277 research outputs found

    The Avon School District

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    Managerial Discretion in the Use Of Self-Ratings in an Appraisal System: The Antecedents And Consequences

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    Self-evaluations of performance have elicited the interests of researchers over the last four decades. Supporters attest to the importance of employee involvement in the appraisal process while detractors raise issues concerning leniency, validity and purpose. This study examines the circumstances under which superiors have discretion to ask subordinates to self-evaluate their performance in an ongoing appraisal system. Three primary issues are investigated: the conditions under which superiors requested subordinates to self-evaluate, the relationship between opportunity to self-evaluate and the type of post-appraisal interview that was conducted, and the impact of self-ratings on performance appraisal outcomes. Three hundred twenty-six subordinates responded to questions about the performance appraisal process. Results showed leader-subordinate relationships were strong predictors of opportunity to self-rate. Self-ratings were strongly related to type of interview conducted and had an impact on perceived fairness of ratings. While criticism of self-ratings exists, our findings indicate that voluntary self-ratings, focusing on performance development, have a positive impact on the appraisal process

    Simulating Infinite Vortex Lattices in Superfluids

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    We present an efficient framework to numerically treat infinite periodic vortex lattices in rotating superfluids described by the Gross-Pitaevskii theory. The commonly used split-step Fourier (SSF) spectral methods are inapplicable to such systems as the standard Fourier transform does not respect the boundary conditions mandated by the magnetic translation group. We present a generalisation of the SSF method which incorporates the correct boundary conditions by employing the so-called magnetic Fourier transform. We test the method and show that it reduces to known results in the lowest-Landau-level regime. While we focus on rotating scalar superfluids for simplicity, the framework can be naturally extended to treat multicomponent systems and systems under more general `synthetic' gauge fields.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Simulating Brownian suspensions with fluctuating hydrodynamics

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    Fluctuating hydrodynamics has been successfully combined with several computational methods to rapidly compute the correlated random velocities of Brownian particles. In the overdamped limit where both particle and fluid inertia are ignored, one must also account for a Brownian drift term in order to successfully update the particle positions. In this paper, we present an efficient computational method for the dynamic simulation of Brownian suspensions with fluctuating hydrodynamics that handles both computations and provides a similar approximation as Stokesian Dynamics for dilute and semidilute suspensions. This advancement relies on combining the fluctuating force-coupling method (FCM) with a new midpoint time-integration scheme we refer to as the drifter-corrector (DC). The DC resolves the drift term for fluctuating hydrodynamics-based methods at a minimal computational cost when constraints are imposed on the fluid flow to obtain the stresslet corrections to the particle hydrodynamic interactions. With the DC, this constraint need only be imposed once per time step, reducing the simulation cost to nearly that of a completely deterministic simulation. By performing a series of simulations, we show that the DC with fluctuating FCM is an effective and versatile approach as it reproduces both the equilibrium distribution and the evolution of particulate suspensions in periodic as well as bounded domains. In addition, we demonstrate that fluctuating FCM coupled with the DC provides an efficient and accurate method for large-scale dynamic simulation of colloidal dispersions and the study of processes such as colloidal gelation

    Methods for suspensions of passive and active filaments

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    Flexible filaments and fibres are essential components of important complex fluids that appear in many biological and industrial settings. Direct simulations of these systems that capture the motion and deformation of many immersed filaments in suspension remain a formidable computational challenge due to the complex, coupled fluid--structure interactions of all filaments, the numerical stiffness associated with filament bending, and the various constraints that must be maintained as the filaments deform. In this paper, we address these challenges by describing filament kinematics using quaternions to resolve both bending and twisting, applying implicit time-integration to alleviate numerical stiffness, and using quasi-Newton methods to obtain solutions to the resulting system of nonlinear equations. In particular, we employ geometric time integration to ensure that the quaternions remain unit as the filaments move. We also show that our framework can be used with a variety of models and methods, including matrix-free fast methods, that resolve low Reynolds number hydrodynamic interactions. We provide a series of tests and example simulations to demonstrate the performance and possible applications of our method. Finally, we provide a link to a MATLAB/Octave implementation of our framework that can be used to learn more about our approach and as a tool for filament simulation

    Predicting path from undulations for C. elegans using linear and nonlinear resistive force theory

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    A basic issue in the physics of behaviour is the mechanical relationship between an animal and its s urroundings. The nematode and model organism C. elegans provides an excellent platform to explore this relationship due to its anatom ical simplicity. Nonetheless , the physics of nematode crawling, in which the worm undulates its body to move on a wet sur face, is not completely understood and the mathematical models often used to describe this phenomenon are empirical . We confirm that linear resistive force theory , one such empirical model, is effective at predicting a worm’s path from its sequence of bod y postures for forward crawling, reversing, and turning and for a broad range of different behavioural phenotypes observed in mutant worms. However, agreement between the predicted and observ ed path is lost when using this model with recently measured val ue s of the drag anisotropy. A recently proposed nonlinear extension of the resistive force theory model also provides accurate predictions, but does not resolve the discrepancy between the parameters required to achieve good path prediction and the experi mentally measured parameters. This means that while we have good effective models of worm crawling that can be used in application s such as whole - animal simulations and advance d tracking algorithms, there are still unanswered questions about the precise n ature of the physical interaction between worms and their most commonly studied laboratory substrate

    Accelerating the force-coupling method for hydrodynamic interactions in periodic domains

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    The efficient simulation of fluid-structure interactions at zero Reynolds number requires the use of fast summation techniques in order to rapidly compute the long-ranged hydrodynamic interactions between the structures. One approach for periodic domains involves utilising a compact or exponentially decaying kernel function to spread the force on the structure to a regular grid where the resulting flow and interactions can be computed efficiently using an FFT-based solver. A limitation to this approach is that the grid spacing must be chosen to resolve the kernel and thus, these methods can become inefficient when the separation between the structures is large compared to the kernel width. In this paper, we address this issue for the force-coupling method (FCM) by introducing a modified kernel that can be resolved on a much coarser grid, and subsequently correcting the resulting interactions in a pairwise fashion. The modified kernel is constructed to ensure rapid convergence to the exact hydrodynamic interactions and a positive-splitting of the associated mobility matrix. We provide a detailed computational study of the methodology and establish the optimal choice of the modified kernel width, which we show plays a similar role to the splitting parameter in Ewald summation. Finally, we perform example simulations of rod sedimentation and active filament coordination to demonstrate the performance of fast FCM in application

    Capturing nonlinear dynamics of two-fluid Couette flows with asymptotic models

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    The nonlinear stability of two-fluid Couette flows is studied using a novel evolution equation whose dynamics are validated by direct numerical simulations (DNS). The evolution equation incorporates inertial effects at arbitrary Reynolds numbers through a non-local term arising from the coupling between the two fluid regions, and is valid when one of the layers is thin. The equation predicts asymmetric solutions and exhibits bistability, features that are essential observations in the experiments of Barthelet et al. (1995). Related low-inertia models have been used in qualitative predictions rather than the direct comparisons carried out here, and ad hoc modifications appear to be necessary in order to predict asymmetry and bistability. Comparisons between model solutions and DNS show excellent agreement at Reynolds numbers of O(10³) found in the experiments. Direct comparisons are also made with the available experimental results of Barthelet et al. (1995) when the thin layer occupies 1/5 of the channel height. Pointwise comparisons of the travelling wave shapes are carried out and once again the agreement is very good
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