681 research outputs found

    Peramalan Jumlah Produksi Ikan dengan Menggunakan Backpropagation Neural Network (Studi Kasus: UPTD Pelabuhan Perikanan Banjarmasin

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    Pelabuhan Perikanan Banjarmasin (UPTD dibawah binaan Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kalimantan Selatan) mempunyai salah satu tugas pokok dan fungsi untuk memproduksi hasil tangkapan ikan dari kapal-kapal nelayan dan mendistribusikannya ke berbagai daerah untuk dipasarkan dalam setiap bulannya. Hasil pemasaran ini nantinya akan digunakan Pemerintah Daerah untuk meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dari provinsi itu sendiri. Permasalahan yang ada adalah jumlah produksi ikan ini umumnya tidak menentu pada setiap bulannya yang mungkin juga dapat berdampak pada kegiatan utama lainnya, seperti penyaluran es pendingin, penyediaan air bersih, dan kegiatan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan proses produksi. Hal seperti ini merupakan permasalahan lumrah dalam bidang peramalan, yaitu ketidakpastian suatu keadaan apabila dilihat fakta-fakta history yang telah lalu. Oleh karena itu, penulis mencoba mencari solusi dengan penggunaan metode peramalan ANN untuk melihat sistemasi dari kegiatan produksi pada instansi ini. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) merupakan sebuah sistem pemrosesan data dengan meniru cara kerja sistem saraf manusia. ANN merupakan sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas banyak elemen pemrosesan sederhana yang terhubung secara paralel. Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) dikatakan memiliki kelebihan dalam aspek pembelajaran sistem (adaptive) dan memiliki resiko kesalahan kecil (fault tolerance) terhadap pemecahan masalah. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan model, output, hasil analisis, dan aplikasi peramalan produksi ikan yang dapat digunakan oleh instansi terkait untuk memprediksi variabel produksi ikan pada periode-periode berikutnya

    Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Daun Kucai (Allium Schoenoprasum L.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Streptococcus Mutans

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    Salah satu tanaman di Indonesia yang sering digunakan sebagai bahan pengobatan alami yaitu Daun Kucai (Allium schoenoprasum L.). Daun dari tanaman kucai telah diteliti dan diketahui memiliki kandungan yang diduga dapat bersifat sebagai antibakteri yakni allicin, saponin, tannin, flavonoid, dan triterpenoid.penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya hambat ekstrak daun Kucai terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium dengan menggunakan 3 konsentrasi yaitu, 2%, 4%, dan 8%. Control positif Ciprofloxacin dan control negatif Na CMC. Pengujian antibakteri ini menggunakan metode difusi dengan kertas cakram.Daya hambat diperoleh berdasarkan pengukuran zona hambat yang terbentuk di sekitar paper disk dengan menggunakan mistar.Analisis statistik yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji ANOVA dan Uji BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diameter zona hambat untuk Streptococcus mutans pada konsentrasi ekstrak daun Kucai 2% b/v  9,33 mm, 4% b/v 10,66 mm, dan 8% b/v 12,66 mm, sedangkan pada control negatif tidak memperlihatkan adanya zona hambatan dan pada control positif adalah 22 mm. Pada hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang berbeda nyata antara berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak daun Kucai dalam menghambat bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Ini berarti, semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak daun Kucai maka semakin luas diameter zona hambat.Ekstrak daun Kucai dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S.mutans.Namun, masih belum efektif dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif (Ciprofloxacin)

    Kualitas Sperma Ejakulat Pejantan Ayam Kukuak Balenggek Pada Pengandangan Tunggal Terisolasi (Ejaculated Sperm Quality of Isolated Single Caging of Balenggek Chickens)

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    The Balenggek chicken is a long crower type fowl. This fowl have isolated and caging in single cage for years to result the long crower sound.This study was carried out to identify the influence of fed to the ejaculate sperm quality of balenggek chickens. First, the sperm were collected from isolated caging of Balenggek fowl more or less than three years and un-isolated caging of Balenggek fowl as control group. Second, the sperm were collected from isolated caging of Balenggek fowl more or less than three years and un-isolated caging of Balenggek fowl as control group, after treated by 124 ComFed for three months. The sperm were collected by massages methods and analyze with counting chamber of Improve Neubauer. Slides of sperm were stained by Eosin. Variables observed were sperm ejaculated, colours, and sperm consistency. The results shows that the sperm quality of Balenggek fowl increased (from 2.5 billion sperm/ml to 3.5 billion sperm/ml) significantly higher (p<0.05) in isolated caging fowl with reschedule feeding. Sperm color and its consistency were increased from + (c quality) to ++ (b quality). It can conclude that single caging could decreased the ejaculated sperm of Balengggek chickens quality and it. could reveal increased after it treated by 124 ConFed

