130 research outputs found

    Sintesis Poli N-Isopropilakrilamida (PNIPA)/Polityrosin (PTYR) Interpenetrating Polymer Networks (IPNs) Bertanda Iodium-125

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    Saat ini perkembangan polimer telah semakin maju, berbagai aplikasi polimer telah dikembangkan baik di sektor energi, pangan maupun kesehatan. PNIPA/PTYR IPNs bertanda iodium-125 dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber terapi kanker. PNIPA/PTYR merupakan polimer peka temperatur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sintesis PNIPA/PTYR IPNs bertanda iodium-125. Polityrosin ditandai dengan iodium-125 kemudian secara simultan direaksikan dengan monomer N-isopropilakrilamida melalui polimerisasi radikal bebas dengan inisiator amonium persulfat (APS) dan tetrametiletilenediamin (TEMED) untuk memperoleh PNIPA/PTYR IPNs bertanda iodium-125. Kemurnian radiokimia PNIPA/PTYR IPNs bertanda iodium-125 diukur dengan krom atografi lapis tipis (KLT) dengan fasa gerak 2 propanol: 1 butanol: 0,2 M NH4OH. Selain Itu, stabilitas PNIPA/PTYR IPNs bertanda iodium-125 diuji pada media air. PNIPA/PTYR IPNs telah berhasil ditandai dengan iodium-125 dengan rendemen penandaan sebesar 37,6 ± 4,2 % (n = 3). Hasil pengamatan visual, ditunjukkan bahwa polimer mengalami Perubahan sifat pada temperatur 32 oC sampai dengan 34°C. Hasil H-NMR hanya menunjukkan spektrum dari polimer PNIPA. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan KLT, kemurnian radiokimia PNIPA/PTYR IPNs bertanda iodium-125 adalah 95,93%. Pengujian stabilitas polimer bertanda iodum-125 pada media air pada T = 37°C selama 2 minggu menunjukkan bahwa iodium-125 yang masih tertahan pada polimer adalah 71,3 ± 6,2 %

    Pengaruh Pemakaian Kontrasepsi Oral,Suntik dan Implan Terhadap Keparahan Gingivitis(Tinjauan pada Aseptor KB di Puskesmas Kebonarum Kabupaten Klaten)

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    Contraception is a deterrent of the process of conception ovum by a sperm cell or the prevention of attachment of the ovum that had fertilized by sperm cell into the uterine wall. There are two types of contraceptives; hormonal and non-hormonal. The hormonal contraceptive is contraception that involves hormones in the process while non-hormonal does not involve any hormones. There are three ways in hormonal contraception, such as oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone, injections and implants containing only progesterone. The variation of progesterone and estrogen in the contraceptives may affect the periodontal tissues, especially the increase of gingival inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of oral, injections, and implants contraceptives on the severity of gingivitis on the family planning acceptors in Puskesmas Kebonarum, Klaten Regency. The method used in this study was observational analytic by cross sectional approachment. The respondents of this study were 120 family planning acceptors aged 20-35 years in Puskesmas Kebonarum, Klaten Regency. The study was conducted in 27-31 May 2016. The sampling technique of this study was purposive sampling, in which, the respondents were asked about their contraceptive use and got explanation about the examination process. If they agreed to be respondent, they may sign the informed consent sheet. Then there was short counseling regarding dental and oral health related to the use of contraceptives. The examination in this study were Oral Hygiene Index (OHI) and gingival index (GI) in order to determine the gingivitis severity of the respondents. The result showed that there were 88 respondents with gingivitis. This study tested by using chi square test and obtained the value of p = 0.002 (p <0.05) to see the effect of oral, injections, and implants contraceptives on the severity of gingivitis. These data were analyzed by using SPSS 20.00 for windows. This study conclude that there was influence among users of oral contraceptives, injectable and implantable against the severity of gingivitis. Keywords: oral contraceptives, injectable contraceptives, contraceptive implants, severity of gingivitis

