76 research outputs found

    Bound and unbound rovibrational states of the methane-argon dimer

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    Peculiarities of the intermolecular rovibrational quantum dynamics of the methane-argon complex are studied using a new, ab initio potential energy surface [Y. N. Kalugina, S. E. Lokshtanov, V. N. Cherepanov, and A. A. Vigasin, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 054304 (2016)], variational rovibrational computations, and detailed symmetry considerations within the molecular symmetry group of this floppy complex as well as within the point groups corresponding to the local minimum structures. The computed (ro)vibrational states up to and beyond the dissociation asymptote are characterized using two limiting models: the rigidly rotating molecule's model and the coupled-rotor model of the rigidly rotating methane and an argon atom orbiting around it

    Explicitly correlated Gaussian functions with shifted-center and projection techniques in pre-Born-Oppenheimer calculations

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    Numerical projection methods are elaborated for the calculation of eigenstates of the non-relativistic many-particle Coulomb Hamiltonian with selected rotational and parity quantum numbers employing shifted explicitly correlated Gaussian functions, which are, in general, not eigenfunctions of the total angular momentum and parity operators. The increased computational cost of numerically projecting the basis functions onto the irreducible representations of the three dimensional rotation-inversion group is the price to pay for the increased flexibility of the basis functions. This increased flexibility allowed us to achieve a substantial improvement for the variational upper bound to the Pauli-allowed ground-state energy of the H3+={_3^+=\{p+,^+,p+,^+,p+,^+,e,^-,e}^-\} molecular ion treated as an explicit five-particle system. We compare our pre-Born-Oppenheimer result for this molecular ion with rovibrational results including non-adiabatic corrections.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Effective non-adiabatic Hamiltonians for the quantum nuclear motion over coupled electronic states

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    The quantum mechanical motion of the atomic nuclei is considered over a single- or a multi-dimensional subspace of electronic states which is separated by a gap from the rest of the electronic spectrum over the relevant range of nuclear configurations. The electron-nucleus Hamiltonian is block-diagonalized up to O(εn+1)\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^{n+1}) through a unitary transformation of the electronic subspace and the corresponding nnth-order effective Hamiltonian is derived for the quantum nuclear motion. Explicit but general formulae are given for the second- and the third-order corrections. As a special case, the second-order Hamiltonian corresponding to an isolated electronic state is recovered which contains the coordinate-dependent mass-correction terms in the nuclear kinetic energy operator. For a multi-dimensional, explicitly coupled electronic band, the second-order Hamiltonian contains the usual BO terms and non-adiabatic corrections but generalized mass-correction terms appear as well. These, earlier neglected terms, perturbatively account for the outlying (discrete and continuous) electronic states not included in the explicitly coupled electronic subspace

    Preparation of neuroprotective condensed 1,4-benzoxazepines by regio- and diastereoselective domino Knoevenagel–[1,5]-hydride shift cyclization reaction

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    Condensed O,N-heterocycles containing tetrahydro-1,4-benzoxazepine and tetrahydroquinoline moieties were prepared by a regio- and diastereoselective domino Knoevenagel–[1,5]-hydride shift cyclization reaction of a 4-aryl-2-phenyl-1,4-benzoxazepine derivative obtained from flavanone. The relative configuration of products were determined by the correlation of 3JH,H coupling data with the geometry of major conformers accessed by DFT conformational analysis. Separated enantiomers of the products were characterized by HPLC-ECD data, which allowed their configurational assignment on the basis of TDDFT-ECD calculation of the solution conformers. Two compounds showed neuroprotective activities against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or β-amyloid25–35 (Aβ25–35)-induced cellular injuries in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells in the range of those of positive controls

    Saddle point localization of molecular wavefunctions

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    The quantum mechanical description of isomerization is based on bound eigenstates of the molecular potential energy surface. For the near-minimum regions there is a textbook-based relationship between the potential and eigenenergies. Here we show how the saddle point region that connects the two minima is encoded in the eigenstates of the model quartic potential and in the energy levels of the [H, C, N] potential energy surface. We model the spacing of the eigenenergies with the energy dependent classical oscillation frequency decreasing to zero at the saddle point. The eigenstates with the smallest spacing are localized at the saddle point. The analysis of the HCN???HNC isomerization states shows that the eigenstates with small energy spacing relative to the effective (v1, v3, l) bending potentials are highly localized in the bending coordinate at the transition state. These spectroscopically detectable states represent a chemical marker of the transition state in the eigenenergy spectrum. The method developed here provides a basis for modeling characteristic patterns in the eigenenergy spectrum of bound states

    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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