29 research outputs found

    Fatores associados à adesão a diferentes esquemas de tratamento com antimoniato de meglumina em ensaio clínico para leishmaniose cutânea

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    O desfecho favorável ao tratamento de uma enfermidade é influenciado pela adesão à terapia. Objetivamos avaliar fatores associados à adesão ao tratamento dos pacientes incluídos em ensaio clínico de equivalência entre o esquema de tratamento padrão e alternativos com antimoniato de meglumina (AM) no tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea (LC) no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Entre 2008 e 2011, 57 pacientes com LC foram entrevistados através de questionário para coleta de dados socioeconômicos. Para monitorização da adesão foram utilizados os seguintes métodos: contagem de ampolas excedentes, cartão de acompanhamento, teste de Morisky e teste de Morisky modificado (sem a pergunta referente ao horário). Observou-se adesão de 82,1% (devolução de ampolas), 86,0% (cartão de acompanhamento), 66,7% (teste de Morisky) e 86,0% (teste de Morisky modificado). Houve forte concordância entre o método contagem de ampolas e cartão de acompanhamento, bem como teste de Morisky modificado. Verificou-se associação significativa entre maior adesão ao tratamento e baixa dose de AM, bem como com menor número de pessoas dormindo no mesmo quarto. Recomendamos a utilização do teste de Morisky modificado na avaliação da adesão ao tratamento da LC com AM por ser método simples e com bom desempenho quando comparado aos outros testes.The favorable outcome of the treatment of a disease is influenced by the adherence to therapy. Our objective was to assess factors associated with adherence to treatment of patients included in a clinical trial of equivalence between the standard and alternative treatment schemes with meglumine antimoniate (MA) in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Between 2008 and 2011, 57 patients with CL were interviewed using a questionnaire to collect socioeconomic data. The following methods were used for adherence monitoring: counting of vial surplus, monitoring card, Morisky test and modified Morisky test (without the question regarding the schedule); we observed 82.1% (vial return), 86.0% (monitoring card), 66.7% (Morisky test) and 86.0% (modified Morisky test) adherence. There was a strong correlation between the method of vial counting and the monitoring card and modified Morisky test. A significant association was observed between greater adherence to treatment and low dose of MA, as well as with a lower number of people sleeping in the same room. We recommend the use of the modified Morisky test to assess adherence to treatment of CL with MA, because it is a simple method and with a good performance, when compared to other methods

    Effect of praziquantel treatment of Schistosoma mansoni during pregnancy on intensity of infection and antibody responses to schistosome antigens: results of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Praziquantel treatment of schistosomiasis during pregnancy was only recommended in 2002; hence the effects of treatment during pregnancy are not fully known. We have therefore evaluated the effects on infection intensity and the immunological effects of praziquantel treatment against Schistosoma mansoni during pregnancy, compared with treatment after delivery. METHODS: A nested cohort of 387 Schistosoma mansoni infected women was recruited within a larger trial of de-worming during pregnancy. Women were randomised to receive praziquantel or placebo during pregnancy. All women were treated after delivery. Infection intensity after treatment was assessed by a single Kato-Katz examination of stool samples with duplicate slides and categorised as undetected, light (1-99 eggs per gram (epg)), moderate (100-399 epg) or heavy (>or=400 epg). Antibodies against S. mansoni worm and egg antigens were measured by ELISA. Results were compared between women first treated during pregnancy and women first treated after delivery. RESULTS: At enrollment, 252 (65.1%) of the women had light infection (median (IQR) epg: 35 (11, 59)), 75 (19.3%) moderate (median (IQR) epg: 179(131, 227)) and 60 (15.5%) had heavy infection (median (IQR) epg: 749 (521, 1169)) with S. mansoni. At six weeks after praziquantel treatment during pregnancy S. mansoni infection was not detectable in 81.9% of the women and prevalence and intensity had decreased to 11.8% light, 4.7% moderate and 1.6% heavy a similar reduction when compared with those first treated after delivery (undetected (88.5%), light (10.6%), moderate (0.9%) and heavy (0%), p = 0.16). Parasite specific antibody levels were lower during pregnancy than after delivery. Praziquantel treatment during pregnancy boosted anti-worm IgG isotypes and to a lesser extent IgE, but these boosts were less pronounced than in women whose treatment was delayed until after delivery. Praziquantel had limited effects on antibodies against egg antigens. CONCLUSION: S mansoni antigen-specific antibody levels and praziquantel-induced boosts in antibody levels were broadly suppressed during pregnancy, but this was not associated with major reduction in the efficacy of praziquantel. Long-term implications of these findings in relation to resistance to re-infection remain to be explored

