314 research outputs found

    Magnetic Properties of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/SrRuO3 Superlattices

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    High-quality Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/SrRuO3 superlattices were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition and were investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and SQUID magnetometry. Superlattices with orthorhombic and tetragonal SrRuO3 layers were investigated. The superlattices grew coherently; in the growth direction Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 layers were terminated by MnO2- and SrRuO3 layers by RuO2-planes. All superlattices showed antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in low magnetic fields. The coupling strength was significantly higher for orthorhombic than for tetragonal symmetry of the SrRuO3 layers. The strong interlayer exchange coupling in the superlattice with orthorhombic SrRuO3 layers led to a magnetization reversal mechanism with a partially inverted hysteresis loop.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Analysis of administrative processes in the management of socio-economic development

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    In the article views the problems of socio-economic systems. Administration of socio-economic development aimed at smoothing the differentiation of territories of the Russian Federation. The author found that the priority administration socio-economic systems is the modernization and diversification of the state economy in simultaneous interaction of the triad component

    Assessment of quality of life in adolescents with obesity associated with polymorphisms of the lactase gene.

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    The growing obesity incidence in adolescents on the background of insufficiently studied genetic markers of formation of impairments of carbohydrate metabolism associated with the lactase gene polymorphism (SNP LCT), necessitates studying life quality particularly in this age group. Associations of 13910 C>T polymorphism of lactase gene with the quality of life in 60 adolescents aged 14-18 with obesity using the MOS-SF-36 technique (MOS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey) were studied.It was established the presence of associations of the genotype C/C 13910 of the LCT gene (p<0,05) with decrease of role functioning due to physical condition of young men and decrease of the overall health of girls. Prevention of obesity should startfrom birth of the newborn to gether with the rational organization of alimentary behavior in the family as a whole, depending on the phenotype and formation of a certain psychotype of adolescent’s personality, defined by the lactase gene polymorphism


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    В статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования функционирования названий сказочных птиц русского фольклора в индивидуальном лексиконе. Показана степень принадлежности данных орнитонимов индивидуальному лексикону молодых носителей русского языка с учетом их профессиональной принадлежности.The article is devoted to the description of the research of functioning of fairy–tale bird names of Russian folklore in the individual lexicon. The degree of belonging of these ornythonyms to the individual lexicon of young Russian speakers with the regard to their professional affiliation is shown


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    Salah satu perhatian utama manajemen suatu bank dalam memenangkan strategi persaingan adalah bagaimana meluncurkan produk-produk jasa perbankan yang mampu menarik minat masyarakat sekaligus menguntungkan dari segi biaya operasi dan profit yang diperoleh. Untuk memperoleh komposisi bauran'produk yang tepat, manajemen harns secara berkala melakukan analisis biaya profitabilitas. Agar biaya-biaya tidak langsung dapat ditelusuri dengan akurat, maka sekarang ini terdapat beberapa bank besar yang telah menerapkan ABC (activity-based costing) untuk mengetahui biaya produknya secara lebih akurat. Menurut Garrison dan Noreen (1997: 183), desain ABC biasanya mencakup empat tahapan, yaitu: (1) analisis nilai proses (Process value analysis), (2) identiftkasi pusat-pusat aktivitas (activity center), (3) menelusuri biaya ke pusat-pusat aktivitas, dan (4) menentukan pemicu biaya (cost driver). Dalam ABC, biasanya aktivitas digolongkan dalam empat tingkatan yaitu Unit-level activities, Batch-level activities, Product-level activitie, dan facility level activities .. Ruang lingkup penelitian bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggambarkan dan menginterpretasikan aktivitas-aktivitas yang membentuk produk yang ditawarkan dan melakukan analisa profitabilitas terhadap produk-produk Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif baik . yang bersifat primer maupun sekunder. Produk-produk utama Bl\1I terdiri atas produk pengerahan dana, produk penyaluran dana, serta jasa-jasa bank Jainnya. B!\'lI belum menyeJenggarakan sualu sistem untuk menentukan biaya (cost) atau harga pokok produk untuk menentukan tingkat profitabilitas produk-produknya. BMI belum menerapkan (ABC), namun terdapat beberapa faktor pendukung yang memungkinkan penerapan sistem tersebut. Sebaliknya kendalanya adalah sistem akuntansinya yang tidak menyediakan data biaya per fungs~ belum adanya data aktivitas dan pemicu biaya. Dari analisis profitabilitas produk berdasarkan model ABC yang dilakukan menunjukkan produk pembiayaan yang menghasilkan laba terbesar adalah pembiayaan Al-Ba;iu Bithaman Ajil, sedangkan produk pengerahan dana yang paling profitable adalah Giro Wadi'ah. Sebaiknya manajemen B:tvlI menyelenggarakan suatu sistem yang memungkinkan dilakukan analisis atas profitabilitas produk-produknya. Dalam hal ini, ABC merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat diteliti kemungkinannya. Jika hendak menerapkan ABC, sebaiknya B1vn menggunakan sistem akuntansi khusus ABC. Hal ini akan membantu penerapan ABC yang membutuhkan validitas dan kecukupan data, serta akurasi perhitungan

