114 research outputs found

    Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for liquid and solid targets

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    Introduction Monte-Carlo simulations can be used to assess isotope production on small medical cyclotrons. These simulations calculate the particle interactions with electric and magnetic fields, as well as the nuclear reactions. The results can be used to predict both yields and isotopic contaminations and can aid in the optimum design of target material and target geometry [1,2]. FLUKA is a general-purpose tool widely used in many applications from accelerator shielding to target design, calorimetry, activation, dosimetry, detector design, neutrino physics, or radiotherapy [3,4]. In this work, we applied the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA to determine the accuracy of predicting yields of various isotopes as compared to experimental yields. Material and Methods The proton beam collimation system, as well as the liquid and solid target of the TR13 cyclotron at TRIUMF, has been modeled in FLUKA. The proton beam parameters were initially taken from the cyclotron design specifications and were optimized against experimental measurements from the TR13. Data from irradiations of different targets and with different beam currents were collected in order to account for average behavior, see FIG. 1. Yields for a pencil proton beam as well as a beam spread out in direction and energy have been calculated and have been compared to experimental results obtained with the TR13. Results and Conclusion The reactions listed in TABLE 1 were assessed. For most reactions a good agreement was found in the comparison between experimental and simulated saturation yield. TABLE 1 only shows the yields simulated with a proton beam with a spread in both direction and energy. In most cases, the simulated yield is slightly larger or comparable. Only the calculated yield for 55Co was significantly lower by a factor of 4.2. This is still a good agreement considering that FLUKA was originally a high-energy physics code. It may indicate that the FLUKA internal cross-section calculation for this isotope production needs some optimization. In summary, we conclude that FLUKA can be used as a tool for the prediction of isotope production as well as for target design

    The interaction of 11Li with 208Pb

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    Background: 11Li is one of the most studied halo nuclei. The fusion of 11Li with 208Pb has been the subject of a number of theoretical studies with widely differing predictions, ranging over four orders of magnitude, for the fusion excitation function. Purpose: To measure the excitation function for the 11Li + 208Pb reaction. Methods: A stacked foil/degrader assembly of 208Pb targets was irradiated with a 11Li beam producing center of target beam energies from above barrier to near barrier energies (40 to 29 MeV). The intensity of the 11Li beam (chopped) was 1250 p/s and the beam on-target time was 34 hours. The alpha-decay of the stopped evaporation residues was detected in a alpha-detector array at each beam energy in the beam-off period (the beam was on for <= 5 ns and then off for 170 ns). Results: The 215At evaporation residues were associated with the fusion of 11Li with 208Pb. The 213,214At evaporation residues were formed by the breakup of 11Li into 9Li + 2n, with the 9Li fusing with 208Pb. The 214At evaporation residue appears to result from a "quasi-breakup" process. Conclusions: Most of 11Li + 208Pb interactions lead to breakup with a small fraction (<= 11%) leading to complete fusion.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Measurement of two-halo neutron transfer reaction p(11^{11}Li,9^{9}Li)t at 3AA MeV

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    The p(\nuc{11}{Li},\nuc{9}{Li})t reaction has been studied for the first time at an incident energy of 3AA MeV delivered by the new ISAC-2 facility at TRIUMF. An active target detector MAYA, build at GANIL, was used for the measurement. The differential cross sectionshave been determined for transitions to the \nuc{9}{Li} ground andthe first excited states in a wide range of scattering angles. Multistep transfer calculations using different \nuc{11}{Li} model wave functions, shows that wave functions with strong correlations between the halo neutrons are the most successful in reproducing the observation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Defects in Mitochondrial Dynamics and Metabolomic Signatures of Evolving Energetic Stress in Mouse Models of Familial Alzheimer's Disease

