3,977 research outputs found

    Multiplexed communication over a high-speed quantum channel

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    In quantum information systems it is of particular interest to consider the best way in which to use the non-classical resources consumed by that system. Quantum communication protocols are integral to quantum information systems and are amongst the most promising near-term applications of quantum information science. Here we show that a multiplexed, digital quantum communications system supported by comb of vacuum squeezing has a greater channel capacity per photon than a source of broadband squeezing with the same analogue bandwidth. We report on the time-resolved, simultaneous observation of the first dozen teeth in a 2.4 GHz comb of vacuum squeezing produced by a sub-threshold OPO, as required for such a quantum communications channel. We also demonstrate multiplexed communication on that channel

    Review of SIS Experimental Results on Strangeness

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    >A review of meson emission in heavy ion collisions at incident energies around 1 -- 2 AA\cdotGeV is presented. It is shown how the shape of the spectra and the various particle yields vary with system size, with centrality and with incident energy. A statistical model assuming thermal and chemical equilibrium and exact strangeness conservation (i.e. strangeness conservation per collision) explains most of the observed features. Emphasis is put onto the study of K+K^+ and KK^- emission. In the framework of this statistical model it is shown that the experimentally observed equality of K+K^+ and KK^- rates at threshold corrected energies ssth\sqrt{s} - \sqrt{s_{th}} is due to a crossing of two excitation functions. Furthermore, the independence of the K+K^+ to KK^- ratio on the number of participating nucleons observed between 1 and 10 AA\cdotGeV is consistent with this model. The observed flow effects are beyond the scope of this model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Strangeness 2000, V International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, July, 2000, Berkeley, Californi

    The Global Star Formation Rate from the 1.4 GHz Luminosity Function

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    The decimetric luminosity of many galaxies appears to be dominated by synchrotron emission excited by supernova explosions. Simple models suggest that the luminosity is directly proportional to the rate of supernova explosions of massive stars averaged over the past 30 Myr. The proportionality may be used together with models of the evolving 1.4 GHz luminosity function to estimate the global star formation rate density in the era z < 1. The local value is estimated to be 0.026 solar masses per year per cubic megaparsec, some 50% larger than the value inferred from the Halpha luminosity density. The value at z ~ 1 is found to be 0.30 solar masses per year per cubic megaparsec. The 10-fold increase in star formation rate density is consistent with the increase inferred from mm-wave, far-infrared, ultra-violet and Halpha observations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters (in press); new PS version has improved figure placemen

    T-PHOT version 2.0: improved algorithms for background subtraction, local convolution, kernel registration, and new options

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    We present the new release v2.0 of T-PHOT, a publicly available software package developed to perform PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength deconfusion photometry of extragalactic fields. New features included in the code are presented and discussed: background estimation, fitting using position dependent kernels, flux prioring, diagnostical statistics on the residual image, exclusion of selected sources from the model and residual images, individual registration of fitted objects. These new options improve on the performance of the code, allowing for more accurate results and providing useful aids for diagnostics.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetic configurations of the tilted current sheets in magnetotail

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    In this research, the geometrical structures of tilted current sheet and tail flapping waves have been analysed based on multiple spacecraft measurements and some features of the tilted current sheets have been made clear for the first time. The geometrical features of the tilted current sheet revealed in this investigation are as follows: (1) The magnetic field lines (MFLs) in the tilted current sheet are generally plane curves and the osculating planes in which the MFLs lie are about vertical to the equatorial plane, while the normal of the tilted current sheet leans severely to the dawn or dusk side. (2) The tilted current sheet may become very thin, the half thickness of its neutral sheet is generally much less than the minimum radius of the curvature of the MFLs. (3) In the neutral sheet, the field-aligned current density becomes very large and has a maximum value at the center of the current sheet. (4) In some cases, the current density is a bifurcated one, and the two humps of the current density often superpose two peaks in the gradient of magnetic strength, indicating that the magnetic gradient drift current is possibly responsible for the formation of the two humps of the current density in some tilted current sheets. Tilted current sheets often appear along with tail current sheet flapping waves. It is found that, in the tail flapping current sheets, the minimum curvature radius of the MFLs in the current sheet is rather large with values around 1 &lt;I&gt;R&lt;sub&gt;E&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/I&gt;, while the neutral sheet may be very thin, with its half thickness being several tenths of &lt;I&gt;R&lt;sub&gt;E&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/I&gt;. During the flapping waves, the current sheet is tilted substantially, and the maximum tilt angle is generally larger than 45&amp;deg;. The phase velocities of these flapping waves are several tens km/s, while their periods and wavelengths are several tens of minutes, and several earth radii, respectively. These tail flapping events generally last several hours and occur during quiet periods or periods of weak magnetospheric activity

    Pulsed flows at the high-altitude cusp poleward boundary, and associated ionospheric convection and particle signatures, during a cluster - FAST - SuperDARN - sondrestrom conjunction under a southwest