    Kemampuan Menulis Pesan Singkat Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This study investigated the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. This study aims to determine the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan This study is a descriptive-quantitative. This research data is data result of taking the test, the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Instruments in this research is a form of an essay test on the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. The data collection was done by using the test. The population in this study were 98 students with the determination of the full sample as many as 98 students. Data were analyzed with descriptive methods. The validity of the data obtained through the method of data validation. Results of this study of the test results the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Judging from the ability to write a short message seventh grade students of SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan fall into the medium category with an average value of 79.10

    Protecting tear-film stability under adverse environmental conditions using a mucomimetic with a non-Newtonian viscosity agent

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    Background and Objectives: Tamarind-seed polysaccharide (TSP) and hyaluronic acid (HA) have mucoadhesive properties that improve drug absorption and delay in drug elimination from the ocular surface. We aimed to evaluate TSP/HA-containing formulation for its efficiency in dry-eye symptoms induced by adverse environments and the interaction between mucomimic polymer and tear-film parameters. Materials and Methods: The participants were exposed to 5% relative humidity (RH) in a Controlled Environment Chamber (CEC) under constant room temperature (21 °C). Tear-film parameters were assessed at 40% RH and 5% RH. Rohto Dry Eye Relief drops were used in the two treatment modalities, protection (drops instilled before exposure to the dry environment) and relief (drops instilled after exposure to the dry environment). The HIRCAL grid, Servomed EP3 Evaporimeter, and Keeler’s TearScope-Plus were used to screen for non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT), tear evaporation rate, and lipid-layer thickness (LLT) using protection and relief treatment methodology. Results: LLT was found to be significantly thinner at 5% RH compared with at 40% RH (p = 0.007). The median LLT dropped from 50–70 nm (grade 3) at 40% RH to 10–50 nm (grade 2) at 5% RH. TSP/HA eye drops significantly augment LLT in both treatment modalities, protection (p = 0.01) and relief (p = 0.004) at 5% RH. The mean evaporation rate doubled from 40.93 at 40% RH to 82.42 g/m2/h after exposure to 5% RH. In protection mode, the TSP/HA allowed the average evaporation rate to be much lower than when no TSP/HA was used at 5% RH (p &lt; 0.008). No alteration in evaporation rate was recorded when the TSP/HA drop was used after exposure (relief). The mean NITBUT was reduced from 13 s in normal conditions to 6 s in the dry environment. Instillation of TSP/HA eye drops resulted in significant improvement (p = 0.006) in tear stability, where the NITBUT increased to 8 s in both protection (before exposure) and relief (after exposure) (p = 0.001). Although improved, these values were still significantly lower than NITBUT observed at 40% RH. Conclusions: Significant protection of tear-film parameters was recorded post instillation of TSP/HA eye drop under a desiccating environment. Both treatment methods (protection and relief) were shown to be effective. The presence of TSP/HA enhances the effectiveness of teardrops in protecting the tear-film parameters when exposed to adverse environments.</p

    Halal tourism: definition, justification, and scopes towards sustainable development

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    Sustainability is a worldwide concern embedded in every sphere of human life including economic, environmental, and as well as social aspects. Similarly, tourism is one of the major areas of many economies where sustainability is a rising concern. Sustainable tourism has been defined by several organizations like WTO, ICOMOS, and many studies as well. Additionally, Halal tourism, often termed as Islamic tourism or Muslim friendly tourism, is a new concept in the tourism industry that opens up new and exciting opportunities for enhancing economic growth. The idea 'Halal' additionally relates the idea 'Toyyib' which means great. Along these lines, the importance of 'Halal' is anything which is allowed by sharia’h and great for human being. The coordination of moral qualities alongside religious qualities opens up the limit of halal tourism from 2.8 billion Muslim consumers to non-Muslim consumers too around the globe. The fusion of halaln-toyyiban (Lawful and goodness) can be related to every field of sustainability. Halal tourism, one of the components of the Halal industry, in fact, addresses a few of the seventeen sustainable development goals (SDGs) and can have a significant contribution towards sustainability. It has now become a lifestyle choice of Muslim travelers and also drawing the attention of non-Muslims as well. Recent data shows Muslim spending on Halal travel was USD169 billion in 2016 and estimated to reach USD283 billion by 2022. It is essential to understand and also spread the sustainable aspect of Halal tourism in the global economy which can enhance the growth of the industry. This perspective will also make all consumers welcome and accept halal tourism keeping aside any religious zeal. Based on literature review and secondary data, this paper defines and justifies the term ‘Halal’ accepted and welcomed by all. The study provides the definition of Halal in the form of a table where the term has been adopted as an acronym. Each letter of the acronym HALAL stands for different attributes of Halal concept. Combining all these aspects together completes the definition of Halal. The definition of Halal tourism has also been deducted integrating all the aspects (Shariah law, target customer, destination, purpose, and product and services) together to be covered in terms of both sustainable and halal tourism. Simultaneously, it justifies the definitions of tourism from both sustainable and Islamic perspective. The study also identifies how halal tourism addresses four important SDGs and contributes towards sustainable development. Additionally, and it explores the scope of halal tourism to contribute more in relation to other SDGs in a greater extent. This paper contributes to the halal industry, that represents Islamic economy as well, providing a universal definition of Halal, clarifying the sustainability perspective of both Halal and halal tourism, and identifying the SDGs addressed by Halal tourism. This study opens up greater research scopes regarding other components of Halal industry and sustainable development

