20 research outputs found


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    Objective: To know the socioeconomic profile, preferences and difficulties encountered by organic food consumers in a store in Teresina-PI. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study, conducted with 60 consumers, carried out through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire that included: sociodemographic issues, frequency of consumption, factors that influence the choice of organics, most consumed food groups and the main difficulties. Results: It was possible to identify that the profile of consumers of this store was formed, by adults aged 31 to 40 years (31.6%), female (71.6%), with postgraduate education (45%), income equal to or greater than eleven minimum wages (53.3%) and married (65%). The interviewees reported consuming organic foods more than once a week (90%), presenting as the main reason the factor of these foods being healthier (56.6%). Among the most consumed groups were for four options such as vegetables, vegetables, fruits, vegetables and other combinations (41.60%). It was also possible to observe that organic food prices are still seen as a difficulty factor by the interviewees (33%). Conclusion: It was evidenced that the main motivations for consumption are related to the concern with health and well-being. Among the main difficulties encountered is high price of products, where it makes it difficult for consumers to purchase.Objetivo: Conocer el perfil socioeconómico, las preferencias y las dificultades encontradas por los consumidores de alimentos ecológicos en una tienda de Teresina-PI. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal, realizado con 60 consumidores, realizado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario semiestructurado que incluyó: cuestiones sociodemográficas, frecuencia de consumo, factores que influyen en la elección de los productos orgánicos, grupos de alimentos más consumidos y las principales dificultades. Resultados: Se pudo identificar que el perfil de consumidores de esta tienda estaba conformado, por adultos de 31 a 40 años (31,6%), mujeres (71,6%), con educación de posgrado (45%), ingresos iguales o superiores a once salarios mínimos (53,3%) y casados (65%). Los entrevistados reportaron consumir alimentos orgánicos más de una vez a la semana (90%), presentando como la razón principal el factor de que estos alimentos sean más saludables (56.6%). Entre los grupos más consumidos se encontraban por cuatro opciones como verduras, hortalizas, frutas, hortalizas y otras combinaciones (41,60%). También fue posible observar que los precios de los alimentos orgánicos siguen siendo vistos como un factor de dificultad por los entrevistados (33%). Conclusión: Se evidencie que las principales motivaciones para el consumo están relacionadas con la preocupación por la salud y el bienestar. Entre las principales dificultades encontradas se encuentra el alto precio de los productos, donde dificulta la compra por parte de los consumidores.Objetivo: Conhecer o perfil socioeconômico, as preferências e dificuldades encontradas por consumidores de alimentos orgânicos em uma loja de Teresina-PI. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 60 consumidores, feito por meio da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturados que contemplava: questões sociodemográficas, frequência de consumo, fatores que influenciam a escolha por orgânicos, grupos de alimentos mais consumidos e as principais dificuldades. Resultados: Foi possível identificar que o perfil dos consumidores desta loja foi formado, por adultos na faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos (31,6%), sexo feminino (71,6%), com escolaridade de pós-graduação (45%), renda igual ou maior que onze salários mínimos (53,3%) e casados (65%). Os entrevistados relataram consumir os alimentos orgânicos mais de uma vez na semana (90%), apresentando como principal motivo o fator desses alimentos serem mais saudáveis (56,6%). Dentre os grupos mais consumidos foram para quatro opções como: verduras, hortaliças, frutas, legumes e outras combinações (41,60%). Também foi possível observar que os preços dos alimentos orgânicos ainda são vistos como um fator de dificuldade pelos entrevistados (33%). Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que as principais motivações para o consumo estão relacionadas à preocupação com a saúde e bem-estar. Entre as principais dificuldades encontradas está preço elevado dos produtos, onde este dificulta a aquisição por parte dos consumidores. &nbsp

    Análise comparativa das cirurgias torácicas nas regiões do Brasil nos últimos 12 anos: um estudo observacional e descritivo

