357 research outputs found

    Combination of Nanodelivery Systems and Constituents Derived from Novel Foods: A Comprehensive Review

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    : Novel Food is a new category of food, regulated by the European Union Directive No. 2015/2283. This latter norm defines a food as "Novel" if it was not used "for human consumption to a significant degree within the Union before the date of entry into force of that regulation, namely 15 May 1997". Recently, Novel Foods have received increased interest from researchers worldwide. In this sense, the key areas of interest are the discovery of new benefits for human health and the exploitation of these novel sources of materials in new fields of application. An emerging area in the pharmaceutical and medicinal fields is nanotechnology, which deals with the development of new delivery systems at a nanometric scale. In this context, this review aims to summarize the recent advances on the design and characterization of nanodelivery systems based on materials belonging to the Novel Food list, as well as on nanoceutical products formulated for delivering compounds derived from Novel Foods. Additionally, the safety hazard of using nanoparticles in food products, i.e., food supplements, has been discussed in view of the current European regulation, which considers nanomaterials as Novel Foods

    An overview on dietary polyphenols and their biopharmaceutical classification system (Bcs)

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    Polyphenols are natural organic compounds produced by plants, acting as antioxidants by reacting with ROS. These compounds are widely consumed in daily diet and many studies report several benefits to human health thanks to their bioavailability in humans. However, the digestion process of phenolic compounds is still not completely clear. Moreover, bioavailability is dependent on the metabolic phase of these compounds. The LogP value can be managed as a simplified measure of the lipophilicity of a substance ingested within the human body, which affects resultant absorption. The biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS), a method used to classify drugs intended for gastrointestinal absorption, correlates the solubility and permeability of the drug with both the rate and extent of oral absorption. BCS may be helpful to measure the bioactive constituents of foods, such as polyphenols, in order to understand their nutraceutical potential. There are many literature studies that focus on permeability, absorption, and bioavailability of polyphenols and their resultant metabolic byproducts, but there is still confusion about their respective LogP values and BCS classifi-cation. This review will provide an overview of the information regarding 10 dietarypolyphenols (ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, quercetin, apigenin, cirsimaritin, daidzein, resveratrol, ellagic acid, and curcumin) and their association with the BCS classification

    Are supplements safe? Effects of gallic and ferulic acids on in vitro cell models

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    Polyphenols display health-promoting properties linked to their biological activities. They are initially absorbed in the small intestine, then they are largely metabolized in the colon, whereupon they are able to exert systemic effects. The health-promoting properties of polyphenols have led to the development of food supplements, which are also largely consumed by healthy people, even if data on their safety are still yet lacking. In the present paper, the content of gallic acid and ferulic acid was analyzed in two supplements, and shown to be higher than the relative contents found in fruit and flour. To evaluate the effects of these phenolic compounds on epithelial intestinal tissue, gallic and ferulic acids were added to a new in vitro model of the intestinal wall at different concentrations. The effects on viability, proliferation and migration of these compounds were respectively tested on three different cell lines (Caco2, L929 and U937), as well as on a tridimensional intestinal model, composed of a mucosal layer and a submucosa with fibroblasts and monocytes. Results indicated that gallic and ferulic acids can exert toxic effects on in vitro cell models at high concentrations, suggesting that an excessive and uncontrolled consumption of polyphenols may induce negative effects on the intestinal wall

    Label-Free Optical Sensing and Medical Grade Resins: An Advanced Approach to Investigate Cell–Material Interaction and Biocompatibility

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    : The Corning Epic® label-free (ELF) system is an innovative technology widely used in drug discovery, immunotherapy, G-protein-associated studies, and biocompatibility tests. Here, we challenge the use of ELF to further investigate the biocompatibility of resins used in manufacturing of blood filters, a category of medical devices representing life-saving therapies for the increasing number of patients with kidney failure. The biocompatibility assays were carried out by developing a cell model aimed at mimicking the clinical use of the blood filters and complementing the existing cytotoxicity assay requested by ISO10993-5. Experiments were performed by putting fibroblasts in both direct contact with two types of selected resins, and indirect contact by means of homemade customized well inserts that were precisely designed and developed for this technology. For both types of contact, fibroblasts were cultured in medium and human plasma. ELF tests confirmed the biocompatibility of both resins, highlighting a statistically significant different biological behavior of a polyaromatic resin compared to control and ion-exchanged resin, when materials were in indirect contact and soaking with plasma. Overall, the ELF test is able to mimic clinical scenarios and represents a promising approach to investigate biocompatibility, showing peculiar biological behaviors and suggesting the activation of specific intracellular pathways

