1,638 research outputs found

    A method to estimate weight and dimensions of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1: Method of analysis

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    Weight and envelope dimensions of aircraft gas turbine engines are estimated within plus or minus 5% to 10% using a computer method based on correlations of component weight and design features of 29 data base engines. Rotating components are estimated by a preliminary design procedure where blade geometry, operating conditions, material properties, shaft speed, hub-tip ratio, etc., are the primary independent variables used. The development and justification of the method selected, the various methods of analysis, the use of the program, and a description of the input/output data are discussed

    Expression of DLX3 in chick embryos.

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    Analisis Permintaan dan Penawaran Beras di Propinsi Jambi

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    The rice production growth that was gotten by Jambi Province with production growth rate of 0,54% can not fully contribute society need that was continuously increasing. Therefore, it can cause unbalance between supply and demand. The objective of research is to know the picture of rice supply and demand and influenced variables on rice supply and demand in Jambi. The simultan model was used to predict factors that influenced rice supply and demand. The research was conducted in Jambi Province on September to December 2009. The primary data needed in this research was time series data from 1996 – 2008. The research result showed that simultaneously rice price factor, the number population and income per capita was significant on demand. And also factor of average rice price, Bangkok rice price, import rice price, hybrid seed, acreage, season, and time trend were influencing significantly on supply. From elasticity value was fortunately all variables that was influencing rice demand and supply in Jambi Province was inelastic

    Analisis Hubungan Faktor Sosial Ekonomi dengan Partisipasi Anggota Kelompoktani Kelas Pemula pada USAhatani Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui partisipasi petani pada kelompok tani kelas pemula di Kecamatan Sekernan, untuk melihat hubungan faktor sosial ekonomi (pendidikan, luas lahan garapan, jumlah anggota keluarga, dan pendapatan) terhadap partisipasi anggota dalam kelompok tani pemula Di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Sekernan, lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan secara sengaja dengan pertimbangan Kecamatan Sekernan merupakan daerah sentra produksi tanaman padi sawah di Provinsi Jambi.Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah petani padi sawah kelas pemula.Data yang dihimpun dari penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder.Data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian akan disederhanakan dengan menggunakan tabulasi, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif melalui scoring dan persentase.Untuk melihat pengaruh tinggi atau rendah faktor sosial ekonomi denganpartisipasianggota kelompok tani kelas pemula pada USAhatni padi sawah digunakan analisis statistik non parametrik melalui Uji Chi-Square (Siegel, 1997).Penelitian memperjelas bahwa tinggi rendahnya faktor sosial ekonomi berhubungan nyata dengan partisipasi anggota kelompok tani kelas pemula pada USAhatani padi sawah di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

    Users Meet Clarifying Questions:Toward a Better Understanding of User Interactions for Search Clarification

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    The use of clarifying questions (CQs) is a fairly new and useful technique to aid systems in recognizing the intent, context, and preferences behind user queries. Yet, understanding the extent of the effect of CQs on user behavior and the ability to identify relevant information remains relatively unexplored. In this work, we conduct a large user study to understand the interaction of users with CQs in various quality categories, and the effect of CQ quality on user search performance in terms of finding relevant information, search behavior, and user satisfaction. Analysis of implicit interaction data and explicit user feedback demonstrates that high-quality CQs improve user performance and satisfaction. By contrast, low-And mid-quality CQs are harmful, and thus allowing the users to complete their tasks without CQ support may be preferred in this case. We also observe that user engagement, and therefore the need for CQ support, is affected by several factors, such as search result quality or perceived task difficulty. The findings of this study can help researchers and system designers realize why, when, and how users interact with CQs, leading to a better understanding and design of search clarification systems

    3rd KidRec workshop: What does good look like?

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    Today's children spend considerable time online, searching and receiving information from various websites and apps. While searching for information, e.g. for school or hobbies, children use search systems to locate resources and receive site recommendations that might be useful for them. The call for good, reliable, child-friendly systems has been made many times and the thesis that the algorithms of "adult" information systems are not necessarily suitable or fair for children is widely accepted. However, there is still no clear and balanced view on what makes one search/recommendation system for children good or better than other systems, nor on what content should be considered "good enough to be retrieved" or recommended. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in education, child-development, computer science, and more who can address this questions while considering issues related to education, algorithms, ethics, privacy, evaluation
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