195 research outputs found

    Phase Field Modeling of Fracture and Stress Induced Phase Transitions

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    We present a continuum theory to describe elastically induced phase transitions between coherent solid phases. In the limit of vanishing elastic constants in one of the phases, the model can be used to describe fracture on the basis of the late stage of the Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld instability. Starting from a sharp interface formulation we derive the elastic equations and the dissipative interface kinetics. We develop a phase field model to simulate these processes numerically; in the sharp interface limit, it reproduces the desired equations of motion and boundary conditions. We perform large scale simulations of fracture processes to eliminate finite-size effects and compare the results to a recently developed sharp interface method. Details of the numerical simulations are explained, and the generalization to multiphase simulations is presented

    Nonlinear evolution of surface morphology in InAs/AlAs superlattices via surface diffusion

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    Continuum simulations of self-organized lateral compositional modulation growth in InAs/AlAs short-period superlattices on InP substrate are presented. Results of the simulations correspond quantitatively to the results of synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiments. The time evolution of the compositional modulation during epitaxial growth can be explained only including a nonlinear dependence of the elastic energy of the growing epitaxial layer on its thickness. From the fit of the experimental data to the growth simulations we have determined the parameters of this nonlinear dependence. It was found that the modulation amplitude don't depend on the values of the surface diffusion constants of particular elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Lett. http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e13610

    Influence of Strain on the Kinetics of Phase Transitions in Solids

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    We consider a sharp interface kinetic model of phase transitions accompanied by elastic strain, together with its phase-field realization. Quantitative results for the steady-state growth of a new phase in a strip geometry are obtained and different pattern formation processes in this system are investigated

    Modeling Elasticity in Crystal Growth

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    A new model of crystal growth is presented that describes the phenomena on atomic length and diffusive time scales. The former incorporates elastic and plastic deformation in a natural manner, and the latter enables access to times scales much larger than conventional atomic methods. The model is shown to be consistent with the predictions of Read and Shockley for grain boundary energy, and Matthews and Blakeslee for misfit dislocations in epitaxial growth.Comment: 4 pages, 10 figure

    Crack growth by surface diffusion in viscoelastic media

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    We discuss steady state crack growth in the spirit of a free boundary problem. It turns out that mode I and mode III situations are very different from each other: In particular, mode III exhibits a pronounced transition towards unstable crack growth at higher driving forces, and the behavior close to the Griffith point is determined entirely through crack surface dissipation, whereas in mode I the fracture energy is renormalized due to a remaining finite viscous dissipation. Intermediate mixed-mode scenarios allow steady state crack growth with higher velocities, leading to the conjecture that mode I cracks can be unstable with respect to a rotation of the crack front line

    Finite to infinite steady state solutions, bifurcations of an integro-differential equation

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    We consider a bistable integral equation which governs the stationary solutions of a convolution model of solid--solid phase transitions on a circle. We study the bifurcations of the set of the stationary solutions as the diffusion coefficient is varied to examine the transition from an infinite number of steady states to three for the continuum limit of the semi--discretised system. We show how the symmetry of the problem is responsible for the generation and stabilisation of equilibria and comment on the puzzling connection between continuity and stability that exists in this problem

    On a classical spectral optimization problem in linear elasticity

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    We consider a classical shape optimization problem for the eigenvalues of elliptic operators with homogeneous boundary conditions on domains in the NN-dimensional Euclidean space. We survey recent results concerning the analytic dependence of the elementary symmetric functions of the eigenvalues upon domain perturbation and the role of balls as critical points of such functions subject to volume constraint. Our discussion concerns Dirichlet and buckling-type problems for polyharmonic operators, the Neumann and the intermediate problems for the biharmonic operator, the Lam\'{e} and the Reissner-Mindlin systems.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the workshop `New Trends in Shape Optimization', Friedrich-Alexander Universit\"{a}t Erlangen-Nuremberg, 23-27 September 201

    Stress-driven phase transformation and the roughening of solid-solid interfaces

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    The application of stress to multiphase solid-liquid systems often results in morphological instabilities. Here we propose a solid-solid phase transformation model for roughening instability in the interface between two porous materials with different porosities under normal compression stresses. This instability is triggered by a finite jump in the free energy density across the interface, and it leads to the formation of finger-like structures aligned with the principal direction of compaction. The model is proposed as an explanation for the roughening of stylolites - irregular interfaces associated with the compaction of sedimentary rocks that fluctuate about a plane perpendicular to the principal direction of compaction.Comment: (4 pages, 4 figures

    Stability of Solid State Reaction Fronts

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    We analyze the stability of a planar solid-solid interface at which a chemical reaction occurs. Examples include oxidation, nitridation, or silicide formation. Using a continuum model, including a general formula for the stress-dependence of the reaction rate, we show that stress effects can render a planar interface dynamically unstable with respect to perturbations of intermediate wavelength
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