1,478 research outputs found

    Interaksi Politik dan Media: dari Komunikasi Politik ke Politik Komunikasi

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    There has been a shift on mode of analysing politics and mass media. Heavily influenced by socio-psycological approach, media initially was treated as political mean to create particular effects. In the light of this kind of analysis Indonesia witnesses tight control of the state over the mass media. The analysis of the politics of the media, then increasingly attracting more attention. The shifting leads us to an interesting fact. Not only the media perform it function as image maker, the politicians also perform better through the politics of image creation

    On the nature of the spin-polarized hole states in a quasi-two-dimensional GaMnAs ferromagnetic layer

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    A self-consistent calculation of the density of states and the spectral density function is performed in a two-dimensional spin-polarized hole system based on a multiple-scattering approximation. Using parameters corresponding to GaMnAs thin layers, a wide range of Mn concentrations and hole densities have been explored to understand the nature, localized or extended, of the spin-polarized holes at the Fermi level for several values of the average magnetization of the Mn ystem. We show that, for a certain interval of Mn and hole densities, an increase on the magnetic order of the Mn ions come together with a change of the nature of the states at the Fermi level. This fact provides a delocalization of spin-polarized extended states anti-aligned to the average Mn magnetization, and a higher spin-polarization of the hole gas. These results are consistent with the occurrence of ferromagnetism with relatively high transition temperatures observed in some thin film samples and multilayered structures of this material.Comment: 3 page

    Hubungan Belajar Mandiri dengan Prestasi Belajar Pai di Mtsn 1 Konawe Selatan

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    Tujuan penelitian kausal ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, kompetensi profesional, kompetensi pedagogik, dan iklim kerja terhadap prestasi kerja guru bahasa inggris SMP Kota Kendari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis jalur. Sampel penelitian guru bahasa Inggris SMP sebanyak 80 orang. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut (1) Ada pengaruh positif langsung gaya kepemimpinan terhadap prestasi kerja; (2) Ada pengaruh positif langsung kompetensi profesional terhadap prestasi kerja; (3) Tidak ada pengaruh positif langsung kompetensi pedagogik terhadap prestasi kerja; (4) Ada dampak positif langsung iklim kerja terhadap prestasi kerja; (5) Ada pengaruh positif langsung gaya kepemimpinan terhadap iklim kerja; (6) Ada pengaruh positif langsung kompetensi profesional terhadap iklim kerja; (7) Ada pengaruh langsung langsung kompetensi pedagogik terhadap iklim kerja. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prestasi kerja guru bahasa Inggris SMP di Kota Kendari dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan gaya kepemimpinan, kompetensi profesional, kompetensi pedagogik dan iklim kerja

    Optical characterization on ITO/TiO2/P3HT/Areca Catechu/au for thin film hybrid solar cell

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    In this research, dye sensitized solar cell is fabricated by a combination of inorganic titanium dioxide nanoparticles sensitized by a locally available natural dye extract from organic Areca Catechu nut. This hybrid solar cells are fabricated accordingly by deposition of ITO/TiO2/P3HT/Areca Catechu/Au by using electrochemical method. The deposition rates of TiO2 are varied from 0.05, 0.07, 0.09 to 0.11 vs-1 whereas the number of scan of each layers are fixed to 5. The absorption spectra analysis is carried out in the wavelength range 200 to 600 nm, showed a wide and significant absorption spectrum in UV and visible regions. Analysis shows that scan rate affects the electrical conductivity of hybrid solar cell. The highest conductivity is recorded at 0.278 Scm-1 corresponding to the scan rate of 0.07 Vs-1at a potential value of 3.5 V

    Nonlinear screening and stopping power in two-dimensional electron gases

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    We have used density functional theory to study the nonlinear screening properties of a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas. In particular, we consider the screening of an external static point charge of magnitude Z as a function of the distance of the charge from the plane of the gas. The self-consistent screening potentials are then used to determine the 2D stopping power in the low velocity limit based on the momentum transfer cross-section. Calculations as a function of Z establish the limits of validity of linear and quadratic response theory calculations, and show that nonlinear screening theory already provides significant corrections in the case of protons. In contrast to the 3D situation, we find that the nonlinearly screened potential supports a bound state even in the high density limit. This behaviour is elucidated with the derivation of a high density screening theorem which proves that the screening charge can be calculated perturbatively in the high density limit for arbitrary dimensions. However, the theorem has particularly interesting implications in 2D where, contrary to expectations, we find that perturbation theory remains valid even when the perturbing potential supports bound states.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures in RevTeX

