18 research outputs found

    Behavior of Bulky Ferrofluids in the Diluted Low-Coupling Regime: Theory and Simulation

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    A theoretical formalism to predict the structure factors observed in dipolar soft-sphere fluids based on a virial expansion of the radial distribution function is presented. The theory is able to account for cases with and without externally applied magnetic fields. A thorough comparison of the theoretical results to molecular-dynamics simulations shows a good agreement between theory and numerical simulations when the fraction of particles involved in clustering is low; i.e., the dipolar coupling parameter is λ 2, and the volume fraction is φ 0.25. When magnetic fields are applied to the system, special attention is paid to the study of the anisotropy of the structure factor. The theory reasonably accounts for the structure factors when the Langevin parameter is smaller than 5. © 2010 The American Physical Society.This research has been carried out within the financial support of RFBR Grant No. 08-02-00647 and DFG-RFBR Joint Grants No. HO 1108/12-1 and No. 06-02-04019

    X-ray film chamber with carbon target of Tien-Shan complex array

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    X-ray films were exposed inside the ionization calorimeter under 74g/sq cm of carbon and 5 cm of lead. The X-ray film chamber area is 35 sq. m. Moving X-ray films were used, 50% of the events, which succeeded to determine incidence time, were identified with corresponding extensive air showers (EAS). For such events the size spectrum of associated EAS was derived. Two methods of energy measurement using X-ray films and ionization calorimeter were compared. The energy transfer from selected hadron to electromagnetic component is illustrated. It is found that in cascades with high energy release into electromagnetic components the hadron component is practically absent


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    The subject of this study – the restoration of reproductive health in women with endocrine form of infertility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome, by optimizing the method of endoscopic surgery. The level of reproductive hormones in the group of women for surgical treatment was characterized by a significant increase 2.4 times of total testosterone (p<0.001). So, the hormonal profile of women with PCOS is marked by an imbalance of reproductive hormones with higher androgen production, leading to the formation of cystic follicles with atresia and teka hyperplasia, stroma and consolidation of protein membrane of the ovaries. Comparison of two methods of surgery indicates that more pronounced normalizing effect on the production of reproductive hormones has decapsulation method of ovarian 1/3.В работе представлены результаты восстановления репродуктивной функции у женщин с эндокринной формой бесплодия, обусловленного синдромом поликистозных яичников, путем оптимизации метода эндоскопического хирургического лечения. Уровень репродуктивных гормонов в группе женщин до оперативного лечения характеризовался достоверным повышением в 2,4 раза содержания общего тестостерона (р<0,001). Гормональный профиль женщин с СПКЯ отмечается дисбалансом репродуктивных гормонов с повышенной продукцией андрогенов, которые приводят к формированию кистозной атрезии фолликулов с гиперплазией тека клеток, стромы и уплотнения белковой оболочки яичников. Сравнение двух методов оперативного вмешательства показало преимущество декапсуляции 1/3 яичников, как наиболее обоснованной патогенетически, что способствует восстановлению двухфазного цикла, овуляции и реализации репродуктивной функции пациенток.У роботі представлені результати відновлення репродуктивної функції у жінок з ендокринною формою безпліддя, обумовленого синдромом полікістозних яєчників, шляхом оптимізації методу ендоскопічного хірургічного лікування. Рівень репродуктивних гормонів у групі жінок до оперативного лікування характеризувався достовірним підвищенням у 2,4 раза вмісту загального тестостерону (р<0,001). Гормональний профіль жінок із СПКЯ відзначається дисбалансом репродуктивних гормонів з підвищеною продукцією андрогенів, які призводять до формування кістозної атрезії фолікулів з гіперплазією тека клітин, строми і ущільнення білкової оболонки яєчників. Порівняння двох методів оперативного втручання показало перевагу декапсуляції 1/3 яєчників, як найбільш обґрунтованої патогенетично, що сприяє відновленню двофазного циклу, овуляції і реалізації репродуктивної функції пацієнток

    Gender-Specific Renal Function and Urinary Syndrome in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis of Alcoholic Etiology: Observational Study

