434 research outputs found

    An RND transporter in the monoterpene metabolism of Castellaniella defragrans

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    The betaproteobacterium Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen grows on monoterpenes at concentrations toxic to many bacteria. Tolerance mechanisms include modifications of the membrane fatty acid composition and the mineralization of monoterpenes. In this study, we characterized an efflux transporter associated to the monoterpene metabolism. The inner-membrane transporter AmeD (apolar monoterpene efflux) affiliated to the HAE3 (hydrophobe/amphiphile efflux) family within the Resistance-Nodulation-Division (RND) superfamily. RND pumps of the HAE3 family are known for transporting substrates into the periplasm. AmeD is co-expressed with the outer membrane protein AmeA and the periplasmic proteins AmeB and AmeC, suggesting an export channel into the environment similar to HAE1-type RND exporters. Proteins AmeABCD are encoded within a genetic island involved in the metabolism of acyclic and cyclic monoterpenes. The deletion of ameABCD translated into a decrease in tolerance to monoterpenes in liquid cultures. The addition of acetate as cosubstrate in limonene-containing cultures partially alleviated monoterpene toxicity in the deletion mutant. Accumulation of Nile Red in cells of C. defragrans required dissipation of the proton motive force with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Cells lacking AmeABCD accumulated more Nile Red, suggesting an export function of the proteins. Our observations suggest that the tetrapartite RND transporter AmeABCD acts as an exporter during monoterpene detoxification in C. defragrans

    Bragg Scattering as a Probe of Atomic Wavefunctions and Quantum Phase Transitions in Optical Lattices

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    We have observed Bragg scattering of photons from quantum degenerate 87^{87}Rb atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattice. Bragg scattered light directly probes the microscopic crystal structure and atomic wavefunction whose position and momentum width is Heisenberg-limited. The spatial coherence of the wavefunction leads to revivals in the Bragg scattered light due to the atomic Talbot effect. The decay of revivals across the superfluid to Mott insulator transition indicates the loss of superfluid coherence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    TMEM97 and PGRMC1 do not mediate sigma-2 ligand-induced cell death

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    Abstract Sigma-2 receptors have been implicated in both tumor proliferation and neurodegenerative diseases. Recently the sigma-2 receptor was identified as transmembrane protein 97 (TMEM97). Progesterone receptor membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) was also recently reported to form a complex with TMEM97 and the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor, and this trimeric complex is responsible for the rapid internalization of LDL. Sigma-2 receptor ligands with various structures have been shown to induce cell death in cancer cells. In the current study, we examined the role of TMEM97 and PGRMC1 in mediating sigma-2 ligand-induced cell death. Cell viability and caspase-3 assays were performed in control, TMEM97 knockout (KO), PGRMC1 KO, and TMEM97/PGRMC1 double KO cell lines treated with several sigma-2 ligands. The data showed that knockout of TMEM97, PGRMC1, or both did not affect the concentrations of sigma-2 ligands that induced 50% of cell death (EC50), suggesting that cytotoxic effects of these compounds are not mediated by TMEM97 or PGRMC1. Sigma-1 receptor ligands, (+)-pentazocine and NE-100, did not block sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity, suggesting that sigma-1 receptor was not responsible for sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. We also examined whether the alternative, residual binding site (RBS) of 1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG) could be responsible for sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. Our data showed that the binding affinities (K i) of sigma-2 ligands on the DTG RBS did not correlate with the cytotoxicity potency (EC50) of these ligands, suggesting that the DTG RBS was not fully responsible for sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. In addition, we showed that knocking out TMEM97, PGRMC1, or both reduced the initial internalization rate of a sigma-2 fluorescent ligand, SW120. However, concentrations of internalized SW120 became identical later in the control and knockout cells. These data suggest that the initial internalization process of sigma-2 ligands does not appear to mediate the cell-killing effect of sigma-2 ligands. In summary, we have provided evidence that sigma-2 receptor/TMEM97 and PGRMC1 do not mediate sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity. Our work will facilitate elucidating mechanisms of sigma-2 ligand cytotoxicity

