33 research outputs found

    Introducing the 'First European Symposium on the Evolution of Crocodylomorpha'

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    The First European Symposium on the Evolution of Crocodylomorpha took place during the XVI Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP) organized by NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL) in Caparica, Portugal. Fourteen lectures and five posters were presented at the symposium in June 26th-July 1st, 2018. This special issue showcases twelve papers based on symposium contributions.publishersversionpublishe

    Exceptional crocodylomorph biodiversity of “La Cantalera” site (Lower barremian; lower cretaceous) in Teruel, Spain

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    The palaeontological site of La Cantalera in Teruel, Spain (Blesa Formation, Lower Cretaceous) can be characterized as the site with the greatest biodiversity of vertebrates (32 taxa) from the lower Barremian of the Iberian Peninsula. Remains of amphibians, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and mammals have been recovered. The most common taxa are crocodylomorphs, and their most abundant remains are small isolated teeth. Six morphotypes have been identified, which may correspond to at least four different sympatric crocodylomorph taxa. This site presents a similar assemblage to other European Lower Cretaceous sites, with morphotypes that may correspond to the families Goniopholididae, Bernissartiidae, Atoposauridae and multiple ziphodont crocodylomorphs. The crocodylomorph assemblage of La Cantalera is characterized by the absence of large individuals and presents a wide variety of dental morphologies adapted to diets ranging from generalist to highly specialized. This rich biodiversity could be due to concentration of vertebrates into restricted flooded areas during dry seasons within a marsh ecosystem. Furthermore, La Cantalera could also be close to a nesting area, which would explain the abundance of small-sized individuals and the presence of fossil crocodiloid eggshells

    New material from a huge specimen of "Anteophthalmosuchus" cf. "escuchae" (Goniopholididae) from the Albian of Andorra (Teruel, Spain): Phylogenetic implications

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    In 2011 the partial skeleton of a goniopholidid crocodylomorph was recovered in the ENDESA coal mine Mina Corta Barrabasa (Escucha Formation, lower Albian), located in the municipality of Andorra (Teruel, Spain). This new goniopholidid material is represented by abundant postcranial and fragmentary cranial bones. The study of these remains coincides with a recent description in 2013 of at least two new species of goniopholidids in the palaeontological site of Mina Santa María in Ariño (Teruel), also in the Escucha Formation. These species are Anteophthalmosuchus escuchae, Hulkepholis plotos and an undetermined goniopholidid, AR-1-3422. In the present paper, we describe the postcranial and cranial bones of the goniopholidid from Mina Corta Barrabasa and compare it with the species from Mina Santa María. For the first time, we include the taxa from the Escucha Formation in a phylogenetic analysis to establish their relationships within Goniopholididae, adding to what is known of the goniopholidid fossil assemblages from this time interval. The results indicate that the specimen from Mina Corta Barrabasa is closely related to Anteophthalmosuchus escuchae and may be the same species. Together with Hulkepholis plotos and other taxa from England and Belgium, these taxa form an endemic European clade. The Escucha Fm. goniopholidids are the youngest Eurasian members of the group and may be the youngest globally, depending on how North American taxa are eventually resolved.En 2011 se recuperó parte de un esqueleto de crocodilomorfo goniofolídido en la mina de carbón Mina Corta Barrabasa (Formación Escucha, Albiense inferior). Esta mina pertenece a la compañía ENDESA, y está localizada en Andorra (Teruel, España). Este nuevo ejemplar de crocodilomorfo está representado por abundante material postcraneal y restos craneales fragmentarios. Nuestro estudio coincide con la reciente descripción en 2013 de las nuevas especies de goniofolídidos Anteophthalmosuchus escuchae y Hulkepholis plotos en la Formación Escucha (Mina Santa María en Ariño, Teruel). En este trabajo se describen los restos postcraneales y craneales del goniofolídido de Mina Corta Barrabasa y se comparan con las nuevas especies de Mina Santa María, además se propone por primera vez una codificación cladística para los taxones de la Formación Escucha. Esta información se ha incorporado a un análisis filogenético para establecer las relaciones filogenéticas de estos taxones dentro de Goniopholididae ayudando a comprender las asociaciones fósiles de los goniofolídidos dentro de este intervalo temporal. Los resultados indican que el espécimen de Mina Corta Barrabasa está estrechamente relacionado con Anteophthalmosuchus escuchae y podría pertenecer a la misma especie. Ambos taxones, junto a Hulkepholis plotos y otros taxones de Inglaterra y Bélgica, forman un clado endémico europeo. Los goniofolídidos de la Fm. Escucha son los miembros más jóvenes de Goniopholididae en Eurasia, y podrían ser los más modernos del mundo dependiendo de cómo se resuelvan finalmente la posición de los taxones norteamericanos

