77 research outputs found

    Characterization of Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus marisflavi Recovered from Common Dentex (Dentex dentex) Larviculture System

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    In this manuscript, thirty yellow-pigmented Gram-positive bacteria were isolated from natural intestine microflora and from sea water around the marine cage of a rearing tank of common dentex (Dentex dentex), in the Aegean Sea on the Turkish coast and were characterized. Eighteen isolates were assigned to the species Micrococcus luteus, the other twelve to the species Bacillus marisflavi. Eight representative strains, six from B. marisflavi and two from M. luteus, were chosen for further 16S rDNA analyses. A pathogenicity assay for the isolated bacterial strains was carried out in rainbow trout and it evidenced absence of pathogenicity in the tested strains. The isolated strains were tested for in vitro antagonistic activity against Listonella anguillarum, a pathogen bacterium diffused in Mediterranean aquaculture and affecting various fish species. The isolated bacterial strains showed antagonistic activity against the pathogenic bacterium, suggesting a possible role of isolates as probiotics. In this study, for the first time, bacterial strains of the species B. marisflavi, known as an environmental species, were recovered in the gut microbiota of a healthy fish. The use of the isolates characterized in this study, mainly the yellow-pigmented bacterium, is suggested as possible probiotics to improve fish health, along with alternative methods of maintaining a healthy environment

    Stringy Robinson-Trautman Solutions

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    A class of solutions of the low energy string theory in four dimensions is studied. This class admits a geodesic, shear-free null congruence which is non-twisting but in general diverging and the corresponding solutions in Einstein's theory form the Robinson-Trautman family together with a subset of the Kundt's class. The Robinson-Trautman conditions are found to be frame invariant in string theory. The Lorentz Chern-Simons three form of the stringy Robinson-Trautman solutions is shown to be always closed. The stringy generalizations of the vacuum Robinson-Trautman equation are obtained and three subclasses of solutions are identified. One of these subclasses exists, among all the dilatonic theories, only in Einstein's theory and in string theory. Several known solutions including the dilatonic black holes, the pp- waves, the stringy C-metric and certain solutions which correspond to exact conformal field theories are shown to be particular members of the stringy Robinson-Trautman family. Some new solutions which are static or asymptotically flat and radiating are also presented. The radiating solutions have a positive Bondi mass. One of these radiating solutions has the property that it settles down smoothly to a black hole state at late retarded times.Comment: Latex, 30 Pages, 1 Figure; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Innovationen in der DMEK-Technologie

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    Data for: Indigenous Unrest and the Contentious Politics of Social Assistance in Mexico

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    Bedeutung der Lokalisation der Prostatischen Intraepithelialen Neoplasie (PIN) bei transrektal-sonographisch gesteuerten Folgebiopsien der Prostata

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt die Inzidenz der Prostatischen Intraepithelialen Neoplasie (PIN) in konsekutiven Prostatastanzbiopsien-Bei Patienten mit PCa-Nachweis in Folgebiopsien wurde untersucht, ob eine Beziehung der Lokalisation der PIN zur Lokalisation des PCa besteht. Bezüglich der Lokalisation stellten wir fest, dass bei 62,5 % in der gleichen Lokalisation und bei 100 % in angrenzenden Lokalisationen ein PCa bei vorangegangener Diagnose einer PIN low grade und bei 83 % in der gleichen Lokalisation und ebenfalls bei 100 % in angrenzenden Lokalisationen ein PCa bei vorangegangener Diagnose einer PIN high grade vorzufinden war. Die Diagnose einer PIN high grade rechtfertigt unabhängig vom PSA und digitalen Palpationsbefund der Prostata die Durchführung von Folgebiopsien. Bei einer PIN low grade sind der PSA/Prostatavolumen-Quotient und das Vorhandensein hypodenser Areale im TRUS Vorhersageparameter für das Vorliegen eines PCa

    Data for: Indigenous Unrest and the Contentious Politics of Social Assistance in Mexico

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    Hand Shape

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