    Characterization of a birnavirus isolated from diseased turbot cultured in Spain

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    7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables.During 1989, light but persistent mortalities were detected in a turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. farm in Galicia (northwestern Spain) and a virus with the characteristics of a birnavirus was isolated. The purpose of this study was to characterize the viral agent and determine the susceptibility of turbot to this virus. Electron microscopic examination revealed that the particles were isometric, hexagonal and unenveloped with an average diameter of 58 to 60 nm. The molecular weights of the RNA segments were 1.9 and 2.0 x 10(up to 6) daltons. The cells most susceptible to the turbot isolate were the CHSE-214, FHM and RTG-2 lines and the optimal temperature range for its replication was 15 to 2OºC. The RNA and polypeptide electropherotypes show that this virus resembles the Ab serotype of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV); however, it differs in that it replicates in the FHM cell line and is not neutralized by antisera to the classical serotypes of IPNV. Infectivity trials conducted in turbot of dlfferent sizes indicated that the virus produced mortality only in small fish (2 g), although the larger fish (30 g) harbored the virus for at least 35 d. Fish inoculated with this isolate showed no pancreatic necrosis although necrosis of the hematopoietic elements of the kidney and spleen was detected.This work was supported by Grants MAR 89-0270 from the Comision Interministenal de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT), and by XUGA 70708888 from Xunta de Galicia, Spain. Beatriz Novoa acknowledges the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Spain) for a research fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Territorial Information System (TIS) by means of remote sensing and pedestrian prospecting in the southeastern sector of the Quebrada de El Tala, Valley of Catamarca

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    La presente contribución se encuentra inserta en el proyecto de investigación Arqueología de los paisajes agrarios en la quebrada de El Tala y Valle de Catamarca de la SECyT-UNCA, que tiene como uno de sus objetivos analizar los usos del espacio y las transformaciones del paisaje por parte de las sociedades del primer milenio, vinculadas a su gran variabilidad y complejidad social. En esta oportunidad nos interesa mostrar los avances en cuanto a nuestras prospecciones y el desarrollo de un Sistema de Información Territorial (SIT) que permita gestionar la información geográfica, arqueológica y parcelaria del sector sureste de la quebrada de El Tala, donde existía una amplia superficie que aún no había sido analizada. Esta zona se caracteriza por la presencia de abundante vegetación espinosa, la cual es objeto de diversos impactos antrópicos relacionados con la expansión de la ciudad de San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, donde existe una dinámica de loteos y ventas de terrenos por parte de consorcios privados con propiedad legal, como así también un proceso de ocupación y usurpación de tierras fiscales producto de la crisis habitacional que afecta a los sectores más vulnerables de la población.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Depression, Anxiety and Somatic Complaints in Colombian Children Living in Rural Communities

