73 research outputs found

    Wagadhewe: Media Inovasi Sosialisasi Pendidikan Karakter Kaum Marginal Bantaran Sungai Bengawan Solo

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    Wagadhewe (Wayang Gawean Dhewe) comes as a new breakthrough socialization as well as character development of students who will be directly applied in society. Expected outcomes of this program is a child care Bengawan Solo river bank for the betterment of the moral and spiritual qualities, the founding PABLO (Paguyuban Anak Bengawan Solo) is an interactive, productive, conducive, applicative.. The method used to conduct training with thirty four observation times and one time gig, plus two times the training of marriage conductivity, formed a partnership with local RT, ketua RW as coordinator of entrepreneurship and a team of expert consultants, Rumah Hebat Indonesia.The Results is the creation Wagadhewe with more than 45 types, workshop passes are able to express themselves, character creation stories are inspiring and sometimes unthinkable by adults

    Understanding NF-κB signaling via mathematical modeling

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    Mammalian inflammatory signaling, for which NF-κB is a principal transcription factor, is an exquisite example of how cellular signaling pathways can be regulated to produce different yet specific responses to different inflammatory insults. Mathematical models, tightly linked to experiment, have been instrumental in unraveling the forms of regulation in NF-κB signaling and their underlying molecular mechanisms. Our initial model of the IκB–NF-κB signaling module highlighted the role of negative feedback in the control of NF-κB temporal dynamics and gene expression. Subsequent studies sparked by this work have helped to characterize additional feedback loops, the input–output behavior of the module, crosstalk between multiple NF-κB-activating pathways, and NF-κB oscillations. We anticipate that computational techniques will enable further progress in the NF-κB field, and the signal transduction field in general, and we discuss potential upcoming developments

    Differential roles of CCL2 and CCR2 in host defense to coronavirus infection.

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    The CC chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) is important in coordinating the immune response following microbial infection by regulating T cell polarization as well as leukocyte migration and accumulation within infected tissues. The present study examines the consequences of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) infection in mice lacking CCL2 (CCL2(-/-)) in order to determine if signaling by this chemokine is relevant in host defense. Intracerebral infection of CCL2(-/-) mice with MHV did not result in increased morbidity or mortality as compared to either wild type or CCR2(-/-) mice and CCL2(-/-) mice cleared replicating virus from the brain. In contrast, CCR2(-/-) mice displayed an impaired ability to clear virus from the brain that was accompanied by a reduction in the numbers of antigen-specific T cells as compared to both CCL2(-/-) and wild-type mice. The paucity in T cell accumulation within the central nervous system (CNS) of MHV-infected CCR2(-/-) mice was not the result of either a deficiency in antigen-presenting cell (APC) accumulation within draining cervical lymph nodes (CLN) or the generation of virus-specific T cells within this compartment. A similar reduction in macrophage infiltration into the CNS was observed in both CCL2(-/-) and CCR2(-/-) mice when compared to wild-type mice, indicating that both CCL2 and CC chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) contribute to macrophage migration and accumulation within the CNS following MHV infection. Together, these data demonstrate that CCR2, but not CCL2, is important in host defense following viral infection of the CNS, and CCR2 ligand(s), other than CCL2, participates in generating a protective response

    IκBβ acts to inhibit and activate gene expression during the inflammatory response