    Síndrome de Mobius: Morbius syndrome

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    Introdução: A Síndrome de Moebius (SM) é uma desordem neurológica congênita rara cuja principal característica é a paralisia parcial ou completa do nervo facial, podendo ainda, ser acompanhada pela paralisia de outros nervos cranianos. Apresentação do caso: J.F.F.R., 15 meses e 21 dias, sexo masculino, brasileiro, em acompanhamento na Unidade Básica de Saúde Jairo Ferreira de Castro após contra-referência de pediatra particular por apresentar dificuldade em sugar, fechamento incompleto das pálpebras durante o sono, hipomimia da face, desvio de rima à esquerda, estrabismo convergente e hipoplasia da língua. Discussão: De diagnóstico essencialmente clínico, dentre as principais manifestações dessa doença destacam-se: sucção deficiente ou ausente devido ao fechamento incompleto dos lábios; falta de mímica facial; olhar fixo; fechamento incompleto das pálpebras durante o sono e ptose palpebral. A etiologia desta síndrome ainda não está bem estabelecida. Porém, existem algumas hipóteses descritas como lesões hipóxico-isquêmicas no início da gestação, trauma gestacional, exposição a drogas e componentes genéticos. Conclusão: Evidencia-se a importância do manejo interdisciplinar para a introdução precoce e contínua de reabilitação física para os distúrbios do movimento; fonoaudiologia para os déficits das funções motoras orais e intervenção psicomotora devido às dificuldades de coordenação visomotora

    Síndrome de Turcot, um relato de caso: Turcot syndrome, a case report

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    Introdução: A síndrome da polipose intestinal associada a tumor cerebral é também conhecida como síndrome de Turcot. As manifestações intestinais nesta síndrome são idênticas àquelas encontradas na PAF, e os tumores do SNC nela descritos são frequentemente astrocitomas, glioblastomas e meduloblastomas. Apresentação do caso: paciente do sexo feminino, branca, com 16 anos de idade, que deu entrada em outubro de 1990, na Enfermaria do Serviço de Colon e Reto da Disciplina de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo do HC, FMUSP, com queixa de tumoração na região anal há dois anos, acompanhada de sangramento. Havia sido submetida a hemorroidectomia há um ano. O exame colonoscópico mostrou pólipo séssil de 2cm localizado a 10cm do ânus. Discussão: A síndrome de Turcot é uma doença hereditária rara, caracterizada pela associação de polipose adenomatosa familiar, com tumores do sistema nervoso central. Os pólipos são as neoplasias mais comuns do trato digestivo, podem ser únicos ou múltiplos, hereditários ou adquiridos. Geralmente, são assintomáticos e podem ser diagnosticados por meio da retossigmoidoscopia, enema ou colonoscopia, através de um pólipo e seu estudo histopatológico. Conclusão: A importância da identificação precoce, do acompanhamento e aconselhamento de famílias que apresentam essa síndrome é de fundamental importância para o prognóstico e tratamento das lesões, visto que as modificações e reversões das estruturas genéticas que promovem a doença em específico ainda não são passíveis de reversão


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    The favorable outcome of the treatment of a disease is influenced by the adherence to therapy. Our objective was to assess factors associated with adherence to treatment of patients included in a clinical trial of equivalence between the standard and alternative treatment schemes with meglumine antimoniate (MA) in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Between 2008 and 2011, 57 patients with CL were interviewed using a questionnaire to collect socioeconomic data. The following methods were used for adherence monitoring: counting of vial surplus, monitoring card, Morisky test and modified Morisky test (without the question regarding the schedule); we observed 82.1% (vial return), 86.0% (monitoring card), 66.7% (Morisky test) and 86.0% (modified Morisky test) adherence. There was a strong correlation between the method of vial counting and the monitoring card and modified Morisky test. A significant association was observed between greater adherence to treatment and low dose of MA, as well as with a lower number of people sleeping in the same room. We recommend the use of the modified Morisky test to assess adherence to treatment of CL with MA, because it is a simple method and with a good performance, when compared to other methods

    Pharmacogenomic markers of glucocorticoid response in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

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    Glucocorticoids (GC) replacement are the mainstay treatment for 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD), the most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), in its classical form. There are novel insights into the genetic basis of the GC action diversity that point to an important role for GC receptor (GR) gene polymorphisms, suggesting a possible modulation in occurrence of metabolic disorders, what may be relevant to clinical management of 21-OHD. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the five GR gene polymorphisms Tth111I, ER22, 23EK, BclI, 9β (rs10052957, rs6189, rs6190, rs41423247, rs6198) and their combination into haplotypes are associated to different GC response in a cohort of classic 21-OHD subjects. GR genotype-phenotype associations were explored after a dexamethasone suppression test using very low-doses (VLD-DST), 20 and 40 μg/m². The final sample (n = 28) was selected based on the 102 individuals' previous genotypes classification, according to literature data of GC sensitivity or resistance. Thus, only patients with GC increased resistance (n = 18) or increased sensitivity (n = 10) profiles were selected. Out of 28 subjects aged 12 (2-34) years enrolled in this study, 75% were females, 75% presented the salt-wasting form (SW) and 25% the simple virilizing form (SV). Subjects who carried Tth111I and 9β, associated or not to the ER22/23EK variants, showed an impaired DST response. Results did not differ significantly according to gender or body mass index. SV subjects with GC hypersensitivity-genotypes showed decreased average cortisol levels compared to those with GC resistance-genotypes (p = 0.0023). The Tth111I + 9β/ Wild or Tth111I + ER22/23EK + 9β/ Wild genotypes were associated to GC resistance in this population. This finding may be relevant given the challenges posed by therapeutic management with GC in CAH

    Table 5 -

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    Multivariate analysis for average cortisol compared to baseline levels of SV (A) and SW (B) subjects (n = 27).</p