375 research outputs found

    On the computation of zone and double zone diagrams

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    Classical objects in computational geometry are defined by explicit relations. Several years ago the pioneering works of T. Asano, J. Matousek and T. Tokuyama introduced "implicit computational geometry", in which the geometric objects are defined by implicit relations involving sets. An important member in this family is called "a zone diagram". The implicit nature of zone diagrams implies, as already observed in the original works, that their computation is a challenging task. In a continuous setting this task has been addressed (briefly) only by these authors in the Euclidean plane with point sites. We discuss the possibility to compute zone diagrams in a wide class of spaces and also shed new light on their computation in the original setting. The class of spaces, which is introduced here, includes, in particular, Euclidean spheres and finite dimensional strictly convex normed spaces. Sites of a general form are allowed and it is shown that a generalization of the iterative method suggested by Asano, Matousek and Tokuyama converges to a double zone diagram, another implicit geometric object whose existence is known in general. Occasionally a zone diagram can be obtained from this procedure. The actual (approximate) computation of the iterations is based on a simple algorithm which enables the approximate computation of Voronoi diagrams in a general setting. Our analysis also yields a few byproducts of independent interest, such as certain topological properties of Voronoi cells (e.g., that in the considered setting their boundaries cannot be "fat").Comment: Very slight improvements (mainly correction of a few typos); add DOI; Ref [51] points to a freely available computer application which implements the algorithms; to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometry (available online

    Chemical Genetic Screen for AMPKα2 Substrates Uncovers a Network of Proteins Involved in Mitosis

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    The energy-sensing AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is activated by low nutrient levels. Functions of AMPK, other than its role in cellular metabolism, are just beginning to emerge. Here we use a chemical genetics screen to identify direct substrates of AMPK in human cells. We find that AMPK phosphorylates 28 previously unidentified substrates, several of which are involved in mitosis and cytokinesis. We identify the residues phosphorylated by AMPK in vivo in several substrates, including protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C (PPP1R12C) and p21-activated protein kinase (PAK2). AMPK-induced phosphorylation is necessary for PPP1R12C interaction with 14-3-3 and phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain. Both AMPK activity and PPP1R12C phosphorylation are increased in mitotic cells and are important for mitosis completion. These findings suggest that AMPK coordinates nutrient status with mitosis completion, which may be critical for the organism's response to low nutrients during development, or in adult stem and cancer cells.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-GM068762

    A dança como forma de interação entre os discentes noturnos da Uneb Campus XII Guanambi

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    This article reports how the Dançe project was developed and implemented as a form of interaction between Campus XII students, during the course of Project Development and Analysis. The initiative aimed to promote a moment of interaction between these students, as a way to bring not only moments of interaction, but also an opportunity to relax during the break between classes. In the process of elaboration, writing and execution of the project, participatory research was used as a methodology, its execution took place through the development of activities performed by the researcher teaching dance classes, with the collaboration of students, who are characterized as the research subject. The project achieved excellent results related to participation among students, as well as providing an increase in self-esteem, promoting collective well-being, leisure and routine break with moments of relaxation and lots of fun.O presente artigo relata como foi desenvolvido e implementado o projeto Dança como forma de interação entre os discentes do Campus XII, durante a disciplina de Elaboração e Análises de Projetos. A iniciativa teve como objetivo, promover um momento de interação entre esses alunos, como forma de levar não só momentos de entrosamento, bem como uma oportunidade de descontração durante o intervalo das aulas. No processo de elaboração, escrita e execução do projeto, utilizou-se como metodologia a pesquisa participativa, sua execução deu-se por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades executadas pelo pesquisador ministrando aulas de danças, contando com a colaboração dos discentes, os quais se caracterizam como o sujeito pesquisado. O projeto alcançou ótimos resultados relacionados a participação entre os discentes, bem como proporcionando uma elevação da autoestima, promoção do bem estar coletivo, lazer e quebra de rotina com momentos de descontração e muita diversão

    Identification and functional characterisation of CRK12:CYC9, a novel cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-cyclin complex in Trypanosoma brucei