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    The activation of pro-inflammatory gene programs by nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) is primarily regulated through cytoplasmic sequestration of NF-κB by the inhibitor of κB (IκB) family of proteins1. IκBβ, a major isoform of IκB, can sequester NF-κB in the cytoplasm2, although its biological role remains unclear. Although cells lacking IκBβ have been reported3, 4, in vivo studies have been limited and suggested redundancy between IκBα and IκBβ5. Like IκBα, IκBβ is also inducibly degraded; however, upon stimulation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), it is degraded slowly and re-synthesized as a hypophosphorylated form that can be detected in the nucleus6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. The crystal structure of IκBβ bound to p65 suggested this complex might bind DNA12. In vitro, hypophosphorylated IκBβ can bind DNA with p65 and c-Rel, and the DNA-bound NF-κB:IκBβ complexes are resistant to IκBα, suggesting hypophosphorylated, nuclear IκBβ may prolong the expression of certain genes9, 10, 11. Here we report that in vivo IκBβ serves both to inhibit and facilitate the inflammatory response. IκBβ degradation releases NF-κB dimers which upregulate pro-inflammatory target genes such as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Surprisingly, absence of IκBβ results in a dramatic reduction of TNF-α in response to LPS even though activation of NF-κB is normal. The inhibition of TNF-α messenger RNA (mRNA) expression correlates with the absence of nuclear, hypophosphorylated-IκBβ bound to p65:c-Rel heterodimers at a specific κB site on the TNF-α promoter. Therefore IκBβ acts through p65:c-Rel dimers to maintain prolonged expression of TNF-α. As a result, IκBβ^(−/−) mice are resistant to LPS-induced septic shock and collagen-induced arthritis. Blocking IκBβ might be a promising new strategy for selectively inhibiting the chronic phase of TNF-α production during the inflammatory response

    Astroglial Inhibition of NF-κB Does Not Ameliorate Disease Onset and Progression in a Mouse Model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

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    Motor neuron death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is considered a “non-cell autonomous” process, with astrocytes playing a critical role in disease progression. Glial cells are activated early in transgenic mice expressing mutant SOD1, suggesting that neuroinflammation has a relevant role in the cascade of events that trigger the death of motor neurons. An inflammatory cascade including COX2 expression, secretion of cytokines and release of NO from astrocytes may descend from activation of a NF-κB-mediated pathway observed in astrocytes from ALS patients and in experimental models. We have attempted rescue of transgenic mutant SOD1 mice through the inhibition of the NF-κB pathway selectively in astrocytes. Here we show that despite efficient inhibition of this major pathway, double transgenic mice expressing the mutant SOD1G93A ubiquitously and the dominant negative form of IκBα (IκBαAA) in astrocytes under control of the GFAP promoter show no benefit in terms of onset and progression of disease. Our data indicate that motor neuron death in ALS cannot be prevented by inhibition of a single inflammatory pathway because alternative pathways are activated in the presence of a persistent toxic stimulus

    Diminished Telomeric 3′ Overhangs Are Associated with Telomere Dysfunction in Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND:Eukaryotic chromosomes end with telomeres, which in most organisms are composed of tandem DNA repeats associated with telomeric proteins. These DNA repeats are synthesized by the enzyme telomerase, whose activity in most human tissues is tightly regulated, leading to gradual telomere shortening with cell divisions. Shortening beyond a critical length causes telomere uncapping, manifested by the activation of a DNA damage response (DDR) and consequently cell cycle arrest. Thus, telomere length limits the number of cell divisions and provides a tumor-suppressing mechanism. However, not only telomere shortening, but also damaged telomere structure, can cause telomere uncapping. Dyskeratosis Congenita (DC) and its severe form Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson Syndrome (HHS) are genetic disorders mainly characterized by telomerase deficiency, accelerated telomere shortening, impaired cell proliferation, bone marrow failure, and immunodeficiency. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We studied the telomere phenotypes in a family affected with HHS, in which the genes implicated in other cases of DC and HHS have been excluded, and telomerase expression and activity appears to be normal. Telomeres in blood leukocytes derived from the patients were severely short, but in primary fibroblasts they were normal in length. Nevertheless, a significant fraction of telomeres in these fibroblasts activated DDR, an indication of their uncapped state. In addition, the telomeric 3' overhangs are diminished in blood cells and fibroblasts derived from the patients, consistent with a defect in telomere structure common to both cell types. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Altogether, these results suggest that the primary defect in these patients lies in the telomere structure, rather than length. We postulate that this defect hinders the access of telomerase to telomeres, thus causing accelerated telomere shortening in blood cells that rely on telomerase to replenish their telomeres. In addition, it activates the DDR and impairs cell proliferation, even in cells with normal telomere length such as fibroblasts. This work demonstrates a telomere length-independent pathway that contributes to a telomere dysfunction disease

    DNA Fragmentation Simulation Method (FSM) and Fragment Size Matching Improve aCGH Performance of FFPE Tissues