    A new plesiosaur from the Lower Jurassic of Portugal and the early radiation of Plesiosauroidea

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    A new plesiosaur partial skeleton, comprising most of the trunk and including axial, limb, and girdle bones, was collected in the lower Sinemurian (Coimbra Formation) of Praia da Concha, near São Pedro de Moel in central west Portugal. The specimen represents a new genus and species, Plesiopharos moelensis gen. et sp. nov. Phylogenetic analysis places this taxon at the base of Plesiosauroidea. Its position is based on this exclusive combination of characters: Presence of a straight preaxial margin of the radius; transverse processes of mid-dorsal vertebrae horizontally oriented; ilium with sub-circular cross section of the shaft and subequal anteroposterior expansion of the dorsal blade; straight proximal end of the humerus; and ventral surface of the humerus with an anteroposteriorly long shallow groove between the epipodial facets. In addition, the new taxon has the following autapomorphies: Iliac blade with less expanded, rounded and convex anterior flank; highly developed ischial facet of the ilium; apex of the neural spine of the first pectoral vertebra inclined posterodorsally with a small rounded tip. This taxon represents the most complete and the oldest plesiosaur species in the Iberian Peninsula. It is also the most complete, best preserved, and oldest marine vertebrate in the region and testifies to the incursion of marine reptiles in the newly formed proto-Atlantic sea, prior to the Atlantic Ocean floor spreading in the Early Cretaceous.publishersversionpublishe

    Primeros datos magnetoestratigráficos y nuevos yacimientos del Maastrichtiense superior en Huesca (sector noroccidental de la Cuenca de Tremp).

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    Las facies continentales de la Cuenca de Tremp contienen uno de los abundantes registros con vertebrados continentales del final del Cretácico en Europa. Esta área de los Pirineos es un lugar excepcional para estudiar la extinción de los vertebrados continentales en el límite Cretácico-Paleógeno (K-Pg) al ser uno de los pocos lugares de Europa con un registro sedimentario continuo de depósitos continentales del Campaniense superior al Daniense. En el entorno de Serraduy, localizado en el flanco noroeste del sinclinal de Tremp, se han recuperado abundantes restos de vertebrados en los últimos años, destacando la presencia de dinosaurios hadrosáuridos y crocodilomofos eusuquios. Sin embargo, aunque provisionalmente estos yacimientos se han situado en el Maastrichtiense superior, nunca habían sido datados con métodos absolutos o relativos. En este trabajo se exponen por primera vez los resultados preliminares de datación magnetoestratigráfica en este sector, permitiendo asignar estos yacimientos a una edad Maastrichtiense superior dentro de los crones C30n y C29r. Estos resultados confirmarían que los yacimientos de vertebrados del área de Serraduy son unos de los más modernos del Cretácico Superior de Europa estando muy cercanos al límite K-Pg. The continental facies of the Tremp Basin contain one of the best continental vertebrate record from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe. Therefore, this area of the Pyrenees is an exceptional place to study the extinction of continental vertebrates across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (K-Pg) being one of the few places in Europe that has a continuous record of continental deposits ranging from the upper Campanian to Danian. The area of Serraduy, located on the northwest flank of the Tremp syncline, has reported abundant vertebrate remains in recent years, highlighting the presence of hadrosaurid dinosaurs and eusuchian crocodylomorphs. Nevertheless, although these deposits have been provisionally assigned as Maastrichtian, they never had been dated with absolute or relative methods. This paper presents for the first time the preliminary magnetostratigraphic dating results in this sector, allowing to assign these vertebrate sites to a late Maastrichtian age within the polarity chrons C30n and C29r. These results confirm that the vertebrate sites of the Serraduy area are among the most modern in the Upper Cretaceous of Europe, being very close to the K-Pg boundary

