553 research outputs found

    Finite size effects in adsorption of helium mixtures by alkali substrates

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    We investigate the behavior of mixed 3He-4He droplets on alkali surfaces at zero temperature, within the frame of Finite Range Density Functional theory. The properties of one single 3He atom on 4He_N4 droplets on different alkali surfaces are addressed, and the energetics and structure of 4He_N4+3He_N3 systems on Cs surfaces, for nanoscopic 4He drops, are analyzed through the solutions of the mean field equations for varying number N3 of 3He atoms. We discuss the size effects on the single particle spectrum of 3He atoms and on the shapes of both helium distributions.Comment: 12 pages, and 12 figures (PNG format

    Surface location of sodium atoms attached to He-3 nanodroplets

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    We have experimentally studied the electronic 3p3s3p\leftarrow 3s excitation of Na atoms attached to 3^3He droplets by means of laser-induced fluorescence as well as beam depletion spectroscopy. From the similarities of the spectra (width/shift of absorption lines) with these of Na on 4^4He droplets, we conclude that sodium atoms reside in a ``dimple'' on the droplet surface. The experimental results are supported by Density Functional calculations at zero temperature, which confirm the surface location of sodium on 3^3He droplets, and provide a microscopic description of the ``dimple'' structure.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    L’impacte de la cabra (Capra hircus) sobre el teix (Taxus baccata) a l’illa de Mallorca

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    [cat] El teix Taxus baccata a les Balears es troba únicament a la Serra de Tramuntana, està protegit com d’Especial Protecció i és objecte d’un Pla de Maneig executat per la Conselleria de Medi Ambient del Govern de les Illes Balears. La forta pressió de les cabres Capra hircus, incrementada els darrer decennis per l’abandonament de les finques i l’agricultura, és una amenaça que fa perillar el futur del teix. El present treball completa i revisa l’inventari de teixos naturals a la Serra i avalua el seu estat de conservació en funció del grau d’afectació per les cabres assilvestrades. Un 70% dels teixos silvestres pateixen impactes visibles provocats per les cabres. Tot i que la majoria de teixos es trobem empenyalats, la gran majoria (un 84%) pateix un grau d’afectació moderat; el 14% restant presenta una afectació greu, amb una clara amenaça per a la seva supervivència. Els teixos menys afectats són els més difícilment accessibles, i no hi ha cap opció de que puguin créixer amb normalitat a un lloc on arribin les cabres. Ara que ja no es talla ni es permeten les cremes descontrolades, el teix podria tenir unes poblacions més nombroses, tot i que les elevades temperatures estivals i la disminució de les precipitacions, com a conseqüència del canvi climàtic, podrien esdevenir un factor limitant. Avui, però, el principal factor limitant no natural que afecta les poblacions de teix a Mallorca és la pressió que exerceixen les cabres assilvestrades les quals, en molts de casos, poden arribar a provocar la mort dels exemplars.[eng] The yew Taxus baccata in the Balearic Islands is only in the Serra de Tramuntana. It is under Special Protection category and is object of a Management Plan executed by the Balearic Environmental Administration. The strong pressure of goats Capra hircus, increased over the last decades due to the abandonment of farms and agriculture, is a threat that endangers yews future. The present report completes and reviews the inventory of natural yews in the Serra and evaluates its state of conservation based on the degree of involvement by the wild goats. 70% of natural yews suffer visible impacts caused by goats. Although most yews are in cliffs, the vast majority (84%) suffers a moderate degree of threat; the remaining 14% have a serious affectation, with a clear threat to their survival. The least-affected yews are the most difficult to reach, and there is no option to grow normally on a goat's place. Now that neither the cutting of yew or the uncontrolled burning are not allowed, the yew tree could have larger populations, although the high summer temperatures and the decrease of the precipitations, as a consequence of the climate change, could become a limiting factor. Today, however, the main unnatural limiting factor affecting yew populations in Mallorca is the pressure exerted by feral goats which, in many cases, may cause the death of specimens

    Helium in polygonal nanopores at zero temperature: Density functional theory calculations

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    We investigate adsorption of helium in nanoscopic polygonal pores at zero temperature using a finite-range density functional theory. The adsorption potential is computed by means of a technique denoted as the elementary source method. We analyze a rhombic pore with Cs walls, where we show the existence of multiple interfacial configurations at some linear densities, which correspond to metastable states. Shape transitions and hysterectic loops appear in patterns which are richer and more complex than in a cylindrical tube with the same transverse area