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    Whole-genome copy number analysis platforms, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays, are transformative research discovery tools. In cancer, the identification of genomic aberrations with these approaches has generated important diagnostic and prognostic markers, and critical therapeutic targets. While robust for basic research studies, reliable whole-genome copy number analysis has been unsuccessful in routine clinical practice due to a number of technical limitations. Most important, aCGH results have been suboptimal because of the poor integrity of DNA derived from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Using self-hybridizations of a single DNA sample we observed that aCGH performance is significantly improved by accurate DNA size determination and the matching of test and reference DNA samples so that both possess similar fragment sizes. Based on this observation, we developed a novel DNA fragmentation simulation method (FSM) that allows customized tailoring of the fragment sizes of test and reference samples, thereby lowering array failure rates. To validate our methods, we combined FSM with Universal Linkage System (ULS) labeling to study a cohort of 200 tumor samples using Agilent 1 M feature arrays. Results from FFPE samples were equivalent to results from fresh samples and those available through the glioblastoma Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). This study demonstrates that rigorous control of DNA fragment size improves aCGH performance. This methodological advance will permit the routine analysis of FFPE tumor samples for clinical trials and in daily clinical practice

    I kappa B kinase alpha (IKKα) activity is required for functional maturation of dendritic cells and acquired immunity to infection

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are required for priming antigen-specific T cells and acquired immunity to many important human pathogens, including Mycobacteriuim tuberculosis (TB) and influenza. However, inappropriate priming of auto-reactive T cells is linked with autoimmune disease. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate the priming and activation of naïve T cells is critical for development of new improved vaccines and understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. The serine/threonine kinase IKKα (CHUK) has previously been shown to have anti-inflammatory activity and inhibit innate immunity. Here, we show that IKKα is required in DC for priming antigen-specific T cells and acquired immunity to the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. We describe a new role for IKKα in regulation of IRF3 activity and the functional maturation of DC. This presents a unique role for IKKα in dampening inflammation while simultaneously promoting adaptive immunity that could have important implications for the development of new vaccine adjuvants and treatment of autoimmune diseases

    25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are low but not associated with disease activity in chronic spontaneous urticaria and depression

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    AIM: To evaluate vitamin D levels in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), depression and both of them, thus to fi nd out whether vitamin D may be a common causative factor of CSU and depression. METHODS: Thirty patients with CSU, 30 patients with depression, 30 patients with both CSU and depression and 30 healthy volunteers as control group were involved in the study. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) levels of these groups were measured and compared. Correlations between 25(OH)D levels and the activity of CSU and depression were analyzed. RESULTS: Healthy controls' 25(OH)D levels (17.2±8.8 ng/mL) were higher than patients with CSU (9.1±5.1 ng/mL), depression (8.9±6.1 ng/mL) and CSU with depression (7.7±4.7 ng/mL) (p<0.001, p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). There were no differences in 25(OH)D levels between CSU patients with and without depression, between depression patients and CSU patients with and without depression (p=0.43, p=0.82 and p=0.92, respectively). There were no correlations between 25(OH)D levels and the activity of CSU or depression (p=0.99 and p=0.76, respectively). CONCLUSION: Lower 25(OH)D levels in CSU and/or depression may appear as a secondary phenomenon, which means being result of these diseases rather than the cause (Tab. 1, Fig. 2, Ref. 41). © 2020 Comenius University.2-s2.0-85090930348PubMed: 3299001

    Slang Words in Pandemic Condition in Indonesia

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    Slang is one of ways to make language unique. It makes language spoken in society vary. The variation creates new context that is only understood by a certain community. One variation occurs in the pandemic condition in Indonesia. The variation is known as slang. It emerges as the effect of the social diversity of speakers. Its language characteristic is closely connected to the socio-linguistic phenomenon in society. Hence, it is important to conduct analysis on the form and function of slang in the government instruction in mass communication in the pandemic condition in Indonesia. There are five classifications used to classify the slangs. They are fresh and creative, flippant, imitative, acronym, and clipping. Fresh and creative showed any in the government instruction, flippant emerged in some government instructions. Imitative and acronym also emerged in some government instructions, while clipping did not emerge in any of the government instruction. It may happen because some people often use slangs in flippant, imitative, and acronym classifications in their daily life context and conversation