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    Depresión, ansiedad y síntomas somáticos en niños que viven en comunidades rurales colombianasAbstractIntroduction: In Colombia, children are frequently exposed to traumatic events; however, there are no data regarding the impact on depression, anxiety and somatic correlates of such exposure in children living in rural communities. Objective: To investigate the somatic complaints and symptoms of depression and anxiety among children exposed to traumatic events in a rural community of Colombia. Methods: Design: Cross-Sectional study. Participants: Two hundred and ninety-three Colombian children aged eight to 18 years. Main Outcome Measures: Standardized measures were administered to assess children’s depression, anxiety, physical symptoms and exposure to traumatic events. Depression: CDI (Children’s Depression Inventory); anxiety: SCARED (The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders); somatic complaints: CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist, Somatic Complaints scale) and reporting traumatic events during the K-SADS-PL (Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents). Results: Ninety-one of the 293 children (31.1%) reported somatic complaints. The most common somatic complaint was in the gastrointestinal category (35/91). One hundred and seventy eight children (60.5%) had observed traumatic events, including homicides during the last month. Two hundred five (69.9%) of the children showed depressive symptom profiles above established norms, and 239 (81.6%) exhibited anxiety symptoms according to their own reports. The correlation between depression and traumatic events, anxiety and somatic complaints, and between anxiety and depression were statistically significant (p<0.005). Conclusions: As the first study of its kind in children living in rural communities in Colombia, it demonstrates a clear impact of traumatic events on mental health. Information that somatic complaints are commonly an expression of underlying depression and anxiety may facilitate the treatment and thereby help avoid unnecessary medical workups and sequelae from traumatized children. It is important for physicians to probe for “hidden” symptoms in traumatized children.Keywords: depression, somatization, traumatic events, anxietyResumenIntroducción: En Colombia, los niños están expuestos con frecuencia a eventos traumáticos, sin embargo, no hay datos sobre el impacto de la depresión, la ansiedad y la correlación somática de dicha exposición en niños que viven en comunidades rurales. Objetivo: investigar las alteraciones somáticas, síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en los niños expuestos a eventos traumáticos en una comunidad rural de Colombia. Metodología: Diseño: Estudio transversal; Participantes: Doscientos noventa y tres niños colombianos de ocho a 18 años. Principales medidas de resultado: se aplicaron medidas estandarizadas para evaluar la depresión infantil, ansiedad, síntomas físicos y la exposición a eventos traumáticos. Depresión:CDI (Children’s Depression Inventory)). Ansiedad: SCARED (The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders), Enfermedades somáticas: CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist, Somatic Complaints scale) e informar los eventos traumáticos durante el K -SADS -PL (Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents). Resultados: Noventa y uno de los 293 niños ( 31,1 % ) informaron de síntomas somáticos. La queja somática más común estuvo en la categoría gastrointestinal (35/ 91). Ciento setenta y ocho niños ( 60,5 % ) habían observado los acontecimientos traumáticos, incluyendo homicidios durante el último mes. Doscientos cinco ( 69,9 % ) de los niños mostraron perfiles de síntomas depresivos por encima de las normas establecidas, y 239 ( 81,6 % ) presentaban síntomas de ansiedad según sus propios informes. La correlación entre la depresión y los eventos traumáticos, la ansiedad y quejas somáticas, y entre la ansiedad y la depresión fueron estadísticamente significativas ( p < 0,005 ). Conclusiones: como el primer estudio de su tipo en los niños que viven en comunidades rurales de Colombia , demuestra un claro impacto de eventos traumáticos en la salud mental. La afirmación que las quejas somáticas son comúnmente una expresión de la depresión y la ansiedad subyacente puede facilitar el tratamiento y de ese modo ayudar a evitar abordajes médicos innecesarios y secuelas en los niños traumatizados . Es importante para los médicos explorar los síntomas “ocultos” en los niños traumatizados.Palabras Clave: depresión, somatización, evento traumático, ansieda

    Depression, Anxiety and Somatic Complaints in Colombian Children Living in Rural Communities