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    Particle and magnetic field observations during a magnetic conjunction Cluster 1-FAST-Søndrestrøm within the field of view of SuperDARN radars on 21 January 2001 allow us to draw a detailed, comprehensive and self-consistent picture at three heights of signatures associated with transient reconnection under a steady south-westerly IMF (clock angle ≈130◦). Cluster 1 was outbound through the high altitude (∼12RE ) exterior northern cusp tailward of the bifurcation line (geomagnetic Bx>0) when a solar wind dynamic pressure release shifted the spacecraft into a boundary layer downstream of the cusp. The centerpiece of the investigation is a series of flow bursts observed there by the spacecraft, which were accompanied by strong field pertur- bations and tailward flow deflections. Analysis shows these to be Alfven waves. We interpret these flow events as being due to a sequence of reconnected flux tubes, with field-aligned currents in the associated Alfven waves carrying stresses to the underlying ionosphere, a view strengthened by the other observations. At the magnetic footprint of the region of Cluster flow bursts, FAST observed an ion energy- latitude disperison of the stepped cusp type, with individual cusp ion steps corresponding to individual flow bursts. Simultaneously, the SuperDARN Stokkseyri radar observed very strong poleward-moving radar auroral forms (PMRAFs) which were conjugate to the flow bursts at Cluster. FAST was traversing these PMRAFs when it observed the cusp ion steps. The Søndrestrøm radar observed pulsed ionospheric flows (PIFs) just poleward of the convection reversal boundary. As at Cluster, the flow was eastward (tailward), implying a coherent eastward (tailward) motion of the hypothesized open flux tubes. The joint Søndrestrøm and FAST observations indicate that the open/closed field line boundary was equatorward of the convection reversal boundary by ∼2 deg. The unprecedented accuracy of the conjunction argues strongly for the validity of the interpretation of the various signatures as resulting from transient reconnection. In particular, the cusp ion steps arise on this pass from this origin, in consonance with the original pulsating cusp model. The observations point to the need of extending current ideas on the response of the ionosphere to transient reconnection. Specifically, it argues in favor of re-establishing the high-latitude boundary layer downstream of the cusp as an active site of momentum transfer

    Breaking the Redshift Deadlock - I: Constraining the star formation history of galaxies with sub-millimetre photometric redshifts

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    Future extragalactic sub-millimetre and millimetre surveys have the potential to provide a sensitive census of the level of obscured star formation in galaxies at all redshifts. While in general there is good agreement between the source counts from existing SCUBA (850um) and MAMBO (1.25mm) surveys of different depths and areas, it remains difficult to determine the redshift distribution and bolometric luminosities of the sub-millimetre and millimetre galaxy population. This is principally due to the ambiguity in identifying an individual sub-millimetre source with its optical, IR or radio counterpart which, in turn, prevents a confident measurement of the spectroscopic redshift. Additionally, the lack of data measuring the rest-frame FIR spectral peak of the sub-millimetre galaxies gives rise to poor constraints on their rest-frame FIR luminosities and star formation rates. In this paper we describe Monte-Carlo simulations of ground-based, balloon-borne and satellite sub-millimetre surveys that demonstrate how the rest-frame FIR-sub-millimetre spectral energy distributions (250-850um) can be used to derive photometric redshifts with an r.m.s accuracy of +/- 0.4 over the range 0 < z < 6. This opportunity to break the redshift deadlock will provide an estimate of the global star formation history for luminous optically-obscured galaxies [L(FIR) > 3 x 10^12 Lsun] with an accuracy of 20 per cent.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figures, submitted to MNRAS, replaced with accepted versio

    On the location of dayside magnetic reconnection during an interval of duskward oriented IMF

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    We present space- and ground-based observations of the signatures of magnetic reconnection during an interval of duskward-oriented interplanetary magnetic field on 25 March 2004. In situ field and plasma measurements are drawn from the Double Star and Cluster satellites during traversals of the pre-noon sector dayside magnetopause at low and high latitudes, respectively. These reveal the typical signatures of flux transfer events (FTEs), namely bipolar perturbations in the magnetic field component normal to the local magnetopause, enhancements in the local magnetic field strength and mixing of magnetospheric and magnetosheath plasmas. Further evidence of magnetic reconnection is inferred from the ground-based signatures of pulsed ionospheric flow observed over an extended interval. In order to ascertain the location of the reconnection site responsible for the FTEs, a simple model of open flux tube motion over the surface of the magnetopause is employed. A comparison of the modelled and observed motion of open flux tubes (i.e. FTEs) and plasma flow in the magnetopause boundary layer indicates that the FTEs observed at both low and high latitudes were consistence with the existence of a tilted X-line passing through the sub-solar region, as suggested by the component reconnection paradigm. While a high latitude X-line (as predicted by the anti-parallel description of reconnection) may have been present, we find it unlikely that it could have been responsible for the FTEs observed in the pre-noon sector under the observed IMF conditions. Finally, we note that throughout the interval, the magnetosphere was bathed in ULF oscillations within the solar wind electric field. While no one-to-one correspondence with the pulsed reconnection rate suggested by the ground-based observation of pulsed ionospheric flow has been demonstrated, we note that similar periodicity oscillations were observed throughout the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system. These findings are consistent with previously proposed mechanisms of solar wind modulation of the dayside reconnection rate