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    Background. Gender has now been proven to have a significant impact on the development, course and outcome of a large number of diseases, including alcoholic liver disease. Alcohol consumption is one of the leading risk factors for various diseases. Alcohol-related diseases cause 10% of all deaths worldwide among young and middle-aged people. The occurrence of renal dysfunction in cirrhosis of the liver is an integral part of the natural course of the disease. At the moment, the diagnosis of gender-specific renal dysfunction that occurs against the background of liver cirrhosis is essential for the development of effective treatment strategies and the improvement of survival.Objectives. The study is aimed at identifying the features of the gender-specific renal function and urinary syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis of alcoholic etiology and assessing the comprehensive prognostic significance of the indicators of common urine analysis in the diagnosis of renal dysfunction.Methods. An observational study was carried out using data from medical records of 158 patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (95 men and 63 women), aged 36 to 72 years, who were inpatients between February 2016 and March 2020. Physical examination and laboratory diagnostic data were taken into account. Binary predictors of renal dysfunction progression in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis were determined based on the analysis of descriptive statistics. Statistical data processing was performed using computer program Statistica 10 (StatSoft, Inc., USA) and standard Microsoft Excel software package (Microsoft Office 2016). Non-parametric statistical methods were used to describe the results. Quantitative results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test; comparison of two samples by a qualitatively defined feature was performed by means of the Fisher angular transformation method. Differences were considered significant at p ˂ 0.05. A multilayer neural network function from the Statistica 10 Neural Networks software was used to construct a classification scheme for renal dysfunction (yes/no). Neural network performance was assessed using descriptive and inductive statistics, calculating sensitivity, specificity, performing ROC analysis and constructing cumulative gains charts.Results. A renal function test revealed a significant decrease in glomerular filtration rate (p = 0.029) and a significant increase in urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (p < 0.0001) in women with alcoholic liver cirrhosis as compared with men. Women are also reported to have a high incidence of proteinuria, leukocyturia and bacteriuria. According to ROC-analysis, the urinalysis indicators have a high prognostic significance in identifying renal dysfunction in men and women with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (AUROC = 0.902 and sensitivity 81.82%, AUROC = 0.881 and sensitivity 75.00%, respectively).Conclusion. Renal dysfunction develops earlier and occurs twice as often in women with alcoholic cirrhosis than in men of the same age. The application of a neural network mechanism to predict renal dysfunction in men and women with alcoholic liver cirrhosis according to the indicators of urinalysis provides a high prognostic ability


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    A high degree of adsorption of Re(VII) and Mo(VI) on MM:CS and ММ:Fe3O4, respectively, was achieved. It is shown the difference in the adsorption of Mo(VI) and Re(VII) on the initial montmorillonite. Alternate desorption of Mo(VI) and Re(VII) from the MM surface was proposed.Работа выполнена по Государственному заданию ИМЕТ УрО РАН и при финансовой поддержке Министерства наук и высшего образования РФ в рамках Программы развития УрФУ («Приоритет-2030»)

    Genome-wide association study for frozen-thawed sperm motility in stallions across various horse breeds

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    Objective: The semen quality of stallions including sperm motility is an important target of selection as it has a high level of individual variability. However, effects of the molecular architecture of the genome on the mechanisms of sperm formation and their preservation after thawing have been poorly investigated. Here, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for the sperm motility of cryopreserved semen in stallions of various breeds. Methods: Semen samples were collected from the stallions of 23 horse breeds. The following semen characteristics were examined: progressive motility (PM), progressive motility after freezing (FPM), and the difference between PM and FPM. The respective DNA samples from these stallions were genotyped using Axiom™ Equine Genotyping Array. Results: We performed a GWAS search for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and potential genes related to motility properties of frozen-thawed semen in the stallions of various breeds. As a result of the GWAS analysis, two SNP markers, rs1141327473 and rs1149048772, were identified that were associated with preservation of the frozen-thawed stallion sperm motility, the relevant putative candidate genes being NME8, OR2AP1 and OR6C4. Potential implications of effects of these genes on sperm motility are herein discussed. Conclusion: The GWAS results enabled us to localize novel SNPs and candidate genes for sperm motility in stallions. Implications of the study for horse breeding and genetics are a better understanding of genomic regions and candidate genes underlying stallion sperm quality, and improvement in horse reproduction and breeding techniques. The identified markers and genes for sperm cryotolerance and the respective genomic regions are promising candidates for further studying the biological processes in the formation and function of the stallion reproductive system

