217 research outputs found

    Anti-discrimination efforts as a public relations function of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston UniversityThe study has been undertaken to record the processes of the administration of civil rights statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, primarily, showing that the administration of the laws by that state's agency, the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, was a public relations effort as well as a law enforcement effort. It was necessary to examine the agency, its background and its more recent posture. The examination included the laws administered by the department. A brief history of the subject of civil rights legislation starting with a presidential executive order in 1941 and continuing with such legislation in the states which have such laws was made. The study required a summary investigation into the public relations of the several states which had anti-discrimination laws. Supplementary material on the Massachusetts concentration was gained by personal interviews with officials of the department to ascertain attitudes regarding the work of the agency and individual concepts of public relations. The investigation disclosed that the individuals were well aware of their roles as public relations practitioners although in some instances their approaches differed. It was also evident that the agency was definitely trying to avail itself of all means in a public relations effort to administer the laws assigned to it. However, it was also noted that because of lack of greater communication between the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and the legislature and executive department of the state, the commission's operating budget did not permit expansion of activities that might have made the department more effective. A greater budget could provide more elaborate and long range public relations programs to include more commercial publicity and branch offices throughout the state. The study of public relations in governmental operations has been neglected to a great extent. There is little on the subject as compared to public relations in commercial fields. This study might be a small stepping stone toward a vast unexplored region, both of government and public relations. It offers only some indication of approach to the investigation of public relations efforts within government. Perhaps with additional studies in this field, scientific public relations principles peculiar to government operations might be formulated. This would not only benefit public relations as a study, but could also provide the most efficient means by which public administrators might give citizens the information they need to make proper decisions that effect their welfare. [TRUNCATED

    How many electrons form chemical bonds in the NgBeS (Ng = Ar, Kr, Xe) molecules? Topological study using the electron localisation function (ELF) and electron localisability indicator (ELI-D)

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    Nature of bonding in the NgBeS (Ng = Ar, Kr, Xe) molecules has been studied using topological analysis of ELF, ELI-D functions with the wave function approximated at the DFT (M062X, B3LYP + ZORA), MP2, CCSD and CASSCF level of calculations. Both Xe–Be and Be=S bonds display topological features typical for the covalent-dative bonding. The V2(Xe) attractor characterising electron density, involved in interaction with the beryllium atom, is closer to the C(Be) core than to C(Xe). The population of the respective basin ranges between 1.59e (B3LYP + ZORA) and 1.83e (CCSD). The beryllium–sulphur bond is described by the bonding disynaptic basin V(Be,S) with the population between 3.22e (CASSCF) and 3.48e (M062X). The approximate weights for the Be–S and Be=S resonance forms are 0.3 and 0.7, respectively, in all molecules. Both the NgBe and BeS bonds are highly polarised with the values of the p SBe and p NgBe polarity indices (CCSD) of 0.8 and 0.9–1.0 for all studied molecules

    The nature of inter- and intramolecular interactions in F2OXe…HX (X= F, Cl, Br, I) complexes

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    Electronic structure of the XeOF2 molecule and its two complexes with HX (X= F, Cl, Br, I) molecules have been studied in the gas phase using quantum chemical topology methods: topological analysis of electron localization function (ELF), electron density, ρ(r), reduced gradient of electron density |RDG(r)| in real space, and symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) in the Hilbert space. The wave function has been approximated by the MP2 and DFT methods, using APF-D, B3LYP, M062X, and B2PLYP functionals, with the dispersion correction as proposed by Grimme (GD3). For the Xe-F and Xe=O bonds in the isolated XeOF2 molecule, the bonding ELF-localization basins have not been observed. According to the ELF results, these interactions are not of covalent nature with shared electron density. There are two stable F2OXe…HF complexes. The first one is stabilized by the F-H…F and Xe…F interactions (type I) and the second by the F-H…O hydrogen bond (type II). The SAPT analysis confirms the electrostatic term, Eelst (1) and the induction energy, Eind (2) to be the major contributors to stabilizing both types of complexes

    Structure and Function of the Zooplankton Community of Mirror Lake, New Hampshire

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    An intensive study of the zooplankton community of Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, was undertaken over a 3-yr period. Our objectives in the lake study have included measurements of a number of attributes of the zooplankton community that integrate structure and function at the ecosystem level; among these are dispersion, biomass, productivity, respiration, and nutrient cycling. Eight species of rotifers and 3 species of cladocerans were successfully cultured. Generation time for planktonic rotifers was -8-10 days (170C). The effect of higher food levels on rotifers was to shorten generation time and to increase brood size. In cladocerans, high food levels caused an increase in length and brood size . A curvilinear relationship existed between zooplankton community respiration and temperature in Mirror Lake. Mean monthly zooplankton community respiration ranged from 96.0 kg C/ha/mo in June of 1969 to a low of 20.5 kg C/ha/mo in April of 1970. Over a 3-yr period, respiration was 79.9% of assimilation. The 0 to 4.5-m strata (;epilimnion) contributed 68.5% and 46.5% of the annual zooplankton production and biomass. Zooplankton community production ranged from 22.3 kg C/ha/yr to 29.3 kg C/ha/yr with a 3-yr mean of 25.2 kg C/ha/yr. The annual zooplankton biomass ranged from 1.4 to 2.6 kg C/ha with a 3-yr mean of 2.0 kg C/ha. A linear relationship was found to exist between net phytoplankton and zooplankton production in various lakes of the world. Ecological efficiency apparently increases with the trophic status of the lake. It is recommended that the term ecological efficiency be refined to include both autochthonous and allochthonous inputs of reduced carbon into the lake. Rotifers assume a major role in intrasystem nutrient cycling and energy transfer within the lake ecosystem. Of the total amount of P incorporated into the organic matter of zooplankton community each year, 33.5% is assimilated in rotifer tissue. The annual turnover rate of P by rotifers is 30.9 and is high compared to crustaceans (10.1). Copepods comprise 55.4% of the total zooplankton biomass. However, the copepods, with their slow growth over an entire year, represent only 19.3% of the zooplankton production, while rotifers account for 39.8% of the zooplankton production annually in Mirror Lake. Also, evidence is presented that rotifers play a major role in energy transfer in lakes of varying trophic status (oligotrophic to eutrophic)