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the comparison of the numbers and amounts spent per hospitalization, mortality rates, average days of stay and number of deaths between the regions of Brazil, with regard to thoracic surgeries arising from the Unified Health System. This is a descriptive observational study, using data collected at the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), together with Health Information (TABNET) in the tab "SUS Hospital Procedures - By Place of Hospitalization - Brazil", covering all the regions of Brazil, referring to patients who underwent thoracic surgeries between the period 2010 to 2022. The variables analyzed were: Admissions, Average Stay, Deaths, Mortality Rate, Average AIH Value and Total Value. From the data obtained, a discrepancy was evident between the mean values ​​of hospitalizations, deaths and mortality rates in thoracic surgical procedures throughout Brazil. Technological levels and financial investments are being put to the test in relation to Brazilian thoracic surgery, as the North region proposed the lowest mortality rate and the lowest investment per hospitalization, compared to the others.  El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la comparación de los números y valores gastados por hospitalización, tasas de mortalidad, promedio de días de estancia y número de muertes entre las regiones de Brasil, en lo que respecta a las cirugías torácicas provenientes del Sistema Único de Salud. estudio observacional descriptivo, utilizando datos recolectados en el Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud (DATASUS), junto con Información de Salud (TABNET) en la pestaña "Trámites Hospitalarios SUS - Por Lugar de Hospitalización - Brasil", abarcando todas las regiones de Brasil, referente a los pacientes que se sometieron a cirugías torácicas entre el período 2010 a 2022. Las variables analizadas fueron: Ingresos, Estancia Promedio, Defunciones, Tasa de Mortalidad, Valor Promedio de AIH y Valor Total. A partir de los datos obtenidos, se evidenció una discrepancia entre los valores medios de hospitalizaciones, muertes y tasas de mortalidad en procedimientos quirúrgicos torácicos en todo Brasil. Los niveles tecnológicos y las inversiones financieras están siendo puestos a prueba en relación a la cirugía torácica brasileña, ya que la región Norte propuso la menor tasa de mortalidad y la menor inversión por hospitalización, en comparación con las demás.Objetiva-se, neste estudo, Analisar a comparação dos números e valores gastos por internação, taxas de mortalidade, médias de dias de permanência e quantidade de óbitos entre as regiões do Brasil, no que tange as cirurgias torácicas advindas do Sistema Único de Saúde. Trata-se de um estudo observacional descritivo, utilizando dados coletados no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), juntamente às Informações de Saúde (TABNET) na aba “Procedimentos Hospitalares do SUS – Por Local de Internação – Brasil” abrangendo todas as regiões do Brasil, referentes aos pacientes que realizaram cirurgias torácicas entre o período de 2010 a 2022. As variáveis analisadas foram: Internações, Média de Permanência, Óbitos, Taxa de Mortalidade, Valor Médio AIH e Valor Total. A partir dos dados obtidos, evidenciou-se uma discrepância entre os valores médios de internações, óbitos e taxas de mortalidades nos procedimentos cirúrgicos torácicos em todo Brasil. Os níveis tecnológicos e investimentos financeiros estão sendo levados a prova em relação à cirurgia torácica brasileira, pois a região Norte propôs a menor taxa de mortalidade e o menor investimento por internação, em comparação às demais

    Simplified sewerage to prevent urban leptospirosis transmission: a cluster non-randomised controlled trial protocol in disadvantaged urban communities of Salvador, Brazil.

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    INTRODUCTION: Leptospirosis is a globally distributed zoonotic and environmentally mediated disease that has emerged as a major health problem in urban slums in developing countries. Its aetiological agent is bacteria of the genus Leptospira, which are mainly spread in the urine of infected rodents, especially in an environment where adequate sanitation facilities are lacking, and it is known that open sewers are key transmission sources of the disease. Therefore, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a simplified sewerage intervention in reducing the risk of exposure to contaminated environments and Leptospira infection and to characterise the transmission mechanisms involved. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This matched quasi-experimental study design using non-randomised intervention and control clusters was designed to assess the effectiveness of an urban simplified sewerage intervention in the low-income communities of Salvador, Brazil. The intervention consists of household-level piped sewerage connections and community engagement and public involvement activities. A cohort of 1400 adult participants will be recruited and grouped into eight clusters consisting of four matched intervention-control pairs with approximately 175 individuals in each cluster in baseline. The primary outcome is the seroincidence of Leptospira infection assessed through five serological measurements: one preintervention (baseline) and four postintervention. As a secondary outcome, we will assess Leptospira load in soil, before and after the intervention. We will also assess Leptospira exposures before and after the intervention, through transmission modelling, accounting for residents' movement, contact with flooding, contaminated soil and water, and rat infestation, to examine whether and how routes of exposure for Leptospira change following the introduction of sanitation. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the ethics boards at the Federal University of Bahia and the Brazilian National Research Ethics Committee. Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and presentations to implementers, researchers and participating communities. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (RBR-8cjjpgm)

    NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics

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    Xenarthrans – anteaters, sloths, and armadillos – have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with 24 domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across their full distribution ranges. The Neotropics harbor 21 species of armadillos, ten anteaters, and six sloths. Our dataset includes the families Chlamyphoridae (13), Dasypodidae (7), Myrmecophagidae (3), Bradypodidae (4), and Megalonychidae (2). We have no occurrence data on Dasypus pilosus (Dasypodidae). Regarding Cyclopedidae, until recently, only one species was recognized, but new genetic studies have revealed that the group is represented by seven species. In this data-paper, we compiled a total of 42,528 records of 31 species, represented by occurrence and quantitative data, totaling 24,847 unique georeferenced records. The geographic range is from the south of the USA, Mexico, and Caribbean countries at the northern portion of the Neotropics, to its austral distribution in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. Regarding anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla has the most records (n=5,941), and Cyclopes sp. has the fewest (n=240). The armadillo species with the most data is Dasypus novemcinctus (n=11,588), and the least recorded for Calyptophractus retusus (n=33). With regards to sloth species, Bradypus variegatus has the most records (n=962), and Bradypus pygmaeus has the fewest (n=12). Our main objective with Neotropical Xenarthrans is to make occurrence and quantitative data available to facilitate more ecological research, particularly if we integrate the xenarthran data with other datasets of Neotropical Series which will become available very soon (i.e. Neotropical Carnivores, Neotropical Invasive Mammals, and Neotropical Hunters and Dogs). Therefore, studies on trophic cascades, hunting pressure, habitat loss, fragmentation effects, species invasion, and climate change effects will be possible with the Neotropical Xenarthrans dataset

    Síndrome de Chiari e Hidrossiringomielia com comprometimento neurológico: um relato de caso

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    A Malformação de Chiari (MC) pertence a um amplo grupo de raras deformidades estruturais da junção craniocerebelomedular. O tipo I da doença caracteriza-se pela herniação tonsilar ou amigdaliana cerebelar devido à anomalia da base do crânio e da parte superior da coluna cervical, além de a porção medial do lobo inferior do cerebelo pelo canal cervical também se protuberar através do forame magno, impedindo que o líquor flua normalmente através do canal. A real prevalência da doença é desconhecida, pois muitos pacientes com herniação cerebelar são assintomáticos e o problema agrava-se na fase adulta, com queixas de cefaleia intensa e, por vezes, parestesia. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar um caso de síndrome de Chiari (SC) em uma paciente de 53 anos, ao abordar sua apresentação clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento. Paciente do sexo feminino, 53 anos, foi admitida em um hospital da rede pública de referência se queixando de cefaleia occipital intensa e cervicalgia com irradiação da dor para os membros superiores, acompanhada de parestesia nos quatro segmentos. Relatou já sentir dor há 2 anos, mas apresentou piora do quadro clínico há 8 meses. Foi, também, observada incontinência urinária devido à dissinergia detrusora-esfincteriana por provável bexiga neurogênica. Foi, então, realizado exame de imagem de ressonância magnética (RNM) do crânio e da coluna cervical, com obtenção de sequências ponderadas em T1, T2 e STIR, nos planos sagital e transverso com contraste, o qual evidenciou leve alargamento medular, além de sinais de hidrossiringomielia difusa, com hipossinal na sequência T2 intramedular na altura de D1-D2 (coluna dorsal). Foi notada discreta herniação das tonsilas cerebelares junta ao forame magno, típica da SC, sendo, por fim, confirmado o diagnóstico. A paciente, no entanto, não apresentava hidrocefalia, mesmo com a interrupção do fluxo do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) para o canal vertebral. Ela encaixou- se nos parâmetros de indicação cirúrgica, sendo realizada craniotomia occipital, com acesso ao plexo coroide do quarto ventrículo do tronco encefálico com o intuito de elevar as tonsilas cerebelares baixas, herniadas no canal espinhal cervical e bloqueando o fluxo do LCR. Após a descompressão craniocervical, o curso do líquor foi restaurado e a paciente foi, por fim, encaminhada à sala de recuperação pós-operatória. A SC é uma rara doença que apresenta quadro clínico e alterações radiológicas complexas e extensas e, por vezes, o diagnóstico é retardado devido à inespecificidade dos sintomas confundidos com cervicalgias e cefaleias comuns. A hipótese diagnóstica deve ser embasada nas queixas do paciente, na anamnese minuciosa, exame clínico e nos exames de imagens, sendo a prevalência desta patologia de difícil definição e com faixas etárias distintas

