227 research outputs found

    Formation of emotional culture of the students

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    The article examines the concept of «emotional culture» and its components, discusses the formation of emotional culture of modern studentsАнализируется понятие «эмоциональная культура» и его составляющие, рассматриваются вопросы формирования эмоциональной культуры у современных студенто

    Noise-induced signal corruption in nonlinear Fourier-based optical transmission system in the presence of discrete eigenvalues

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    We present the numerical analysis of the correlation properties of the amplifier spontaneous emission (ASE) noise transformed into the nonlinear Fourier (NF) domain, addressing the noise-induced corruptions in the communication systems employing the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based signal processing. In our current work we deal with the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation of a continuous NF spectrum and account for the presence of discrete (soliton) eigenvalues. This approach is aimed at extending our previous studies that referred to the modulation of continuous NF spectrum only. The effective noise covariance functions are obtained from numerical simulations for a range of propagation distances, values of discrete eigenvalue, and different effective signal power levels. We report the existence of the correlations between the continuous and discrete parts of the NF spectrum

    Coping strategies for prevention of professional deformations among social workers

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    Professional activity is one of the main components of human life, such things as formation and development of abilities, cognitive processes, realized potential and extension of personal qualities take place here. Besides, each profession, being a sort of labor activity, demands a certain preparation, both theoretically, and in acquisition of practical skills. However, despite the importance of the profession for the person, its role can be not only forming, but also deforming. Inability to cope with the destructive components of one’s work causes professional stress. The world health organization classifies professional stress as a global disease of the twenty-first century because it is widespread throughout the world and manifests itself in a large number of employees in any field of activity. In this regard, the problem of stress resistance is relevant, especially for representatives of social professions, whose professional activities involve numerous risks and psycho-emotional stress. © 2018 by the authors

    Properties of the effective noise in the nonlinear Fourier transform-based transmission

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    We investigate the correlation properties of optical noise in nonlinear Fourier domain for communication systems using the nonlinear Fourier transform. Effective covariance functions are obtained numerically and compared with theoretical predictions

    Study of Noise-Induced Signal Corruption for Nonlinear Fourier-Based Optical Transmission

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    We study the correlation properties of the amplifier spontaneous emission noise transformed into the nonlinear Fourier (NF) domain for communication systems employing the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based signal processing with OFDM modulation of a continuous spectrum. The effective noise covariance functions are obtained from numerical simulations for propagation distances ∼ 1000 km and different effective NF “power” values. It is shown that the correlation between the continuous NF eigenmodes reveals a nontrivial dependence on both the power and propagation distance

    A Riemann hypothesis analogue for invariant rings

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    AbstractA Riemann hypothesis analogue for coding theory was introduced by I.M. Duursma [A Riemann hypothesis analogue for self-dual codes, in: A. Barg, S. Litsyn (Eds.), Codes and Association Schemes (Piscataway, NJ, 1999), American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2001, pp. 115–124]. In this paper, we extend zeta polynomials for linear codes to ones for invariant rings, and we investigate whether a Riemann hypothesis analogue holds for some concrete invariant rings. Also we shall show that there is some subring of an invariant ring such that the subring is not an invariant ring but extremal polynomials all satisfy the Riemann hypothesis analogue

    Technologies of formation of the inclusive thinking in students in professional education

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    The article analyzes the results of a study among students of professions "help" on the subject of the formation of an inclusive mindsetВ статье анализируются результаты исследования среди студентов социономических профессий на предмет сформированности инклюзивного мышлени

    Strategic analysis of sustainable socioeconomic situation of rural areas in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation

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    On the one hand, the relevance of this problem is primarily determined by growing gap of rural territorial entities in socioeconomic development, and on the other hand, due to their significance in such prominent aspects for the country as food security, maintaining the existing land, industrial, ecological, demographic and human potential. The purpose of the article is comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic, institutional and ecological situation of rural areas in order to justify managerial decisions and effective policy making at the regional and local levels. The leading method for studying this problem is stratigic analysis of processes of developing rural areas, as well as factors, affecting development. The results of the study: In this article the authors assessed the situation in socioeconomic sphere of munitipalities in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation, accordingly, based on this, the authors concluded about a predominance of degradation processes, which form instability in the development of rural areas. The results of this study can be used by the regional authorities in their practice for making and implementation both regional policy, as well as strategy of socioeconomic development of rural area. © 2016 Belyaeva et al