    Potential of regional devtlopment: problems training of qvalified staff

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    The article shows that effective regional development is impossible without highly qualified personnel who leave the weak areas in search of application of the forces in the more advanced and developed regions. The recommendations for the establishment of regional support universities able to conduct training necessary for regional development.В статье показано, что эффективное региональное развитие невозможно без высококвалифицированных кадров, которые покидают слабые территории в поисках приложения своих сил в более перспективных и развитых регионах. Даются рекомендации по формированию региональных опорных вузов, способных вести подготовку кадров, необходимых для регионального развития

    Is emigration worth the trouble? Satisfaction with life, group identifications, perceived discrimination, and socio-economic status of immigrants and stayers

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    In the present study, we examined satisfaction with life (SWL), group identifications, perceived discrimination, and socio-economic status among immigrants and stayers. The study had two main objectives: 1) to test the morbidity and salutary hypotheses of immigration by comparing the psycho-social characteristics of immigrants and stayers; 2) to test a resource model of well-being among immigrants and stayers by investigating the effect of different resources and stressors on SWL. The study was conducted using a random representative sample of first-generation immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to Israel (n = 400) and a not-random large and geographically dispersed sample of Jews staying in Russia (n = 935). The comparison of immigrants and stayers revealed that immigration is a mixed blessing, salutary in some aspects and onerous in others. In general, immigrants were more satisfied with their life than stayers. In addition, identification with the country of residence was stronger among immigrants than stayers. However, immigrants reported a higher level of perceived discrimination, and their socio-economic status was lower than that of stayers. Socio-economic status, identification with the country of residence, and perceived discrimination were directly connected to SWL among immigrants and stayers. In addition, among stayers, identification with the ethnic minority group was connected to SWL, while among immigrants, identification with the country of origin was not connected to SWL. Socio-economic status and perceived discrimination also affected SWL indirectly, through their connections to identification with the country of residence among immigrants and stayers and through their connection to ethnic identification among stayers. © 2020 Elsevier LtdThe study was partly supported by a grant from Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem . Israel Science Foundation Grant 244/15

    Physical and recreational preventing measure technology of disturbances in the cordial and vascular system of students

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    Our aim is to prove scientifically and to check experimentally physical and recreational technology dosages of motive loads of the students, who have disturbances in cardiovascular system. The carried out researches demonstrate the general positive influence of the developed sport improving technology of dispensing of motive loads of the students, who have changes in cardiovascular system and its influence on somatic healt

    Social and psychological features of inter-cultural adaptation of Russian students in different universities

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    Modern globalisation processes, the rapid entry of Russia into the world community, have given more opportunities to interact with various ethnic groups ranging from short-term tourist and business contacts to complex processes of migration and emigration. Migrants and visitors have different goals for staying in a new country, meanwhile the researchers note a lot in common within the adaptation processes of both groups. In particular, tension, stresses and experience of cultural shock during adaptation are observed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct psychological studies not only of migrants who come for a long time to a new country, but also of visitors, i.e., interns, students who come to study in foreign universitie

    To look at the world through the instagram: to the question of influence of the instagram network on visual thinking of users

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    Authors, in this article, give the concept of «Instagram» and its role in the life of a modern society. The authors set a list of objects. Further, the conducted research is described; the researchers' group of participants is analyzed, whereas the used methods and the received results are listed. The visual examples illustrate distinctions in approaches of creating pictures between users and non-users of the very social network. In the research, the criteria of comparing users' pictures is allocated. Moreover, the comparison of the received photos is carried out. Furthermore, Trends in creating pictures and templates, which Instagram users follow are allocated. The theory underlined by authors in the beginning of the article is confirmed, as the conclusion is drawn.В данной статье дается понятие социальной сети Instagram и ее роли в жизни современного общества. Перечисляются цели, поставленные авторами. Далее описывается проведенное исследование, анализируется группа участников исследования, перечисляются использованные методы и полученные результаты. Приведены примеры, наглядно иллюстрирующие различия в подходах к созданию фотографий между пользователями и непользователями социальной сети. Выделяются критерии для сравнения снимков участников исследования. Проводится сравнение полученных фотографий. Выделяются тренды в создании снимков и шаблоны, которым следуют пользователи Instagram. Подтверждается выдвинутая авторами в начале статьи гипотеза и делается заключительный вывод