54 research outputs found

    Experimental Indicators of Accretion Processes in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Bright Active Galactic Nuclei are powered by accretion of mass onto the super massive black holes at the centers of the host galaxies. For fainter objects star formation may significantly contribute to the luminosity. We summarize experimental indicators of the accretion processes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), i.e., observable activity indicators that allow us to conclude on the nature of accretion. The Galactic Center is the closest galactic nucleus that can be studied with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity. Therefore, here we also include the presentation of recent observational results on Sagittarius A* and the conditions for star formation in the central stellar cluster. We cover results across the electromagnetic spectrum and find that the Sagittarius A* (SgrA*) system is well ordered with respect to its geometrical orientation and its emission processes of which we assume to reflect the accretion process onto the super massive black hole.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, conference proceeding: Accretion Processes in Cosmic Sources - APCS2016 - 5-10 September 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russi

    Monitoring the Dusty S-Cluster Object (DSO/G2) on its Orbit towards the Galactic Center Black Hole

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    We analyse and report in detail new near-infrared (1.45 - 2.45 microns) observations of the Dusty S-cluster Object (DSO/G2) during its approach to the black hole at the center of the Galaxy that were carried out with ESO VLT/SINFONI between February and September 2014. Before May 2014 we detect spatially compact Br-gamma and Pa-alpha line emission from the DSO at about 40mas east of SgrA*. The velocity of the source, measured from the red-shifted emission, is 2700+-60 km/s. No blue-shifted emission above the noise level is detected at the position of SgrA* or upstream the presumed orbit. After May we find spatially compact Br-gamma blue-shifted line emission from the DSO at about 30mas west of SgrA* at a velocity of -3320+-60 km/s and no indication for significant red-shifted emission. We do not detect any significant extension of velocity gradient across the source. We find a Br-gamma-line full width at half maximum of 50+-10 Angstroem before and 15+-10 Angstroem after the peribothron transit, i.e. no significant line broadening with respect to last year is observed. Br-gamma line maps show that the bulk of the line emission originates from a region of less than 20mas diameter. This is consistent with a very compact source on an elliptical orbit with a peribothron time passage in 2014.39+-0.14. For the moment, the flaring activity of the black hole in the near-infrared regime has not shown any statistically significant increment. Increased accretion activity of SgrA* may still be upcoming. We discuss details of a source model according to which the DSO is rather a young accreting star than a coreless gas and dust cloud.Comment: 32 pages - 3 tables - 17 figure - accepted by Ap

    Uncovering the stellar structure of the dusty star-forming galaxy GN20 at z=4.055 with MIRI/JWST

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    Luminous infrared galaxies at high redshifts (zz>4) include extreme starbursts that build their stellar mass over short periods of time (>100 Myr). These galaxies are considered to be the progenitors of massive quiescent galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z∌z\sim2) but their stellar structure and buildup is unknown. Here, we present the first spatially resolved near-infrared imaging of GN20, one of the most luminous dusty star-forming galaxies known to date, observed at an epoch when the Universe was only 1.5 Gyr old. The 5.6ÎŒ\mum image taken with the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI/JWST) shows that GN20 is a very luminous galaxy (M1.1ÎŒm,AB_\mathrm{1.1\mu m,AB}=−-25.01), with a stellar structure composed of a conspicuous central source and an extended envelope. The central source is an unresolved nucleus that carries 9% of the total flux. The nucleus is co-aligned with the peak of the cold dust emission, and offset by 3.9 kpc from the ultraviolet stellar emission. The diffuse stellar envelope is similar in size to the clumpy CO molecular gas distribution. The centroid of the stellar envelope is offset by 1 kpc from the unresolved nucleus, suggesting GN20 is involved in an interaction or merger event supported by its location as the brightest galaxy in a proto-cluster. The stellar size of GN20 is larger by a factor of about 3-5 than known spheroids, disks, and irregulars at z∌z\sim4, while its size and low S\'ersic index are similar to those measured in dusty, infrared luminous galaxies at z∌z\sim2 of the same mass. GN20 has all the ingredients necessary for evolving into a massive spheroidal quiescent galaxy at intermediate zz: it is a large, luminous galaxy at zz=4.05 involved in a short and massive starburst centred in the stellar nucleus and extended over the entire galaxy, out to radii of 4 kpc, and likely induced by the interaction or merger with a member of the proto-cluster.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    MIDIS. JWST NIRCam and MIRI unveil the stellar population properties of Lyα\alpha-emitters and Lyman-Break galaxies at z ~ 3-7

