the study of migration in Volga federal district. The structure of international and interregional migration in Volga federal district is examined. It was observed that in international migration incoming migration flows predominate, whereas in interregional migration all three model configurations of migration flows are present

    Innovation supporting course eco-caltural orientation for students of pedagogic profiles of university

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    The article deals with the problem of formation of ecological culture at students of pedagogical training areas at the university. Reveals the conceptual approaches and didactic principles of supporting eco-cultural orientation coursesВ статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования экологической культуры у студентов педагогических направлений подготовки в вузе. Раскрываются концептуальные подходы и дидактические принципы построения поддерживающих курсов экокультурной направленност

    Smoking-related DNA adducts as potential diagnostic markers of lung cancer: new perspectives

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    In recent years, the new direction such as identification of informative circulating markers reflecting molecular genetic changes in the DNA of tumor cells was actively developed. Smoking-related DNA adducts are very promising research area, since they indicate high pathogenetic importance in the lung carcinogenesis and can be identified in biological samples with high accuracy and reliability using highly sensitive mass spectrometry methods (TOF/TOF, TOF/MS, MS/MS). The appearance of DNA adducts in blood or tissues is the result of the interaction of carcinogenic factors, such as tobacco constituents, and the body reaction which is determined by individual characteristics of metabolic and repair systems. So, DNA adducts may be considered as a cumulative mirror of heterogeneous response of different individuals to smoking carcinogens, which finally could determine the risk for lung cancer. This review is devoted to analysis of the role of DNA adducts in lung carcinogenesis in order to demonstrate their usefulness as cancer associated markers. Currently, there are some serious limitations impeding the widespread use of DNA adducts as cancer biomarkers, due to failure of standardization of mass spectrometry analysis in order to correctly measure the adduct level in each individual. However, it is known that all DNA adducts are immunogenic, their accumulation over some threshold concentration leads to the appearance of long-living autoantibodies. Thus, detection of an informative pattern of autoantibodies against DNA adducts using innovative multiplex ELISA immunoassay may be a promising approach to find lung cancer at an early stage in high-risk groups (smokers, manufacturing workers, urban dwellers)

    Doctoral Students’ Academic Supervision: A Systematic Review of Approaches to Conceptualization and Empirical Analysis

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    В статье представлен систематический обзор теоретико-методологических подходов российских и зарубежных исследователей к концептуализации и эмпирическому изучению научного руководства аспирантами. В зависимости от того, кому приписывается основная ответственность за итоговый результат, выделяются три подхода: наставнический, аспирантоцентрированный и средовой. В рамках наставнического подхода ответственность за результат приписывается научному руководителю. Этот подход укоренен в так называемой модели наставничества, когда аспирант рассматривается в качестве «неофита», которого научный руководитель вводит в академический мир. Для аспирантоцентрированного подхода характерно возложение значительной части ответственности на аспиранта, и в фокусе изучения оказываются его характеристики (мотивационные, коммуникационные, психологическое благополучие и др.), а также ожидания от научного руководства и его результаты. Этот подход предполагает активную роль аспиранта и восходит к моделям студентоцентрированной педагогики. Средовой подход фокусируется на изучении роли среды, помещая в центр изучения вопросы, связанные с академической и социальной интеграцией аспирантов. Отмечается, что все эти подходы обладают рядом ограничений, связанных с фокусировкой на отдельных факторах образовательного процесса и с недостаточным вниманием к динамическому и относительному характеру различных аспектов научного руководства и их связи с результативностью аспирантской подготовки. Обосновывается важность развития реляционного подхода к изучению научного руководства, который синтезирует ключевые положения рассмотренных подходов, предполагая распределенную модель ответственности в процессе научного руководства и обращение к изучению «образовательных альянсов», понимаемых шире пар или команд научных руководителей и аспирантов. В фокусе такого подхода – не только активность отдельных акторов, но и система взаимоотношений между ними.The article presents a systematic review of theoretical and methodological approaches to the conceptualization and empirical study of doctoral students’ supervision. Three approaches (mentoring, doctoral student-centered, and environmental) are distinguished depending on the main responsibility for the result. The mentoring approach attributes the responsibility for the result to the supervisor. This approach is generally associated with the so-called «apprentice model», which understands the doctoral student as a «neophyte» introduced to the academic world by the supervisor. The doctoral student-centered approach is characterized by imposing the responsibility mainly on the doctoral student. This approach assumes a more active role of the doctoral student and goes back to the models of student-centered pedagogy. The environmental approach focuses on studying the role of the environment and on the issues related to the academic and social integration of doctoral students. All these approaches notably have a number of limitations due to their concentration on certain factors of the educational process and less attention to the dynamic and relative nature of various aspects of academic supervision and its relationship with the effectiveness of doctoral training. There is substantiated the importance of developing a relational approach, which would synthesize the key points of the three approaches considered, and assume a distributed model of responsibility within the academic supervision. As it understands «learning alliances» more broadly than pairs or teams of scientific supervisors and graduate students, this approach focuses not only on the activity of individual actors, but also on the system of relationships between them

