8,343 research outputs found

    La alteridad como eje explicativo del proyecto viquiano

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    El autor afirma la posibilidad de endender la Historia como ámbito de la alteridad. Éste sería el núcleo fundamental de la filosofía viquiana y de su proyección hacia lo divinoThe author supports the possibility of understanding History as a space of alterity. This would be the fundamental kernel of Vico’s philosophy, and of his projection towards divinit

    Contenido polínico de algunas plantas entomófilas ornamentales en la atmósfera de Salamanca

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Promotion of Healthy Physical Activity in School Recreation

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    Los autores desean mostrar su agradecimiento al profesorado de Educación Física de los centros participantes por su colaboración, a los equipos directivos de dichos centros por su apoyo y a las familias de los alumnos por autorizar la realización de la investigaciónEl objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar qué medidas se podrían tomar para aumentar los niveles generales de actividad física del alumnado de sexto de Educación Primaria durante los periodos de recreo escolar. Se implementó un programa específico desde el currículum de la asignatura de Educación Física y, después de haber finalizado la aplicación del citado programa, se comprobó los niveles de actividad física. También se realizó una observación pasados treinta días de su finalización, con el fin de comprobar en qué medida se modifican los hábitos de actividad física. El instrumento de recogida de datos fue el podómetro, que los participantes utilizaron durante los periodos de recreo escolar. El análisis de los resultados permite afirmar que la aplicación del programa específico objeto de estudio incide positivamente sobre el incremento del volumen de actividad física que realiza el alumnado en su tiempo libre y que, pasados treinta días desde su aplicación, el alumnado mantiene parte de incremento adquirido, modificando su hábito de actividad durante el recreo escolarThe objective of this work was to investigate what measures could be taken to increase the general levels of physical activity of students in sixth grade of Primary Education during the school breaks. A specific program was implemented from the curriculum of the subject of Physical Education and, after completing its application, physical activity levels were analyzed. In addition, an observation was conducted thirty days after its completion, in order to verify to what extent the habits of physical activity are modified. The instrument of data collection was the pedometer, which the participants used during the periods of school break. The analysis of the results allows affirming that the application of the specific program object of study affects positively on the increase of the volume of physical activity that the students do in their free time and that, after thirty days from its application, the students keep part of this increase acquired, which means a change in their activity habit during school break

    Estudio aeropalinológico de la familia Oleaceae en la atmósfera de Salamanca (1995-2003)

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Flux-cutting and flux-transport effects in type-II superconductor slabs in a parallel rotating magnetic field

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    The magnetic response of irreversible type-II superconductor slabs subjected to in-plane rotating magnetic field is investigated by applying the circular, elliptic, extended-elliptic, and rectangular flux-line-cutting critical-state models. Specifically, the models have been applied to explain experiments on a PbBi rotating disk in a fixed magnetic field Ha{\bm H}_a, parallel to the flat surfaces. Here, we have exploited the equivalency of the experimental situation with that of a fixed disk under the action of a parallel magnetic field, rotating in the opposite sense. The effect of both the magnitude HaH_a of the applied magnetic field and its angle of rotation αs\alpha_s upon the magnetization of the superconductor sample is analyzed. When HaH_a is smaller than the penetration field HPH_P, the magnetization components, parallel and perpendicular to Ha{\bm H_a}, oscillate with increasing the rotation angle. On the other hand, if the magnitude of the applied field, HaH_a, is larger than HPH_P, both magnetization components become constant functions of αs\alpha_s at large rotation angles. The evolution of the magnetic induction profiles inside the superconductor is also studied.Comment: 12 pages, 29 figure

    Cattle marks similarity measure by shape distributions

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    This paper reports the investigation results addressed to design of a di­gital image processing method for automate the registration and control process of livestock marks according to Colombian regulations livestock sector. It allows automate the process of search and comparison required for livestock mark uniqueness assurance on a computer assisted system. First, a histogram is generated based on statistical distribution of geome­trical information, which permit to detect similarities between registered marks by means Minkowski-based metric. The results show that the method allows discriminating between images using a digital signature from a Shape Distribution the geometric structure reducing ambiguity and ensuring the uniqueness of registered marks. We show the results and make an analysis of system application.Este documento reporta los resultados de una investigación orientada hacia el diseño de un método de tratamiento de imágenes digitales para la automatización de los procesos de registro y control de marcas de ga­nado requeridas por las regulaciones del sector ganadero en Colombia. El método permite automatizar los procesos de búsqueda y de comparación necesarios para garantizar la unicidad de las marcas dentro de un sistema asistido por computadora. Se inicia con la generación de un histograma estimado de la geometría de la marca, lo que permite comparar y detec­tar similitudes entre las figuras previamente almacenadas, mediante una métrica de similitud basada en la distancia de Minkowski. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el método es adecuado para realizar un proceso de discriminación de dichas imágenes, reducir las ambigüedades y garantizar la unicidad de los registros. Los resultados obtenidos y un análisis de su aplicación son reportados

