86 research outputs found


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    The paper explains relevance of career competence of prospective specialists. It describes the concept of career competence. Career competence is considered to be the element of professional competence characterizing its aspiration, readiness and ability to professional self-realization, which is followed by reflexive vision of, an adequate self-assessment and defining purposeful process and result of development of professional career. The publication defines the structure of career competence which consists of axiological, motivational and activity (self-efficiency, motivation to career, ability to solve career problems), cognitive (career goal-setting and planning), personal (responsibility and adaptability) and procedural components (procedure of career building: steps, stages, periods and dynamics). The author analyzes technologies of career competence of building in national and foreign educational systems. The article describes special course on career competence building “My career”. The theoretical and methodological basis of the course “My Career” is developed by means of applying competence-based approach, personal and activity approach, axiological and the subject - subject ones. The course “My Career” is considered to be the block and modules system of interactive classes carried out in the training way; the course involves students in activity which conforms to development of career orientations, self-efficiency, goals setting, development of motivation to career, ability to overcome career obstacles, adapt to changing environment conditions, development of tactical and strategic planning of career taking into account changes of its speed in the social and economic environment. The course is based on three modules responding to the stages of career competence building; they are focusing module, bringing module and fixing one. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results received during experiment proved efficiency of psychology and pedagogical training «My career» is constructed on the basis of integration between motivational and activity component, cognitive component, axiological one, personal and procedural components of prospective specialists’ career competence building.Обоснована актуальность проблемы формирования карьерной компетентности будущих специалистов. Описано понятие карьерной компетентности. Карьерная компетентность рассматривается в качестве элемента профессиональной компетентности, характеризующего ее стремление, готовность и способность к профессиональной самореализации, сопровождающегося рефлексивным видением себя, адекватной самооценкой и определяющего целенаправленный процесс и результат развития профессиональной карьеры. Определена структура карьерной компетентности, состоящая из аксиологического, мотивационно-деятельностного (самоэффективность, мотивация к карьере, умение решать карьерные проблемы), когнитивного (карьерное целеполагание и планирование), личностного (ответственность и адаптивность) и процессуального компонентов (тактика построения карьеры: фазы, этапы, периоды и темп). Представлен анализ технологий формирования карьерной компетентности в отечественной и зарубежной системах образования. Описан специализированный курс по формированию карьерной компетентности «Моя карьера». Теоретико-методологическую основу разработки специализированного курса «Моя карьера» составили компетентностный, личностно-деятельностный, аксиологический и субъект-субъектный подходы в обучении. Специализированный курс «Моя карьера» представляет собой блочно-модульную систему интерактивных занятий, проводимых в тренинговой форме посредством активного вовлечения студентов в деятельность, содействующую развитию карьерных ориентаций, самоэффективности, постановке целей, развитию мотивации к карьере, умению преодолевать карьерные препятствия, приспосабливаться к изменяющимся условиям среды, развитию тактического и стратегического планирования карьеры с учетом изменений ее темпа в социально-экономической среде. В основе содержания специализированного курса лежат три модуля, отвечающие этапам формирования карьерной компетентности: ориентирующий, приобщающий, закрепляющий. Количественный и качественный анализ результатов, полученных в ходе проведения эксперимента, доказал эффективность психолого-педагогического тренинга «Моя карьера», построенного на основе интеграции мотивационно-деятельностного, когнитивного, аксиологического, личностного и процессуального компонентов формирования карьерной компетентности будущих специалистов

    Antifungal activity of oligochitosans (short chain chitosans) against some Candida species and clinical isolates of Candida albicans: Molecular weight-activity relationship

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    A series of oligochitosans (short chain chitosans) prepared by acidic hydrolysis of chitosan and characterized by their molecular weight, polydispersity and degree of deacetylation were used to determine their anticandidal activities. This study has demonstrated that oligochitosans show a high fungistatic activity (MIC 8-512 μg/ml) against Candida species and clinical isolates of Candida albicans, which are resistant to a series of classic antibiotics. Flow cytometry analysis showed that oligochitosan possessed a high fungicidal activity as well. For the first time it was shown that even sub-MIC oligochitosan concentration suppressed the formation of C. albicans hyphal structures, cause severe cell wall alterations, and altered internal cell structure. These results indicate that oligochitosan should be considered as a possible alternative/additive to known anti-yeast agents in pharmaceutical compositions. © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Synthesis and antifungal activity of sulfides, sulfoxides, and sulfones based on (1S)-(-)-β-pinene

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    Attachment of 2-mercaptoethanol and thioglycolic acid methyl ester to the double bond of (1S)-(-)-β-pinene yielded pinane sulfides with the cis configuration. Oxidation of sulfides with m-chloroperbenzoic acid yielded the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfones. The resulting compounds were screened for antimycotic activity and the dynamics of changes in antifungal properties in sulfides-sulfoxide-sulfone series were studied. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis С: achievements and problems. Efficiency prognosis (literature review)

