1,792 research outputs found

    Minimal from classical proofs

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    Geometric criticality between plaquette phases in integer-spin kagome XXZ antiferromagnets

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    The phase diagram of the uniaxially anisotropic s=1s=1 antiferromagnet on the kagom\'e lattice includes a critical line exactly described by the classical three-color model. This line is distinct from the standard geometric classical criticality that appears in the classical limit (ss \to \infty) of the 2D XY model; the s=1s=1 geometric T=0 critical line separates two unconventional plaquette-ordered phases that survive to nonzero temperature. The experimentally important correlations at finite temperature and the nature of the transitions into these ordered phases are obtained using the mapping to the three-color model and a combination of perturbation theory and a variational ansatz for the ordered phases. The ordered phases show sixfold symmetry breaking and are similar to phases proposed for the honeycomb lattice dimer model and s=1/2s=1/2 XXZXXZ model. The same mapping and phase transition can be realized also for integer spins s2s \geq 2 but then require strong on-site anisotropy in the Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Radioactive Probes of the Supernova-Contaminated Solar Nebula: Evidence that the Sun was Born in a Cluster

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    We construct a simple model for radioisotopic enrichment of the protosolar nebula by injection from a nearby supernova, based on the inverse square law for ejecta dispersion. We find that the presolar radioisotopes abundances (i.e., in solar masses) demand a nearby supernova: its distance can be no larger than 66 times the size of the protosolar nebula, at a 90% confidence level, assuming 1 solar mass of protosolar material. The relevant size of the nebula depends on its state of evolution at the time of radioactivity injection. In one scenario, a collection of low-mass stars, including our sun, formed in a group or cluster with an intermediate- to high-mass star that ended its life as a supernova while our sun was still a protostar, a starless core, or perhaps a diffuse cloud. Using recent observations of protostars to estimate the size of the protosolar nebula constrains the distance of the supernova at 0.02 to 1.6 pc. The supernova distance limit is consistent with the scales of low-mass stars formation around one or more massive stars, but it is closer than expected were the sun formed in an isolated, solitary state. Consequently, if any presolar radioactivities originated via supernova injection, we must conclude that our sun was a member of such a group or cluster that has since dispersed, and thus that solar system formation should be understood in this context. In addition, we show that the timescale from explosion to the creation of small bodies was on the order of 1.8 Myr (formal 90% confidence range of 0 to 2.2 Myr), and thus the temporal choreography from supernova ejecta to meteorites is important. Finally, we can not distinguish between progenitor masses from 15 to 25 solar masses in the nucleosynthesis models; however, the 20 solar mass model is somewhat preferred.Comment: ApJ accepted, 19 pages, 3 figure

    Spin Waves in Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    Using a self-consistent mean-field theory for the S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet Kr\"uger and Schuck recently derived an analytic expression for the dispersion. It is exact in one dimension (d=1d=1) and agrees well with numerical results in d=2d=2. With an expansion in powers of the inverse coordination number 1/Z1/Z (Z=2dZ=2d) we investigate if this expression can be {\em exact} for all dd. The projection method of Mori-Zwanzig is used for the {\em dynamical} spin susceptibility. We find that the expression of Kr\"uger and Schuck deviates in order 1/Z21/Z^2 from our rigorous result. Our method is generalised to arbitrary spin SS and to models with easy-axis anisotropy \D. It can be systematically improved to higher orders in 1/Z1/Z. We clarify its relation to the 1/S1/S expansion.Comment: 8 pages, uuencoded compressed PS-file, accepted as Euro. Phys. Lette

    Why does positive mental health buffer against psychopathology?:An exploratory study on self compassion as a resilience mechanism and adaptive emotion regulation strategy

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    Growing evidence suggests that positive mental health or wellbeing protects against psychopathology. How and why those who flourish derive these resilient outcomes is, however, unknown. This exploratory study investigated if self-compassion, as it continuously provides a friendly, accepting and situational context for negative experiences, functions as a resilience mechanism and adaptive emotion regulation strategy that protects against psychopathology for those with high levels of positive mental health. Participants from the general population (n = 349) provided measures at one time-point on positive mental health (MHC-SF), self-compassion (SCS-SF), psychopathology (HADS) and negative affect (mDES). Self-compassion significantly mediated the negative relationship between positive mental health and psychopathology. Furthermore, higher levels of self-compassion attenuated the relationship between state negative affect and psychopathology. Findings suggest that especially individuals with high levels of positive mental health possess self-compassion skills that promote resilience against psychopathology. These might function as an adaptive emotion regulation strategy and protect against the activation of schema related to psychopathology following state negative affective experiences. Enhancing self-compassion is a promising positive intervention for clinical practice. It will not only impact psychopathology through reducing factors like rumination and self-criticism, but also improve positive mental health by enhancing factors such as kindness and positive emotions. This may reduce the future risk of psychopatholog

