1,667 research outputs found

    The time course of authenticity and valence perception in nonverbal emotional vocalizations

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    There is evidence that the recognition of sadness and happiness in nonverbal vocalizations reaches an adult standard before the recognition of anger and fear, and that men and women are equally good at recognizing emotions, regardless of whether male or female speakers produce them. Still, there is no evidence regarding how much time we need to identify the authenticity of vocal emotional expressions, as well as the type of vocalization itself. How much acoustic information do we need to perceive if a vocal expression, such as a laughter, is authentic or voluntary? How long does it take to perceive if its laughter or crying? The present study addresses these questions. The main objective is to determine the time course of authenticity and type of vocalization recognition in laughter and crying sounds. For this purpose, the procedure was done using a gating paradigm and a sample of 395 participants. Results showed that the recognition accuracy of nonverbal vocalizations improves with the increase of the gate duration, and that the identification of the type of vocalization (laughter vs. crying) happens at earlier stages than the identification of their authenticity (authentic vs. voluntary).Há evidências de que o reconhecimento de tristeza e felicidade em vocalizações não verbais atinge um padrão adulto antes do reconhecimento de raiva e medo, e que homens e mulheres são igualmente bons a reconhecer emoções, independentemente de estas emoções serem produzidas por falantes do sexo masculino ou do sexo feminino. Ainda assim, não há evidências de quanto tempo precisamos para identificar a autenticidade das expressões emocionais vocais, bem como o tipo de vocalização em si. De quanta informação acústica precisamos para perceber se uma expressão vocal, tal como um riso ou choro, é autêntica ou voluntária? Quanto tempo se demora a perceber se é riso ou choro? O presente estudo aborda estas questões. O objetivo principal é determinar o tempo de reconhecimento da autenticidade e tipo de vocalização em estímulos de riso e choro. Para tal, foi utilizado um paradigma de gating e uma amostra de 395 participantes. Os resultados mostraram que a precisão do reconhecimento de vocalizações não verbais melhora com o aumento da duração do gate e que a identificação do tipo de vocalização (riso vs. choro) ocorre em fases mais precoces do que a identificação da sua autenticidade (autêntica vs. voluntária)

    PCA Tomography and its application to nearby galactic nuclei

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    With the development of modern technologies such as IFUs, it is possible to obtain data cubes in which one produces images with spectral resolution. To extract information from them can be quite complex, and hence the development of new methods of data analysis is desirable. We briefly describe a method of analysis of data cubes (data from single field observations, containing two spatial and one spectral dimension) that uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to express the data in the form of reduced dimensionality, facilitating efficient information extraction from very large data sets. We applied the method, for illustration purpose, to the central region of the low ionization nuclear emission region (LINER) galaxy NGC 4736, and demonstrate that it has a type 1 active nucleus, not known before. Furthermore, we show that it is displaced from the centre of its stellar bulge.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to be published in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium no. 26

    Compactlike kinks and vortices in generalized models

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    This work deals with the presence of topological defects in k-field models, where the dynamics is generalized to include higher order power in the kinetic term. We investigate kinks in (1,1) dimensions and vortices in (2,1) dimensions, focusing on some specific features of the solutions. In particular, we show how the kinks and vortices change to compactlike solutions, controlled by the parameter used to introduce the generalized models.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Version to be published in PR

    The Portuguese Special Operations Forces as Instrument of Foreign Policy: The Case Study of Afghanistan

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an exploratory overview of the Por- tuguese special operations forces as instrument of foreign policy. In doing so, we disclose new dynamics that Portugal employing in fragile states and we discuss its implications for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The research methodolog- ical approach falls into a qualitative case study research, which includes more than one method of data collection for triangulation and corroboration purposes. We have found that Portugal is trying to intensify its international relations within the EU, UN and the NATO, while the Portuguese special operations forces have been playing an important role to strengthen its presence within these international institutions. The new dynamics that Portugal is seeking are based on the democratic values, the rule of law and the human rights, to dissociate itself from the colonial legacy and thereby find new avenues of influence. Further research should focus on the new strategic priorities for the Afghan Government and NATO, as these priorities are changed at a relatively fast pace.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    No oitavo artigo, “Mostre suas garras e solte suas feras: haverá sempre um artista para te criticar”, Vera Lúcia Menezes de Oliveira e Paiva (UFMG) reflete sobre a charge de Renato Aroeira, que faz uma crítica ao presidente Bolsonaro demonstrando atitude de resistência em relação ao autoritarismo de seu governo.O texto descreve uma sequência de fatos ocorridos após uma transmissão ao vivo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, na noite do dia 11 junho de 2020, incitando a invasão de hospitais com pacientes de COVID-19. O foco central é uma análise na perspectiva da linguistica cognitiva, de uma charge de Renato Aroeira

    A pesquisa sobre interação e aprendizagem de línguas mediadas pelo computador

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    This paper presents a discussion on computer assisted language learning and online interaction in an attempt to identify the research methods which have been used for investigations carried out in Brazil and abroad. This research mapping reveals the main research tools which have been used in the study of recurrent themes, such as the impact of technology in language learning in the virtual environment; on-line interaction; material development and material evaluation. The adaptation of traditional research methods for the digital context and the absence of specific theoretical support for that area are also discussed. Key words: research, online interaction, computer assited language learning

    The complexity of online collaborative writing

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    Abstract This paper focuses on collaboration, collective intelligence, and wiki technology in a complex perspective. It presents some results from qualitative research carried out with Brazilian university students using wiki tools to write collaborative essays. The results demonstrate that the use of wiki did not change the behavior of the majority of participants because they resisted collaboration, which is considered an essential element for the dynamicity of a complex learning system. Keywords: dynamic systems,collaboration, wiki.   Resumo Este trabalho foca a colaboração, a inteligência coletiva e a tecnologia wiki em uma perspectiva complexa. Apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa com alunos universitários brasileiros, usando ferramentas wiki para escrita de textos de forma colaborativa. Os resultados demonstram que o uso de wiki não mudou o comportamento da maioria dos participantes porque eles resistiram à colaboração que é um elemento essencial para um sistema de aprendizagem complexo e dinâmico. Palavras-chave: sistemas dinâmicos, colaboração, wiki

    A pesquisa sobre interação e aprendizagem de línguas mediadas pelo computador

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    This paper presents a discussion on computer assisted language learning and online interaction in an attempt to identify the research methods which have been used for investigations carried out in Brazil and abroad. This research mapping reveals the main research tools which have been used in the study of recurrent themes, such as the impact of technology in language learning in the virtual environment; on-line interaction; material development and material evaluation. The adaptation of traditional research methods for the digital context and the absence of specific theoretical support for that area are also discussed. Key words: research, online interaction, computer assited language learning.Este texto traz reflexões sobre a pesquisa no campo da interação e da aprendizagem de línguas mediadas pelo computador e apresenta um levantamento de investigações, no Brasil e no exterior, com foco nos métodos de pesquisa. Através desse mapeamento, são identificados os instrumentos que têm sido mais utilizados para se estudarem os temas recorrentes, tais como o impacto das novas tecnologias na aprendizagem de línguas no ambiente virtual; a interação on-line; a elaboração e a avaliação de materiais didáticos. É feita ainda uma reflexão sobre a adaptação dos métodos de pesquisa tradicionais para o contexto digital e sobre a ausência de uma base teórica específica para as pesquisas da área. Palavras-chave: pesquisa, interação on-line, aprendizagem de línguas em ambiente digital