643 research outputs found

    A Far-Ultraviolet View of Starburst Galaxies

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    Recent observational and theoretical results on starburst galaxies related to the wavelength regime below 1200 A are discussed. The review covers stars, dust, as well as hot and cold gas. This wavelength region follows trends similar to those seen at longer wavelengths, with several notable exceptions. Even the youngest stellar populations show a turn-over in their spectral energy distributions, and line-blanketing is much more pronounced. Furthermore, the O VI line allows one to probe gas at higher temperatures than possible with lines at longer wavelengths. Molecular hydrogen lines (if detected) provide a glimpse of the cold phase. I cover the crucial wavelength regime below 912 A and the implications of recent attempts to detect the escaping ionizing radiation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Invited Talk, Starbursts--From 30 Doradus to Lyman-Break Galaxies, ed. R. de Grijs & R. M. Gonzalez Delgado (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Lyα\alpha profile, dust, and prediction of Lyα\alpha escape fraction in Green Pea Galaxies

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    We studied Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) escape in a statistical sample of 43 Green Peas with HST/COS Lyα\alpha spectra. Green Peas are nearby star-forming galaxies with strong [OIII]λ\lambda5007 emission lines. Our sample is four times larger than the previous sample and covers a much more complete range of Green Pea properties. We found that about 2/3 of Green Peas are strong Lyα\alpha line emitters with rest-frame Lyα\alpha equivalent width >20>20 \AA. The Lyα\alpha profiles of Green Peas are diverse. The Lyα\alpha escape fraction, defined as the ratio of observed Lyα\alpha flux to intrinsic Lyα\alpha flux, shows anti-correlations with a few Lyα\alpha kinematic features -- both the blue peak and red peak velocities, the peak separations, and FWHM of the red portion of the Lyα\alpha profile. Using properties measured from SDSS optical spectra, we found many correlations -- Lyα\alpha escape fraction generally increases at lower dust reddening, lower metallicity, lower stellar mass, and higher [OIII]/[OII] ratio. We fit their Lyα\alpha profiles with the HI shell radiative transfer model and found Lyα\alpha escape fraction anti-correlates with the best-fit NHIN_{HI}. Finally, we fit an empirical linear relation to predict Lyα\alpha escape fraction from the dust extinction and Lyα\alpha red peak velocity. The standard deviation of this relation is about 0.3 dex. This relation can be used to isolate the effect of IGM scatterings from Lyα\alpha escape and to probe the IGM optical depth along the line of sight of each z>7z>7 Lyα\alpha emission line galaxy in the JWST era.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, machine-readable tables included. ApJ in-pres

    The Star Formation History of NGC 1705: a Post-Starburst Galaxy on the Verge of Activity

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    We infer the star formation history in different regions of the blue compact dwarf NGC 1705 by comparing synthetic color-magnitude diagrams with HST optical and near-infrared photometry. We find that NGC 1705 is not a young galaxy because its star formation commenced at least 5 Gyr ago. On the other hand, we confirm the existence of a recent burst of star formation between 15 and 10 Myr ago. We also find evidence for new strong activity, which started 3 Myr ago and is still continuing. The old population is spread across the entire galaxy, while the young and intermediate stars are more concentrated in the central regions. We derive an almost continuous star formation with variable rate, and exclude the presence of long quiescent phases between the episodes during the last ~1 Gyr. The central regions experienced an episode of star formation of \~0.07 Msun/yr (for a Salpeter initial mass function [IMF]) 15 to 10 Myr ago. This coincides with the strong activity in the central super star cluster. We find a rate of ~0.3 Msun/yr for the youngest ongoing burst which started ~3 Myr ago. This is higher than in other dwarfs and comparable to the rate of NGC 1569. The star formation rate of earlier episodes is not especially high and falls in the range 10^{-3}-10^{-1} Msun/yr. The IMF is close to the Salpeter value or slightly steeper.Comment: 34 pages, including 6 tables and 14 .ps figures (9 in colour), AJ in pres

