116 research outputs found

    Far infrared CO and H2_2O emission in intermediate-mass protostars

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    Intermediate-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) provide a link to understand how feedback from shocks and UV radiation scales from low to high-mass star forming regions. Aims: Our aim is to analyze excitation of CO and H2_2O in deeply-embedded intermediate-mass YSOs and compare with low-mass and high-mass YSOs. Methods: Herschel/PACS spectral maps are analyzed for 6 YSOs with bolometric luminosities of Lbol102103L_\mathrm{bol}\sim10^2 - 10^3 LL_\odot. The maps cover spatial scales of 104\sim 10^4 AU in several CO and H2_2O lines located in the 55210\sim55-210 μ\mum range. Results: Rotational diagrams of CO show two temperature components at Trot320T_\mathrm{rot}\sim320 K and Trot700800T_\mathrm{rot}\sim700-800 K, comparable to low- and high-mass protostars probed at similar spatial scales. The diagrams for H2_2O show a single component at Trot130T_\mathrm{rot}\sim130 K, as seen in low-mass protostars, and about 100100 K lower than in high-mass protostars. Since the uncertainties in TrotT_\mathrm{rot} are of the same order as the difference between the intermediate and high-mass protostars, we cannot conclude whether the change in rotational temperature occurs at a specific luminosity, or whether the change is more gradual from low- to high-mass YSOs. Conclusions: Molecular excitation in intermediate-mass protostars is comparable to the central 10310^{3} AU of low-mass protostars and consistent within the uncertainties with the high-mass protostars probed at 31033\cdot10^{3} AU scales, suggesting similar shock conditions in all those sources.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. 4 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Warm gas towards young stellar objects in Corona Australis - Herschel/PACS observations from the DIGIT key programme

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    The effects of external irradiation on the chemistry and physics in the protostellar envelope around low-mass young stellar objects are poorly understood. The Corona Australis star-forming region contains the R CrA dark cloud, comprising several low-mass protostellar cores irradiated by an intermediate-mass young star. We study the effects on the warm gas and dust in a group of low-mass young stellar objects from the irradiation by the young luminous Herbig Be star R CrA. Herschel/PACS far-infrared datacubes of two low-mass star-forming regions in the R CrA dark cloud are presented. The distribution of CO, OH, H2O, [C II], [O I], and continuum emission is investigated. We have developed a deconvolution algorithm which we use to deconvolve the maps, separating the point-source emission from the extended emission. We also construct rotational diagrams of the molecular species. By deconvolution of the Herschel data, we find large-scale (several thousand AU) dust continuum and spectral line emission not associated with the point sources. Similar rotational temperatures are found for the warm CO (282±4282\pm4 K), hot CO (890±84890\pm84 K), OH (79±479\pm4 K), and H2O (197±7197\pm7 K) emission, respectively, in the point sources and the extended emission. The rotational temperatures are also similar to what is found in other more isolated cores. The extended dust continuum emission is found in two ridges similar in extent and temperature to molecular mm emission, indicative of external heating from the Herbig Be star R CrA. Our results show that a nearby luminous star does not increase the molecular excitation temperatures in the warm gas around a young stellar object (YSO). However, the emission from photodissociation products of H2O, such as OH and O, is enhanced in the warm gas associated with these protostars and their surroundings compared to similar objects not suffering from external irradiation.Comment: 37 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectroscopic Diagnostics of the Mid-Infrared Features of the Dark Globule, DC 314.8-5.1, with the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We present an analysis of the mid-infrared spectra, obtained from the Spitzer Space Telescope, of the dark globule, DC 314.8--5.1, which is at the onset of low-mass star formation. The target has a serendipitous association with a B-type field star, which illuminates a reflection nebula in the cloud. We focus on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features prevalent throughout the mid-infrared range. The analysis of the spectra with the PAHFIT software as well as pypahdb package, shows that (i) the intensities of PAH features decrease over distance from the ionizing star toward the cloud center, some however showing a saturation at larger distances; (ii) the relative intensities of the 6.2 and 8.6 features with respect to the 11.2 micron feature remain high throughout the globule, suggesting a larger cation-to-neutral PAH ratio of the order of unity; the breakdown from pypahdb confirms a high ionized fraction within the cloud; (iii) the pypahdb results display a decrease in large PAH fraction with increased distance from HD 130079, as well as a statistically significant correlation between the large size fraction and the ionized fraction across the globule; (iv) the 7.7 PAH feature displays a peak nearer to 7.8 microns, suggesting a chemically processed PAH population with a small fraction of UV-processed PAHs; (v) the H2 S(0) line is detected at larger distances from the ionizing star. All in all, our results suggest divergent physical conditions within the quiescent cloud DC 314.8--5.1 as compared to molecular clouds with ongoing starformation.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journa