    Micronutrient malnutrition and wasting in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis with and without HIV co-infection in Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Wasting and micronutrient malnutrition have not been well characterized in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis. We hypothesized that micronutrient malnutrition is associated with wasting and higher plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) load in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study involving 579 HIV-positive and 222 HIV-negative adults with pulmonary tuberculosis in Zomba, Malawi, anthropometry, plasma HIV load and plasma micronutrient concentrations (retinol, α-tocopherol, carotenoids, zinc, and selenium) were measured. The risk of micronutrient deficiencies was examined at different severity levels of wasting. RESULTS: Body mass index (BMI), plasma retinol, carotenoid and selenium concentrations significantly decreased by increasing tertile of plasma HIV load. There were no significant differences in plasma micronutrient concentrations between HIV-negative individuals and HIV-positive individuals who were in the lowest tertile of plasma HIV load. Plasma vitamin A concentrations <0.70 μmol/L occurred in 61%, and zinc and selenium deficiency occurred in 85% and 87% respectively. Wasting, defined as BMI<18.5 was present in 59% of study participants and was independently associated with a higher risk of low carotenoids, and vitamin A and selenium deficiency. Severe wasting, defined as BMI<16.0 showed the strongest associations with deficiencies in vitamin A, selenium and plasma carotenoids. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that wasting and higher HIV load in pulmonary tuberculosis are associated with micronutrient malnutrition

    Systematic mapping of free energy landscapes of a growing filamin domain during biosynthesis

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    Cotranslational folding (CTF) is a fundamental molecular process that ensures efficient protein biosynthesis and minimizes the formation of misfolded states. However, the complexity of this process makes it extremely challenging to obtain structural characterizations of CTF pathways. Here, we correlate observations of translationally arrested nascent chains with those of a systematic C-terminal truncation strategy. We create a detailed description of chain length-dependent free energy landscapes associated with folding of the FLN5 filamin domain, in isolation and on the ribosome, and thus, quantify a substantial destabilization of the native structure on the ribosome. We identify and characterize two folding intermediates formed in isolation, including a partially folded intermediate associated with the isomerization of a conserved cis proline residue. The slow folding associated with this process raises the prospect that neighboring unfolded domains might accumulate and misfold during biosynthesis. We develop a simple model to quantify the risk of misfolding in this situation and show that catalysis of folding by peptidyl-prolyl isomerases is sufficient to eliminate this hazard. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.

    Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Drug Resistance in Dhaka Central Jail, the Largest Prison in Bangladesh

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    There are limited data on TB among prison inmates in Bangladesh. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), its drug resistance and risk factors in Dhaka Central Jail, the largest prison in Bangladesh.Cross sectional survey with, active screening of a total number of 11,001 inmates over a period of 2 years. Sputum samples from TB suspects were taken for acid- fast bacilli (AFB) microscopy, culture and drug susceptibility testing. (5.37, 4.02–7.16).The study results revealed a very high prevalence of TB in the prison population in Dhaka Central Jail. Entry examinations and active symptom screening among inmates are important to control TB transmission inside the prison. Identifying undiagnosed smear-negative TB cases remains a challenge to combat this deadly disease in this difficult setting

    REVEL: An Ensemble Method for Predicting the Pathogenicity of Rare Missense Variants

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    Supplemental Data Supplemental Data include one figure and five tables and can be found with this article online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.08.016. Supplemental Data Document S1. Figure S1 and Tables S1–S5 Download Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Data Download Web Resources ClinVar, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/ dbNSFP, https://sites.google.com/site/jpopgen/dbNSFP Human Gene Mutation Database, http://www.hgmd.cf.ac.uk/ REVEL, https://sites.google.com/site/revelgenomics/ SwissVar, http://swissvar.expasy.org/ The vast majority of coding variants are rare, and assessment of the contribution of rare variants to complex traits is hampered by low statistical power and limited functional data. Improved methods for predicting the pathogenicity of rare coding variants are needed to facilitate the discovery of disease variants from exome sequencing studies. We developed REVEL (rare exome variant ensemble learner), an ensemble method for predicting the pathogenicity of missense variants on the basis of individual tools: MutPred, FATHMM, VEST, PolyPhen, SIFT, PROVEAN, MutationAssessor, MutationTaster, LRT, GERP, SiPhy, phyloP, and phastCons. REVEL was trained with recently discovered pathogenic and rare neutral missense variants, excluding those previously used to train its constituent tools. When applied to two independent test sets, REVEL had the best overall performance (p < 10−12) as compared to any individual tool and seven ensemble methods: MetaSVM, MetaLR, KGGSeq, Condel, CADD, DANN, and Eigen. Importantly, REVEL also had the best performance for distinguishing pathogenic from rare neutral variants with allele frequencies <0.5%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for REVEL was 0.046–0.182 higher in an independent test set of 935 recent SwissVar disease variants and 123,935 putatively neutral exome sequencing variants and 0.027–0.143 higher in an independent test set of 1,953 pathogenic and 2,406 benign variants recently reported in ClinVar than the AUCs for other ensemble methods. We provide pre-computed REVEL scores for all possible human missense variants to facilitate the identification of pathogenic variants in the sea of rare variants discovered as sequencing studies expand in scale

