1,597 research outputs found

    A Bayesian estimate of the CMB-large-scale structure cross-correlation

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    Evidences for late-time acceleration of the Universe are provided by multiple probes, such as Type Ia supernovae, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure (LSS). In this work, we focus on the integrated Sachs--Wolfe (ISW) effect, i.e., secondary CMB fluctuations generated by evolving gravitational potentials due to the transition between, e.g., the matter and dark energy (DE) dominated phases. Therefore, assuming a flat universe, DE properties can be inferred from ISW detections. We present a Bayesian approach to compute the CMB--LSS cross-correlation signal. The method is based on the estimate of the likelihood for measuring a combined set consisting of a CMB temperature and a galaxy contrast maps, provided that we have some information on the statistical properties of the fluctuations affecting these maps. The likelihood is estimated by a sampling algorithm, therefore avoiding the computationally demanding techniques of direct evaluation in either pixel or harmonic space. As local tracers of the matter distribution at large scales, we used the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) galaxy catalog and, for the CMB temperature fluctuations, the ninth-year data release of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP9). The results show a dominance of cosmic variance over the weak recovered signal, due mainly to the shallowness of the catalog used, with systematics associated with the sampling algorithm playing a secondary role as sources of uncertainty. When combined with other complementary probes, the method presented in this paper is expected to be a useful tool to late-time acceleration studies in cosmology.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. We extended the previous analyses including WMAP9 Q, V and W channels, besides the ILC map. Updated to match accepted ApJ versio

    Prevalência do Toxoplasma gondii em Gestantes no Município de Jataí – GO: um recorte de 10 anos

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    Background and Objectives: Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan zoonosis caused by the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan, transmitted mainly through contaminated water or food, beyond vertical transmission. In the State of Goiás, there is a lack of data on the prevalence of the disease, hence the relevance of this cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in the municipality of Jataí. Methods: Data were collected from pregnant women attended by the public health network in the municipality from January 2005 to December 2015. Results: During the analyzed period, 11,350 pregnant women were attended; 75% with IgG antibodies and 0,60% IgM antibodies reactive for T. gondii, with a reduction in the number of cases since 2010. Conclusion: The high seroprevalence found shows that pregnant women are in close contact with factors that trigger the infection and a reduction in the number of cases indicates the efficacy of epidemiological surveillance actions developed for this population group.Justificacíon y Objetivos: La toxoplasmosis es uma zoonosis cosmopolita causada por el protozoo Toxoplasma gondii, que se transmite principalmente através del agua o alimentos contaminados, además de la transmisión vertical. Em el estado de Goiás, se carece de dados sobre la prevalência de la enfermedad y ante esta realidade, es relevante este estudio transversal para determinar la prevalência de toxoplasmosis em gestantes del município de Jataí. Métodos: Se recolectaron dados de gestantes atendidas por la red de salud pública del município de Enero de 2005 a Diciembre de 2015. Resultados: Entre el período analizado se trató a 11.350 gestantes, 75% de ellas com anticuerpos IgG y 0,60% anticuerpos IgM reactivos para T. gondii, com uma reducción em el número de casos a partir de 2010. Conclusión: La alta soroprevalência encontrada muestra que las mujeres embarazadas están em estrecho contacto com los fatores desencadenantes de la infección y uma reducción em el número de casos apunta a uma eficácia em las acciones de vigilância epidemiológica desarrolladas para este grupo de problación.Justificativa e Objetivos: Toxoplasmose é uma zoonose cosmopolita causada pelo protozoário Toxoplasma gondii, transmitido principalmente através de água e alimentos contaminados e pela transmissão vertical. No estado de Goiás existe uma escassez de dados referentes à prevalência da toxoplasmose. Diante dessa realidade, tornou-se relevante esse estudo transversal que determinasse a prevalência da toxoplasmose nas gestantes no município de Jataí. Métodos: Foram coletados dados de grávidas atendidas pela rede pública de saúde no município no período de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2015. Resultados: No período analisado, foram atendidas 11.350 gestantes, sendo 75% delas com anticorpos IgG e 0,60% anticorpos IgM reagentes para T. gondii, com redução no número de casos a partir de 2010. Conclusão: A alta soroprevalência encontrada demonstra que as grávidas estão em íntimo contato com os fatores que desencadeiam a infecção. É necessário investigar os fatores que contribuem para a elevada taxa de infecção

    Collaborative design in public services: a wicked problem-reframing case

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    Ahead of PrintPurpose Wicked problems require collaborative innovation approaches. Understanding the problem from the users' perspective is essential. Based on a complex and ill-defined case, the purpose of the current paper is to identify some critical success factors in defining the “right problem” to be addressed. Design/methodology/approach An empirical research study was carried out in a low-density municipality (case study). Extensive data were collected from official databases, individual semi-structured interviews and a focus group involving citizens, local authorities, civil servants and other relevant stakeholders. Findings As defined by the central government, the problem to be addressed by the research team was to identify which justice services should be made available locally to a small- and low-density community. The problem was initially formulated using top-down reasoning. In-depth contact with citizens and key local players revealed that the lack of justice services was not “the issue” for that community. Mobility constraints and the shortage of economic opportunities had a considerable impact on the lack of demand for justice services. By using a bottom-up perspective, it was possible to reframe the problem to be addressed and suggest a new concept to be tested at later stages. Social implications The approach followed called attention to the importance of listening to citizens and local organisations with a profound knowledge of the territory to effectively identify and circumscribe a local problem in the justice field. Originality/value The paper highlights the limitations of traditional rational problem-solving approaches and contributes to expanding the voice-of-the-customer principle showing how it can lead to a substantially new definition of the problem to be addressed.Patrícia Moura e Sá would like to also acknowledge the contribution of the Research Centre in Political Science (UIDB/CPO/00758/2020), University of Minho, supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds, to the current research

    Ferramenta para busca e visualização geoespacial de notícias agrícolas no projeto TIENA.

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    Este trabalho é parte das atividades do projeto Tecnologias Inovadoras em mineração de textos para a Espacialização de Notícias Agrícolas (Tiena) - piloto cana-de-açúcar (MOURA, 2012), liderado pelo LabIC/Embrapa. A motivação para a criação desse projeto deve-se ao fato de que o processo de identificação automática de tópicos, espacialização e temporização de notícias agrícolas possa influenciar em modelos de previsão de safras