    Density modes in spherical 4He shells

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    We compute the density-fluctuation spectrum of spherical 4HeN shells adsorbed on the outer surface of Cn fullerenes. The excitation spectrum is obtained within the random-phase approximation, with particle-hole elementary excitations and effective interaction extracted from a density-functional description of the shell structure. The presence of one or two solid helium layers adjacent to the adsorbing fullerene is phenomenologically accounted for. We illustrate our results for a selection of numbers of adsorbed atoms on C20, C60, and C120. The hydrodynamical model that has proven successful to describe helium excitations in the bulk and in restricted geometries permits to perform a rather exhaustive analysis of various fluid spherical systems, namely, spheres, cavities, free bubbles, and bound shells of variable size

    From nonwetting to prewetting: the asymptotic behavior of 4He drops on alkali substrates

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    We investigate the spreading of 4He droplets on alkali surfaces at zero temperature, within the frame of Finite Range Density Functional theory. The equilibrium configurations of several 4He_N clusters and their asymptotic trend with increasing particle number N, which can be traced to the wetting behavior of the quantum fluid, are examined for nanoscopic droplets. We discuss the size effects, inferring that the asymptotic properties of large droplets correspond to those of the prewetting film

    Twin hydroxymethyluracil-A base pair steps define the binding site for the DNA-bending protein TF1

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    The DNA-bending protein TF1 is the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPO1- encoded homolog of the bacterial HU proteins and the Escherichia coli integration host factor. We recently proposed that TF1, which binds with high affinity (K(d) was ~3 nM) to preferred sites within the hydroxymethyluracil (hmU)-containing phage genome, identifies its binding sites based on sequence-dependent DNA flexibility. Here, we show that two hmU-A base pair steps coinciding with two previously proposed sites of DNA distortion are critical for complex formation. The affinity of TF1 is reduced 10-fold when both of these hmU-A base pair steps are replaced with A-hmU, G-C, or C-G steps; only modest changes in affinity result when substitutions are made at other base pairs of the TF1 binding site. Replacement of all hmU residues with thymine decreases the affinity of TF1 greatly; remarkably, the high affinity is restored when the two hmU-A base pair steps corresponding to previously suggested sites of distortion are reintroduced into otherwise T- containing DNA. T-DNA constructs with 3-base bulges spaced apart by 9 base pairs of duplex also generate nM affinity of TF1. We suggest that twin hmU-A base pair steps located at the proposed sites of distortion are key to target site selection by TF1 and that recognition is based largely, if not entirely, on sequence-dependent DNA flexibility

    A Density Functional for Liquid 3He Based on the Aziz Potential

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    We propose a new class of density functionals for liquid 3He based on the Aziz helium-helium interaction screened at short distances by the microscopically calculated two-body distribution function g(r). Our aim is to reduce to a minumum the unavoidable phenomenological ingredients inherent to any density functional approach. Results for the homogeneous liquid and droplets are presented and discussed. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.Fil:Hernández, E.S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Szybisz, L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Growth Conditions Modify Biomolecole Production in the Microalga Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta)

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    Algae have multiple similarities with fungi, with both belonging to the Thallophyte, a polyphyletic group of non-mobile organisms grouped together on the basis of similar characteristics, but not sharing a common ancestor. The main difference between algae and fungi is noted in their metabolism. In fact, although algae have chlorophyll-bearing thalloids and are autotrophic organisms, fungi lack chlorophyll and are heterotrophic, not able to synthesize their own nutrients. However, our studies have shown that the extremophilic microalga Galderia sulphuraria (GS) can also grow very well in heterotrophic conditions like fungi. This study was carried out using several approaches such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and infrared spectrophotometry (ATR-FTIR). Results showed that the GS, strain ACUF 064, cultured in autotrophic (AGS) and heterotrophic (HGS) conditions, produced different biomolecules. In particular, when grown in HGS, the algae (i) was 30% larger, with an increase in carbon mass that was 20% greater than AGS; (ii) produced higher quantities of stearic acid, oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and ergosterol; (iii) produced lower quantities of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) such as methyl palmytate, and methyl linoleate, saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and poyliunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). ATR-FTIR and principal component analysis (PCA) statistical analysis confirmed that the macromolecular content of HGS was significantly different from AGS. The ability to produce different macromolecules by changing the trophic conditions may represent an interesting strategy to induce microalgae to produce different biomolecules that can find applications in several fields such as food, feed, nutraceutical, or energy production