    Palynostratigraphical review of the K–Pg boundary from the Ibero-Armorican Island: New data from the Maastrichtian dinosaur outcrop Veracruz 1 (Pyrenees, NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    The palynostratigraphy of the K-Pg boundary interval in SW Europe has been a subject of ongoing debate, despite numerous palynological studies in the region. To address this, we review previous publications and conduct analysis of new deposits to establish a palynostratigraphical chart. A total of 40 palynological studies within the Normapolles palynological province were reexamined to elucidate key taxa restricted to the Cretaceous (K-taxa), to the Maastrichtian-Danian interval (KPg-taxa) and those restricted to the Paleogene (Pg-taxa). Eventually, we propose 18 key taxa to differentiate a Maastrichtian from a Danian palynological assemblage within the Normapolles Province. Afterward, a palynostratigraphical analysis was carried out in Veracruz 1 (Aragonese Pyrenees), one of the more modern dinosaurbearing sites of Europe. The palynological assemblage corresponded to an upper Maastrichtian age and was composed by pteridophyte spores, gymnosperms, angiosperms, dinoflagellate cysts, algae, and fungal spores. It was predominated by angiosperm pollen (Liliaceae, post-Normapolles, and triporate pollen). The plant communities in Veracruz 1 seem to be characterized by plants from an open coastal forest prevailed by Liliaceae flowering herbs and Juglandaceae/Myricaceae dicotyledonous trees and shrubs thriving in temperate-warm paleoclimate. The Gondwanan botanical influence was also supported by the presence of Bacumorphomonocolpites sp., as this taxon was previously recorded in other upper Maastrichtian deposits from Europe.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-122612OB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C-2019/28Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/175Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Ref. UNAM-DGAPA 2023–2024Swedish Research Council | Ref. VR 2022-03920Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Chronostratigraphy and new vertebrate sites from the upper Maastrichtian of Huesca (Spain), and their relation with the K/Pg boundary

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    The transitional-continental facies of the Tremp Formation within the South-Pyrenean Central Unit (Spain) contain one of the best continental vertebrate records of the Upper Cretaceous in Europe. This Pyrenean area is therefore an exceptional place to study the extinction of continental vertebrates across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, being one of the few places in Europe that has a relatively continuous record ranging from the upper Campanian to lower Eocene. The Serraduy area, located on the northwest flank of the Tremp syncline, has seen the discovery of abundant vertebrate remains in recent years, highlights being the presence of hadrosaurid dinosaurs and eusuchian crocodylomorphs. Nevertheless, although these deposits have been provisionally assigned a Maastrichtian age, they have not previously been dated with absolute or relative methods. This paper presents a detailed stratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study for the first time in this area, making it possible to assign most vertebrate sites from the Serraduy area a late Maastrichtian age, specifically within polarity chron C29r. These results confirm that the vertebrate sites from Serraduy are among the most modern of the Upper Cretaceous in Europe, being very close to the K/Pg boundary.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers CGL2014-53548-P, CGL2015-64422-P and CGL2017-85038-P), cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund; and by the Department of Education and Science of the Aragonese Government (grant numbers DGA groups H54 and E05), cofinanced by the European Social Fund (ESF). The paleomagnetic study was possible thanks to the complementary grants (beneficiaries of FPU, grant number CGL2010-16447/BTE: Brief Stays and Temporary Transfers, year 2015) supported by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports; and the Laboratory of paleomagnetism of the University of Burgos (Spain). Eduardo Puértolas Pascual is the recipient of a postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/116759/2016) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES)

    Magnetoestratigrafía del Cretácico Superior del sector Occidental de las Sierras Exteriores (Pirineo Occidental); implicaciones bioestratigráficas.

