65 research outputs found

    ArtificiAl NeurAl Network ApproAch for the predicitioN of the corN (Zea mays l.) leAf AreA

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    Abstract OdabaS, M. S., E. Ergun and F. OnEr, 2013. Artificial neural network approach for the predicition of the corn (Zea mays L.) leaf area. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., This research investigates the artificial neural networks utilization in improving leaf area forecasting at corn leaves (Zea mays L.). Best fitting results were obtained with 2 input nodes (leaf length and leaf width), 2 hidden layers and one output (leaf area). Artificial neural network model performance was tested successfully to describe the relationship between actual leaf area and predicted leaf area. R 2 of leaf area was 0.98. Artificial neural networks model produced satisfied correlation between measured and predicted value and minimum inspection error

    Effects of puzzolanic materials in surface paste disposal by pilot-scale tests: observation of physical changes

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    There are only a few pilot schemes, especially among scientific studies carried out to solve numerous environmental and ecological problems created by water during tailing storage on the surface. It is extremely important to establish precautions that can be taken, especially in the tailing storage process by examining the physical, chemical, mineralogical, and geotechnical changes that develop due to the effect of moisture in the tailing and surface water. In this study, 2 different pilot-scale designs of storage with no additions (reference) and with binder additions (cement and fly ash) to some layers were observed in field conditions for about 1 year to determine the effects of seasonal changes on paste material. The results of the measurements revealed that the water content of the reference design was similar to 10% higher than that of the design with cement addition at the substrates that provide stability and sudden temperature changes at the top layer of the reference design was found to be similar to 35 degrees C. Maximum sudden temperature changes in layers with cement addition and layers with cement and fly ash addition were observed to be similar to 15 degrees C. As a result, the use of cement has made the material more resistant to external factors. However, the study also revealed that fly ash could be used instead of cement with a substitute rate of 50% to reduce the cost for long-term storage in terms of industrial applications

    Short-term antibacterial activity and compressive strength of biodentine containing chlorhexidine/cetirimide mixtures.

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    Aim is to evaluate the antibacterial activity and physical properties of Biodentine containing chlorhexidine (CHX)/cetrimide (CT) mixtures at 24 h

    BMP-7 expressing genetically modified primary chondrocytes in cryogel scaffolds for rabbit auricular cartilage repair

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    Odabas, Sedat/0000-0002-7844-7019; Cavusoglu, Turker/0000-0001-7100-7080WOS: 000308313000243

    Depression, LUTS and ED Relation in Elderly Men

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    Objectives: Depression unfortunately, remains an under-recognized and misdiagnosed condition, especially in the aging population. We aimed to research the relation of depression, LUTS and ED in elderly men. Methods: In this prospective study, 364 elder male patients were evaluated. For depression research in patients, Beck's Depression Index (BDI) was used. Lower urinary tract symptoms of patients were evaluated by International prostatic symptoms score (IPSS) examination form and Erection quality was evaluated with International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF 5-15) examination form. According to evaluation results, patients were assigned as Group 0: Mild LUTS and no ED (IPSS26), Group 1: Patients describing only moderate and severe LUTS, Group 2: Patients describing only ED (IIEF7 - IIEF<26). Results: A significant difference was observed between depression states of patients and their LUTS and IIEFs. Depression risk for the Group 3 was monitored to increase by 5.4 fold (p=0.012) according to the Group 0. Conclusions: ED, LUTS and depression are all common conditions that accompany aging and significantly negatively impact quality of life. So this patient group can be treated more successful by a multidisciplinary approach

    Cranial bone regeneration via BMP-2 encoding mesenchymal stem cells

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    Odabas, Sedat/0000-0002-7844-7019; KORKUSUZ, PETEK/0000-0002-7553-3915WOS: 000394598300019PubMed: 27002739Cranial bone repair and regeneration via tissue engineering principles has attracted a great deal of interest from researchers during last decade. Here, within this study, 6mm critical-sized bone defect regeneration via genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) were monitored up to 4 months. Cranial bone repair and new bone formations were evaluated by histological staining and real time PCR analysis in five different groups including autograft and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) transfected MSC groups. Results presented here indicate a proper cranial regeneration in autograft groups and a prospering regeneration for hBMP-2 encoding mesenchymal stem cells.Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA)Turkish Academy of Sciences; Kirikkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination UnitKirikkale UniversityErhan Piskin was supported by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) as a full member. This study is partially supported by Kirikkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

    Polymorphisms of eNOS, catalase, and myeloperoxidase genes in prostate cancer in Turkish men: preliminary results

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common type of neoplasm in European males. Genetic and epigenetic factors contribute to PCa development and progression. In this study, we aimed to assess the relationship between PCa and polymorphisms in the genes encoding endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), catalase (CAT), and myeloperoxidase (MPO). In total, 193 patients were included in the study. Patients were divided into three groups: PCa (78), benign prostate hyperplasia (40), and control males (75). The parameters assessed included body mass index (BMI), smoking habits, presence of prostatism, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, Gleason scores of prostate specimens, as well as polymorphisms in eNOS-G894T, CAT-262T, and MPO G-463T genes. BMI and smoking status of controls and patient groups showed no significant difference. CAT-262T gene polymorphism was found to be homozygous in 35.4% of PCa patients, which was 4.02-fold that in the controls (P = 0.006). There was no statistically significant difference in eNOS-G894T and MPO G-463T gene polymorphisms between any of the groups. In conclusion, we found catalase levels to be associated with PCa diagnosis and PSA value. We did not find any significant differences between groups for other polymorphisms, but we believe that further studies with a large sample size may be needed before drawing definite conclusions

    Edge Rupture Degree of Graphs

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