    OH far-infrared emission from low- and intermediate-mass protostars surveyed with Herschel-PACS

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    OH is a key species in the water chemistry of star-forming regions, because its presence is tightly related to the formation and destruction of water. This paper presents OH observations from 23 low- and intermediate-mass young stellar objects obtained with the PACS integral field spectrometer on-board Herschel in the context of the Water In Star-forming Regions with Herschel (WISH) key program. Most low-mass sources have compact OH emission (< 5000 AU scale), whereas the OH lines in most intermediate-mass sources are extended over the whole PACS detector field-of-view (> 20000 AU). The strength of the OH emission is correlated with various source properties such as the bolometric luminosity and the envelope mass, but also with the OI and H2O emission. Rotational diagrams for sources with many OH lines show that the level populations of OH can be approximated by a Boltzmann distribution with an excitation temperature at around 70 K. Radiative transfer models of spherically symmetric envelopes cannot reproduce the OH emission fluxes nor their broad line widths, strongly suggesting an outflow origin. Slab excitation models indicate that the observed excitation temperature can either be reached if the OH molecules are exposed to a strong far-infrared continuum radiation field or if the gas temperature and density are sufficiently high. Using realistic source parameters and radiation fields, it is shown for the case of Ser SMM1 that radiative pumping plays an important role in transitions arising from upper level energies higher than 300 K. The compact emission in the low-mass sources and the required presence of a strong radiation field and/or a high density to excite the OH molecules points towards an origin in shocks in the inner envelope close to the protostar.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abstract abridge

    Multiwavelength Study of Dark Globule DC 314.8-5.1: Point Source Identification and Diffuse Emission Characterization

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    We present an analysis of multi-wavelength observations of the dark globule DC\,314.8--5.1, using data from the Gaia optical, 2MASS near-infrared, and WISE mid-infrared surveys, dedicated imaging with the Spitzer Space Telescope, and X-ray data obtained with the Swift-XRT Telescope (XRT). The main goal was to identify possible pre-main sequence stars (PMSs) and young stellar objects (YSOs) associated with the globule. For this, we studied the infrared colors of all point sources within the boundaries of the cloud. After removing sources with non-stellar spectra, we investigated the Gaia parallaxes for the YSO candidates, and found that none are physically related to DC\,314.8--5.1. In addition, we searched for X-ray emission from pre-main sequence stars with Swift-XRT, and found no 0.5--10\,keV emission down to a luminosity level 1031\lesssim 10^{31}erg\,s1^{-1}, typical of a PMS with mass\,2M\ge 2 M_\odot. Our detailed inspection therefore supports a very young, ``pre-stellar core'' evolutionary stage for the cloud. Based on archival Planck and IRAS data, we moreover identify the presence of hot dust, with temperatures 100\gtrsim 100\,K, in addition to the dominant dust component at 14\,K, originating with the associated reflection nebula.Comment: Accepted to A

