251 research outputs found

    Large space telescope control moment gyro test program

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    The underlying theory and design of test instrumentation and computer techniques used to determine the power spectral density (PSD) of the third generation gyro are described in detail. Acceptance test results on the completed instrument are presented as well as composite PSD plots. The measured RMS noise over the frequency band 0.0025 - 10 Hz was 0.012 arc seconds. Results obtained at Martin Company indicate an RMS noise of 0.009 arc seconds (0.05 - 10 Hz). The results obtained showed the TGG performance was close to the proposed LST requirements but that additional development work would be needed to reduce the TGG noise to within more desirable limits

    Thomson and Compton scattering with an intense laser pulse

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    Our paper concerns the scattering of intense laser radiation on free electrons and it is focused on the relation between nonlinear Compton and nonlinear Thomson scattering. The analysis is performed for a laser field modeled by an ideal pulse with a finite duration, a fixed direction of propagation and indefinitely extended in the plane perpendicular to it. We derive the classical limit of the quantum spectral and angular distribution of the emitted radiation, for an arbitrary polarization of the laser pulse. We also rederive our result directly, in the framework of classical electrodynamics, obtaining, at the same time, the distribution for the emitted radiation with a well defined polarization. The results reduce to those established by Krafft et al. [Phys. Rev. E 72, 056502 (2005)] in the particular case of linear polarization of the pulse, orthogonal to the initial electron momentum. Conditions in which the differences between classical and quantum results are visible are discussed and illustrated by graphs

    Genetic consequences of Quaternary climatic oscillations in the Himalayas: Primula tibetica as a case study based on restriction site-associated DNA sequencing.

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    The effects of Quaternary climatic oscillations on the demography of organisms vary across regions and continents. In taxa distributed in Europe and North America, several paradigms regarding the distribution of refugia have been identified. By contrast, less is known about the processes that shaped the species' spatial genetic structure in areas such as the Himalayas, which is considered a biodiversity hotspot. Here, we investigated the phylogeographic structure and population dynamics of Primula tibetica by combining genomic phylogeography and species distribution models (SDMs). Genomic data were obtained for 293 samples of P. tibetica using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq). Ensemble SDMs were carried out to predict potential present and past distribution ranges. Four distinct lineages were identified. Approximate Bayesian computation analyses showed that each of them have experienced both expansions and bottlenecks since their divergence, which occurred during or across the Quaternary glacial cycles. The two lineages at both edges of the distribution were found to be more vulnerable and responded in different ways to past climatic changes. These results illustrate how past climatic changes affected the demographic history of Himalayan organisms. Our findings highlight the significance of combining genomic approaches with environmental data when evaluating the effects of past climatic changes

    Rapid climate change results in long-lasting spatial homogenization of phylogenetic diversity

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    Scientific understanding of biodiversity dynamics, resulting from past climate oscillations and projections of future changes in biodiversity, has advanced over the past decade. Little is known about how these responses, past or future, are spatially connected. Analyzing the spatial variability in biodiversity provides insight into how climate change affects the accumulation of diversity across space. Here, we evaluate the spatial variation of phylogenetic diversity of European seed plants among neighboring sites and assess the effects of past rapid climate changes during the Quaternary on these patterns. Our work shows a marked homogenization in phylogenetic diversity across Central and Northern Europe linked to high climate change velocity and large distances to refugia. Our results suggest that the future projected loss in evolutionary heritage may be even more dramatic, as homogenization in response to rapid climate change has occurred among sites across large landscapes, leaving a legacy that has lasted for millennia

    A topical approach to retrievability bias estimation

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    Retrievability is an independent evaluation measure that offers insights to an aspect of retrieval systems that performance and efficiency measures do not. Retrievability is often used to calculate the retrievability bias, an indication of how accessible a system makes all the documents in a collection. Generally, computing the retrievability bias of a system requires a colossal number of queries to be issued for the system to gain an accurate estimate of the bias. However, it is often the case that the accuracy of the estimate is not of importance, but the relationship between the estimate of bias and performance when tuning a systems parameters. As such, reaching a stable estimation of bias for the system is more important than getting very accurate retrievability scores for individual documents. This work explores the idea of using topical subsets of the collection for query generation and bias estimation to form a local estimate of bias which correlates with the global estimate of retrievability bias. By using topical subsets, it would be possible to reduce the volume of queries required to reach an accurate estimate of retrievability bias, reducing the time and resources required to perform a retrievability analysis. Findings suggest that this is a viable approach to estimating retrievability bias and that the number of queries required can be reduced to less than a quarter of what was previously thought necessary