    The Effect of Precipitation and Temperature on Annualr Ring Growth in Four Species of Quercus

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    The present investigations were made from 11 trees of Quercus alba, 17 trees of Q. montana, 16 trees of Q. velutina and 9of Q. borealis maxima. All specimens were taken from the knobs area of Bartholomew and Brown counties in Indiana, from stumps left by lumbering operations carried on from July to September: 1934. Sections were brought to the laboratory and measurements were made with a binocular microscope suspended over the section. The annular ring widths of eight equidistant radii were taken on each of the 53 sections measured. During the measuring, medullary rays were followed instead of geometrical radii. In this manner the width of the annular growth was taken in a direction eliminating the error of oblique measurement. When a radius was completed, a number tag was placed at the end of the radius. This allowed for a recheck to be made at any desirable time. Annular ring measurements were taken of the years 1909-1933 inclusive, a growth period of twenty-five years. The measurement of eight radii per section aided in eliminating the errors of unequal growth along different radii in the same tree

    Extended coherence time on the clock transition of optically trapped Rubidium

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    Optically trapped ensembles are of crucial importance for frequency measurements and quantum memories, but generally suffer from strong dephasing due to inhomogeneous density and light shifts. We demonstrate a drastic increase of the coherence time to 21 s on the magnetic field insensitive clock transition of Rb-87 by applying the recently discovered spin self-rephasing. This result confirms the general nature of this new mechanism and thus shows its applicability in atom clocks and quantum memories. A systematic investigation of all relevant frequency shifts and noise contributions yields a stability of 2.4E-11 x tau^(-1/2), where tau is the integration time in seconds. Based on a set of technical improvements, the presented frequency standard is predicted to rival the stability of microwave fountain clocks in a potentially much more compact setup.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Advancing mental health care with AI-enabled precision psychiatry tools: A patent review

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    The review provides an overview of patents on AI-enabled precision psychiatry tools published between 2015 and mid-October 2022. Multiple analytic approaches, such as graphic network analysis and topic modeling, are used to analyze the scope, content, and trends of the retained patents. The included tools aim to provide accurate diagnoses according to established psychometric criteria, predict the response to specific treatment approaches, suggest optimal treatments, and make prognoses regarding disorder courses without intervention. About one-third of the tools recommend treatment options or include treatment administration related to digital therapeutics, pharmacotherapy, and electrotherapy. Data sources used to make predictions include behavioral data collected through mobile devices, neuroimaging, and electronic health records. The complexity of technology combinations used in the included devices has increased until 2021. The topics extracted from the patent data illuminate current trends and potential future developments in AI-enabled precision psychiatry. The most impactful patents and associated available products reveal relevant commercialization possibilities and likely future developments. Overall, the review highlights the potential of adopting AI-enabled precision psychiatry tools in practice

    Neonatal outcomes of waterbirth: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: In 2015, 9% of babies born in the UK were delivered underwater. Waterbirth is increasing in popularity, despite uncertainty regarding its safety for neonates. This systematic review and meta-analysis appraises the existing evidence for neonatal outcomes following waterbirth. // METHODS: A structured electronic database search was performed with no language restrictions. All comparative studies which reported neonatal outcomes following waterbirth, and that were published since 1995, were included. Quality appraisal was performed using a modified Critical Appraisal Skills Programme scoring system. The primary outcome was neonatal mortality. Data for each neonatal outcome were tabulated and analysed. Meta-analysis was performed for comparable studies which reported sufficient data. // RESULTS: The majority of the 29 included studies were small, with limited follow-up and methodological flaws. They were mostly conducted in Europe and high-income countries. Reporting of data was heterogeneous. No significant difference in neonatal mortality, neonatal intensive care unit/special care baby unit admission rate, Apgar scores, umbilical cord gases or infection rates was found between babies delivered into water and on land. // CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review and meta-analysis did not identify definitive evidence that waterbirth causes harm to neonates compared with land birth. However, there is currently insufficient evidence to conclude that there are no additional risks or benefits for neonates when comparing waterbirth and conventional delivery on land

    Algorithmic Methods for Covering Arrays of Higher Index

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    Covering arrays are combinatorial objects used in testing large-scale systems to increase confidence in their correctness. To do so, each interaction of at most a specified number t of factors is represented in at least one test; that is, the covering array has strength t and index 1. For certain systems, the outcome of running a test may be altered by variability of the interaction effect or by measurement error of the test result. To improve the efficacy of testing, one can ensure that each interaction of t or fewer factors is represented in at least λ tests. When λ \u3e 1, this leads to covering arrays of higher index. We explore two algorithmic methods for constructing covering arrays of higher index. One is based on the in-parameter-order algorithm, and the other employs a conditional expectation paradigm. We compare these two by performing experiments on real-world benchmarks and on uniform parameter sets