    Optimization of selection of the endoscopic surgical method in patients with infertility caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    У роботі представлені результати відновлення репродуктивної функції у жінок з ендокринною формою безпліддя, обумовленого синдромом полікістозних яєчників, шляхом оптимізації методу ендоскопічного хірургічного лікування. Рівень репродуктивних гормонів у групі жінок до оперативного лікування характеризувався достовірним підвищенням у 2,4 раза вмісту загального тестостерону (р<0,001). Гормональний профіль жінок із СПКЯ відзначається дисбалансом репродуктивних гормонів з підвищеною продукцією андрогенів, які призводять до формування кістозної атрезії фолікулів з гіперплазією тека клітин, строми і ущільнення білкової оболонки яєчників. Порівняння двох методів оперативного втручання показало перевагу декапсуляції 1/3 яєчників, як найбільш обґрунтованої патогенетично, що сприяє відновленню двофазного циклу, овуляції і реалізації репродуктивної функції пацієнток.; В работе представлены результаты восстановления репродуктивной функции у женщин с эндокринной формой бесплодия, обусловленного синдромом поликистозных яичников, путем оптимизации метода эндоскопического хирургического лечения. Уровень репродуктивных гормонов в группе женщин до оперативного лечения характеризовался достоверным повышением в 2,4 раза содержания общего тестостерона (р<0,001). Гормональный профиль женщин с СПКЯ отмечается дисбалансом репродуктивных гормонов с повышенной продукцией андрогенов, которые приводят к формированию кистозной атрезии фолликулов с гиперплазией тека клеток, стромы и уплотнения белковой оболочки яичников. Сравнение двух методов оперативного вмешательства показало преимущество декапсуляции 1/3 яичников, как наиболее обоснованной патогенетически, что способствует восстановлению двухфазного цикла, овуляции и реализации репродуктивной функции пациенток.; The subject of this study – the restoration of reproductive health in women with endocrine form of infertility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome, by optimizing the method of endoscopic surgery. The level of reproductive hormones in the group of women for surgical treatment was characterized by a signifcant increase 2.4 times of total testosterone (p<0.001). So, the hormonal profle of women with PCOS is marked by an imbalance of reproductive hormones with higher androgen production, leading to the formation of cystic follicles with atresia and teka hyperplasia, stroma and consolidation of protein membrane of the ovaries. Comparison of two methods of surgery indicates that more pronounced normalizing effect on the production of reproductive hormones has decapsulation method of ovarian 1/3

    Practical skills in obstetrics and gynecology in the preparation of foreign students

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    Анализируя результаты Крок-2, государственного экзамена, следует отметить, что состояние теоретической подготовки с активной отработкой практических навыков на фантомах, решение ситуационных задач, что способствует развитию клинического мышления, повышает рейтинговый уровень иностранных студентов. ; Аналізуючи результати Крок-2, державного іспиту, слід зазначити, що стан теоретичної підготовки з активним відпрацюванням практичних навичок на фантомах, вирішення ситуаційних задач, що сприяє розвитку клінічного мислення, підвищує рейтинговий рівень іноземних студентів. ;Analyzing the results of Step-2, the state exam, it should be noted that the state of theoretical knowledge with active practical skills on phantoms, the resolution of situation tasks, contributing to clinical thinking, raises rating level of foreign students

    Immunohistochemical investigation of mucous membranes

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    В роботi представлені результати імуногiстохiмiчних дослiджень бiоптатiв слизовоi оболонки при деяких стоматологічних захворюваннях: гінгівіті, пародонтиті; при встановленому дентальному титановому iмплантатi, а також при ерозii шийки матки. Показано новий підхід щодо вивчення імунологічніх показникiв в оцінці стану оболонок. Використаний метод охарактеризовано як високоінформативний; В работе представлены результаты иммуногистохимических исследований биптатов слизистой оболочки при некоторых стоматологических заболеваниях: гингивите, пародонтите; при установленном дентальной титановом имплантате, а также при эрозии шейки матки. Показан новый подход к изучению иммунологических показателей для оценки состояния слизистых оболочек в целом. Использованный метод охарактеризованы как высокоинформативный; The article presents the resulls of immunohistochemical investigations of mucous mеmbrаnе bioptates in certain stomatological diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis; with а dental titanium implant inserted, and with the womb neck eroded. А new approach to studying some immunological indices in еvaluаting mucous mеmbrаnе states is shown. The method used is characterized as а highly informative оn

    Pair Correlations in a Bidisperse Ferrofluid in an External Magnetic Field:Theory and Computer Simulations

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    The pair distribution function g(r) for a ferrofluid modeled by a bidisperse system of dipolar hard spheres is calculated. The influence of an external uniform magnetic field and polydispersity on g(r) and the related structure factor is studied. The calculation is performed by diagrammatic expansion methods within the thermodynamic perturbation theory in terms of the particle number density and the interparticle dipole–dipole interaction strength. Analytical expressions are provided for the pair distribution function to within the first order in number density and the second order in dipole–dipole interaction strength. The constructed theory is compared with the results of computer (Monte Carlo) simulations to determine the range of its validity. The scattering structure factor is determined using the Fourier transform of the pair correlation func-tion g(r) – 1. The influence of the granulometric composition and magnetic field strength on the height and position of the first peak of the structure factor that is most amenable to an experimental study is analyzed. The data obtained can serve as a basis for interpreting the experimental small[1]angle neutron scattering results and determining the regularities in the behavior of the structure factor, its dependence on the fractional com-position of a ferrofluid, interparticle correlations, and external magnetic field. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2014