    Fullwave Maxwell inverse design of axisymmetric, tunable, and multi-scale multi-wavelength metalenses

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    We demonstrate new axisymmetric inverse-design techniques that can solve problems radically different from traditional lenses, including \emph{reconfigurable} lenses (that shift a multi-frequency focal spot in response to refractive-index changes) and {\emph{widely separated}} multi-wavelength lenses (λ=1μ\lambda = 1\,\mum and 10μ10\,\mum). We also present experimental validation for an axisymmetric inverse-designed monochrome lens in the near-infrared fabricated via two-photon polymerization. Axisymmetry allows fullwave Maxwell solvers to be scaled up to structures hundreds or even thousands of wavelengths in diameter before requiring domain-decomposition approximations, while multilayer topology optimization with 105\sim 10^5 degrees of freedom can tackle challenging design problems even when restricted to axisymmetric structures.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Laser acceleration of ion beams

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    We consider methods of charged particle acceleration by means of high-intensity lasers. As an application we discuss a laser booster for heavy ion beams provided, e.g. by the Dubna nuclotron. Simple estimates show that a cascade of crossed laser beams would be necessary to provide additional acceleration to gold ions of the order of GeV/nucleon.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Talk at the Helmholtz International Summer School "Dense Matter in heavy Ion Collisions and Astrophysics", August 21 - September 1, 2006, JINR Dubna, Russia; v2, misprints correcte

    Biasing the quantum vacuum to control macroscopic probability distributions

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    One of the most important insights of quantum field theory is that electromagnetic fields must fluctuate. Even in the vacuum state, the electric and magnetic fields have a nonzero variance, leading to ubiquitous effects such as spontaneous emission, the Lamb shift, the Casimir effect, and more. These "vacuum fluctuations" have also been harnessed as a source of perfect randomness, for example to generate perfectly random photonic bits. Despite these achievements, many potential applications of quantum randomness in fields such as probabilistic computing rely on controllable probability distributions, which have not yet been realized on photonic platforms. In this work, we show that the injection of vacuum-level "bias" fields into a multi-stable optical system enables a controllable source of "biased" quantum randomness. We demonstrate this concept in an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). Ordinarily, an OPO initiated from the ground state develops a signal field in one of two degenerate phase states (0 and π\pi) with equal probability. By injecting bias pulses which contain less than one photon on average, we control the probabilities associated with the two output states, leading to the first controllable photonic probabilistic bit (p-bit). We shed light on the physics behind this process, showing quantitative agreement between theory and experiment. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of our approach for sensing sub-photon level fields by showing that our system is sensitive to the temporal shape of bias field pulses far below the single photon level. Our results suggest a new platform for the study of stochastic quantum dynamics in nonlinear driven-dissipative systems, and point toward possible applications in ultrafast photonic probabilistic computing, as well as the sensing of extremely weak fields

    Flowering Date of Taxonomic Families Predicts Phenological Sensitivity to Temperature: Implications for Forecasting the Effects of Climate Change on Unstudied Taxa

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    Premise of the study: Numerous long-term studies in seasonal habitats have tracked interannual variation in fi rst fl owering date (FFD) in relation to climate, documenting the effect of warming on the FFD of many species. Despite these efforts, long-term phenological observations are still lacking for many species. If we could forecast responses based on taxonomic affi nity, however, then we could leverage existing data to predict the climate-related phenological shifts of many taxa not yet studied; Methods: We examined phenological time series of 1226 species occurrences (1031 unique species in 119 families) across seven sites in North America and England to determine whether family membership (or family mean FFD) predicts the sensitivity of FFD to standardized interannual changes in temperature and precipitation during seasonal periods before fl owering and whether families differ signifi cantly in the direction of their phenological shifts; Key results: Patterns observed among species within and across sites are mirrored among family means across sites; earlyfl owering families advance their FFD in response to warming more than late-fl owering families. By contrast, we found no consistent relationships among taxa between mean FFD and sensitivity to precipitation as measured here; Conclusions: Family membership can be used to identify taxa of high and low sensitivity to temperature within the seasonal, temperate zone plant communities analyzed here. The high sensitivity of early-fl owering families (and the absence of earlyfl owering families not sensitive to temperature) may refl ect plasticity in fl owering time, which may be adaptive in environments where early-season conditions are highly variable among years