543 research outputs found

    Savings Patterns In Rural Niger

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    This paper explores three issues of importance in the study of savings behavior in developing countries, based on data obtained at the "Caisse Nationale d'Epargne" (CNE) of Niger. First, it shows that, relative to the availability of CNE branches, rural people are more active than urban savers in establishing accounts at the institution. Furthermore, our results suggest that the proportion of income saved in financial form by rural depositors is likely to be higher than that of the urban clientele. Second, the life-cycle hypothesis of savings behavior is supported by the data analyzed in this study. Indeed, the middle-age group showed the largest share in total deposits at the CNE. However, further research appears necessary to control for other factors that may be affecting the results presented here, especially those associated with access to other means of formal and informal savings. Finally, the relative importance of agricultural activities and other occupations closely associated with agriculture in the CNE clientele was estimated to be about 15 percent, a share substantially larger than that estimated in previous studies in the same institution

    Effect of compost and soil properties on the availability of compost phosphate for white clover ( Trifolium repens L.)

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    Wide variation in results exists in the literature on the effectiveness of composts to sustain the phosphorus (P) nutrition of crops. The aim of this work was to assess the importance of some soil and composts properties on the utilization of compost-P by white clover (Trifolium repens L.). This study was carried out with samples collected from four composts made from solid kitchen and garden wastes, and with two soil samples taken from the A horizon of a P-rich sandy acidic Dystrochrept and of a P-limited clayey calcareous Eutrochrept. Changes in the amount of inorganic P (Pi) isotopically exchangeable within 1 min (E1min) were measured during 32 weeks in incubated soil-composts or soil-KH2PO4mixtures where P sources had been added at the rate of 50 mg P kg−1 soil. Uptake of compost-P or KH2PO4-P by white clover was measured on the same amended soils during 16 weeks. In both soils, the application of composts resulted after 32 weeks of incubation in E1min values ranging between those observed in the control without P and those observed in the KH2PO4treatment, i.e., in values ranging between 4.2 and 5.9 mg P kg−1 in the sandy acidic soil and between from 1.6 to 4.3 mg P kg−1 in the clayey calcareous soil. The total coefficient of utilization of compost-P (CU-P) by white clover reached values in both soils for the four composts ranging between 6.5% and 11.6% of the added P while in the presence of KH2PO4 the CU-P reached values ranging between 14.5% in the clayey calcareous soil and 18.5% in the sandy acidic soil. Results obtained in the sandy acidic soil suggest, that white clover initially used a fraction of the rapidly exchangeable compost P, while at a latter stage plant roots enhanced the mineralisation of compost organic P and took up a fraction of the mineralized P. These relations were not observed in the clayey calcareous soil probably because of its high sorbing capacity for P. In the sandy acidic soil, composts application increased the uptake of soil P by the plant from 31.4 mg P kg−1 soil in the control without P to values ranging between 37.9 to 42.7 mg P kg−1 soil in the presence of composts. This indirect effect was related to a general improvement of plant growth conditions in this soil induced by compost addition (from 9.9 g DM kg−1 soil in the control without P to values ranging between 14.0 to 16.1 g DM kg−1 soil in the presence of composts) and/or to the release of Al- or Fe bound soil P to the solution due to soil pH increase following compost application. Finally the total coefficient of utilization of P (CU-P) derived from KH2PO4 and composts was related to the total amount of N exported by white clover in the P-limited clayey calcareous soil but not in the P-rich sandy acidic soil. This suggests that in a soil where N2 biological fixation is limited by low P availability, the CU-P of a compost by white clover is not only related to the forms of P present in the compost but also to its effect on N nutrition. However, it is not clear whether this improved N nutrition was due to compost mineralisation, or to an indirect compost effect on the N2 biological fixatio

    Etude contributive à la connaissance des populations de simulies dans la commune de Bouaflé, Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire

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    Après l’arrêt des activités du programme de lutte contre l’onchocercose en Afrique de l’Ouest (OCP) en 2002, la Côte d’Ivoire n’a pu conduire régulièrement les activités de lutte du fait de la crise socio-politique qui a démarré en 2002. La recolonisation abondante des cours d’eau par les simulies et son corollaire la nuisance simulidienne le long de certains bassins versants, est due au fait que de vastes régions plus ou moins forestières n’ont jamais été traitées régulièrement par les insecticides contre les populations larvaires de simulies vectrices. L’objectif général du travail est de contribuer à la connaissance de la dynamique des populations de simulies et de la transmission de l’onchocercose en Côte d’Ivoire et particulièrement aux alentours du fleuve Marahoué dans la commune de Bouaflé. La technique de capture des simulies sur appât humain a été utilisée. Les résultats indiquent une forte nuisance simulidienne (117 piqûres / Homme / Jour) avec un pic l’après-midi. Les simulies capturées sont essentiellement (99,1%) des espèces savanicoles ; elles présentent une grande longévité (64.44%). Du point de vue transmission, aucune simulie femelle infectée ou infectieuse n’a été décelée pendant la durée de l’étude.Mots clés : Onchocercose, espèces savanicoles, dynamique de populations, nuisance simulidienne, transmission

    Нацистські окупаційні порядки в українському селі крізь призму народнопісенної сатири

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    Une étude parasitologique du paludisme a été réalisée dans deux quartiers centraux de la ville de Yaoundé pendant un an. Le quartier Essos borde un bas-fond marécageux et le quartier Obili présente des bassins de pisciculture. Les enquêtes, trimestrielles, ont été réalisées sur un échantillon de 22 et 16 familles à Essos et Obili respectivement. 960 prélèvements sanguins ont été examinés dans les deux quartiers. La prévalence plasmodiale est de 25,4 plus ou moins 2,7%, l'indice gamétocytique de 1,7 plus ou moins 0,8% et la charge parasitaire moyenne de 310 parasites/microlitre de sang. L'indice plasmodique est significativement plus élevé à Essos qu'à Obili : 28,7 plus ou moins 3,6% (n=592) et 20,1 plus ou moins 4,1% (n=368) respectivement (p<0,02). C'est chez les enfants de 6 à 15 ans que l'indice plasmodique est le plus élevé (37,5%) mais ce sont les enfants de 0 à 5 ans qui présentent les charges parasitaires moyennes les plus élevées (1100 parasites/microlitre de sang). La prévalence parasitaire présente des fluctuations saisonnières avec un maximum pendant la petite saison sèche. (Résumé d'auteur

    Effet antihypertensif de BpF2, une fraction d\'extrait aqueux de feuilles de Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae) chez le lapin

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    Les feuilles de Bidens pilosa L. sont largement utilisées dans la pharmacopée traditionnelle. Nous avons cherché à mettre en évidence les effets antihypertensifs de ces feuilles. L'analyse phytochimique révèle que la fraction 2, dénommée BpF2, de l\'extrait aqueux des feuilles de Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae), contient des flavonoïdes, des polyphénols et des tanins catéchiques. Pour des doses comprises entre 1 et 25 mg/kg de poids corporel, cette fraction chromatographique induit une hypotension dose-dépendante chez le lapin. Cet effet explique le potentiel antihypertenseur de cette fraction. Ces effets ressemblent à ceux bien connus de l\'acétylcholine (ACh). Toutefois, alors que l\'atropine inhibe totalement l\'hypotension induite par l\'ACh, elle ne reverse que partiellement l\'hypotension provoquée par BpF2. Ces résultats suggèrent fortement la présence de deux types de principes actifs dans cette fraction active BpF2: - les principes actifs cholinomimétiques de type muscarinique, - les principes actifs non cholinomimétiques dont la nature reste à déterminer. La présence de ces substances dans la fraction active pourrait justifier, au moins en partie, l\'utilisation traditionnelle de Bidens pilosa L. contre l\'hypertension artérielle.The fraction 2, called BpF2, of the aqueous extract from Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae) leaves, contained flavonoids, polyphenols and catechic tannins. For doses ranging from 1 to 25 mg/kg of body weight, this chromatographic fraction induced a dose-dependent hypotension in the rabbit. This effect explained the antihypertensive potential of the fraction. These effects resembled those well-known of acetylcholine (ACh). However, whereas atropine completely inhibited the effect induced by ACh, its action remained partial on that caused by BpF2. These results suggested the presence of two types of active components in BpF2 fraction. - muscarinic and cholinomimetic activity, - non cholinomimetic activity to be clarified. The study showed at least two hypotensive activities in BpF2 fraction, justifying the traditional use of Bidens pilosa L. against hypertension. Keywords: Bidens pilosa L., acetylcholine, muscarinic cholinomimetic activity, non cholinomimetic activity.Sciences & Nature Vol. 5 (1) 2008: pp. 29-3

