2,367 research outputs found

    The VVV Survey RR Lyrae Population in the Galactic Center Region

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    Indexación: Scopus.We gratefully acknowledge the use of data from the ESO Public Survey program ID 179.B-2002 taken with the VISTA telescope, and data products from the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU). Support for the authors is provided by the BASAL Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) through grant PFB-06, and the Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism, Programa Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio through grant IC120009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS). D.M. and M.Z. acknowledge support from FONDECYT Regular grants No. 1170121, and 1150345, respectively. P.H. acknowledges financial support from FONDECYT regular grant 1170305. F.G. acknowledge support from CONICYT-PCHA Doctorado Nacional 2017-21171485 and Proyecto Fondecyt Regular 1150345. J.A.-G. acknowledges support by FONDECYT Iniciacion 11150916. D.M. is also grateful for the hospitality of the Vatican Observatory. This research made use of Astropy, a community-developed core Python package for astronomy; Scikit-learn, NumPy, and matplotlib, a Python library for publication-quality graphics; and Aladin Sky Atlas, developed at CDS, Strasbourg Observatory, France, and TOPCAT.Deep near-IR images from the VISTA Variables in the V a L ctea (VVV) Survey were used to search for RR Lyrae stars within 100 arcmin from the Galactic Center. A large sample of 960 RR Lyrae of type ab (RRab) stars were discovered. A catalog is presented featuring the positions, magnitudes, colors, periods, and amplitudes for the sample, in addition to estimated reddenings, distances, and metallicities, and measured individual relative proper motions. We use the reddening-corrected Wesenheit magnitudes, defined as WKs Ks 0.428 J Ks = - ( - ), in order to isolate bona fide RRL belonging to the Galaxy Center, finding that 30 RRab are foreground/background objects. We measure a range of extinctions from AKs 0.19 = to 1.75 mag for the RRab in this region, finding that large extinction is the main cause of the sample incompleteness. The mean period is P =0.5446±0.0025 days, yielding a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] =-1.30±0.01 (ς = 0.33) dex for the RRab sample in the Galactic Center region. The median distance for the sample is D =8.05±0.02 kpc. We measure the RRab surface density using the less reddened region sampled here, finding a density of 1000 RRab/sq deg at a projected Galactocentric distance RG =1.6 deg. Under simple assumptions, this implies a large total mass (M>109Me) for the old and metal-poor population contained inside RG. We also measure accurate relative proper motions, from which we derive tangential velocity dispersions of ςVl =125.0 and ςVb =124.1 km s-1 along the Galactic longitude and latitude coordinates, respectively. The fact that these quantities are similar indicate that the bulk rotation of the RRab population is negligible, and implies that this population is supported by velocity dispersion. In summary, there are two main conclusions of this study. First, the population as a whole is no different from the outer bulge RRab, predominantly a metal-poor component that is shifted with respect to the Oosterhoff type I population defined by the globular clusters in the halo. Second, the RRab sample, as representative of the old and metal-poor stellar population in the region, has high velocity dispersions and zero rotation, suggesting a formation via dissipational collapse. ©2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aacf9

    Agricultural matrices affect ground ant assemblage composition inside forest fragments

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    © 2018 Assis et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The establishment of agricultural matrices generally involves deforestation, which leads to fragmentation of the remaining forest. This fragmentation can affect forest dynamics both positively and negatively. Since most animal species are affected, certain groups can be used to measure the impact of such fragmentation. This study aimed to measure the impacts of agricultural crops (matrices) on ant communities of adjacent lower montane Atlantic rainforest fragments. We sampled nine forest fragments at locations surrounded by different agricultural matrices, namely: coffee (3 replicates); sugarcane (3); and pasture (3). At each site we installed pitfall traps along a 500 m transect from the interior of the matrix to the interior of the fragment (20 pitfall traps ~25 m apart). Each transect was partitioned into four categories: interior of the matrix; edge of the matrix; edge of the fragment; and interior of the fragment. For each sample site, we measured ant species richness and ant community composition within each transect category. Ant richness and composition differed between fragments and matrices. Each sample location had a specific composition of ants, probably because of the influence of the nature and management of the agricultural matrices. Species composition in the coffee matrix had the highest similarity to its corresponding fragment. The variability in species composition within forest fragments surrounded by pasture was greatest when compared with forest fragments surrounded by sugarcane or, to a lesser extent, coffee. Functional guild composition differed between locations, but the most representative guild was ‘generalist’ both in the agricultural matrices and forest fragments. Our results are important for understanding how agricultural matrices act on ant communities, and also, how these isolated forest fragments could act as an island of biodiversity in an ‘ocean of crops’