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    Depresión, ansiedad y síntomas somáticos en niños que viven en comunidades rurales colombianasAbstractIntroduction: In Colombia, children are frequently exposed to traumatic events; however, there are no data regarding the impact on depression, anxiety and somatic correlates of such exposure in children living in rural communities. Objective: To investigate the somatic complaints and symptoms of depression and anxiety among children exposed to traumatic events in a rural community of Colombia. Methods: Design: Cross-Sectional study. Participants: Two hundred and ninety-three Colombian children aged eight to 18 years. Main Outcome Measures: Standardized measures were administered to assess children’s depression, anxiety, physical symptoms and exposure to traumatic events. Depression: CDI (Children’s Depression Inventory); anxiety: SCARED (The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders); somatic complaints: CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist, Somatic Complaints scale) and reporting traumatic events during the K-SADS-PL (Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents). Results: Ninety-one of the 293 children (31.1%) reported somatic complaints. The most common somatic complaint was in the gastrointestinal category (35/91). One hundred and seventy eight children (60.5%) had observed traumatic events, including homicides during the last month. Two hundred five (69.9%) of the children showed depressive symptom profiles above established norms, and 239 (81.6%) exhibited anxiety symptoms according to their own reports. The correlation between depression and traumatic events, anxiety and somatic complaints, and between anxiety and depression were statistically significant (p<0.005). Conclusions: As the first study of its kind in children living in rural communities in Colombia, it demonstrates a clear impact of traumatic events on mental health. Information that somatic complaints are commonly an expression of underlying depression and anxiety may facilitate the treatment and thereby help avoid unnecessary medical workups and sequelae from traumatized children. It is important for physicians to probe for “hidden” symptoms in traumatized children.Keywords: depression, somatization, traumatic events, anxietyResumenIntroducción: En Colombia, los niños están expuestos con frecuencia a eventos traumáticos, sin embargo, no hay datos sobre el impacto de la depresión, la ansiedad y la correlación somática de dicha exposición en niños que viven en comunidades rurales. Objetivo: investigar las alteraciones somáticas, síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en los niños expuestos a eventos traumáticos en una comunidad rural de Colombia. Metodología: Diseño: Estudio transversal; Participantes: Doscientos noventa y tres niños colombianos de ocho a 18 años. Principales medidas de resultado: se aplicaron medidas estandarizadas para evaluar la depresión infantil, ansiedad, síntomas físicos y la exposición a eventos traumáticos. Depresión:CDI (Children’s Depression Inventory)). Ansiedad: SCARED (The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders), Enfermedades somáticas: CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist, Somatic Complaints scale) e informar los eventos traumáticos durante el K -SADS -PL (Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents). Resultados: Noventa y uno de los 293 niños ( 31,1 % ) informaron de síntomas somáticos. La queja somática más común estuvo en la categoría gastrointestinal (35/ 91). Ciento setenta y ocho niños ( 60,5 % ) habían observado los acontecimientos traumáticos, incluyendo homicidios durante el último mes. Doscientos cinco ( 69,9 % ) de los niños mostraron perfiles de síntomas depresivos por encima de las normas establecidas, y 239 ( 81,6 % ) presentaban síntomas de ansiedad según sus propios informes. La correlación entre la depresión y los eventos traumáticos, la ansiedad y quejas somáticas, y entre la ansiedad y la depresión fueron estadísticamente significativas ( p < 0,005 ). Conclusiones: como el primer estudio de su tipo en los niños que viven en comunidades rurales de Colombia , demuestra un claro impacto de eventos traumáticos en la salud mental. La afirmación que las quejas somáticas son comúnmente una expresión de la depresión y la ansiedad subyacente puede facilitar el tratamiento y de ese modo ayudar a evitar abordajes médicos innecesarios y secuelas en los niños traumatizados . Es importante para los médicos explorar los síntomas “ocultos” en los niños traumatizados.Palabras Clave: depresión, somatización, evento traumático, ansieda

    Tecnología y pensamiento futuro del trabajo desde la ergonomía en momentos de crisis global

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    Este artículo tiene como objeto explorar dos formas de pensamiento respecto a las condiciones futuras de trabajo, en relación con las crisis del trabajo de principios de siglo XXI. Estas dos formas de pensamiento futuro guiaron la investigación y apuntan a una tesis de acción donde las condiciones de trabajo futuro se esperan y una tesis de reacción donde las condiciones de trabajo futuras se construyen. Ahora bien, desde disciplinas como la sociología y la economía se han creado múltiples formas de ver al pasado tecnológico para reconstruirlo, pero, observar hacia el futuro requiere otro tipo de mirada. Disciplinas como la ingeniería y el diseño que trabajan sobre los estudios del futuro y el pensamiento futuro, permitieron empujar esta investigación, con el propósito de generar alternativas para el pensamiento

    Engaging and Assessing Students through their Electronic Devices and Real Time Quizzes

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    [EN] This paper describes a teaching experience using Socrative, a third party electronic tool, for real-time questioning in lectures of Econometrics.  Econometrics is a theoretical-practical subject, but traditionally a large proportion of our students tend to focus on the practical and discard the theory, often skipping classes on theory and avoiding studying its content, probably motivated by its complexity. As a consequence, students’ marks obtained in the theoretical part of the exam are usually low. In this context, we put forward a change in our teaching methodology to include the use of Socrative, a freely available app, that allows students to answer teachers’ short, true/false, or multiple choice questions posed during each class using their smartphones (or other electronic devices with Internet connection). The objectives of this project are twofold: 1) to engage students and increase attendance at lectures; 2) to improve feedback on the learning process. The results of a survey of a sample of 186 students reveal that Socrative has been an effective tool for achieving these objectives.Ferrándiz, E.; Puentes, C.; Moreno, PJ.; Flores, E. (2016). Engaging and Assessing Students through their Electronic Devices and Real Time Quizzes. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 3(2):173-184. doi:10.4995/muse.2016.6375.SWORD1731843