    Influence of surgical resection no plasma Endoglin (CD105) level in non-small cell lung cancer patients

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    Background and Aim: Endoglin is a proliferation-associated antigen on endothelial cells and essential for angiogenesis. Soluble endoglin (s‑endoglin), formed by proteolytic cleavage of ectodomain of membrane receptor could be an indicator of tumor‑activated endothelium. The aim of present study was to analyze changes of s‑endoglin level in plasma of lung cancer patients following surgical resection and to estimate the correlation of s‑endoglin with other soluble receptors, sTie2 and sVEGF R1. Patients and Methods: The study group consisted of 37 patients with stage I of non-small cell lung cancer. Plasma concentrations of s‑endoglin, sTie2 and sVEGF R1 were evaluated by ELISA, three times: before surgical resection and on postoperative day 7 and 30. Results: The median of s‑endoglin concentration decreased significantly on postoperative day 7 when compared with preoperative level and next increased on 30th day and it was comparable with that before surgery. s-Endoglin correlated with another soluble receptors, with sTie2 both before surgery (r=0.44) and on postoperative day 7 (r=0.52) and on 30th day (r=0.58), with sVEGF R1 — only on postoperative day 7 (r=0.75). Conclusion: The increased level of serum endoglin in lung cancer patients compared to controls and its changes after surgical treatment suggest potential application of soluble form of endoglin as potential tumor marker

    Subjective self-assessment of physical activity is negatively affected by monitoring awareness in subjects with mild cognitive impairment : A crossover randomised controlled trial

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Verduci Editore s.r.l. All rights reserved.OBJECTIVE: Physical activity plays an important role in maintaining mental and physical health. This study assessed the effect of physical activity monitoring awareness on the physical activity level and subjective self-assessment of physical activity in middle-aged subjects with normal cognitive function (NCF) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-five subjects aged 50-65 years with NCF and MCI were randomised into two experimental groups, each taking part in two one-week intervention periods. Subjects in group A were not aware that their physical activity was monitored in the first week (phase I) and were aware of the monitoring in the second week (phase II), whereas it was the opposite order for group B. Physical activity was assessed using the ActiGraph GT9X accelerometer and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). RESULTS: A total of 32 subjects (MCI: n = 12, NCF: n = 20) completed both intervention periods, with MCI subjects having significantly lower objectively assessed physical activity than NCF participants. Moreover, subjectively assessed physical activity in the MCI group was significantly higher when the participants were unaware of physical activity monitoring. A significant phase-group interaction was found in total (MET-min/d: P = 0.0072; min/d: P = 0.0194) and moderate (MET-min/d: P = 0.0015; min/d: P = 0.0020) physical activity as well as energy expenditure (p = 0.0366) assessed by the IPAQ and in the percentage of sedentary behaviour (p = 0.0330) and the average number of steps (p = 0.0342) assessed by ActiGraph. CONCLUSIONS: The awareness of physical activity assessment might decrease the ability to subjectively assess physical activity in subjects with MCI.Peer reviewe

    Preferential uptake of polyunsaturated fatty acids by colorectal cancer cells

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    Although a growing body of evidence suggests that colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with alterations of fatty acid (FA) profiles in serum and tumor tissues, available data about polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content in CRC patients are inconclusive. Our study showed that CRC tissues contained more PUFAs than normal large intestinal mucosa. However, serum levels of PUFAs in CRC patients were lower than in healthy controls. To explain the mechanism of PUFA alterations in CRC, we measured FA uptake by the colon cancer cells and normal colon cells. The levels of PUFAs in colon cancer cell culture medium decreased significantly with incubation time, while no changes were observed in the medium in which normal colon cells were incubated. Our findings suggest that the alterations in tumor and serum PUFA profiles result from preferential uptake of these FAs by cancer cells; indeed, PUFAs are essential for formation of cell membrane phospholipids during rapid proliferation of cancer cells. This observation puts into question potential benefits of PUFA supplementation in CRC patients

    Seasonal abundance of small cladocerans in Lake Mangakaware, Waikato, New Zealand

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    The seasonal changes in the dynamics and life histories of the Cladocera in Lake Mangakaware, North Island, New Zealand, were studied over 19 months by sampling at weekly or 2-weekly intervals. Lake Mangakaware is a 13.3 ha polymictic lake with high nutrient status, low Secchi disc transparencies, and an unstable thermal regime. The four planktonic cladoceran species (Bosmina longirostris, B. meridionalis, Ceriodaphnia pulchella, and C. dubia) exhibited disjunct population maxima. Only B. longirostris was perennially present. All species exhibited low fecundities and low lipid content, indicating that food resources were limited and that competitive interactions and resistance to starvation were probably important in determining species success. Increases in body size in cooler seasons were unrelated to clutch size, giving further support for the view that available food was limited. These results are consistent with previous experimental findings that subtle differences in life history can determine seasonal success and the outcome of competition between similar species