    Wujud Pengakuan Adanya Norma-norma Mutlak dari Tuhan dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi Karya A. Mustofa Bisri

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    Characters in the short story is the bearer of the mandate want delivered author. From the collection of short stories "Lukisan Kaligrafi", transcendental attitude as the implications of believing in God is reflected from the recognition of the existence of absolute norms of the God by the characters in the stories. These norms are divided into (a) taubatan nasuha (repentance undertaken on the awareness deepest heart with a determination not to repeat the sin), (b) wara' (away or leave everything unclear about the haram and halal), and (c) ridha or rida (accept what has been decreed by God, either painful or pleasant).Tokoh dalam cerpen merupakan pengemban amanat yang ingin disampaikan pengarang. Dari kumpulan cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi, sikap transenden sebagai implikasi beriman kepada Tuhan tergambar dari pengakuan adanya norma-norma mutlak dari Tuhan oleh tokoh dalam cerita. Norma-norma tersebut terbagi menjadi (a) taubatan nasuha (tobat yang dilakukan atas kesadaran hati terdalam disertai tekad tidak mengulangi perbuatan dosa), (b) wara' (menjauhi atau meninggalkan segala hal yang belum jelas haram dan halalnya), dan (c) ridha atau rida (menerima apa saja yang telah ditetapkan Tuhan, baik yang menyusahkan maupun menyenangkan)

    Understanding new religion-compliant product adoption (NRCPA) in Islamic markets

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    This study examines the relationships between religious beliefs, brand personality, and new religion-compliant product adoption (NRCPA) in Islamic markets. Findings confirm that religious consumers tend to behave in accordance with a society or group that follows the same beliefs, and that these consumers’ behavior and lifestyle are influenced by similar religious groups and social relationships. In addition, the more religious the consumer, the more likely they will adopt or favour/disfavour a new product in accordance with his/her religious beliefs. Finally, the three constructs–relative advantages, compatibility and complexity–are found to partially mediate the influential relationship between religious beliefs and new religion-compliant product adoption. International firms that target Muslim markets, with an aim to profit and fit in these markets, must take into account the Islamic values, standards and guidelines

    A Review of Forecasting Techniques

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    This work examines recent publications in forecasting in various fields, these include: wind power forecasting; electricity load forecasting; crude oil price forecasting; gold price forecasting energy price forecasting etc. In this review, categorization of the processes involve in forecasting are divided into four major steps namely: input features selection; data pre-processing; forecast model development and performance evaluation. The various methods involve are discussed in order to provide the overall view about possible options for development of forecasting system. It is intended that the classification of the steps into small categories with definitions of terms and discussion of evolving techniques will provide guidance for future forecasting sytem designers

    Reconstruction the Missing Pixels for Landsat ETM+SLC-off Images Using Multiple Linear Regression Model

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    On 31 May 2003, the scan line corrector (SLC) of the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor which compensates for the forward motion of the satellite in the imagery acquired  failed permanently, resulting in loss of the ability to scan about 20% of the pixels in each Landsat 7 SLC-off image. This permanent failure has seriously hampered the scientific applications of ETM+ images. In this study, an innovative gap filling approach has been introduced to recover the missing pixels in the SLC-off images using multi-temporal ETM+ SLC-off auxiliary fill images. A correlation is established between the corresponding pixels in the target SLC-off image and two fill images in parallel using the multiple linear regressions (MLR) model. Simulated and actual SLC-off ETM+ images were used to assess the performance of the proposed method by comparing with multi-temporal data based methods, the LLHM method which is based on simple linear regression (SLR) model. The qualitative and quantitative evaluations indicate that the proposed method can recover the value of un-scanned pixels accurately, especially in heterogeneous landscape and even with more temporally distant fill images
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