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    The identification of early mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and associated biomarkers could advance development of new therapies and improve monitoring and predicting of AD progression. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been suggested to underlie AD pathophysiology, however, no comprehensive study exists that evaluates the effect of different familial AD (FAD) mutations on mitochondrial function, dynamics, and brain energetics.We characterized early mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolomic signatures of energetic stress in three commonly used transgenic mouse models of FAD. Assessment of mitochondrial motility, distribution, dynamics, morphology, and metabolomic profiling revealed the specific effect of each FAD mutation on the development of mitochondrial stress and dysfunction. Inhibition of mitochondrial trafficking was characteristic for embryonic neurons from mice expressing mutant human presenilin 1, PS1(M146L) and the double mutation of human amyloid precursor protein APP(Tg2576) and PS1(M146L) contributing to the increased susceptibility of neurons to excitotoxic cell death. Significant changes in mitochondrial morphology were detected in APP and APP/PS1 mice. All three FAD models demonstrated a loss of the integrity of synaptic mitochondria and energy production. Metabolomic profiling revealed mutation-specific changes in the levels of metabolites reflecting altered energy metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction in brains of FAD mice. Metabolic biomarkers adequately reflected gender differences similar to that reported for AD patients and correlated well with the biomarkers currently used for diagnosis in humans.Mutation-specific alterations in mitochondrial dynamics, morphology and function in FAD mice occurred prior to the onset of memory and neurological phenotype and before the formation of amyloid deposits. Metabolomic signatures of mitochondrial stress and altered energy metabolism indicated alterations in nucleotide, Krebs cycle, energy transfer, carbohydrate, neurotransmitter, and amino acid metabolic pathways. Mitochondrial dysfunction, therefore, is an underlying event in AD progression, and FAD mouse models provide valuable tools to study early molecular mechanisms implicated in AD

    Domains of tau protein, differential phosphorylation, and dynamic instability of microtubules.

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    The dynamic instability of microtubules is thought to be regulated by MAPs and phosphorylation. Here we describe the effect of the neuronal microtubule-associated protein tau by observing the dynamics of single microtubules by video microscopy. We used recombinant tau isoforms and tau mutants, and we phosphorylated tau by the neuronal kinases MARK (affecting the KXGS motifs within tau's repeat domain) and cdk5 (phosphorylating Ser-Pro motifs in the regions flanking the repeats). The variants of tau can be broadly classified into three categories, depending on their potency to affect microtubule dynamics. "Strong" tau variants have four repeats and both flanking regions. "Medium" variants have one to three repeats and both flanking regions. "Weak" variants lack one or both of the flanking regions, or have no repeats; with such constructs, microtubule dynamics is not significantly different from that of pure tubulin. N- or C-terminal tails of tau have no influence on dynamic instability. The two ends of microtubules (plus and minus) showed different activities but analogous behavior. These results are consistent with the "jaws" model of tau where the flanking regions are considered as targeting domains whereas the addition of repeats makes them catalytically active in terms of microtubule stabilization. The dominant changes in the parameters of dynamic instability induced by tau are those in the dissociation rate and in the catastrophe rate (up to 30-fold). Other rates change only moderately or not at all (association rate increased up to twofold, rates of rescue or rapid shrinkage decreased up to approximately twofold). The order of repeats has little influence on microtubule dynamics (i.e., repeats can be re-arranged or interchanged), arguing in favor of the "distributed weak binding" model proposed by Butner and Kirschner (1991); however, we confirmed the presence of a "hotspot" of binding potential involving Lys274 and Lys281 observed by Goode and Feinstein, 1994. Phosphorylation of Ser-Pro motifs by cdk5 (mainly Ser 202, 235, and 404) in the flanking regions had a moderate effect on microtubule dynamics while phosphorylation at the "Alzheimer"-site Ser262 MARK eliminated tau's interactions with microtubules. In both cases the predominant effects of phosphorylation are on the rates of tubulin dissociation and catastrophe whereas the effects on the rates of association or rescue are comparatively small

    Dynamics of microtubules from erythrocyte marginal bands.