    In vitro anticholinestarase and cholinergic effect of the aqueous extract of Trema guineensis on rabbit duodenum

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    Purpose: In previous studies, the aqueous extract of Trema guineensis (Ulmaceae) was shown to increase rabbit duodenal contractions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanism of the stimulation of the rabbit duodenum by the aqueous extract of Trema guineensis (Ulmaceae). Methods: The in vitro organ bath method was used in our experiments. The enzyme was extracted from rabbit duodenum. The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was determined by Ellman\'s assay using acethylthiocholine iodide as substrate. The rate of hydrolysis of acetylcholinesterase was monitored at 412 nm using a spectrophotometer. Results: The effective concentration which induces 50% effect of Hypo+ (EC50) was obtained with 8 x 10-2 mg/ml of Hypo+. The tests carried out in the presence of atropine showed a considerable reduction in the amplitudes of intestinal contractions. Hypo+ exerted mixed competitive inhibition on acetylcholinesterase (Vmax = 8.33 &#956;M/min and KM= 6.25 x 10-4 M). These results indicate that the crude extract of Trema guineensis contains anti-AChE and cholinomimetic substances. These two properties can explain the increase of duodenal contraction by Hypo+. Conclusion:These results support the use of Trema guineensis as a laxative due to its stimulating effects on duodenal contractility. Keywords: Trema guineensis, Myostimulation, Acetylcholinesterase, Hypo+, Duodenal contractionTropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 8 (1) 2009: pp. 11-1

    Determining grain seed micronutrient contents (iron and zinc) and cooking time for selected dry bean cultivars

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    Micronutrient deficiencies caused by lack of Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Vitamin A in the human body have negative effect with regard to health issues worldwide. Imbalances of these nutrients in the human body create a significant risk of illness and mortality among children under five years of age, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Some of the food crops that thought to reduce micronutrients include rice, sweet potato, dry bean, sorghum, corn, barley, and finger millet have been biofortified through ways of agronomic practices, conventional breeding, or modern biotechnology. Despite the fact that dry beans address Fe and Zn&nbsp; deficiencies based on recommended dietary allowances (RDA), they often take a long time to cook. Many communities have limited cooking resources which make them rely on burning wood, charcoal or other biofuels that require more time and money. This study identified dry bean cultivars with enhanced Fe and Zn concentration levels and fast cooking time from 200 cultivars. Experiments were conducted under a complete randomized block design with two replications, 200 cultivars, and two different agro-ecologies. Iron and Zinc concentration levels were determined from the harvested seed grains of each bean cultivar using X-Ray Fluorescence while cooking time of similar cultivars were determined using the Mattson cooker. The variation of Fe and Zn concentration was significantly different at (p&lt;0.001) among the treatments and environments. The range was between 46.76 mg/kg to 107.25 mg/kg for Fe and 21.70 mg/kg to 42.35 mg/kg for Zn concentration. From two testing sites, the concentration of Fe was higher at Lyamungo than SARI and Zn showed inversely proportional to these tested sites which means that the&nbsp; environment and soils were not homogenous in terms of soil health. The highest water uptake was 61.54% and the lowest was 3.70% and the higher the water uptake the lower the cooking time. Fast cooking time was ~15 min and the longest was ~76 min. Small seed-sized cultivars showed fast&nbsp; cooking time than large-seeded. These two traits in identified cultivars will enhance dry bean consumption, which will contribute to alleviating micronutrient deficiencies in this global growing population

