87 research outputs found

    Influence of feedstock demineralization on the chemical composition of pyrolysis vapours derived from sugarcane residues in py-GC/MS

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    Sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and trash (SCT) are prospective feedstock materials for fast pyrolysis systems. However, their relatively high inorganic content, especially alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEMs), affects the quality of the produced bio-oil. In order to overcome this problem, various chemical pretreatment methods have been developed. This study aims to evaluate the effect of demineralization of SCB and SCT on the chemical composition of the bio-oil, viz. by applying micro-pyrolysis (py-GC/MS). Both biomass types were leached with demineralized water, HCl, H2SO4 and citric acid solutions at different temperatures and leaching times. The results indicate that leaching with either inorganic or organic acids, causes the yields of levoglucosan in the pyrolysis vapours to increase. This is explained by the mitigation of undesirable degradation reactions of cellulose and cellulose intermediates in the presence of catalytically active AAEMs, the latter being partially removed in the leaching process. The limited variations in yield of phenolic compounds upon different pretreatments demonstrated the stability of the lignin irrespective any leaching pretreatment. The composition of pyrolysis vapours derived from citric acid-treated biomass is hardly influenced by any changes in demineralization conditions

    Neuromotor Noise, Error Tolerance and Velocity-Dependent Costs in Skilled Performance

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    In motor tasks with redundancy neuromotor noise can lead to variations in execution while achieving relative invariance in the result. The present study examined whether humans find solutions that are tolerant to intrinsic noise. Using a throwing task in a virtual set-up where an infinite set of angle and velocity combinations at ball release yield throwing accuracy, our computational approach permitted quantitative predictions about solution strategies that are tolerant to noise. Based on a mathematical model of the task expected results were computed and provided predictions about error-tolerant strategies (Hypothesis 1). As strategies can take on a large range of velocities, a second hypothesis was that subjects select strategies that minimize velocity at release to avoid costs associated with signal- or velocity-dependent noise or higher energy demands (Hypothesis 2). Two experiments with different target constellations tested these two hypotheses. Results of Experiment 1 showed that subjects chose solutions with high error-tolerance, although these solutions also had relatively low velocity. These two benefits seemed to outweigh that for many subjects these solutions were close to a high-penalty area, i.e. they were risky. Experiment 2 dissociated the two hypotheses. Results showed that individuals were consistent with Hypothesis 1 although their solutions were distributed over a range of velocities. Additional analyses revealed that a velocity-dependent increase in variability was absent, probably due to the presence of a solution manifold that channeled variability in a task-specific manner. Hence, the general acceptance of signal-dependent noise may need some qualification. These findings have significance for the fundamental understanding of how the central nervous system deals with its inherent neuromotor noise

    Testing Multiple Coordination Constraints with a Novel Bimanual Visuomotor Task

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    The acquisition of a new bimanual skill depends on several motor coordination constraints. To date, coordination constraints have often been tested relatively independently of one another, particularly with respect to isofrequency and multifrequency rhythms. Here, we used a new paradigm to test the interaction of multiple coordination constraints. Coordination constraints that were tested included temporal complexity, directionality, muscle grouping, and hand dominance. Twenty-two healthy young adults performed a bimanual dial rotation task that required left and right hand coordination to track a moving target on a computer monitor. Two groups were compared, either with or without four days of practice with augmented visual feedback. Four directional patterns were tested such that both hands moved either rightward (clockwise), leftward (counterclockwise), inward or outward relative to each other. Seven frequency ratios (3∶1, 2∶1, 3∶2, 1∶1, 2∶3. 1∶2, 1∶3) between the left and right hand were introduced. As expected, isofrequency patterns (1∶1) were performed more successfully than multifrequency patterns (non 1∶1). In addition, performance was more accurate when participants were required to move faster with the dominant right hand (1∶3, 1∶2 and 2∶3) than with the non-dominant left hand (3∶1, 2∶1, 3∶2). Interestingly, performance deteriorated as the relative angular velocity between the two hands increased, regardless of whether the required frequency ratio was an integer or non-integer. This contrasted with previous finger tapping research where the integer ratios generally led to less error than the non-integer ratios. We suggest that this is due to the different movement topologies that are required of each paradigm. Overall, we found that this visuomotor task was useful for testing the interaction of multiple coordination constraints as well as the release from these constraints with practice in the presence of augmented visual feedback

    Industry Participation in the Interdisciplinary Team Design Project Course of a Master of Architectural Engineering Program

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    This is a case study of extensive industry participation in the capstone design course of the Master of Architectural Engineering program at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. This course, entitled Interdisciplinary Team Design Project, pairs teams of professional engineers and students to provide mentoring, assessment, and feedback, as the students work on interdisciplinary teams to design the building systems for a real-world project. For the spring 2010 semester, over 33 industry professionals participated in the course, each contributing approximately 40 to 50 hours of mentoring and assessment. This paper describes the course format and industry involvement, which provides students with invaluable, hands-on learning experiences

    Dynamic enforcement of determinism in a parallel scripting language

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