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    We study the stellar population properties of 182 spectroscopically-confirmed (MUSE/VLT) Lyman-α\alpha emitters (LAEs) and 450 photometrically-selected Lyman-Break galaxies (LBGs) at z = 2.8 - 6.7 in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF). Leveraging the combined power of HST and JWST NIRCam and MIRI observations, we analyse their rest-frame UV-through-near-IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with MIRI playing a crucial role in robustly assessing the LAE's stellar mass and ages. Our LAEs are low-mass objects (log10_{10}(M⋆_\star[M⊙_\odot]) ~ 7.5), with little or no dust extinction (E(B - V) ~ 0.1) and a blue UV continuum slope (ÎČ\beta ~ -2.2). While 75% of our LAEs are young (< 100 Myr), the remaining 25% have significantly older stellar populations (> 100 Myr). These old LAEs are statistically more massive, less extinct and have lower specific star formation rate (sSFR) compared to young LAEs. Besides, they populate the M⋆_\star - SFR plane along the main-sequence (MS) of star-forming galaxies, while young LAEs populate the starburst region. The comparison between the LAEs properties to those of a stellar-mass matched sample of LBGs shows no statistical difference between these objects, except for the LBGs redder UV continuum slope and marginally larger E(B - V) values. Interestingly, 48% of the LBGs have ages < 10 Myr and are classified as starbursts, but lack detectable Lyα\alpha emission. This is likely due to HI resonant scattering and/or selective dust extinction. Overall, we find that JWST observations are crucial in determining the properties of LAEs and shedding light on the properties and similarities between LAEs and LBGs.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to AP

    Strong (Hb + [OIII]) and Ha emitters at redshift z ~ 7-8 unveiled with JWST/NIRCam and MIRI imaging in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF)

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    The JWST is revolutionizing the study of high-redshift galaxies by providing for the first time a high-sensitivity view of the early Universe at infrared wavelengths, both with its Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI). In this paper, we make use of medium and broad-band NIRCam imaging, as well as ultra-deep MIRI 5.6 microns imaging, in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) to identify prominent line emitters at z ~ 7-8. Out of a total of 58 galaxies at z ~ 7-8, we find 18 robust candidates (~31%) for prominent (Hb + [OIII]) emitters, based on their enhanced fluxes in the F430M and F444W filters, with rest-frame EW(Hb + [OIII]) ~ 87 - 2100 A. Among these emitters, 16 lie on the MIRI coverage area and 12 show a clear flux excess at 5.6 microns, indicating the simultaneous presence of a prominent Ha emission line with rest-frame EW(Ha) ~ 200 - 3000 A. This is the first time that Ha emission can be detected in individual galaxies at z>7. The Ha line, when present, allows us to separate the contributions of the Hb and [OIII] emission lines to the (Hb + [OIII]) complex and derive Ha-based star formation rates (SFRs). We find that in some cases [OIII]/Hb > 1, suggesting low metallicities, but a few have [OIII]/Hb < 1, so the NIRCam flux excess is mainly driven by Hb. The vast majority of prominent line emitters are very young starbursts or galaxies on their way to/from the starburst cloud. They make for a cosmic SFR density log10(SFRD_Ha / Msun yr^-1 Mpc^-3) ~ 2.35, which is about a third of the total value at z ~ 7-8. Therefore, the strong Ha emitters likely had an important role in reionization.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Life beyond 30: Probing the −20 < M UV < −17 Luminosity Function at 8 < z < 13 with the NIRCam Parallel Field of the MIRI Deep Survey

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    We present the ultraviolet luminosity function and an estimate of the cosmic star formation rate density at 8 8 galaxy candidates based on their dropout nature in the F115W and/or F150W filters, a high probability for their photometric redshifts, estimated with three different codes, being at z > 8, good fits based on χ2 calculations, and predominant solutions compared to z < 8 alternatives. We find mild evolution in the luminosity function from z ∌ 13 to z ∌ 8, i.e., only a small increase in the average number density of ∌0.2 dex, while the faint-end slope and absolute magnitude of the knee remain approximately constant, with values α = − 2.2 ± 0.1, and M* = − 20.8 ± 0.2 mag. Comparing our results with the predictions of state-of-the-art galaxy evolution models, we find two main results: (1) a slower increase with time in the cosmic star formation rate density compared to a steeper rise predicted by models; (2) nearly a factor of 10 higher star formation activity concentrated in scales around 2 kpc in galaxies with stellar masses ∌108M⊙ during the first 350 Myr of the universe, z ∌ 12, with models matching better the luminosity density observational estimations ∌150 Myr later, by z ∌ 9

    Dislocation Velocity in Indium Antimonide

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