    On the Escape of Ionizing Radiation from Starbursts

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra obtained with FUSEFUSE show that the strong CIIλCII\lambda1036 interstellar absorption-line is essentially black in five of the UV-brightest local starburst galaxies. Since the opacity of the neutral ISM below the Lyman-edge will be significantly larger than in the CIICII line, these data provide strong constraints on the escape of ionizing radiation from these starbursts. Interpreted as a a uniform absorbing slab, the implied optical depth at the Lyman edge is huge (τ0102\tau_0 \geq 10^2). Alternatively, the areal covering factor of opaque material is typically \geq 94%. Thus, the fraction of ionizing stellar photons that escape the ISM of each galaxy is small: our conservative estimates typically yield fesc6f_{esc} \leq 6%. Inclusion of extinction due to dust will further decrease fescf_{esc}. An analogous analysis of the rest-UV spectrum of the star-forming galaxy MS1512CB58MS 1512-CB58 at zz =2.7 leads to similar constraints on fescf_{esc}. These new results agree with the constraints provided by direct observations below the Lyman edge in a few other local starbursts. However, they differ from the recently reported properties of star-forming galaxies at zz \geq 3. We assess the idea that the strong galactic winds seen in many powerful starbursts clear channels through their neutral ISM. We show empirically that such outflows may be a necessary - but not sufficient - part of the process for creating a relatively porous ISM. We note that observations will soon document the cosmic evolution in the contribution of star-forming galaxies to the metagalactic ionizing background, with important implications for the evolution of the IGM.Comment: 17 pages; ApJ, in pres

    The Nuclear and Circum-nuclear Stellar Population in Seyfert 2 Galaxies: Implications for the Starburst-AGN Connection

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    We report the results of a spectroscopic investigation of a sample of 20 of the brightest type 2 Seyfert nuclei. Our goal is to search for the direct spectroscopic signature of massive stars, and thereby probe the role of circumnuclear starbursts in the Seyfert phenomenon. The method used is based on the detection of the higher order Balmer lines and HeI lines in absorption and the Wolf-Rayet feature at \sim4680 \AA in emission. These lines are strong indicators of the presence of young (a few Myrs) and intermediate-age (a few 100 Myrs) stellar populations. In over half the sample, we have detected HeI and/or strong stellar absorption features in the high-order (near-UV) Balmer series together with relatively weak lines from an old stellar population. In three others we detect a broad emission feature near 4680 \AA that is most plausibly ascribed to a population of Wolf-Rayet stars (the evolved descendants of the most massive stars). We therefore conclude that the blue and near-UV light of over half of the sample is dominated by young and/or intermediate age stars. The ``young'' Seyfert 2's have have larger far-IR luminosities, cooler mid/far-IR colors, and smaller [OIII]/Hβ\beta flux ratios than the ``old'' ones. These differences are consistent with a starburst playing a significant energetic role in the former class. We consider the possibility that there may be two distinct sub-classes of Seyfert 2 nuclei (``starbursts'' and ``hidden BLR''). However, the fact that hidden BLRs have been found in three of the ``young'' nuclei argues against this, and suggests that nuclear starbursts may be a more general part of the Seyfert phenomenon.Comment: To be published in ApJ, 546, Jan 10, 200

    Probing Star Formation at Low Metallicity: The Radio Emission of Super Star Clusters in SBS0335-052

