110 research outputs found

    Ultrasensitive mass sensor fully integrated with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor circuitry

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    Nanomechanical resonators have been monolithically integrated on preprocessed complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) chips. Fabricatedresonatorsystems have been designed to have resonance frequencies up to 1.5 MHz. The systems have been characterized in ambient air and vacuum conditions and display ultrasensitive mass detection in air. A mass sensitivity of 4ag/Hz has been determined in air by placing a single glycerine drop, having a measured weight of 57 fg, at the apex of a cantilever and subsequently measuring a frequency shift of 14.8 kHz. CMOS integration enables electrostatic excitation, capacitive detection, and amplification of the resonance signal directly on the chip

    Analysis of Short Tandem Repeats by Parallel DNA Threading

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    The majority of studies employing short tandem repeats (STRs) require investigation of several of these genetic markers. As such, we demonstrate the feasibility of the trinucleotide threading (TnT) approach for scalable analysis of STRs. The TnT method represents a parallel amplification alternative that addresses the obstacles associated with multiplex PCR. In this study, analysis of the STR fragments was performed with capillary gel electrophoresis; however, it should be possible to combine our approach with the massive 454 sequencing platform to considerably increase the number of targeted STRs

    Assessment of ePrescription quality: an observational study at three mail-order pharmacies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The introduction of electronic transfer of prescriptions (ETP) or ePrescriptions in ambulatory health care has been suggested to have a positive impact on the prescribing and dispensing processes. Thereby, implying that ePrescribing can improve safety, quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. In December 2007, 68% of all new prescriptions were transferred electronically in Sweden. The aim of the present study was to assess the quality of ePrescriptions by comparing the proportions of ePrescriptions and non-electronic prescriptions necessitating a clarification contact (correction, completion or change) with the prescriber at the time of dispensing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A direct observational study was performed at three Swedish mail-order pharmacies which were known to dispense a large proportion of ePrescriptions (38–75%). Data were gathered on all ePrescriptions dispensed at these pharmacies over a three week period in February 2006. All clarification contacts with prescribers were included in the study and were classified and assessed in comparison with all drug prescriptions dispensed at the same pharmacies over the specified period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 31225 prescriptions dispensed during the study period, clarification contacts were made for 2.0% (147/7532) of new ePrescriptions and 1.2% (79/6833) of new non-electronic prescriptions. This represented a relative risk (RR) of 1.7 (95% CI 1.3–2.2) for new ePrescriptions compared to new non-electronic prescriptions. The increased RR was mainly due to 'Dosage and directions for use', which had an RR of 7.6 (95% CI 2.8–20.4) when compared to other clarification contacts. In all, 89.5% of the suggested pharmacist interventions were accepted by the prescriber, 77.7% (192/247) as suggested and an additional 11.7% (29/247) after a modification during contact with the prescriber.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The increased proportion of prescriptions necessitating a clarification contact for new ePrescriptions compared to new non-electronic prescriptions indicates the need for an increased focus on quality aspects in ePrescribing deployment. ETP technology should be developed towards a two-way communication between the prescriber and the pharmacist with automated checks of missing, inaccurate, or ambiguous information. This would enhance safety and quality for the patient and also improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness within the health care system.</p

    Tissue architecture delineates field cancerization in BRAFV600E-induced tumor development

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    Cancer cells hijack developmental growth mechanisms but whether tissue morphogenesis and architecture modify tumorigenesis is unknown. Here, we characterized a new mouse model of sporadic thyroid carcinogenesis based on inducible expression of BRAF carrying a Val600 Glu (V600E) point mutation (BRAFV600E) from the thyroglobulin promoter (TgCreERT2). Spontaneous activation of this Braf-mutant allele due to leaky activity of the Cre recombinase revealed that intrinsic properties of thyroid follicles determined BRAF-mutant cell fate. Papillary thyroid carcinomas developed multicentrically within a normal microenvironment. Each tumor originated from a single follicle that provided a confined space for growth of a distinct tumor phenotype. Lineage tracing revealed oligoclonal tumor development in infancy and early selection of BRAFV600E kinase inhibitor-resistant clones. Somatic mutations were few, non-recurrent and limited to advanced tumors. Female mice developed larger tumors than males, reproducing the gender difference of human thyroid cancer. These data indicate that BRAFV600E-induced tumorigenesis is spatiotemporally regulated depending on the maturity and heterogeneity of follicles. Moreover, thyroid tissue organization seems to determine whether a BRAF- mutant lineage becomes a cancerized lineage. The TgCreERT2; BrafCA/+ sporadic thyroid cancer mouse model provides a new tool to evaluate drug therapy at different stages of tumor evolution

