303 research outputs found
A practical approach to achieving agility : a theory of constraints perspective
This article documents an action research (AR) project aimed at identifying the practical steps needed to become an agile manufacturer through a combination of the theory of constraints (TOC) and resource- based view (RBV) approaches in a small to medium enterprise (SME) in the Australian manufacturing sector. To date, lean production has been highlighted as a possible catalyst for creating an agile manufacturer, despite the evidence suggesting that lean manufacturing lacks the responsiveness and adaptability to effectively handle a rapidly changing market place and only works well in a stable environment. A more flexible system of production is required to fully encompass the agile characteristics needed to attain a competitive advantage. This research provides empirical evidence that the TOC perspective can be used as a practical approach for becoming an agile manufacturer. The study provides a workable approach for small firms to achieve ‘Agility’ in practice
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A multi-method evaluation of interprofessional education for healthcare professionals caring for women during and after pregnancy
This multi-method evaluation assessed the perceived impact of interprofessional workshops targeting enhanced collaboration between healthcare professionals who care for women during and after pregnancy. Current policy recommends partnership working to improve care for women and babies, however, there is little interprofessional education in this area. Five one-day workshops were delivered to 18 healthcare professionals (47.4% of the 38 healthcare professionals registered). The workshop was evaluated through questionnaires before and after the workshop measuring attitudes and willingness towards collaboration; observations of the workshops by a researcher and follow-up interviews 2 months' post-workshop to explore changes in practice. Workshops were attended by midwives, health visitors (trained nurses specialising in community care for children 0-5 years), dietitians, nurses, a general practitioner and a breastfeeding specialist. Attitudes and willingness to participate in interprofessional collaborative practice improved after the workshop. Observations made at the workshop included engaged participants who reported numerous barriers towards collaboration. Follow-up contact with 12 participants identified several examples of collaboration in practice resulting from workshop attendance. These findings suggest that the workshops influenced attendees to change their practice towards more collaborative working. Future work needs to confirm these results with more participants
Quality management in heavy duty manufacturing industry: TQM vs. Six Sigma
‘Is TQM a management fad?’ This question has been extensively documented in the quality management literature; and will be tackled in this research though a critical literature review on the area. ‘TQM versus Six-Sigma’ debate, which has also been a fundamental challenge in this research filed, is addressed by a thematic and chronological review on the peer papers. To evaluate this challenge in practice, a primary research in heavy duty machinery production industry have been conducted using a case-study on, J C Bamford Excavators Ltd (JCB), the largest European construction machinery producer. The result highlights that TQM is a natural foundation to build up Six-Sigma upon; and not surprisingly the quality yield in a TQM approach complemented by Six-sigma is far higher and more stable than when TQM with no Six-Sigma focus is being put in place; thus presenting the overall finding that TQM and Six Sigma are compliments, not substitutes. The study will be concluded with an overview on quality management approaches in the heavy duty manufacturing industry to highlight the way forward for the industry
Экспериментальные исследования двухфазных течений в разгонных трубках струйных мельниц
Розроблено й виготовлена осесиметричну модель ежектора струминного млина для дослідження двофазних течій у розгінній трубці струминного млина. Схема даної моделі за-снована на класичній схемі ежектора. Відмінність від класичної схеми складається в наяв-ності каналу підведення додаткового потоку. Канал підведення має кільцеву форму й забез-печує подачу рівномірно розподіленого захисного потоку в розгінний канал через щілинний отвір.
Проведено дослідження на осесимметричной моделі ежектора, що складалися із декі-лькох етапів, перший з яких полягав у вивченні характеру плину основного потоку в розгінній трубці млина, другий – у виявленні впливу додаткового потоку газу на основний потік, тре-тій – у виявленні впливу додаткового потоку газу, направленого до розгінної трубки під ку-том 30.
Аналіз досліджень показав, що додатковий потік газу виконує захисну функцію й запо-бігає впливу основного потоку на стінки розгінного каналу. Знайдені переваги додаткового потоку газу ,підведеного під кутом, меншим 90.