    Effect of the Organic Loading Rate Increase and the Presence of Zeolite on Microbial Community Composition and Process Stability During Anaerobic Digestion of Chicken Wastes

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    © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York. This study investigates the effect of the organic loading rate (OLR) increase from 1.0 to 3.5 g VS L−1 day−1 at constant hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 35 days on anaerobic reactors’ performance and microbial diversity during mesophilic anaerobic digestion of ammonium-rich chicken wastes in the absence/presence of zeolite. The effects of anaerobic process parameters on microbial community structure and dynamics were evaluated using a 16S ribosomal RNA gene-based pyrosequencing approach. Maximum 12 % of the total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) was efficiently removed by zeolite in the fixed zeolite reactor (day 87). In addition, volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the fixed zeolite reactor accumulated in lower concentrations at high OLR of 3.2–3.5 g VS L−1 day−1. Microbial communities in the fixed zeolite reactor and reactor without zeolite were dominated by various members of Bacteroidales and Methanobacterium sp. at moderate TAN and VFA levels. The increase of the OLR accompanied by TAN and VFA accumulation and increase in pH led to the predominance of representatives of the family Erysipelotrichaceae and genera Clostridium and Methanosarcina. Methanosarcina sp. reached relative abundances of 94 and 57 % in the fixed zeolite reactor and reactor without zeolite at the end of the experimental period, respectively. In addition, the diminution of Synergistaceae and Crenarchaeota and increase in the abundance of Acholeplasmataceae in parallel with the increase of TAN, VFA, and pH values were observed

    Fungal and bacterial successions in the process of co-composting of organic wastes as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing

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    © 2017 Galitskaya et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Composting is viewed as one of the primary methods to treat organic wastes. Co-composting may improve the efficiency of this treatment by establishing the most suitable conditions for decomposers than those present in the individual wastes. Given that bacteria and fungi are the driving agents of composting, information about the composition of their communities and dynamics during composting may improve reproducibility, performance and quality of the final compost as well as help to evaluate the potential human health risk and the choice of the most appropriate application procedure. In this study, the co-composting of mixtures containing two similar components (organic fraction of municipal solid waste and sawdust polluted by oil) and one discriminate component (sewage sludges of different origin) were investigated. Bacterial and fungal community successions in the two mixtures were analyzed during the composting process by determining the change in their structural dynamics using qPCR and 454 pyrosequencing methods in a lab experiment for a period of 270 days. During the initial composting stage, the number of 16S bacterial copies was (3.0 ±0.2) × 10 6 and (0.4±0.0) × 10 7 g -1 , and the Rhodospiralles and Lactobacialles orders dominated. Fungal communities had (2.9±0.0) ×10 5 and (6.1±0.2) ×10 5 ITS copies g -1 , and the Saccharomycetales order dominated. At the end of the thermophilic stage on the 30 th day of composting, bacterial and fungal communities underwent significant changes: dominants changed and their relative abundance decreased. Typical compost residents included Flavobacteriales, Chitinophagaceae and Bacterioidetes for bacteria and Microascaceae, Dothideomycetes, Eurotiomycetes, Sordariomycetes, and Agaricomycetes for fungi. During the later composting stages, the dominating taxa of both bacterial and fungal communities remained, while their relative abundance decreased. In accordance with the change in the dominating OTUs, it was concluded that the dynamics of the bacterial and fungal communities were not similar. Analysis by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) revealed that the bacterial communities of the two composts became progressively more similar; a similar trend was followed by the fungal community