    Los juegos: una herramienta para aprender algebra

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    El siguiente Trabajo Fin de Máster recoge una propuesta de mejora, con respecto a la unidad didáctica presentada en el período de prácticas, basada en la utilización de juegos y de actividades de corte cooperativo. En primer lugar se realiza un análisis de los referentes teóricos como base sobre la que se apoya esta propuesta. Posteriormente se presenta la nueva unidad didáctica. Por último, las conclusiones nos llevan a una crítica razonada acerca de lo que aporta la propuesta presentada, una valoración de posibles nuevas mejoras y un pequeño análisis sobre la formación del docente.The following Master’s Thesis contains a proposal for improvement of a teaching unit. The proposal is based on the use of games and cooperative learning. First an analysis of the theoretical framework is done. These justify the improvement proposal. Secondly the new unit is exposed. Finally, the conclusions lead us to a reasoned criticism about the results of the new unit, an assessment of the possible future improvements and a small analysis on teacher training

    Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel / PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus

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    Protostars interact with their surroundings through jets and winds impacting on the envelope and creating shocks, but the nature of these shocks is still poorly understood. Our aim is to survey far-infrared molecular line emission from a uniform and significant sample of deeply-embedded low-mass young stellar objects in order to characterize shocks and the possible role of ultraviolet radiation in the immediate protostellar environment. Herschel/PACS spectral maps of 22 objects in the Perseus molecular cloud were obtained as part of the `William Herschel Line Legacy' survey. Line emission from H2_\mathrm{2}O, CO, and OH is tested against shock models from the literature. Observed line ratios are remarkably similar and do not show variations with source physical parameters. Observations show good agreement with the shock models when line ratios of the same species are compared. Ratios of various H2_\mathrm{2}O lines provide a particularly good diagnostic of pre-shock gas densities, nH105n_\mathrm{H}\sim10^{5} cm3^{-3}, in agreement with typical densities obtained from observations of the post-shock gas. The corresponding shock velocities, obtained from comparison with CO line ratios, are above 20 km\,s1^{-1}. However, the observations consistently show one-to-two orders of magnitude lower H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-CO and H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-OH line ratios than predicted by the existing shock models. The overestimated model H2_\mathrm{2}O fluxes are most likely caused by an overabundance of H2_\mathrm{2}O in the models since the excitation is well-reproduced. Illumination of the shocked material by ultraviolet photons produced either in the star-disk system or, more locally, in the shock, would decrease the H2_\mathrm{2}O abundances and reconcile the models with observations. Detections of hot H2_\mathrm{2}O and strong OH lines support this scenario.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    CO in Protostars (COPS): HerschelHerschel-SPIRE Spectroscopy of Embedded Protostars

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    We present full spectral scans from 200-670μ\mum of 26 Class 0+I protostellar sources, obtained with HerschelHerschel-SPIRE, as part of the "COPS-SPIRE" Open Time program, complementary to the DIGIT and WISH Key programs. Based on our nearly continuous, line-free spectra from 200-670 μ\mum, the calculated bolometric luminosities (LbolL_{\rm bol}) increase by 50% on average, and the bolometric temperatures (TbolT_{\rm bol}) decrease by 10% on average, in comparison with the measurements without Herschel. Fifteen protostars have the same Class using TbolT_{\rm bol} and LbolL_{\rm bol}/LsubmmL_{\rm submm}. We identify rotational transitions of CO lines from J=4-3 to J=13-12, along with emission lines of 13^{13}CO, HCO+^+, H2_{2}O, and [CI]. The ratios of 12^{12}CO to 13^{13}CO indicate that 12^{12}CO emission remains optically thick for JupJ_{\rm up} < 13. We fit up to four components of temperature from the rotational diagram with flexible break points to separate the components. The distribution of rotational temperatures shows a primary population around 100 K with a secondary population at \sim350 K. We quantify the correlations of each line pair found in our dataset, and find the strength of correlation of CO lines decreases as the difference between JJ-level between two CO lines increases. The multiple origins of CO emission previously revealed by velocity-resolved profiles are consistent with this smooth distribution if each physical component contributes to a wide range of CO lines with significant overlap in the CO ladder. We investigate the spatial extent of CO emission and find that the morphology is more centrally peaked and less bipolar at high-JJ lines. We find the CO emission observed with SPIRE related to outflows, which consists two components, the entrained gas and shocked gas, as revealed by our rotational diagram analysis as well as the studies with velocity-resolved CO emission.Comment: 50 pages, 18 figures, accepted to ApJS. Revised for Table 6 and Figure