707 research outputs found

    Discriminación económica de género en los egresados de administración y finanzas de Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Gender economic discrimination in administration and finance graduates from Los Mochis, Sinaloa)

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    Abstract. In this documents is described the gender discrimination of the administration gradutes, 1999-2003 generation from Universidad de Occidente (U de O) in Los Mochis. In general terms the average of incomes has no difference on the gender, mainly due to the high standard deviation of individual incomes. The income differences can not be explained neither by the family dimension such as marital status, nor the number of children, nor the working condition, nor the educational degree for the parents or spouse; nor by the educational dimension, but by the occupational dimension. Gender discrimination is due to the labour market’s segmentation that is, there are jobs destined to a single gender. The exclusive jobs for female administrator are in the category of under employment; whereas those for males have higher average of income. Resumen. En este trabajo se describe la discriminación económica de género de los egresados de la generación 1999 – 2003 de la Licenciatura en Administración y Finanzas de la Universidad de Occidente (U de O). Se muestra que el promedio de ingresos no es diferente entre ambos géneros debido principalmente a la alta desviación estándar de los ingresos individuales de hombres y mujeres. Las diferencias en los ingresos salariales no pudieron ser explicadas ni por la dimensión familiar, ni por la dimensión educativa, pero sí por la dimensión ocupacional. Se encontró que existe discriminación de género debido a la segmentación del mercado laboral, es decir, existen puestos destinados a un solo género. Los puestos exclusivos para las licenciadas en administración y finanzas se encuentran en la categoría del subempleo; mientras que los de los hombres sí tienen un promedio de ingresos superior

    The Canary Basin contribution to the seasonal cycle of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26°N

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    This study examines the seasonal cycle of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its eastern boundary contributions. The cycle has a magnitude of 6 Sv, as measured by the RAPID/MOCHA/WBTS project array at 26°N, which is driven largely by the eastern boundary. The eastern boundary variations are explored in the context of the regional circulation around the Canary Islands. There is a 3 month lag between maximum wind forcing and the largest eastern boundary transports, which is explained in terms of a model for Rossby wave generated at the eastern boundary. Two dynamic processes take place through the Lanzarote Passage (LP) in fall: the recirculation of the Canary Current and the northward flow of the Intermediate Poleward Undercurrent. In contrast, during the remaining seasons the transport through the LP is southward due to the Canary Upwelling Current. These processes are linked to the seasonal cycle of the AMOC

    Analysis of Sports Supplements Consumption in Young Spanish Elite Dinghy Sailors

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    The sports performance of dinghy sailors is determined by their state of nutrition and hydration. Sports supplementation plays a prominent role in elite sailors, being essential in periods of competition due to its characteristics. This study aims to analyze the consumption of sports supplements (SS) in the different categories and groups of sailors based on the level of evidence, differentiating according to sex, competitive level, and type of boat. A total of 42 sailors from national and international levels and belonging to the Laser, 420, Techno-293 and RS:X classes participated in this study. They completed a questionnaire with questions about the consumption of SS and the possible repercussions on health and/or sports performance. The results were analyzed based on the different categorizations and group organization recently established by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), as well as by sex, level of competition and class to which the participants belonged. The male sailors and those who competed internationally had a higher prevalence in the consumption of SS. Among the classes of vessels studied, class 420 had the lowest SS consumption. SS intake was higher during competition days, regardless of sex or level of competition. Based on the classification established by the AIS, statistically significant differences were observed in sex, level of competition, and the type of boat

    Recent Trends in SST, Chl-a, Productivity and Wind Stress in Upwelling and Open Ocean Areas in the Upper Eastern North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre

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    The global upper ocean has been warming during the last decades accompanied with a chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and productivity decrease. Whereas subtropical gyres show similar trends, Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems are thought to increase in productivity due to increased trade winds. This study analyzes recent trends in sea surface temperature (SST), Chl-a, net primary production (NPP) and meridional wind stress in the Eastern North Atlantic subtropical gyre (NASE) in order to examine if the global trends can be detected in open ocean and upwelling areas and how the ocean biota responds. Satellite data of such variables of the last 15–40 years were analyzed to calculate mean trends in upwelling areas in the Canary upwelling system and open ocean areas around the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. Our results show significant warming in the area with a maximum of 2.7°C per century for the Azores. Moreover, a general decreasing trend for Chl-a and NPP seems to be more evident in the permanent upwelling areas, which will be responsible for a loss of 0.13% of the global NPP per century. Our results also highlight a significant expansion of the oceanic desert area of 10% with an increase in unproductive days of up to 84 days in the last 20 years. The competitive relationship of stratification and wind stress in the Canary upwelling system might be a more plausible explanation for the decrease in Chl-a and NPP in upwelling areas linked to the increase in upwelling favorable wind stress and the surface warming.En prens