    Features of selecting and structuring Foreign Language Teaching content in Terms of International Component

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Analysis of Russian curricula and textbooks for foreign language demonstrates that most of them don’t meet the requirements of education internationalization. So, the purpose of this paper is to reveal the features of foreign language teaching content selection and structuring based on the international component. The paper reveals the features of foreign language teaching content for students in the context of education internationalization which includes acquisition of knowledge that interprets the main humanity values, touches upon global problems of the modern multicultural world, cross-cultural and socio-cultural knowledge; shaping skills needed for cross-cultural communication, skills to carry out cross-cultural analysis of the interaction ways with the world around as well as formation of transcultural experience. The materials of this paper may be useful for faculty members of vocational training institutions when selecting and structuring the language teaching content as well as for further education courses of foreign language teachers

    Designing technology of English language teaching content based on international component

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. This paper aims to develop designing technology of English language teaching content for students at higher education institution in the context of education internationalization. It highlighted the analytical, pre-designing, designing and correction-implementation stages as well as their successive phases to achieve a specific goal, i.e. English language teaching content designing in terms of international component. The materials of this paper are of practical value for teachers of foreign languages in the selecting and structuring the language teaching content in the context of education internationalization

    Cytokine profile in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of different severity

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    Analysis of cytokine profile markers in conjunction with the clinical manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can provide valuable information about the pathogenetic manifestations of the disease, and therefore, in the future, determine drugs that affect the cytokine storm and have an anti-inflammatory effect.Aim. To identify correlations between the parameters of the developed cytokine profile and the clinical course in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of different severity.Material and methods. The study included 70 hospitalized patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, with a mean age of 58 [50;69] years, including 40 men (57%) and 30 women (43%). The average lung involvement according to computed tomography (CT) at admission was CT-2 [1;3]. Peripheral venous blood was taken at admission, which averaged 7 [6; 8] days from the symptom onset. Standard biochemical parameters were studied, as well as 47 cytokines and chemokines using the Multiplex system (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany).Results. Correlations was found between the lung involvement degree and the level of IL-8 (r=0,31, p<0,05), IL-15 (r=0,35, p<0,05), IL-18 (r=0,31, p<0,05), MCP-1 (r=0,36, p<0,05), MIG (r=0,50, p<0,05), TNF-α (r=0,41, p<0,05). An inverse correlation was also found in the level of blood oxygen saturation with the same indicators as follows: IL-8 (r=-0,27, p<0,05), IL-15 (r=-0,34, p<0,05), IL-18 (r=-0,31, p<0,05), MCP-1 (r=-0,40, p<0,05), MIG (r=-0,56, p<0,05), TNF-α (r=-0,45, p<0,05). IL-6 levels were significantly elevated in patients with severe COVID-19 (CT3, CT4), while no increase in IL-6 was observed in patients with moderate disease (CT1, CT2). It is noteworthy that in patients with diabetes, the highest values of IL-12, IL-9 were recorded.Conclusion. Hyperinflammatory syndrome in severe COVID-19 is manifested by high levels of IL-6, MIG, MDC, MCP-1, M-CSF, TNF-α, β, IL-8, IL-18, IL-15. With the CT-1 and CT-2, an increase in only the level of IL-18, IL-8 is noted. The identified patterns prove and make it possible to explain a number of systemic inflammatory changes that occur with COVID-19