    Role of neurotrophins on dermal fibroblast survival and differentiation

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    Neurotrophins (NTs) belong to a family of growth factors that play a critical role in the control of skin homeostasis. NTs act through the low-affinity receptor p75NTR and the high-affinity receptors TrkA, TrkB and TrkC. Here we show that dermal fibroblasts (DF) and myofibroblasts (DM) synthesize and secrete all NTs and express NT receptors. NTs induce differentiation of DF into DM, as shown by the expression of \u3b1-SMA protein. The Trk inhibitor K252a, TrkA/Fc, TrkB/Fc or TrkC/Fc chimera prevents DF and DM proliferation. In addition, p75NTR siRNA inhibits DF proliferation, indicating that both NT receptors mediate DF proliferation induced by endogenous NTs. Autocrine NTs also induce DF migration through p75NTR and Trk, as either silencing of p75NTR or Trk/Fc chimeras prevent this effect, in absence of exogenous NTs. Finally, NGF or BDNF statistically increase the tensile strength in a dose dependent manner, as measured in a collagen gel through the GlaSbox device. Taken together, these results indicate that NTs exert a critical role on fibroblast and could be involved in tissue remodelling and wound healin

    Correlation between autofluorescence intensity and histopathological features in non-melanoma skin cancer: An ex vivo study

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    Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common malignant tumor affecting fair-skinned people. Increasing incidence rates of NMSC have been reported worldwide, which is an important challenge in terms of public health management. Surgical excision with pre-operatively identified margins is one of the most common and effective treatment strategies. Incomplete tumor removal is associated with a very high risk of recurrence and re-excision. Biological tissues can absorb and re-emit specific light wave-lengths, detectable through spectrophotometric devices. Such a phenomenon is known as autofluorescence (AF). AF spectroscopy has been widely explored for non-invasive, early detection of NMSC as well as for evaluation of surgical margins before excision. Fluorescence-aided diagnosis is based on differences in spectral characteristics between healthy and neoplastic skin. Understanding the biological basis of such differences and correlating AF intensity to histological features could improve the diagnostic accuracy of skin fluorescence spectroscopy. The primary objective of the present pre-clinical ex vivo study is to investigate the correlation between the intensity of cutaneous AF and the histopathological features of NMSC. Ninety-eight lesions suggestive for NMSCs were radically excised from 75 patients (46 M; 29 F; mean age: 79 years). After removal, 115 specific reference points on lesions (\u201ccases\u201d; 59 on BBC, 53 on SCC and 3 on other lesions) and on peri-lesional healthy skin (controls; 115 healthy skin) were identified and marked through suture stitches. Such reference points were irradiated at 400\u2013430 nm wavelength, and resulting emission AF spectra were acquired through spectrophotometry. For each case, AFIR (autofluorescence intensity ratio) was measured as the ratio between the number of photons emitted at a wavelength ranging between 450 and 700 nm (peak: 500 nm) in the healthy skin and that was captured in the pathological tissue. At the histological level, hyperkeratosis, neoangiogenesis, cellular atypia, epithelial thickening, fibrosis and elastosis were quantified by light microscopy and were assessed through a previously validated grading system. Statistical correlation between histologic variables and AFIR was calculated through linear regression. Spectrometric evaluation was performed on 230 (115 cases + 115 controls) reference points. The mean AFIR for BCC group was 4.5, while the mean AFIR for SCC group was 4.4 and the fluorescence peaks at 500 nm were approximately 4 times lower (hypo-fluorescent) in BCCs and in SCCs than in healthy skin. Histological variables significantly associated with alteration of AFIR were fibrosis and elastosis (p < 0.05), neoangiogenesis, hyperkeratosis and epithelial thickening. Cellular atypia was not significantly associated with alteration of AFIR. The intensity of fluorescence emission in neoplastic tissues was approximately 4 times lower than that in healthy tissues. Histopathological features such as hyperkeratosis, neoangiogenesis, fibrosis and elastosis are statistically associated with the decrease in AFIR. We hypothesize that such tissue alterations are among the possible biophysical and biochemical bases of difference in emission AF between neoplastic and healthy tissue. The results of the present evaluation highlighted the possible usefulness of autofluorescence as diagnostic, non-invasive and real-time tool for NMSCs

    Potential Applications of Essential Oils for Environmental Sanitization and Antimicrobial Treatment of Intensive Livestock Infections

