329 research outputs found

    Three-body decays: structure, decay mechanism and fragment properties

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    We discuss the three-body decay mechanisms of many-body resonances. R-matrix sequential description is compared with full Faddeev computation. The role of the angular momentum and boson symmetries is also studied. As an illustration we show the computed α\alpha-particle energy distribution after the decay of 12C(1^+) resonance at 12.7 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the workshop "Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems" 200

    Corrections to deuterium hyperfine structure due to deuteron excitations

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    We consider the corrections to deuterium hyperfine structure originating from the two-photon exchange between electron and deuteron, with the deuteron excitations in the intermediate states. In particular, the motion of the two intermediate nucleons as a whole is taken into account. The problem is solved in the zero-range approximation. The result is in good agreement with the experimental value of the deuterium hyperfine splitting.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Comparison of Isoscalar Vector Meson Production Cross Sections in Proton-Proton Collisions

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    The reaction pp→ppω pp\to pp\bf \omega was investigated with the TOF spectrometer, which is an external experiment at the accelerator COSY (Forschungszentrum J\"ulich, Germany). Total as well as differential cross sections were determined at an excess energy of 93MeV93 MeV (pbeam=2950MeV/cp_{beam}=2950 MeV/c). Using the total cross section of (9.0±0.7±1.1)ÎŒb(9.0\pm 0.7 \pm1.1) \mu b for the reaction pp→ppω pp\to pp\omega determined here and existing data for the reaction pp→ppϕpp\to pp\bf \phi, the ratio Rϕ/ω=σϕ/σω\mathcal{R}_{\phi/\omega}=\sigma_\phi/\sigma_\omega turns out to be significantly larger than expected by the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule. The uncertainty of this ratio is considerably smaller than in previous determinations. The differential distributions show that the ω\omega production is still dominated by S-wave production at this excess energy, however higher partial waves clearly contribute. A comparison of the measured angular distributions for ω\omega production to published distributions for ϕ\phi production at 83MeV83 MeV shows that the data are consistent with an identical production mechanism for both vector mesons

    Nuclear structure corrections in the energy spectra of electronic and muonic deuterium

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    The one-loop nuclear structure corrections of order (Z alpha)^5 to the Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting of the deuterium are calculated. The contribution of the deuteron structure effects to the isotope shift (ep)-(ed), (mu p)-(mu d) in the interval (1S - 2S) is obtained on the basis of modern experimental data on the deuteron electromagnetic form factors. The comparison with the similar contributions to the Lamb shift for electronic and muonic hydrogen shows, that the relative contribution due to the nucleus structure increases when passing from the hydrogen to the deuterium.Comment: Talk presented at the Conference "Physics of Fundamental Interactions" of the Nuclear Physics Section of the Physics Department of RAS, ITEP, Moscow, 2-6 December, 2002; 8 pages, REVTE

    Electromagnetic Dissociation of Nuclei in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Large discrepancies have been observed between measured Electromagnetic Dissociation(ED) cross sections and the predictions of the semiclassical Weiz\"acker-Williams-Fermi(WWF) method. In this paper, the validity of the semiclassical approximation is examined. The total cross section for electromagnetic excitation of a nuclear target by a spinless projectile is calculated in first Born approximation, neglecting recoil. The final result is expressed in terms of correlation functions and convoluted densities in configuration space. The result agrees with the WWF approximation to leading order(unretarded electric dipole approximation), but the method allows an analytic evaluation of the cutoff, which is determined by the details of the electric dipole transition charge density. Using the Goldhaber-Teller model of that density, and uniform charge densities for both projectile and target, the cutoff is determined for the total cross section in the nonrelativistic limit, and found to be smaller than values currently used for ED calculations. In addition, cross sections are calculated using a phenomenological momentum space cutoff designed to model final state interactions. For moderate projectile energies, the calculated ED cross section is found to be smaller than the semiclassical result, in qualitative agreement with experiment.Comment: 28 page

    Parity Conservation and Bootstraps

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    Leading Chiral Logarithms to the Hyperfine Splitting of the Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen

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    We study the hydrogen and muonic hydrogen within an effective field theory framework. We perform the matching between heavy baryon effective theory coupled to photons and leptons and the relevant effective field theory at atomic scales. This matching can be performed in a perturbative expansion in alpha, 1/m_p and the chiral counting. We then compute the O(m_{l_i}^3 alpha^5/m_p^2 x logarithms) contribution (including the leading chiral logarithms) to the Hyperfine splitting and compare with experiment. They can explain about 2/3 of the difference between experiment and the pure QED prediction when setting the renormalization scale at the rho mass. We give an estimate of the matching coefficient of the spin-dependent proton-lepton operator in heavy baryon effective theory.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, minor changes, one reference adde

    Theory of muonic hydrogen - muonic deuterium isotope shift

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    We calculate the corrections of orders alpha^3, alpha^4 and alpha^5 to the Lamb shift of the 1S and 2S energy levels of muonic hydrogen (mu p) and muonic deuterium (mu d). The nuclear structure effects are taken into account in terms of the proton r_p and deuteron r_d charge radii for the one-photon interaction and by means of the proton and deuteron electromagnetic form factors in the case of one-loop amplitudes. The obtained numerical value of the isotope shift (mu d) - (mu p) for the splitting (1S-2S) 101003.3495 meV can be considered as a reliable estimation for corresponding experiment with the accuracy 10^{-6}. The fine structure interval E(1S)-8E(2S) in muonic hydrogen and muonic deuterium are calculated.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Proton Zemach radius from measurements of the hyperfine splitting of hydrogen and muonic hydrogen

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    While measurements of the hyperfine structure of hydrogen-like atoms are traditionally regarded as test of bound-state QED, we assume that theoretical QED predictions are accurate and discuss the information about the electromagnetic structure of protons that could be extracted from the experimental values of the ground state hyperfine splitting in hydrogen and muonic hydrogen. Using recent theoretical results on the proton polarizability effects and the experimental hydrogen hyperfine splitting we obtain for the Zemach radius of the proton the value 1.040(16) fm. We compare it to the various theoretical estimates the uncertainty of which is shown to be larger that 0.016 fm. This point of view gives quite convincing arguments in support of projects to measure the hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lamb Shift in Light Muonic Atoms - Revisited

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    In connection with recent and proposed experiments, and new theoretical results, my previous calculations of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen will be reviewed and compared with other work. In addition, numerical results for muonic deuterium and helium will be presented. Some previously neglected (but very small) effects are included.Comment: 41 pages. This paper has appeared in Annals of Physics, vol. 327, pp 733-763 (2012). The present version has corrected several misprints, and updated some references to take into account new result
