198 research outputs found

    Molecular biology of glutathione peroxidase 4: from genomic structure to developmental expression and neural function

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    Selenoproteins have been recognized as modulators of brain function and signaling. Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GPx4/PHGPx) is a unique member of the selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidases in mammals with a pivotal role in brain development and function. GPx4 exists as a cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear isoform derived from a single gene. In mice, the GPx4 gene is located on chromosome 10 in close proximity to a functional retrotransposome that is expressed under the control of captured regulatory elements. Elucidation of crystallographic data uncovered structural peculiarities of GPx4 that provide the molecular basis for its unique enzymatic properties and substrate specificity. Monomeric GPx4 is multifunctional: it acts as a reducing enzyme of peroxidized phospholipids and thiols and as a structural protein. Transcriptional regulation of the different GPx4 isoforms requires several isoform-specific cis-regulatory sequences and trans-activating factors. Cytosolic and mitochondrial GPx4 are the major isoforms exclusively expressed by neurons in the developing brain. In stark contrast, following brain trauma, GPx4 is specifically upregulated in non-neuronal cells, i.e., reactive astrocytes. Molecular approaches to genetic modification in mice have revealed an essential and isoform-specific function for GPx4 in development and disease. Here we review recent findings on GPx4 with emphasis on its molecular structure and function and consider potential mechanisms that underlie neural development and neuropathological condition

    The challenges of clinical trials in fragile X syndrome

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    RATIONALE: Advances in understanding the underlying mechanisms of conditions such as fragile X syndrome (FXS) and autism spectrum disorders have revealed heterogeneous populations. Recent trials of novel FXS therapies have highlighted several challenges including subpopulations with possibly differential therapeutic responses, the lack of specific outcome measures capturing the full range of improvements of patients with FXS, and a lack of biomarkers that can track whether a specific mechanism is responsive to a new drug and whether the response correlates with clinical improvement. OBJECTIVES: We review the phenotypic heterogeneity of FXS and the implications for clinical research in FXS and other neurodevelopmental disorders. RESULTS: Residual levels of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) expression explain in part the heterogeneity in the FXS phenotype; studies indicate a correlation with both cognitive and behavioral deficits. However, this does not fully explain the extent of phenotypic variance observed or the variability of drug response. Post hoc analyses of studies involving the selective mGluR5 antagonist mavoglurant and the GABAB agonist arbaclofen have uncovered significant therapeutic responses following patient stratification according to FMR1 promoter methylation patterns or baseline severity of social withdrawal, respectively. Future studies designed to quantify disease modification will need to develop new strategies to track changes effectively over time and in multiple symptom domains. CONCLUSION: Appropriate selection of patients and outcome measures is central to optimizing future clinical investigations of these complex disorders

    Endocrine profile of the kisspeptin receptor agonist MVT-602 in healthy premenopausal women with and without ovarian stimulation: results from two randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials

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    Kisspeptin is an essential regulator of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone release and is required for physiological ovulation. Native kisspeptin-54 (KP54) can induce oocyte maturation during in vitro fertilization treatment, including in women at high risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. MVT-602 is a potent kisspeptin receptor agonist with prospective utility to treat anovulatory disorders by triggering oocyte maturation and ovulation during medically assisted reproduction (MAR). Currently, the endocrine profile of MVT-602 during ovarian stimulation is unreported. Objective To determine the endocrine profile of MVT-602 in the follicular phase of healthy premenopausal women (Phase-1 trial), and after minimal ovarian stimulation to more closely reflect the endocrine milieu encountered during MAR (Phase-2a trial). Design Two randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group, dose-finding trials. Setting Clinical trials unit, Netherlands. Participants Healthy women aged 18-35 years, either without (Phase-1; n=24), or with ovarian stimulation (Phase-2a; n=75). Interventions Phase-1: Single subcutaneous dose of MVT-602 (0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 μg) or placebo, (n=6 per dose). Phase-2a: Single subcutaneous dose of MVT-602 (0.1, 0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 μg; n=16-17 per dose), triptorelin 0.2 mg (n=5; active comparator), or placebo (n=5). Main Objectives and Outcome Measures Phase-1: Safety/tolerability; pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics (LH and other reproductive hormones). Phase-2a: Safety/tolerability; pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics (LH and other reproductive hormones); time to ovulation assessed by transvaginal ultrasound. Results In both trials, MVT-602 was safe and well-tolerated across the entire dose-range. It was rapidly absorbed and eliminated, with a mean elimination half-life of 1.3-2.2 hours. In the Phase-2a trial, LH concentrations increased dose-dependently; mean maximum change from baseline of 82.4 IU/L at 24.8 hours was observed after administration of 3μg MVT-602 and remained above 15 IU/L for 33 hours. Time to ovulation following drug administration was 3.3-3.9 days (MVT-602), 3.4 days (triptorelin), and 5.5 days (placebo). Ovulation occurred within 5 days of administration in 100% (3 μg), 88% (1μg), 82% (0.3μg), and 75% (0.1μg), of women after MVT-602, 100% after triptorelin, and 60% after placebo. Conclusions MVT-602 induces LH concentrations of similar amplitude and duration as the physiological mid-cycle LH surge with potential utility for induction of oocyte maturation and ovulation during MAR

    Monoamine oxidase-A promotes protective autophagy in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells through Bcl-2 phosphorylation.