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    Though there are well-tested treatment protocols available for patients with viral hepatitis, the problem ot response efficiency to antiviral therapy (AVT) still remains urgent. Review contains current standard-of-care antiviral therapy used for patients with chronic hepatitis C. The critical key analysis of different treatment regimens and data from efficiency predictors in this patients category is presented.Несмотря на отработанные в настоящее время стандарты ведения больных вирусными гепатитами, остается актуальной проблема эффективности ответа на противовирусную терапию (ПВТ). В обзоре отражены современные представления о ПВТ, применяющейся у больных хроническим вирусным гепатитом С. Представлен критический анализ различных схем ПВТ и данные о предикторах эффективности лечения у данной категории пациентов

    Big Five Traits as Predictors of a Healthy Lifestyle during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a Russian Cross-Sectional Study

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    The healthy lifestyle of people around the world has changed dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic. The personality risk factors for these processes from around the world remain understudied. This study aimed to examine the associations of the Big Five traits with a healthy lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a cross-sectional study, data from 1215 Russian university students were analyzed. Participants completed the Big Five Inventory-10 and Short Multidimensional Inventory Lifestyle Evaluation. The results showed that personality traits predicted many dimensions of a healthy lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diet and nutrition were positively predicted by extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, and it was negatively predicted by neuroticism. Substance abuse was positively predicted by agreeableness and conscientiousness, and it was negatively predicted by extraversion. Physical activity was positively predicted by extraversion and conscientiousness, and it was negatively predicted by neuroticism. Stress management was positively predicted by extraversion and conscientiousness, and it was negatively predicted by neuroticism. Restorative sleep was positively predicted by extraversion and conscientiousness, and it was negatively predicted by neuroticism. Social support for healthy practices was positively predicted by extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Environmental exposures were positively predicted by extraversion, and neuroticism was positively and negatively predicted by conscientiousness. Our findings may be useful for further exploration of personality risk factors for healthy practices in challenging life circumstances. © 2022 by the authors.AAAA-A21-121012090090-9; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 20-515-55003This study was funded by RFBR (project No. 20-515-55003) and partly by the Government contract of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology (AAAA-A21-121012090090-9)

    Surrogacy and HIV: features of a clinical case in comorbid cancer

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    Introduction. A significant increase in the quality and increase in the life expectancy of HIV patients during treatment with antiretroviral drugs necessitates the implementation of the reproductive function in these patients. The participation of a surrogate mother in the treatment of infertility in HIV-infected potential parents, provided by the Russian legislation, requires additional solutions to a number of clinical and organizational problems. The aim was to substantiate a surrogacy program as a method of choice for the treatment of infertility in patients with HIV-positive status and comorbid cancer and also a multidisciplinary approach to organizingЦель работы: на примере конкретной клинической ситуации с учетом литературных данных обосновать программу суррогатного материнства в качестве метода выбора для лечения бесплодия у пациентов с ВИЧ-позитивным статусом и коморбидным онкологическим заболева нием, а также междисциплинарный подход к организации его проведени

    On the application of dynamic screening method to resource queueing system with infinite servers

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    Infinite-server queues are a widely used modelling tool thanks to their analytical tractability and their ability to provide conservative upper bounds for the corresponding multi-server queueing systems. A relatively new research field is represented by resource queues, in which every customer requires some volume of resources during her staying in the queue and frees it only at the end of the service. In a nutshell, in this paper the joint distribution of the processes describing the number of busy servers and the total volume of occupied resources is derived and the parameters of the corresponding bidimensional Gaussian distribution are explicitly calculated as a function of the arrival process characteristics and the service time and customers capacity distributions. The aim of this paper is twofold: on one side it summarizes in a ready-to-be-used way the main results for different arrival processes (namely, Poisson processes, renewal processes,MAP, andMMPP), on the other it provides a detailed description of the employed methodology, presenting the key ideas at the basis of powerful analysis tools (dynamic screening and asymptotic analysis methods), developed in the last two decades by Tomsk researchers

    Heterogeneous system GI/GI(n)/∞ with random customers capacities

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    In the paper, we consider a queuing system with n types of customers. We assume that each customer arrives at the queue according to a renewal process and takes a random resource amount, independent of their service time. We write Kolmogorov integro-differential equation, which, in general, cannot be analytically solved. Hence, we look for the solution under the condition of infinitely growing a service time, and we obtain multi-dimensional asymptotic approximations. We show that the n-dimensional probability distribution of the total resource amounts is asymptotically Gaussian, and we look at its accuracy via Kolmogorov distance