    Physicians' attitudes towards ePrescribing – evaluation of a Swedish full-scale implementation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The penetration rate of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems in health care is increasing. However, many different EHR-systems are used with varying ePrescription designs and functionalities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate experienced ePrescribers' attitudes towards ePrescribing for suggesting improvements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Physicians (n = 431) from seven out of the 21 Swedish health care regions, using one of the six most widely implemented EHR-systems with integrated electronic prescribing modules, were recruited from primary care centers and hospital clinics of internal medicine, orthopaedics and surgery. The physicians received a web survey that comprised eight questions on background data and 19 items covering attitudes towards ePrescribing. Forty-two percent (n = 199) of the physicians answered the questionnaire; 90% (n = 180) of the respondents met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A majority of the respondents regarded their EHR-system easy to use in general (81%), and for the prescribing of drugs (88%). Most respondents believed they were able to provide the patients better service by ePrescribing (92%), and regarded ePrescriptions to be time saving (91%) and to be safer (83%), compared to handwritten prescriptions. Some of the most frequently reported weaknesses were: not clearly displayed price of drugs (43%), complicated drug choice (21%), and the perception that it was possible to handle more than one patient at a time when ePrescribing (13%). Moreover, 62% reported a lack of receipt from the pharmacy after successful transmission of an ePrescription. Although a majority (73%) of the physicians reported that they were always or often checking the ePrescription a last time before transmitting, 25% declared that they were seldom or never doing a last check. The respondents suggested a number of improvements, among others, to simplify the drug choice and the cancellation of ePrescriptions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Swedish physicians in the group studied were generally satisfied with their specific EHR-system and with ePrescribing as such. However, identified weaknesses warrant improvements of the EHR-systems as well as of their implementation in the individual health care organisation.</p

    Virus Capsid Dissolution Studied by Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Dissolution of many plant viruses is thought to start with swelling of the capsid caused by calcium removal following infection, but no high-resolution structures of swollen capsids exist. Here we have used microsecond all-atom molecular simulations to describe the dynamics of the capsid of satellite tobacco necrosis virus with and without the 92 structural calcium ions. The capsid expanded 2.5% upon removal of the calcium, in good agreement with experimental estimates. The water permeability of the native capsid was similar to that of a phospholipid membrane, but the permeability increased 10-fold after removing the calcium, predominantly between the 2-fold and 3-fold related subunits. The two calcium binding sites close to the icosahedral 3-fold symmetry axis were pivotal in the expansion and capsid-opening process, while the binding site on the 5-fold axis changed little structurally. These findings suggest that the dissociation of the capsid is initiated at the 3-fold axis

    Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 299v (LP299V®) : Three decades of research

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    This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the in vitro, animal, and clinical studies with the bacterial strain Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 299v (L. plantarum 299v; formerly named Lactobacillus plantarum 299v) published up until June 30, 2020. L. plantarum 299v is the most documented L. plantarum strain in the world, described in over 170 scientific publications out of which more than 60 are human clinical studies. The genome sequence of L. plantarum 299v has been determined and is available in the public domain (GenBank Accession number: NZ_LEAV01000004). The probiotic strain L. plantarum 299v was isolated from healthy human intestinal mucosa three decades ago by scientists at Lund University, Sweden. Thirty years later, a wealth of data coming from in vitro, animal, and clinical studies exist, showing benefits primarily for gastrointestinal health, such as reduced flatulence and abdominal pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Moreover, several clinical studies have shown positive effects of L. plantarum 299v on iron absorption and more recently also on iron status. L. plantarum 299v is safe for human consumption and does not confer antibiotic resistance. It survives the harsh conditions of the human gastrointestinal tract, adheres to mannose residues on the intestinal epithelial cells and has in some cases been re-isolated more than ten days after administration ceased. Besides studying health benefits, research groups around the globe have investigated L. plantarum 299v in a range of applications and processes. L. plantarum 299v is used in many different food applications as well as in various dietary supplements. In a freeze-dried format, L. plantarum 299v is robust and stable at room temperature, enabling long shelf-lives of consumer healthcare products such as capsules, tablets, or powder sachets. The strain is patent protected for a wide range of indications and applications worldwide as well as trademarked as LP299V®
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