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    Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are located on the outer mitochondrial membrane and are drug targets for the treatment of neurological disorders. MAOs control the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain via oxidative deamination and contribute to reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation through their catalytic by-product H2O2. Increased ROS levels may modulate mitochondrial function and mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in a vast array of disorders. However, the downstream effects of MAO-A mediated ROS production in a neuronal model has not been previously investigated. In this study, using MAO-A overexpressing neuroblastoma cells, we demonstrate that higher levels of MAO-A protein/activity results in increased basal ROS levels with associated increase in protein oxidation. Increased MAO-A levels result in increased Lysine-63 linked ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins and promotes autophagy through Bcl-2 phosphorylation. Furthermore, ROS generated locally on the mitochondrial outer membrane by MAO-A promotes phosphorylation of dynamin-1-like protein, leading to mitochondrial fragmentation and clearance without complete loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Cellular ATP levels are maintained following MAO-A overexpression and complex IV activity/protein levels increased, revealing a close relationship between MAO-A levels and mitochondrial function. Finally, the downstream effects of increased MAO-A levels are dependent on the availability of amine substrates and in the presence of exogenous substrate, cell viability is dramatically reduced. This study shows for the first time that MAO-A generated ROS is involved in quality control signalling, and increase in MAO-A protein levels leads to a protective cellular response in order to mediate removal of damaged macromolecules/organelles, but substrate availability may ultimately determine cell fate. The latter is particularly important in conditions such as Parkinson's disease, where a dopamine precursor is used to treat disease symptoms and highlights that the fate of MAO-A containing dopaminergic neurons may depend on both MAO-A levels and catecholamine substrate availability

    Stimulation programs for pediatric drug research – do children really benefit?

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    Most drugs that are currently prescribed in pediatrics have not been tested in children. Pediatric drug studies are stimulated in the USA by the pediatric exclusivity provision under the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA) that grants patent extensions when pediatric labeling is provided. We investigated the effectiveness of these programs in stimulating drug research in children, thereby increasing the evidence for safe and effective drug use in the pediatric population. All drugs granted pediatric exclusivity under the FDAMA were analyzed by studying the relevant summaries of medical and clinical pharmacology reviews of the pediatric studies or, if these were unavailable, the labeling information as provided by the manufacturer. A systematic search of the literature was performed to identify drug utilization patterns in children. From July 1998 to August 2006, 135 drug entities were granted pediatric exclusivity. Most frequent drug groups were anti-depressants and mood stabilizers, ACE inhibitors, lipid-lowering preparations, HIV antivirals, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic drugs. The distribution of the different drugs closely matched the distribution of these drugs over the adult market, and not the drug utilization by children

    RNA Oligomerisation without Added Catalyst from 2 ',3 '-Cyclic Nucleotides by Drying at Air-Water Interfaces

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    For the emergence of life, the abiotic synthesis of RNA from its monomers is a central step. We found that in alkaline, drying conditions in bulk and at heated air-water interfaces, 2 ',3 '-cyclic nucleotides oligomerised without additional catalyst, forming up to 10-mers within a day. The oligomerisation proceeded at a pH range of 7-12, at temperatures between 40-80 degrees C and was marginally enhanced by K+ ions. Among the canonical ribonucleotides, cGMP oligomerised most efficiently. Quantification was performed using HPLC coupled to ESI-TOF by fitting the isotope distribution to the mass spectra. Our study suggests a oligomerisation mechanism where cGMP aids the incorporation of the relatively unreactive nucleotides C, A and U. The 2 ',3 '-cyclic ribonucleotides are byproducts of prebiotic phosphorylation, nucleotide syntheses and RNA hydrolysis, indicating direct recycling pathways. The simple reaction condition offers a plausible entry point for RNA to the evolution of life on early Earth

    Clinically relevant safety issues associated with St. John's wort product labels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>St. John's wort (SJW), used to treat depression, is popular in the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe. However, there are documented interactions between SJW and prescription medications including warfarin, cyclosporine, indinavir, and oral contraceptives. One source of information about these safety considerations is the product label. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinically relevant safety information included on labeling in a nationally representative sample of SJW products from the USA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight clinically relevant safety issues were identified: drug interactions (SJW-HIV medications, SJW-immunosupressants, SJW-oral contraceptives, and SJW-warfarin), contraindications (bipolar disorder), therapeutic duplication (antidepressants), and general considerations (phototoxicity and advice to consult a healthcare professional (HCP)). A list of SJW products was identified to assess their labels. Percentages and totals were used to present findings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the seventy-four products evaluated, no product label provided information for all 8 evaluation criteria. Three products (4.1%) provided information on 7 of the 8 criteria. Four products provided no safety information whatsoever. Percentage of products with label information was: SJW-HIV (8.1%), SJW-immunosupressants (5.4%), SJW-OCPs (8.1%), SJW-warfarin (5.4%), bipolar (1.4%), antidepressants (23.0%), phototoxicity (51.4%), and consult HCP (87.8%). Other safety-related information on labels included warnings about pregnancy (74.3%), lactation (64.9%), discontinue if adverse reaction (23.0%), and not for use in patients under 18 years old (13.5%). The average number of <it>a priori </it>safety issues included on a product label was 1.91 (range 0–8) for 23.9% completeness.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The vast majority of SJW products fail to adequately address clinically relevant safety issues on their labeling. A few products do provide an acceptable amount of information on clinically relevant safety issues which could enhance the quality of counseling by HCPs and health store clerks. HCPs and consumers may benefit if the FDA re-examined labeling requirements for dietary supplements.</p