    Improving the psychometric properties of the Mooney problem checklist by using Rasch measurement model

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    This study aims to examine the psychometric characteristics of Mooney Problem Checklist(MPCL) items using the Rasch measurement model framework in the context ofpolytechnics. The MPCL with eleven dimensions was administered to 252 respondents whowere selected from seven polytechnic institutions in Malaysia. The analysis was conductedusing WINSTEPS in order to examine the psychometric properties such as item fit statistics, unidimensionality, local independence, item polarity, reliability, separation index and item-person map with reference to Rasch measurement model. The results obtained showed that 244 items from 327 items was found to have fulfilled the main assumptions and measurement criteria of Rasch measurement model. This study provides significant contribution to improving the scale development and validation of MPCL instrument modification using the Rasch measurement model Malaysia.Keywords: Mooney Problem Checklist; adversities; polytechnic; Raschmeasurement mode

    Growth and survival of lactic acid bacteria isolated from byproduct of virgin coconut oil as probiotic candidate for poultry.

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    The main objective of this research is to investigate the potential of LABs isolated from processing byproduct of the VCO in in vitro conditions for use as probiotics in poultry. Forty eight LABs were isolated and four of them have been selected for further study i.e. Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 and Lh4. A series of tests carried out by studying the ability of bacteria to survive at 37 and 42°C, tolerance of LAB at pH 2, 0, 5, 7 and 7, 0 and tolerance to gastric juice as well as sensitivity to several antibiotics commonly was given to poultry. The survival of LABs was evaluated after 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 and 300 min of incubation. The sensitivity test to antibiotics was performed by Muller Hinton's agar. All the bacteria showed tolerance and ability to grow at pH 5 and 7, but only Lh4 enabled to tolerate at pH 2. All of LAB can grow at gastric juice stimulated. Lh4 was not sensitive to all antibiotics (clear zones: 0.33 mm) but the other LABs were sensitive (clear zones: 5-12 mm). The conclusion of this research is the ability of LABs to grow in in vitro conditions varies. The Lh4 has demonstrated its ability to grow and the best survival with the OD (λ = 580) is 1.99 after 300 min of incubation at pH 2 and has shown the most resistant to all antibiotics tested with a wide clear zone 0.33 mm, hence potentially be used for probiotic in poultry

    Kecepatan Membaca Efektif Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    This study titled The Effective Reading Speed class XI student of SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan, Indragiri Hilir Regency. The problem in the study of how fast effective reading is, there any difference in the effective speed reading samples per group, per rank, per ethnic, per department and per gender is. The method used is descriptive method, with a total sample of 146 students in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Tembilahan. Data collection techniques to provide a test reading paragraphs exposition, consisting of four topics, such as Religion, Sports, Education and Environment. Every topic paragraph exposition consists of 60-160 wpm. The time process of reading paragraph is calculated by the researchers. After that, the students were given a multiple choice test consisting of five questions and five answers per topic selection. Then researchers correcting students' answer sh using the reading speed formula. To know there any difference is in the speed of reading per group of samples, per rank, per ethnic, calculated using ANOVA. Per department, and per gender, calculated using the t test. If ANOVA rejected, counting is used again with the t test. Based on the research, the result that (1) the speed of effective reading low category (2) the speed of effective reading per different sample group, science class in speed reading higher than social class, the reading speed of science class is low category and social class is very low category (3) The speed Effective reading per rank is different, the first is high category ranking and the second ranked low category, ranking third category is very low (4) The effective reading speed per ethnic is the same or no difference (5) the effective reading speed by different departments, the speed reading of science majors (141 , 27 as low category) is higher than the social majors (114.99 as very low category) (6) effective reading speed per gender, women effective speed reading higher 136.86) than men (120.67) but as same as low category. Overall, it can be concluded that the effective speed reading class XI student of SMAN 2 Tembilahan Indragiri Hilir Regency has low category which is between 120-150 wpm