    The Association between Household Socioeconomic Position and Prevalent Tuberculosis in Zambia: A Case-Control Study

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    BACKGROUND: Although historically tuberculosis (TB) has been associated with poverty, few analytical studies from developing countries have tried to: 1. assess the relative impact of poverty on TB after the emergence of HIV; 2. explore the causal mechanism underlying this association; and 3. estimate how many cases of TB could be prevented by improving household socioeconomic position (SEP). METHODS AND FINDINGS: We undertook a case-control study nested within a population-based TB and HIV prevalence survey conducted in 2005-2006 in two Zambian communities. Cases were defined as persons (15+ years of age) culture positive for M. tuberculosis. Controls were randomly drawn from the TB-free participants enrolled in the prevalence survey. We developed a composite index of household SEP combining variables accounting for four different domains of household SEP. The analysis of the mediation pathway between household SEP and TB was driven by a pre-defined conceptual framework. Adjusted Population Attributable Fractions (aPAF) were estimated. Prevalent TB was significantly associated with lower household SEP [aOR = 6.2, 95%CI: 2.0-19.2 and aOR = 3.4, 95%CI: 1.8-7.6 respectively for low and medium household SEP compared to high]. Other risk factors for prevalent TB included having a diet poor in proteins [aOR = 3.1, 95%CI: 1.1-8.7], being HIV positive [aOR = 3.1, 95%CI: 1.7-5.8], not BCG vaccinated [aOR = 7.7, 95%CI: 2.8-20.8], and having a history of migration [aOR = 5.2, 95%CI: 2.7-10.2]. These associations were not confounded by household SEP. The association between household SEP and TB appeared to be mediated by inadequate consumption of protein food. Approximately the same proportion of cases could be attributed to this variable and HIV infection (aPAF = 42% and 36%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: While the fight against HIV remains central for TB control, interventions addressing low household SEP and, especially food availability, may contribute to strengthen our control efforts

    Analysis of Xq27-28 linkage in the international consortium for prostate cancer genetics (ICPCG) families.

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic variants are likely to contribute to a portion of prostate cancer risk. Full elucidation of the genetic etiology of prostate cancer is difficult because of incomplete penetrance and genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Current evidence suggests that genetic linkage to prostate cancer has been found on several chromosomes including the X; however, identification of causative genes has been elusive. METHODS: Parametric and non-parametric linkage analyses were performed using 26 microsatellite markers in each of 11 groups of multiple-case prostate cancer families from the International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics (ICPCG). Meta-analyses of the resultant family-specific linkage statistics across the entire 1,323 families and in several predefined subsets were then performed. RESULTS: Meta-analyses of linkage statistics resulted in a maximum parametric heterogeneity lod score (HLOD) of 1.28, and an allele-sharing lod score (LOD) of 2.0 in favor of linkage to Xq27-q28 at 138 cM. In subset analyses, families with average age at onset less than 65 years exhibited a maximum HLOD of 1.8 (at 138 cM) versus a maximum regional HLOD of only 0.32 in families with average age at onset of 65 years or older. Surprisingly, the subset of families with only 2-3 affected men and some evidence of male-to-male transmission of prostate cancer gave the strongest evidence of linkage to the region (HLOD = 3.24, 134 cM). For this subset, the HLOD was slightly increased (HLOD = 3.47 at 134 cM) when families used in the original published report of linkage to Xq27-28 were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: Although there was not strong support for linkage to the Xq27-28 region in the complete set of families, the subset of families with earlier age at onset exhibited more evidence of linkage than families with later onset of disease. A subset of families with 2-3 affected individuals and with some evidence of male to male disease transmission showed stronger linkage signals. Our results suggest that the genetic basis for prostate cancer in our families is much more complex than a single susceptibility locus on the X chromosome, and that future explorations of the Xq27-28 region should focus on the subset of families identified here with the strongest evidence of linkage to this region.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are
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