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    The protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, is spread by the tsetse fly and causes trypanosomiasis in humans and animals. Both the life cycle and cell cycle of the parasite are complex. Trypanosomes have eleven cdc2-related kinases (CRKs) and ten cyclins, an unusually large number for a single celled organism. To date, relatively little is known about the function of many of the CRKs and cyclins, and only CRK3 has previously been shown to be cyclin-dependent in vivo. Here we report the identification of a previously uncharacterised CRK:cyclin complex between CRK12 and the putative transcriptional cyclin, CYC9. CRK12:CYC9 interact to form an active protein kinase complex in procyclic and bloodstream T. brucei. Both CRK12 and CYC9 are essential for the proliferation of bloodstream trypanosomes in vitro, and we show that CRK12 is also essential for survival of T. brucei in a mouse model, providing genetic validation of CRK12:CYC9 as a novel drug target for trypanosomiasis. Further, functional characterisation of CRK12 and CYC9 using RNA interference reveals roles for these proteins in endocytosis and cytokinesis, respectively

    Hypermethylated 14-3-3-σ and ESR1 gene promoters in serum as candidate biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment efficacy of breast cancer metastasis

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    Background: Numerous hypermethylated genes have been reported in breast cancer, and the silencing of these genes plays an important role in carcinogenesis, tumor progression and diagnosis. These hypermethylated promoters are very rarely found in normal breast. It has been suggested that aberrant hypermethylation may be useful as a biomarker, with implications for breast cancer etiology, diagnosis, and management. The relationship between primary neoplasm and metastasis remains largely unknown. There has been no comprehensive comparative study on the clinical usefulness of tumor-associated methylated DNA biomarkers in primary breast carcinoma and metastatic breast carcinoma. The objective of the present study was to investigate the association between clinical extension of breast cancer and methylation status of Estrogen Receptor1 (ESR1) and Stratifin (14-3-3-σ) gene promoters in disease-free and metastatic breast cancer patients. Methods: We studied two cohorts of patients: 77 patients treated for breast cancer with no signs of disease, and 34 patients with metastatic breast cancer. DNA was obtained from serum samples, and promoter methylation status was determined by using DNA bisulfite modification and quantitative methylation-specific PCR. Results: Serum levels of methylated gene promoter 14-3-3-σ significantly differed between Control and Metastatic Breast Cancer groups (P < 0.001), and between Disease-Free and Metastatic Breast Cancer groups (P < 0.001). The ratio of the 14-3-3-σ level before the first chemotherapy cycle to the level just before administration of the second chemotherapy cycle was defined as the Biomarker Response Ratio [BRR]. We calculated BRR values for the "continuous decline" and "rise-and-fall" groups. Subsequent ROC analysis showed a sensitivity of 75% (95% CI: 47.6 - 86.7) and a specificity of 66.7% (95% CI: 41.0 - 86.7) to discriminate between the groups for a cut-off level of BRR = 2.39. The area under the ROC curve (Z = 0.804 ± 0.074) indicates that this test is a good approach to post-treatment prognosis. Conclusions: The relationship of 14-3-3-σ with breast cancer metastasis and progression found in this study suggests a possible application of 14-3-3-σ as a biomarker to screen for metastasis and to follow up patients treated for metastatic breast cancer, monitoring their disease status and treatment response.This study was supported by a grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: SAF 2004-00889; JL Linares is supported by the Junta de Andalucía (P06-CTS-1385)

    Potential involvement of the bone marrow in experimental Graves’ disease and thyroid eye disease

