3,025 research outputs found

    The 'Diverse, Dynamic New World of Global Tobacco Control'?:An Analysis of Participation in the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

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    INTRODUCTION: The increasingly inequitable impacts of tobacco use highlight the importance of ensuring developing countries’ ongoing participation in global tobacco control. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) has been widely regarded as reflecting the high engagement and effective influence of developing countries. METHODS: We examined participation in FCTC governance based on records from the first four meetings of the Conference of the Parties (COP), comparing representation and delegate diversity across income levels and WHO regions. RESULTS: While attendance at the COP sessions is high, there are substantial disparities in the relative representation of different income levels and regions, with lower middle and low income countries contributing only 18% and 10% of total meeting delegates, respectively. In regional terms, Europe provided the single largest share of delegates at all except the Durban (2008) meeting. Thirty-nine percent of low income countries and 27% of those from Africa were only ever represented by a single person delegation compared with 10% for high income countries and 11% for Europe. Rotation of the COP meeting location outside of Europe is associated with better representation of other regions and a stronger presence of delegates from national ministries of health and focal points for tobacco control. CONCLUSIONS: Developing countries face particular barriers to participating in the COP process, and their engagement in global tobacco control is likely to diminish in the absence of specific measures to support their effective participation

    Learning of phonetics, graphics and orthography of the Russian language by the students

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    В статье дается анализ проверки остаточных знаний студентов по разделам "Фонетика", "Графика", "Орфография", рассматриваются причины неусвоения отдельными студентами некоторых тем курса и даются рекомендации по повышению уровня лингвистической подготовки студентов по данным темам.The article gives the analysis of the test of residual knowledge of the students on the topics "Phonetics", "Graphics", "Spelling", examines the reasons of unsuccessful learning by individual students and provides recommendations to improve the level of language training of students on these topics

    Communicative and Pragmatic Specificity of Self-Presentation Models (by Example of Stephen Fry’s Microblog “Twitter”)

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    The models of self-presentation as a way of constructing identity and a form of self-reflection are considered. The empirical material for the study was S. Fry’s self-identifying statements in the social network “Twitter,” which is estimated as the most egocentric discourse. Lexical-stylistic and grammatical means of self-presentation are analyzed, classification of models and structures of self-presentation is created. Particular attention is paid to the bright features of S. Fry’s idiostyle, such as the ironic self-identification with the help of special autoreference formulas. The question is raised about the possibility of gaming use of self-presentation statements to draw attention to his own figure, to construct identity through the creative use of language resources. Attention is paid to how the gaming self-presentation is used to create a speech mask, the construction of a special artistic image in which self-centeredness, awareness of self-importance is combined with an ironic attitude to himself. Conclusions about the language personality of S. Fry, idiocentrics microblog “Twitter” and the referential meanings of expressions, characterized by a communicative orientation

    Fluid channels of upward deep solutions migration in dense carbonate rocks of Bashkirian stage

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    Fluid dynamic channels of deep solutions upward migration in dense carbonates of the Bashkirian stage oil reservoirs have been investigated. The morphological features of the structure of channels penetrating dense carbonate rocks have been reviewed. In all cases the fluid dynamic channels in limestone have a central cylindrical bore, from which rare side branches run. The communicating cavities are observed around the channels. The hollows of channels and cavities surrounding them are partially or completely healed with authigenous calcite doped with dolomite. Nature and sequence of structure transformations of fluid dynamic channels voids are due to changes in the composition of fluids under the influence of the oxidation products of hydrocarbons. There are two development stages of the channels: 1) formation of cylindrical channel on account of the processes of carbonate rocks dissolution; 2) mudding (healing) of channels' voids with authigenous calcite. Adjusted fluid dynamic channels in dense rocks provide the possibility of vertical flow for water-oil fluids during the formation of oil deposits

    Teaching younger students to work with information on the material of scientific and educational texts in the Russian language

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    На основе требований к результатам освоения программы начального общего образования определяется содержание работы по формированию у младших школьников умения извлекать и обрабатывать информацию из лингвистических научно-учебных текстов. Анализируется методическое обеспечение процесса организации информационной деятельности учащихся начальных классов с научно-учебными текстами на уроках русского языка.On the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the program of general primary education, the article determines the contents of the work on the formation of the ability to extract and process information from linguistic research and educational texts by the younger students. It analyzes methodological providing for process of organizing information activities of younger students with scientific and educational texts in the Russian language lessons

    Phenanthroline complexes of chromium group metals for the inner-sphere hydrophosphorylation of oxo- and thioxodienes

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.The phenanthroline ligand can stabilize organometallic complexes having oxo- or thioxodienes in the chromium group complexes for the regioselective inner-sphere hydrophosphorylation leading to the corresponding hydroxyl- or mercaptophosphonates

    Stabilization of Hydroxy Tautomeric Form of Dimethyl Phosphite in the Coordination Sphere of Carbonyl Complexes of Group VI Metals

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The interaction of dimethyl phosphite with hexacarbonyls of the chromium group metals in a nonpolar solvent has afforded metal(0) σ4,λ4-(dimethyl phosphite)pentacarbonyls containing a hydroxy tautomeric form of dimethyl phosphite in the coordination sphere. Hydrogen of the phosphite OH group in the metal(0) σ4,λ4-(dimethyl phosphite)pentacarbonyls exhibited a significant acidity, strongest for the chromium complexes. Due to the significant acidity of the phosphite hydroxyl, the metal(0) σ4,λ4-(dimethyl phosphite)-pentacarbonyls are intermediates in the electrophilic version of the Pudovik reaction


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    The main function of the teacher is as a role model for his students. That is, that a teacher must be an example and role model, arouse learning motivation and encourage students from behind. The teacher is a human figure who occupies the most important position in education. Teachers as central in the world of education. Exemplary is one of the methods of education that has a big influence on the success of the teaching and learning process. The Islamic system in improving children is based on two basic principles, namely teaching and habituation. The purpose of teaching (Talqin) here is to approach theoretical aspects in efforts to improve children.Keywords. Role, teacher, fostering, moral