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    The extensive use of antibiotics has contributed to the current antibiotic resistance crisis. Livestock infections of Salmonella spp, Clostridium spp. and E. coli antimicrobial-resistant bacteria represent a public threat to human and animal health. To reduce the incidence of these zoonoses, essential oils (EOs) could be effective antibiotic alternatives. This study aims at identifying EOs safe for use, effective both in complementary therapy and in the environmental sanitization of intensive farming. Natural products were chemo-characterized by gas chromatography. Three S. Typhimurium, three C. perfringens and four E. coli strains isolated from poultry and swine farms were used to assess the antimicrobial properties of nine EOs and a modified GR-OLI (mGR-OLI). The toxicity of the most effective ones (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cz; Origanum vulgare, Ov) was also evaluated on porcine spermatozoa and Galleria mellonella larvae. Cz, Ov and mGR-OLI showed the strongest antimicrobial activity; their volatile components were also able to significantly inhibit the growth of tested strains. In vitro, Ov toxicity was slightly lower than Cz, while it showed no toxicity on G. mellonella larvae. In conclusion, the study confirms the importance of evaluating natural products to consolidate the idea of safe EO applications in reducing and preventing intensive livestock infections

    Auditoria interna - o contributo do controlo interno na gestão de risco das organizações

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    Esta versão contém as correcções às críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júriAs empresas para atingirem a estratégia delineada devem estabelecer um modelo de governance que vise efectuar a gestão do risco, conduzindo á implementação de processos e controlos, para reduzir as ameaças e o risco de incerteza subjacentes às principais actividades ou negócios desenvolvidos. A gestão do risco passa pela análise detalhada dos riscos subjacentes ao negócio. Parte da gestão do risco é realizada pela implementação de um sistema de controlo interno, conducente a mitigar os riscos negativos e a potenciar os riscos positivos para a empresa. O controlo interno é fundamental na gestão do risco, pois trata-se do conjunto de mecanismos e práticas utilizadas para evitar ou detectar actividade não autorizada, com o intuito da realização dos objectivos estratégicos da empresa. Neste sentido, o objectivo deste trabalho passou por evidenciar a importância do processo de gestão do risco no delinear da estratégia de negócio e na condução dos trabalhos para a concretização dos objectivos da empresa, e demonstrar a importância do sistema de controlo interno neste processo e como parte fundamental na mitigação do risco. Inicialmente realizou-se uma pesquisa literária para aprofundar os principais conceitos sobre controlo interno e gestão do risco. Seguidamente, procedeu-se à elaboração de um questionário destinado a profissionais de Auditoria e a outros relacionados com a área em análise, de modo a encontrar consensos entre opiniões. Os resultados obtidos conduziram-nos á validação do modelo de análise, proposto no capítulo metodologia de investigação deste trabalho.Companies to achieve the strategy outlined, must establish a governance model that aims to manage risk, leading to the implementation of processes and controls, to reduce the threats and the risk of uncertainty underlying the main activities or businesses developed. Risk management involves a detailed analysis of the risks underlying the business. Part of risk management is carried out by implementing an internal control system, leading to mitigating negative risks and enhancing positive risks for the company. Internal control is fundamental in risk management, as it is the set of mechanisms and practices used to prevent or detect unauthorized activity, with a view to achieving the company's strategic objectives. In this sense, the objective of this work was to highlight the importance of the risk management process in outlining the business strategy and in conducting the work to achieve the company's objectives, and to demonstrate the importance of the internal control system in this process and how fundamental part in risk mitigation. Initially, a literary research was carried out to deepen the main concepts on internal control and risk management. Then, a questionnaire was created for Audit professionals and other parts related to the area under analysis, in order to find consensus between opinions. The results obtained led us to validate the analysis model proposed, in the research methodology chapter of this work

    Human melanoma-initiating cells express neural crest nerve growth factor receptor CD271.

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    The question of whether tumorigenic cancer stem cells exist in human melanomas has arisen in the last few years. Here we show that in melanomas, tumour stem cells (MTSCs, for melanoma tumour stem cells) can be isolated prospectively as a highly enriched CD271(+) MTSC population using a process that maximizes viable cell transplantation. The tumours sampled in this study were taken from a broad spectrum of sites and stages. High-viability cells isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and re-suspended in a matrigel vehicle were implanted into T-, B- and natural-killer-deficient Rag2(-/-)gammac(-/-) mice. The CD271(+) subset of cells was the tumour-initiating population in 90% (nine out of ten) of melanomas tested. Transplantation of isolated CD271(+) melanoma cells into engrafted human skin or bone in Rag2(-/-)gammac(-/-) mice resulted in melanoma; however, melanoma did not develop after transplantation of isolated CD271(-) cells. We also show that in mice, tumours derived from transplanted human CD271(+) melanoma cells were capable of metastatsis in vivo. CD271(+) melanoma cells lacked expression of TYR, MART1 and MAGE in 86%, 69% and 68% of melanoma patients, respectively, which helps to explain why T-cell therapies directed at these antigens usually result in only temporary tumour shrinkage
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