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    IntroductionGraves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by auto-antibodies against the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR). Overstimulation of the TSHR induces hyperthyroidism and thyroid eye disease (TED) as the most common extra thyroidal manifestation of Graves’ disease. In TED, the TSHR cross talks with the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) in orbital fibroblasts leading to inflammation, deposition of hyaluronan and adipogenesis. The bone marrow may play an important role in autoimmune diseases, but its role in Graves’ disease and TED is unknown. Here, we investigated whether induction of experimental Graves’ disease and accompanying TED involves bone marrow activation and whether interference with IGF-1R signaling prevents this activation.ResultsImmunization of mice with TSHR resulted in an increase the numbers of CD4-positive T-lymphocytes (p ≤0.0001), which was normalized by linsitinib (p = 0.0029), an increase of CD19-positive B-lymphocytes (p= 0.0018), which was unaffected by linsitinib and a decrease of GR1-positive cells (p= 0.0038), which was prevented by linsitinib (p= 0.0027). In addition, we observed an increase of Sca-1 positive hematopietic stem cells (p= 0.0007) and of stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) (p ≤0.0001) after immunization with TSHR which was prevented by linsitinib (Sca-1: p= 0.0008, SDF-1: p ≤0.0001). TSHR-immunization also resulted in upregulation of CCL-5, IL-6 and osteopontin (all p ≤0.0001) and a concomitant decrease of the immune-inhibitory cytokines IL-10 (p= 0.0064) and PGE2 (p ≤0.0001) in the bone marrow (all p≤ 0.0001). Treatment with the IGF-1R antagonist linsitinib blocked these events (all p ≤0.0001). We further demonstrate a down-regulation of arginase-1 expression (p= 0.0005) in the bone marrow in TSHR immunized mice, with a concomitant increase of local arginine (p ≤0.0001). Linsitinib induces an upregulation of arginase-1 resulting in low arginase levels in the bone marrow. Reconstitution of arginine in bone marrow cells in vitro prevented immune-inhibition by linsitinib.ConclusionCollectively, these data indicate that the bone marrow is activated in experimental Graves’ disease and TED, which is prevented by linsitinib. Linsitinib-mediated immune-inhibition is mediated, at least in part, by arginase-1 up-regulation, consumption of arginine and thereby immune inhibition

    Strategic green infrastructure planning in Germany and the UK: a transnational evaluation of the evolution of urban greening policy and practice

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    The evolution of Green Infrastructure (GI) planning has varied dramatically between nations. Although a grounded set of principles are recognized globally, there is increasing variance in how these are implemented at a national and sub-national level. To investigate this the following paper presents an evaluation of how green infrastructure has been planned for in England and Germany illustrating how national policy structures facilitate variance in application. Adopting an evaluative framework linked to the identification of GI, its development and monitoring/ feedback the paper questions the impacts on delivery of intersecting factors including terminology, spatial distribution and functionality on effective GI investment. This process reviews how changing policy structures have influenced the framing of green infrastructure policy, and subsequent impact this has on the delivery of green infrastructure projects

    Selection of antigenically advanced variants of seasonal influenza viruses

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    Influenza viruses mutate frequently, necessitating constant updates of vaccine viruses. To establish experimental approaches that may complement the current vaccine strain selection process, we selected antigenic variants from human H1N1 and H3N2 influenza virus libraries possessing random mutations in the globular head of the haemagglutinin protein (which includes the antigenic sites) by incubating them with human and/or ferret convalescent se

    Selection of antigenically advanced variants of seasonal influenza viruses.

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    Influenza viruses mutate frequently, necessitating constant updates of vaccine viruses. To establish experimental approaches that may complement the current vaccine strain selection process, we selected antigenic variants from human H1N1 and H3N2 influenza virus libraries possessing random mutations in the globular head of the haemagglutinin protein (which includes the antigenic sites) by incubating them with human and/or ferret convalescent sera to human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses. We also selected antigenic escape variants from human viruses treated with convalescent sera and from mice that had been previously immunized against human influenza viruses. Our pilot studies with past influenza viruses identified escape mutants that were antigenically similar to variants that emerged in nature, establishing the feasibility of our approach. Our studies with contemporary human influenza viruses identified escape mutants before they caused an epidemic in 2014-2015. This approach may aid in the prediction of potential antigenic escape variants and the selection of future vaccine candidates before they become widespread in nature.This work was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Health Grant OPPGH5383; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Public Health Service research grants (USA); ERATO (Japan Science and Technology Agency); the Center for Research on Influenza Pathogenesis (CRIP) funded by the NIAID Contracts HHSN266200700010C and HHSN27 2201400008C; the Japan Initiative for Global Research Network on Infectious Diseases; Grants-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan; Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan; grants from the Strategic Basic Research Program of the Japan Science and Technology Agency; and by the Advanced Research & Development Programs for Medical Innovation from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). C.A.R. was supported by a University Research Fellowship from the Royal Society. The authors acknowledge a Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) VICI grant, European Union (EU) FP7 programs EMPERIE (223498) and ANTIGONE (278976); Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) program grant P0050/2008; Wellcome 087982AIA; and NIH Director's Pioneer Award DP1-OD000490-01. D.F.B and D.J.S. acknowledge CamGrid, the University of Cambridge distributed computer system. The Melbourne WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.5