    Geometry of Middle to Late Triassic extensional deformation pattern in the Cordillera del Viento (Southern Central Andes): A combined field and geophysical study

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    Combined field and gravimetric-magnetic data reveal a complex pattern of extensional structures superimposed to the late Carboniferous – Early Permian Gondwanan orogen at the inner sectors of the Southern Central Andes, in the westernmost part of the Chos Malal fold and thrust belt at the cordillera del Viento area. W-NW, NW basement structures of regional significance, segmented by minor NE structures are bounding Late Triassic depocenters and structural highs corresponding to the cordillera del Viento rifting, equivalent to the Precuyo cycle. A pattern of roughly N-S trending structures recognized in the field associated with Andean thrusts do not show evidences of previ­ous structural controls, as they cut the magnetic anomalies. Field observations show that W-NW, NW and NE normal structures control changes in Late Triassic sedimentary thicknesses and are associated with synextensional geometries. Our model indicates that Late Triassic rifting in the area would have had a regional W-NW to NW trend being segmented by minor NE structures. Both sets were reactivated dur­ing Andean times, acting W-NW and NW structures as transfer zones between decoupled contractional panels and NE structures as frontal contractional structures. N-S contractional structures did not respect rifting architecture cutting through the depocenters and occasionaly exhuming synextensional geometries.La combinacion de datos de campo, junto con magnéticos y gravimétricos, revelan un patrón complejo de estructuras sobreimpuestas al orógeno gondwánico (Carbonífero superior– Pérmico) en el sector interno de la faja plegada y corrida de los Andes Centrales australes, en el área de la cordillera del Viento. Estructuras de basamento W-NW, NW de significancia regional, segmentadas por estruturas menores NE están limitando depocentros y altos estructurales correspondientes al rifting del Triásico Superior de la cordillera del Viento, equivalente de las unidades del ciclo Precuyo. En el campo se reconoce además un patrón de estructuras de rumbo N, asociadas a fallas andinas que no muestran evidencias de un control estrutural previo, ya que las anomalías magnéticas están cortadas por éstas. Las observaciones de campo demuestran que tanto las estructuras W-NW y NW como las NE controlan cambios de espesor de los sedimentos del Triásico Superior y se asocian a geometrías sinextensionales. El modelo propuesto indica que el rifting del Triásico Superior podría haber tenido una geometría elongada según el patrón de estructuras identificadas W-NW a NW, segmentado por estructuras menores NE. Ambas muestran reactivación durante tiempos andinos, las primeras actuando como zonas de transferencia entre sectores que muestran diferentes grados y mecánicas de contracción y las últimas como estructuras frontales contraccionales. Las estructuras contraccionales de orientación N-S no respetan la arquitectura del rift triásico, cortando los depocentros y eventualmente exhumando geometrías sinextensionales

    The VVV survey: Long-period variable stars I. Photometric catalog of ten VVV/OGLE tiles

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    Long-period variable stars (LPVs) are pulsating red giants, primarily in the asymptotic giant branch phase, and they include both Miras and semi-regular variables (SRVs). Their period-age and period-luminosity relations enable us to trace different stellar populations, as they are intrinsically very bright and cover a wide range in distances and ages. The purpose of this study is to establish a census of LPV stars in a region close to the Galactic center, using the six-year database of the Vista Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) ESO Public Survey, as well as to describe the methodology that was employed to search for and characterize LPVs using VVV data. Near-IR surveys such as VVV provide a unique opportunity to probe the high-extinction innermost regions of the Milky Way. The detection and analysis of the intrinsically bright Miras in this region could provide us with an excellent probe of the properties of the Milky Way far behind its bulge. We used point-spread function photometry for all available KsK_{s}-band images in ten VVV tiles, covering 16.4 deg216.4~\deg^2 in total, overlapping fields observed in the course of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE)-III survey. We designed a method to select LPV candidates, and we used the known variables from OGLE-III and other known variables from the literature to test our approach. The reduced χ2\chi^2 statistic, along with the flux-independent index K(fi)K_{(fi)}, were used in our analysis. The Lomb-Scargle period search method, Fourier analysis, template fitting, and visual inspection were then performed to refine our sample and characterize the properties of the stars included in our catalog. A final sample of 130 Mira candidates, of which 129 are new discoveries, was thus obtained, with periods in the range between about 80 and 1400~days