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    Microtubules can adjust their length by the mechanism of dynamic instability, that is by switching between phases of growth and shrinkage. Thus far this phenomenon has been studied with microtubules that contain several components, that is, a mixture of tubulin isoforms, with or without a mixture of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), which can act as regulators of dynamic instability. Here we concentrate on the influence of the tubulin component. We have studied MAP-free microtubules from the marginal band of avian erythrocytes and compared them with mammalian brain microtubules. The erythrocyte system was selected because it represents a naturally stable aggregate of microtubules; second, the tubulin is largely homogeneous, in contrast to brain tubulin. Qualitatively, erythrocyte microtubules show similar features as brain microtubules, but they were found to be much less dynamic. The critical concentration of elongation, and the rates of association and dissociation of tubulin are all lower than with brain microtubules. Catastrophes are rare, rescues frequent, and shrinkage slow. This means that dynamic instability can be controlled by the tubulin isotype, independently of MAPs. Moreover, the extent of dynamic behavior is highly dependent on buffer conditions. In particular, dynamic instability is strongly enhanced in phosphate buffer, both for erythrocyte marginal band and brain microtubules. The lower stability in phosphate buffer argues against the hypothesis that a cap of tubulin.GDP.Pi subunits stabilizes microtubules. The difference in dynamics between tubulin isotypes and between the two ends of microtubules is preserved in the different buffer systems

    Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for liquid and solid targets

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    Introduction Monte-Carlo simulations can be used to assess isotope production on small medical cyclotrons. These simulations calculate the particle interactions with electric and magnetic fields, as well as the nuclear reactions. The results can be used to predict both yields and isotopic contaminations and can aid in the optimum design of target material and target geometry [1,2]. FLUKA is a general-purpose tool widely used in many applications from accelerator shielding to target design, calorimetry, activation, dosimetry, detector design, neutrino physics, or radiotherapy [3,4]. In this work, we applied the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA to determine the accuracy of predicting yields of various isotopes as compared to experimental yields. Material and Methods The proton beam collimation system, as well as the liquid and solid target of the TR13 cyclotron at TRIUMF, has been modeled in FLUKA. The proton beam parameters were initially taken from the cyclotron design specifications and were optimized against experimental measurements from the TR13. Data from irradiations of different targets and with different beam currents were collected in order to account for average behavior, see FIG. 1. Yields for a pencil proton beam as well as a beam spread out in direction and energy have been calculated and have been compared to experimental results obtained with the TR13. Results and Conclusion The reactions listed in TABLE 1 were assessed. For most reactions a good agreement was found in the comparison between experimental and simulated saturation yield. TABLE 1 only shows the yields simulated with a proton beam with a spread in both direction and energy. In most cases, the simulated yield is slightly larger or comparable. Only the calculated yield for 55Co was significantly lower by a factor of 4.2. This is still a good agreement considering that FLUKA was originally a high-energy physics code. It may indicate that the FLUKA internal cross-section calculation for this isotope production needs some optimization. In summary, we conclude that FLUKA can be used as a tool for the prediction of isotope production as well as for target design

    Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for liquid and solid targets

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    Introduction Monte-Carlo simulations can be used to assess isotope production on small medical cyclotrons. These simulations calculate the particle interactions with electric and magnetic fields, as well as the nuclear reactions. The results can be used to predict both yields and isotopic contaminations and can aid in the optimum design of target material and target geometry [1,2]. FLUKA is a general-purpose tool widely used in many applications from accelerator shielding to target design, calorimetry, activation, dosimetry, detector design, neutrino physics, or radiotherapy [3,4]. In this work, we applied the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA to determine the accuracy of predicting yields of various isotopes as compared to experimental yields. Material and Methods The proton beam collimation system, as well as the liquid and solid target of the TR13 cyclotron at TRIUMF, has been modeled in FLUKA. The proton beam parameters were initially taken from the cyclotron design specifications and were optimized against experimental measurements from the TR13. Data from irradiations of different targets and with different beam currents were collected in order to account for average behavior, see FIG. 1. Yields for a pencil proton beam as well as a beam spread out in direction and energy have been calculated and have been compared to experimental results obtained with the TR13. Results and Conclusion The reactions listed in TABLE 1 were assessed. For most reactions a good agreement was found in the comparison between experimental and simulated saturation yield. TABLE 1 only shows the yields simulated with a proton beam with a spread in both direction and energy. In most cases, the simulated yield is slightly larger or comparable. Only the calculated yield for 55Co was significantly lower by a factor of 4.2. This is still a good agreement considering that FLUKA was originally a high-energy physics code. It may indicate that the FLUKA internal cross-section calculation for this isotope production needs some optimization. In summary, we conclude that FLUKA can be used as a tool for the prediction of isotope production as well as for target design
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