    Neutralização do veneno de Bitis parviocula (serpente da Montanha da Etiópia) pelo antiveneno do Instituto Africano de Pesquisa Médica (SAIMR)

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    BACKGROUND: The Ethiopian mountain adder (Bitis parviocula) is a viperid known only from a few locations in southwestern Ethiopia. METHODS: a total of 30 µg of B. arietans and B. parviocula venoms were run on a 10-20% Tricine gel. To assay lethality dose fifty (LD50), five groups of eight mice for each venom were used. Hemorrhagic activity for crude venom was tested. Fibrinogenolytic activity of crude venom was measured using (2.5 mg/mL) of fibrinogen solution and (0.03 mg/mL) of crude venom. Gelatinase activity of the venom was tested on a Kodak X-OMAT TM film. Crude venoms of B. parviocula and B. arietans were tested for their abilities to affect clotting time, clotting rate and platelet function on whole human blood. RESULTS: The (SAIMR) antivenom was confirmed in this study to neutralize the lethal activity of venom from Bitis parviocula. The ED50s of SAIMR antivenom on B. parviocula and B. arietans neutralized half of 18.2 and 66.7 mg of venom, respectively. The hemorrhagic activities (MHDs) of B. parviocula and B. arietans were 0.88 and 1.7 µg, respectively. Bitis arietans and B. parviocula venoms degradated α and β chains at different times. The γ chains remained unaffected. Bitis parviocula venom did not exhibit gelatinase activity, while B. arietans had a MGD of 6.9 µg. At 3 mg/mL, the crude venoms of B. parviocula and B. arietans did not significantly affect clotting time or clotting rate. CONCLUSIONS: The SAIMR antivenom is very effective in neutralizing the venom of B. parviocula and should be considered in treating envenomations by these snakes.BACKGROUND: Serpente das Montanhas da Etiópia (Bitis parviocula) é um viperídeo conhecido somente em poucas localizações do sudoeste da Etiópia. MÉTODOS: Um total de 30 µg de veneno de B. arietans e B. parviocula foram corridos em gel de 10 a 20% de tricina. Para se estabelecer a quinquagésima dose de letalidade (LD50) foram usados cinco grupos de oito camundongos para cada veneno. A atividade hemorrágica para o veneno cru foi testada. A atividade fibrogenolítica do veneno cru foi medida usando 2,5 mg/mL de solução de fibrinogênio e 0,03 mg/mL de veneno cru. A atividade de gelatinase do veneno foi testada em um filme KODAK X-OMAT TM. Venenos crus de B. parviocula e B. arietans foram testados no que diz respeito à sua capacidade de afetar o tempo de coagulação, a velocidade de coagulação e a função plaquetogênica em sangue humano total. RESULTADO: o antiveneno SAIMR foi confirmado neste estudo no que diz respeito à neutralização da atividade letal do veneno de Bitis parviocula. ED50s do antiveneno SAIMR sobre a B. parviocula e B. arietans neutralizou metade de 18,2 e 66,7 mg respectivamente do veneno. As atividades hemorrágicas (MHDs) de B. parviocula e B. arietans foram respectivamente 0,88 e 1,7 µg. Os venenos de B. arietans e B. parviocula degradaram cadeias α e β em tempos diferentes. A cadeia Γ permaneceu não afetada. O veneno da B. parviocula não mostrou atividade de gelatinase, enquanto o de B. arietans teve um MGD de 6,9 µg. A nível de 3 mg/mL os venenos crus de B. parviocula e B. arietans não afetaram significantemente o tempo e a velocidade de coagulação. CONCLUSÕES: O antiveneno SAIMR é bastante efetivo para neutralizar o veneno da B. parviocula e deveria ser considerado para o tratamento de envenenamentos por estas serpentes