    Cancellation of elective surgical procedures in the university teaching hospital center Yalgado Ouedraogo in Burkina Faso: incidence, reasons and proposals for improvement

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    Background: Cancellation of scheduled surgery leads to operating theatre under-occupancy and is recognised as a major cause of emotional trauma to patients and their families. This study aimed to assess the incidence of elective surgery cancellation in order to make proposals for healthcare improvement.Methods: A prospective study was undertaken on cancellation of scheduled surgery in the general surgery service. Cancellation is considered to have occurred when planned surgery did not take place on the day it was scheduled and recognised as ‘final’ when it was no longer considered at a later date. Cancellations were classed as ‘avoidable’ or ‘unavoidable’.Results: A total of 103 surgeries were scheduled for patients with an average age of 41.1 years. Abdominal surgery (36.9%) dominated and 63.1% (n = 65) of the operations were scheduled. Some 36.9% (n = 38) of interventions were delayed, of which 9.7% (n = 10) were definitively cancelled and 27.2% (n = 28) were carried forward. Half of the cancellations (47.4%) were related to equipment and 31.6% related to patient factors. Hospital-related cancellation accounted for 63.9%. Cancellation was avoidable in 68.5% of cases. A financial cause was relevant for 16.6% (n = 6) and 2.6% of cancellations were due to a ‘long preceding intervention’.Conclusion: The impact of cancellation is high and better organisation and communication between relevant role players within the operating theatre should reduce unnecessary cancellation.Keywords: cancellation, elective surgery, operating theatr