    A review of a priori defined oxidative balance scores relative to their components and impact on health outcomes

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    Oxidative Balance Scores (OBSs) are tools that have emerged to evaluate the global balance of individuals’ oxidation—reduction status. The aim was to compare OBSs available in the literature regarding their characteristics and associations with chronic diseases in epidemiological studies. Studies that developed OBSs were searched in PubMed until August 2018. A total of 21 OBSs were identified. These OBSs presented different scoring schemes and different types of anti- and pro-oxidant components, including dietary factors (dietary intake and/or nutrient biomarkers), lifestyle factors, and medications. Most OBSs were based on over 10 components, and some included only dietary factors. Few considered weighted components in the score. Only three OBSs were validated as potential surrogates of oxidative balance through inflammation and OS-related biomarkers. Notably, all the OBSs were associated—to a varying degree—with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, colorectal adenomas, and different cancer types (colorectal and breast cancer), as well as with all-cause and cancer-related mortality. For other outcomes, e.g., prostate cancer, contradictory results were reported. In summary, there is a great heterogeneity in the definition of OBSs. Most studies are concordant in supporting that excessive OS reflected by a lower OBS has deleterious effects on health. Unified criteria for defining the proper OBSs, valuable to gauge OS-related aspects of the diet and lifestyle that may lead to adverse health outcomes, are needed

    “Estudio del efecto relajante e la fibra lisa en útero asilado de rata inducido por derivados terapéuticos con y sin oxígeno”

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    A study on the relaxing effect'of sorne terpenic derivates, with oxygen (linalool) and without oxygen (alfa-pinene, sabinene and limonene), major components from essential oil of J. sabina L., over smooth muscle has been performed. Contraction rat isolated uterus was induced by increasing doses of oxytocin (10-10 - 10-9M). The results obtaines showed that ter penes (2,5 . 10-4M) have relaxing activity of uterus "in vitro" (non competitive antogonism with oxytocin dose depent). The use of emulsifier (sodium cholate) for help to solubility of terpenes in the water don't modifity the results obtaines when the ter penes have been homogeneity in the water for agitation.Se ha estudiado el efecto de dos series de terpenos, oxigenados (linalol) y no oxigenados (alfa-pineno, sabineno y limoneno) componentes mayoritarios estos últimos del aceite esencial del J. sabina L., tras comprobación cromatográfica, sobre la contracción del útero aislado de rata inducida por oxitocina (10-10 - 1O-9M). Los resultados obtenidos indican la presencia de un antagonismo no competitivo entre dichos fármacos y la oxitocina a partir de concentraciones de 2,5. 1O-4M. El empleo de un emulgente como fue la sal sódica del ácido cólico con la intención de mejorar la dispersión en agua de los terpenos no mejoró los resultados obtenidos tras homogeneización de los mismos cuando estaban en disolución acuosa

    Differences between 1999 and 2010 across the Falkland Plateau: fronts and water masses

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    Decadal differences in the Falkland Plateau are studied from the two full-depth hydrographic data collected during the ALBATROSS (April 1999) and MOC-Austral (February 2010) cruises. Differences in the upper 100 dbar are due to changes in the seasonal thermocline, as the ALBATROSS cruise took place in the austral fall and the MOCAustral cruise in summer. The intermediate water masses seem to be very sensitive to the wind conditions existing in their formation area, showing cooling and freshening for the decade as a consequence of a higher Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) contribution and of a decrease in the Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) stratum. The deeper layers do not exhibit any significant change in the water mass properties. The Subantarctic Front (SAF) in 1999 is observed at 52.2–54.8 W with a relative mass transport of 32.6 Sv. In contrast, the SAF gets wider in 2010, stretching from 51.1 to 57.2 W (the Falkland Islands), and weakening to 17.9 Sv. Changes in the SAF can be linked with the westerly winds and mainly affect the northward flow of Subantarctic Surface Water (SASW), SAMW and AAIW/Antarctic Surface Water (AASW). The Polar Front (PF) carries 24.9 Sv in 1999 (49.8–44.4 W), while in 2010 (49.9–49.2 W) it narrows and strengthens to 37.3 Sv.En prens