    Supplementary Material for: ADULT Phenotype and rs16864880 in the TP63 Gene: Two New Cases and Review of the Literature

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    <p>The <i>TP63</i> gene has been described in 5 overlapping limb malformation disorders, including a rare autosomal dominant ectodermal disorder named acro-dermato-ungual-lacrimal-tooth (ADULT) syndrome. This article describes 2 patients with ectrodactyly and variable features related to ectodermal dysplasia/ADULT syndrome, and the polymorphism rs16864880 in the <i>TP63</i> gene, which was not present in their parents. The role of this variant in the genesis of this condition is discussed, based upon a review of 40 cases. The results suggested that rs16864880 may not be directly related to ADULT syndrome. However, it is not possible to exclude its participation in gene interactions in the limb development pathway.</p

    Effects of Fish Oil Supplementation on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Liver Damage in Hypercholesterolemic Rats

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    Metabolic syndrome, especially its component related to dyslipidemia, is related to the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is a disease with a significant global prevalence. Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids emerged as a complementary therapeutic possibility for dyslipidemia, but its benefits are questioned. This paper aims at evaluating the effects of fish oil supplementation in rats with hypercholesterolemia induced by hypercholesterolemic diet (HD). The study design is based on an experimental model in which the animals were randomly divided into 3 groups: G1 (standard commercial feed + saline solution); G2 (hypercholesterolemic diet + saline solution) and G3 (hypercholesterolemic diet + fish oil) over a period of 16 weeks. Metabolic control parameters and oxidative stress biomarkers were evaluated according to standardized methodologies. The G3 group showed significantly lower values of plasma concentrations of TG, and hepatic myeloperoxidase as well as higher erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity (p &lt; 0.05). Regarding histopathological analysis, there was lipid accumulation in the liver of animals from group G2; meanwhile, hepatocytes reorganization and expressive reduction of lipid vacuoles and hepatic TG content was observed in group G3. This study demonstrated how fish oil supplementation reduced the plasma concentration and hepatic content of triglycerides, as well as liver tissue damage in histopathological analysis

    Effects of ω-3 PUFA-Rich Oil Supplementation on Cardiovascular Morphology and Aortic Vascular Reactivity of Adult Male Rats Submitted to an Hypercholesterolemic Diet

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    Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease associated with abnormalities of vascular functions. The consumption of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids can be considered a strategy to reduce clinical events related to atherosclerosis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of supplementation with 310 mg of ω-3 PUFAs (2:1 eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic acids) for 56 days on rats with hypercholesterolemia induced by a diet containing cholesterol (0.1%), cholic acid (0.5%), and egg yolk. Serum biochemical parameters were determined by the enzymatic colorimetric method. Assessment of vascular effects was performed by analysis of histological sections of the heart and aortic arch stained with hematoxylin and eosin and vascular reactivity of the aorta artery. We observed that treatment with ω-3 PUFAs did not promote alterations in lipid profile. On the other hand, we documented a favorable reduction in liver biomarkers, as well as contributions to the preservation of heart and aortic arch morphologies. Interestingly, the vascular reactivity of rat thoracic aortic preparations was improved after treatment with ω-3 PUFAs, with a decrease in hyperreactivity to phenylephrine and increased vasorelaxation promoted by acetylcholine. Our findings suggest that the supplementation of hypercholesterolemic rats with ω-3 PUFAs promoted improvement in liver and vascular endothelial function as well as preserving heart and aortic tissue, reinforcing the early health benefits of ω-3 PUFAs in the development of atherosclerotic plaque and further related events