    Isolement par partition bio guidé du principe actif myostimulant de l’extrait aqueux de Mareya micrantha (Benth) Mull. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Objectif: Isoler le principe actif myostimulant de l’extrait aqueux de Mareya micrantha (MAR) lors de sa partition dans différents solvants (70 % éthanol / eau ; 50 % cyclohexane / eau et 50 % acétate d’éthyle / eau), en utilisant le duodénum isolé de lapin comme marqueur de l’activité pharmacologique, afin d’identifier la fraction possédant la meilleure activité myostimulante.Méthodologie et résultats: le dispositif d’enregistrement de l’activité mécanique du duodénum isolé de lapin, a permis d’évaluer les propriétés pharmacologiques de MAR, des fractions ((hydro-alcoolique) F1, (cyclohexanique) F2, (aqueuse) F3, (acétate d’éthyle) F4 et (aqueuse) F5) et précipité (P) obtenus par partition de MAR dans différents solvants (70 % éthanol / eau ; 50 % cyclohexane / eau et 50 % acétate d’éthyle / eau). Les effets myostimulants de MAR diminuent fortement en milieu physiologique sans calcium et contenant de l’EDTA. Les fractions, hydro-alcoolique (F1), aqueuses (F3 ; F5), et le précipité (P) obtenus par partition de MAR, stimulent l’activité contractile du duodénum de lapin. La fraction acétate d’éthyle (F4) est myorelaxante, La F2 (cyclo-hexanique) est sans effet. L’étude dose réponse de F5 à des concentrations allant de 20 à 240 Ig. mL-1, montre qu’elle est 120 % plus spasmogène que MAR. Ces effets inotropes positifs de F5 sont inhibés par l’atropine.Conclusion et application: Les principes actifs myostimulants de MAR augmenteraient l’amplitude des contractions du duodénum isolé de lapin en mobilisant principalement le calcium extracellulaire puis intracellulaire comme en témoigne le résultat de l’expérience avec l’EDTA. La forte activité spasmogène de la F5 et l’expérience avec l’atropine, suggèrent que la partition de MAR a enrichi la F5 en principe actifs myostimulants de nature cholinergique. Ces données indiquent que la partition peut contribuer à isoler de manière significative les principes actifs des plantes médicinales, y compris ceux de MAR aux propriétés myostimulantes, justifiant son utilisation comme laxatif.Mots clés: Mareya micrantha, fractions, myostimulant, AtropineEnglish AbstractObjective: To isolate the myostimulant active principle in Mareya micrantha (MAR) aqueous extract during its partition in different solvents (70% aqueous-ethanol, 50% aqueous-cyclohexane and 50% aqueous ethylacetate), while using the isolated rabbit duodenum as a pharmacological activity marker in order to identify the fraction having the best myostimulant activity.Methodology and results: The mechanical activity recording device of the isolated rabbit duodenum, allowed the assessment of the pharmacological properties of MAR, ((Hydro-alcoholic) F1, (cyclohexane) F2, (aqueous) F3, (ethylacetate) F4, (aqueous) F5) fractions and the precipitate (P) obtained by MAR partition in different solvents (70% aqueous-ethanol, 50% aqueous-cyclohexane and 50% aqueous-ethylacetate). The myostimulant effects of MAR decrease strongly in physiological environment without calcium and in presence of the EDTA. The Hydro-alcoholic (F1) and aqueous fractions (F3; F5), and the precipitate (P) stimulate the rabbit duodenum contractile activity. The ethylacetate fraction (F4) is myorelaxant; the cyclohexane fraction (F2) has no effect. The Dose-response study of F5 with concentrations ranging from 20 to 240-Ig. ml -1, shows that it is 120% more spasmogen than MAR. These inotropic positive effects of aqueous fraction (F5) are inhibited by atropine.Conclusion and application: The myostimulant active principles of MAR increased the amplitude of the contractions of the isolated rabbit duodenum by mainly mobilizing the extracellular calcium then the intracellular calcium as with EDTA. The high spasmogen activity of the aqueous fraction (F5) and the experiences with atropine suggest that this partition of MAR enriched the F5 in myostimulant active principles of cholinergic nature. These data indicate that the partition can significantly contribute to isolate the active principles from MAR with myostimulant properties, justifying its use as laxative.Keywords: Mareya micrantha, fractions, myostimulant, Atropin

    Assessment on experimental bacterial biofilms and in clinical practice of the efficacy of sampling solutions for microbiological testing of endoscopes

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    International audienceOpinions differ on the value of microbiological testing of endoscopes, which varies according to the technique used. We compared the efficacy on bacterial biofilms of sampling solutions used for the surveillance of the contamination of endoscope channels. To compare efficacy, we used an experimental model of a 48-h Pseudomonas biofilm grown on endoscope internal tubing. Sampling of this experimental biofilm was performed with a Tween 80-lecithin-based solution, saline, and sterile water. We also performed a randomized prospective study during routine clinical practice in our hospital sampling randomly with two different solutions the endoscopes after reprocessing. Biofilm recovery expressed as a logarithmic ratio of bacteria recovered on bacteria initially present in biofilm was significantly more effective with the Tween 80-lecithin-based solution than with saline solution (P = 0.002) and sterile water (P = 0.002). There was no significant difference between saline and sterile water. In the randomized clinical study, the rates of endoscopes that were contaminated with the Tween 80-lecithin-based sampling solution and the saline were 8/25 and 1/25, respectively (P = 0.02), and the mean numbers of bacteria recovered were 281 and 19 CFU/100 ml (P = 0.001), respectively. In conclusion, the efficiency and therefore the value of the monitoring of endoscope reprocessing by microbiological cultures is dependent on the sampling solutions used. A sampling solution with a tensioactive action is more efficient than saline in detecting biofilm contamination of endoscopes