    Post-synthesis incorporation of Al into germanosilicate ITH zeolites: the influence of treatment conditions on the acidic properties and catalytic behavior in tetrahydropyranylation

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    Post-synthesis alumination of germanosilicate medium-pore ITH zeolites was shown to be an effective procedure for tuning their acidity. Treatment of ITH zeolites synthesized with different chemical compositions (i.e. Si/Ge = 2.5, 4.4 and 5.8) with aqueous Al(NO3)(3) solution led to the formation of strong Bronsted and Lewis acid sites and an increasing fraction of ultramicro- and meso-pores in Ge-rich ITH samples (Si/Ge = 2.5 and 4.4). The concentration of Al incorporated into the framework increases with decreasing Si/Ge ratio of the parent ITH. The increasing temperature of alumination from 80 to 175 degrees C (HT conditions) resulted in (1) a 1.5-2-fold increase in the concentration of Bronsted acid sites formed and (2) a decreasing fraction of framework Al atoms detectable with base probe molecules (i.e. pyridine, 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine), i.e. an increased concentration of the "inner" acid sites. The activity of prepared Al-substituted ITH zeolites in tetrahydropyranylation of alcohols is enhanced with increasing amount of accessible acid sites in bulky crystals (e.g. alumination at lower temperature) or with increasing total concentration of acid centres within tiny ITH crystals (e.g. alumination under HT conditions). This trend became more prominent with increasing kinetic diameter of the substrate molecules under investigation (methanol < 1-propanol < 1-hexanol).Post-synthesis alumination of germanosilicate medium-pore ITH zeolites was shown to be an effective procedure for tuning their acidity. Treatment of ITH zeolites synthesized with different chemical compositions (i.e.Si/Ge = 2.5, 4.4 and 5.8) with aqueous5529732984Czech Science Foundation [14-30898P, 13-17593P

    Tuberculomas múltiples en el sistema nervioso central en un paciente pediátrico: Reporte de caso

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    Introducción: El hallazgo de tuberculomas múltiples en el sistema nervioso central (SNC) en pacientes pediátricos es infrecuente. Reporte de caso: presentamos el caso de un paciente escolar que ingresó con un tiempo de enfermedad de 6 meses caracterizado por cambio conductual, pérdida de peso, cefalea y hemiparesia izquierda. Los estudios de imágenes mostraron tuberculomas múltiples en el SNC, milia pulmonar y granulomas hepáticos. El estudio de líquido cefalorraquídeo mostró proteinorraquia. Los estudios de BK y la prueba de tuberculina (PPD) fueron negativos.  El test de interferón gamma (IGRA) fue positivo. El paciente recibió tratamiento con esquema I anti TBC con buena respuesta. Las resonancias magnéticas de control mostraron disminución del número y tamaño de las lesiones. Conclusiones: El hallazgo de tuberculomas múltiples a nivel del SNC es infrecuente, con un amplio diagnóstico diferencial y variada presentación clínica. En países endémicos como Perú, se debe considerar en el diagnostico diferencial. Introducción: El hallazgo de tuberculomas múltiples en el sistema nervioso central (SNC) en pacientes pediátricos es infrecuente. Reporte de caso: presentamos el caso de un paciente escolar que ingresó con un tiempo de enfermedad de 6 meses caracterizado por cambio conductual, pérdida de peso, cefalea y hemiparesia izquierda. Los estudios de imágenes mostraron tuberculomas múltiples en el SNC, milia pulmonar y granulomas hepáticos. El estudio de líquido cefalorraquídeo mostró proteinorraquia. Los estudios de BK y la prueba de tuberculina (PPD) fueron negativos.  El test de interferón gamma (IGRA) fue positivo. El paciente recibió tratamiento con esquema I anti TBC con buena respuesta. Las resonancias magnéticas de control mostraron disminución del número y tamaño de las lesiones. Conclusiones: El hallazgo de tuberculomas múltiples a nivel del SNC es infrecuente, con un amplio diagnóstico diferencial y variada presentación clínica. En países endémicos como Perú, se debe considerar en el diagnostico diferencial.