Виявлено необхідність досліджувати оптимальний кут підведення додаткового пото-ку газу.Разработана и изготовлена осесимметричная модель эжектора струйной мельницы для исследования двухфазных течений в разгонной трубке струйной мельницы. Схема данной модели основана на классической схеме эжектора. Отличие от классической схемы состо-ит в наличии канала подвода дополнительного потока. Канал подвода имеет кольцевую форму и обеспечивает подачу равномерно распределенного защитного потока в разгонный канал через щелевое отверстие.
Проведены исследования на осесимметричной модели эжектора, состоящие из не-скольких этапов, первый из которых заключался в изучении характера течения основного потока в разгонной трубке мельницы, второй – в выявлении влияния дополнительного пер-пендикулярного потока газа на основной поток, третий – в выявлении влияния дополни-тельного потока газа, направленного в разгонную трубку под углом 30.
Анализ исследований показал, что дополнительный поток газа выполняет защитную функцию и предотвращает влияние основного потока на стенки разгонного канала. Обна-ружены преимущества дополнительного потока газа, подведенного под углом, меньшим 90.
Выявлена необходимость исследовать оптимальный угол подвода дополнительного потока газа.Axisymmetric model of the jet mill ejector are designed and manufactured for studing two-phase flows in jet mill accelerating tube. The scheme of this model is based on the classical scheme of the ejector. Unlike the classical scheme is the inlet channel of an additional flow presence. A channel for supplying has an annular shape and provides the protective uniformly distributed flow in acceler-ating channel through the slotted inlet.
The researches on the axisymmetric ejector model are examined. They consisted of several stages, the first of which was to examine the main flow pattern in the mill accelerating tube, the sec-ond was to identify the additional gas flow impact on the main flow, the third – to identify the impact of the additional gas flow directed at an angle of 30 degrees into the accelerating tube.
Analyses of studies have shown that the additional gas flow has a protecting function and pre-vents the main flow effect on the accelerating channel walls. The benefits of the additional gas flow fed at an angle of less than 90 degrees are discovered.
The need of investigating the optimum angle of the additional gas flow feed is identified
Unmeasured improvement work: the lack of routinely collected, service-related data in NHS endoscopy units in England involved in "modernisation"
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70532.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: The availability of routinely collected service-related endoscopy data from NHS endoscopy units has never been quantified. METHODS: This retrospective observational study asked 19 endoscopy units to submit copies of all in-house, service-related endoscopy data that had been routinely collected by the unit - Referral numbers, Activity, Number of patients waiting and Number of lost slots. Nine of the endoscopy units had previously participated in the Modernising Endoscopy Services (MES) project during 2003 to redesign their endoscopy services. These MES sites had access to additional funding and data collection software. The other ten (Control sites) had modernised independently. All data was requested in two phases and corresponded to eight specific time points between January 2003 and April 2006. RESULTS: Only eight of 19 endoscopy units submitted routinely collected, service-related data. Another site's data was collected specifically for the study. A further two units claimed to routinely collect service-related data but did not submit any to the study. The remaining eight did not collect any service-related endoscopy data routinely and liaised with their Trust for data. Of the eight sites submitting service-related data, only three were MES project sites. Of these three, the data variables collected were limited and none collected the complete set of endoscopy data variables requested. Of the other five sites, two collected all four endoscopy data types. Data for the three MES project sites went back as far as January 2003, whilst the five Control sites were only able to submit data from December 2003 onwards. CONCLUSION: There was a lack of service-related endoscopy data routinely collected by the study sites, especially those who had participated in the MES project. Without this data, NHS endoscopy services cannot have a true understanding of their services, cannot identify problems and cannot measure the impact of any changes. With the increasing pressures placed on NHS endoscopy services, the need to effectively inform redesign plans is paramount. We recommend the compulsory collection of service-related endoscopy data by all NHS endoscopy units using a standardised format with rigorous guidelines
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