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    We present high-resolution radio continuum observations of the nascent starburst in the metal-poor galaxy SBS 0335-052. These radio data were taken with the Very Large Array and include observations at 0.7cm, 1.3cm, 2cm, 3.6cm, and 6cm. These observations enable us to probe the thermal radio nebulae associated with the extremely young star-forming regions in this galaxy. Two discrete and luminous star-forming regions are detected in the south of the galaxy that appear to be associated with massive star clusters previously identified at optical wavelengths. However, the remaining optically-identified massive star clusters are not clearly associated with radio emission (either thermal or non-thermal) down to the sensitivity limits of these radio data. The spectral energy distributions of the two radio-detected clusters are consistent with being purely thermal, and the entire region has an inferred ionizing flux of ~1.2 x 10^ 53 s^-1, which is equivalent to ~12,000 "typical" O-type stars (type O7.5 V). The observations presented here have resolved out a significant contribution from diffuse non-thermal emission detected previously, implying a previous episode of significant star formation. The current star formation rate (SFR) for this southern region alone is ~1.3 M_sun yr^-1, or ~ 23M_sun yr^-1 kpc^-2. This SFR derived from thermal radio emission also suggests that previous optical recombination line studies are not detecting a significant fraction of the current star formation in SBS 0335-052. From model fits to the radio spectral energy distribution, we infer a global mean density in the two youngest clusters of n_e > 10^3-10^4 cm^-3. In addition, a comparison between the compact and diffuse radio emission indicates that up to ~50% of the ionizing flux could be leaking out of the compact HII regions.Comment: accepted AJ, 14 pages, 5 figure

    The BHK Color Diagram: a New Tool to Study Young Stellar Populations

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    A new method to derive age differences between the various super star clusters observed in starburst galaxies using the two color diagram (B-H) vs (H-K) is presented. This method offers a quick and easy way to differentiate very young and intermediate age stellar populations even if data on extinction are unavailable. In this case, discrimination of regions younger and older than 4 Myr is feasible. With the availability of data on extinction, the time resolution can be improved significantly. The application of the method to the starbursting system Arp 299 is presented. The validity of the method is confirmed by comparing the equivalent width of the H-alpha line with the chronological map of the northern part of NGC 3690.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, AJ accepte

    The Complex Star Formation History of NGC 1569

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    We present new results on the star formation history of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 1569. The data were obtained with Hubble Space Telescope's NICMOS/NIC2 in the F110W (J) and F160W (H) near-infrared (NIR) filters and interpreted with the synthetic color-magnitude diagram method. The galaxy experienced a complex star formation (SF) activity. The best fit to the data is found by assuming three episodes of activity in the last 1-2 Gyr. The most recent and strong episode constrained by these NIR data started ~37 Myr ago and ended ~13 Myr ago, although we cannot exclude the possibility that up to three SF episodes occurred in this time interval. The average star-formation rate (SFR) of the episode is 3.2 Msun yr-1 kpc-2, in agreement with literature data. A previous episode produced stars between 150 Myr and 40 Myr ago, with a mean SFR about 2/3 lower than the mean SFR of the youngest episode. An older SF episode occurred about 1 Gyr ago. All these SFRs are 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than those derived for late-type dwarfs of the Local Group. In all cases an initial mass function similar to Salpeter's allows for a good reproduction of the data, but we cannot exclude flatter mass functions. These results have been obtained adopting a distance of 2.2 Mpc and a reddening E(B-V)=0.56. A larger distance would require younger episodes and higher SFRs. We have explored some possible scenarios using the astrated mass in the best fit model, in order to constrain the past star formation history. We cannot rule out a low rate in the past SF but we can safely conclude that the last 1-2 Gyr have been peculiar.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 2005, vol 129, 14 pages, 9 figure

    Polarimetric Evidence of Non-Spherical Winds

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    Polarization observations yield otherwise unobtainable information about the geometrical structure of unresolved objects. In this talk we review the evidences for non-spherically symmetric structures around Luminous Hot Stars from polarimetry and what we can learn with this technique. Polarimetry has added a new dimension to the study of the envelopes of Luminous Blue Variables, Wolf-Rayet stars and B[e] stars, all of which are discussed in some detail.Comment: 8 pages, 2 encapsulated Postscript figures, uses lamuphys.sty. Invited review to appear in IAU Coll. 169, Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars, eds. B. Wolf, A.Fullerton and O. Stahl (Springer