49 research outputs found

    Transition Metal-Free Regioselective Cross-Coupling of Azine N-Oxides With Cymantrenyl Lithium

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    We are grateful for financial supports from the Russian Science Foundation (Project № 14-13-01177), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects № 16-03-00958), and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project № 4.6351.2017/8.9)

    Formalization test kontrolya as basis of the quality management system of department

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    The formalized model of test checks will allow to define quality of assimilation of biological regularities, to correct educational process and to increase learning efficiency of students.Формализованная модель тестовых контролей позволит определить качество усвоения биологических закономерностей, корректировать учебный процесс и повысить эффективность обучения студентов

    Эффективность мультипараметрического ультразвукового исследования с применением компрессионной эласто-графии в ранней диагностике образований молочной железы

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    Modern ultrasound examination (US), unlike other modalities, allows to assess the stiffness of the lesions, with the help of a new technology named sonoelastography (SEG). According to many scientific studies, with the addition of SEG to the B-mode, the diagnostic efficiency of ultrasound of breast lesions significantly increases. According to Thomas et al. B-mode has a sensitivity of 91,8% and a specificity of 78%. When a compression SEG is added to a diagnostic study, the specificity increases to 91,5%.The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic effectiveness of SEG and compare it with the effectiveness of B-mode and color Doppler mapping (CDC) in the primary diagnosis of breast tumors, as well as to identify diagnostically and statistically significant SEG signs of breast cancer (ВС).Materials and methods. The study was performed from 2017 to 2019 on the basis of the «NMRC Oncology. named after N. N. Petrov» Ministry of Health of Russia. 277 women with complaints of lump or pain in the breast were included in the study, for all of them there was performed the multiparametric ultrasound examination with application of CDM and SEG. According to our own results, SEG is more effective at detection of malignant and benign lesions, than ultrasoumd examination in B and CDM modes.Results: 0, 1, 2, 3 elastotypes are the highly significant diagnostic signs of benign process, and the elastotype 5 is a reliable diagnostic marker of malignant process. The effectiveness of CDM and SEG in the differential diagnosis of breast lesions showed: sensitivity — 77,6% vs. 85,5%; specificity — 51,7% vs. 84,6%; accuracy — 58,8% vs. 84,8%.Conclusions: according to our own research results, SEG is more effective in detecting malignant and benign tumors than ultrasound in B and CDM modes.Введение. Современное ультразвуковое исследование (УЗИ) в отличие от других модальностей позволяет оценивать жесткость патологического очага с помощью новой технологии — соноэластографии (СЭГ). Согласно многим научным исследованиям при добавлении СЭГ к серошкальному В-режиму значимо повышается диагностическая эффективность УЗИ образований молочной железы. По данным А. Thomas и соавт. В-режим имеет чувствительность 91,8% и специфичность 78%. При добавлении к диагностическому исследованию компрессионной СЭГ специфичность увеличивается до 91,5%.Целью и задачей данного исследования явилось определение диагностической эффективности СЭГ и сравнение с эффективностью В-режима и цветового допплеровского картирования (ЦДК) в первичной диагностике образований молочной железы, а также выявление диагностически и статистически значимых СЭГ признаков рака молочной железы (РМЖ).Материалы и методы. Исследование проводилось с 2017 по 2019 г. на базе ФГБУ «НМИЦ онкологии им. Н. Н. Петрова» МЗ РФ. В исследование были включены 277 женщин с жалобами на образование или болезненные ощущения в молочных железах, всем им выполнялось мультипараметрическое УЗИ с применением ЦДК и СЭГ.Результаты исследования: к высокозначимым диагностическим признакам доброкачественного процесса относятся 0, 1, 2, 3 эластотипы, а 5 эластотип является достоверным диагностическим маркером злокачественного. Эффективность ЦДК и СЭГ в дифференциальной диагностике образований молочной железы показала: чувствительность — 77,6% против 85,5%; специфичность — 51,7% против 84,6%; точность — 58,8% против 84,8%.Выводы: согласно собственным результатам исследования, СЭГ более эффективна в диагностике злокачественных и доброкачественных образований, чем ультразвуковые В- и ЦДК-режимы

    SDS-Page for Myosin Heavy Chains: Fast and Furious

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    The ratio of myosin heavy chains in different heart chambers was measured using a new fast modification of SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis).Работа выполнена на оборудовании ЦКП ИИФ УрО РАН в рамках госзадания ИИФ Уро РАН №122022200089-4

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy for oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma cT1–2N0: prospective single-center study

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    The study objective is to evaluate the informativeness of the biopsy technique of the signal lymph node (LN) in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue cT1–2N0.Materials and methods. A prospective, single-center study included 26 patients with morphologically verified squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue cT1–2 and the lack of clinical and radiological data for metastatic damage to the LNs of the neck. All patients underwent a radioisotope study of the lymphatic flow from the primary tumor and the topography of the signal LNs. The informativeness of the biopsy of the signal LNs was evaluated in accordance with 2 diagnostic models. When using the first diagnostic model, all LNs accumulating colloids labeled with the 99mTc isotope were considered signal LNs. In the second model, only nodes accumulating radiocolloids and located in the immediate vicinity of the primary tumor of the tongue and / or connected with the primary tumor by the “pathway” of the lymphatic vessels were considered as signal LNs. Results. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy, according to the 1st diagnostic model, were 66.6 % (95 % confidence interval (CI) 9.43–99.16), 100 % (95 % CI 85.18–100 %), 100 %, 95.83 % (95 % CI 82.28–99.13 %), 96.15 % (95 % CI 80.36–99.90 %), and when all LNs located along with the signal LNs were removed at the same levels as regional LNs, the sensitivity increased to 100 %. In the second model, the diagnostic values were: 33.3 % (95 % CI 0.84–90.57), 100 % (95 % CI 85.18– 100.00), 100 %, 92 % (95 % CI 83.78–96.24), 92.31 % (95 % CI 74.87–99.05 %). Conclusion. Evaluation of lymphatic outflow from the primary tumor and assessment of sentinel lymph node location in patients with stage cT1–2N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue allow a doctor to determine the volume of lymph node dissection for each patient individually. Unilateral lymph node dissection is acceptable in patients with unilateral lymphatic outflow, whereas in patients with bilateral lymphatic outflow, it is associated with a quite high (up to 10 %) risk of metastatic lesions in the lymph nodes on the opposite side of the neck. It is necessary to excise all lymph nodes accumulating radiocontrast agent and regional lymph nodes located at the same levels