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    El Cretácico Superior del sector más Occidental de las Sierras Exteriores (Sa de Sto. Domingo) está escasamente representado en potencia pero presenta las facies más someras y transicionales donde se han recuperado recientemente restos de vertebrados fósiles (Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes y Dinosauria), algunos de los cuales son de carácter continental. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis magnetoestratigráfico llevado a cabo en 4 secciones de pequeña potencia situadas entre los meridianos de San Felices y de Luesia (Prov. de Zaragoza). La magnetización característica de estas rocas es estable, primaria y muestra dos polaridades del campo magnético. La correlación tentativa entre perfiles, unida al conocimiento de las asociaciones de vertebrados existente en la cuenca de Graus-Tremp, permiten proponer una correlación preliminar que relacionaría los niveles fosilíferos con el cron C32n (Campaniense) y las facies Garum con los crones C29r, C29n y C28r (Maastrichtiense y Daniense) de la escala global de polaridad magnética. Esta correlación conlleva un hiato sedimentario durante el Maastrichtiense que deberá ser revisado en futuros estudios sedimentológicos

    Erratum: A three-dimensional skeleton of Goniopholididae from the Late Jurassic of Portugal: Implications for the Crocodylomorpha bracing system (Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz102)

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    In an earlier version of this article Goniopholididae indet. was incorrectly referred to as Goniopholididae (unidentified) on page 6 [now page 526] and the subheading 'Femur' was omitted on page 11 [now page 531]. These have both now been corrected.publishersversionpublishe

    Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the western External Sierras (Southwestern Pyrenees): biostratigraphic implications

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    El Cretácico Superior del sector más Occidental de las Sierras Exteriores (Sª de Sto. Domingo) está escasamente representado en potencia pero presenta las facies más someras y transicionales donde se han recuperado recientemente restos de vertebrados fósiles (Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes y Dinosauria), algunos de los cuales son de carácter continental. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis magnetoestratigráfico llevado a cabo en 4 secciones de pequeña potencia situadas entre los meridianos de San Felices y de Luesia (Prov. de Zaragoza). La magnetización característica de estas rocas es estable, primaria y muestra dos polaridades del campo magnético. La correlación tentativa entre perfiles, unida al conocimiento de las asociaciones de vertebrados existente en la cuenca de Graus-Tremp, permiten proponer una correlación preliminar que relacionaría los niveles fosilíferos con el cron C32n (Campaniense) y las facies Garum con los crones C29r, C29n y C28r (Maastrichtiense y Daniense) de la escala global de polaridad magnética. Esta correlación conlleva un hiato sedimentario durante el Maastrichtiense que deberá ser revisado en futuros estudios sedimentológicos.The Late Cretaceous in the westernmost sector of the External Sierras (Sto. Domingo range) is poorly represented but displays transitional facies where remains of continental and marine fossil vertebrates (Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes and Dinosauria) were recently discovered. This paper introduces the preliminary magnetostratigraphic results carried out in 4 small sections. The characteristic magnetization of these rocks is stable, primary and shows two polarities of the magnetic field. A tentative correlation considering our local sequence of polarities and the chronostratigraphy of vertebrates from the Graus-Tremp basin relates the fossil locality with the chron C32n (Campanian) and the Garum facies with C29r, C29n and C28r (Maastrichtian and Danian). This correlation implies a hiatus during the Maastrichtian that should be confirmed in future sedimentological studies.Fil: Pueyo, E. L.. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España; EspañaFil: Sánchez, E.. Universidad de Burgos. Fac de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Canudo, J. I.. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Pereda Suberbiola, X. Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología; EspañaFil: Puértolas Pascual, E.. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Parrilla Bel, J.. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Cruzado Caballero, Penélope. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Alto Valle. Instituto de Investigaciones en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Pérez Pueyo, M.. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Compaired, F.. Servicio de Planificación y Gestión Forestal. Dpto. Med; Españ