3,200 research outputs found

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de la estenosis mitral. Sus indicaciones

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    Machine learning techniques to select Be star candidates. An application in the OGLE-IV Gaia south ecliptic pole field

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    Statistical pattern recognition methods have provided competitive solutions for variable star classification at a relatively low computational cost. In order to perform supervised classification, a set of features is proposed and used to train an automatic classification system. Quantities related to the magnitude density of the light curves and their Fourier coefficients have been chosen as features in previous studies. However, some of these features are not robust to the presence of outliers and the calculation of Fourier coefficients is computationally expensive for large data sets. We propose and evaluate the performance of a new robust set of features using supervised classifiers in order to look for new Be star candidates in the OGLE-IV Gaia south ecliptic pole field. We calculated the proposed set of features on six types of variable stars and on a set of Be star candidates reported in the literature. We evaluated the performance of these features using classification trees and random forests along with K-nearest neighbours, support vector machines, and gradient boosted trees methods. We tuned the classifiers with a 10-fold cross-validation and grid search. We validated the performance of the best classifier on a set of OGLE-IV light curves and applied this to find new Be star candidates. The random forest classifier outperformed the others. By using the random forest classifier and colour criteria we found 50 Be star candidates in the direction of the Gaia south ecliptic pole field, four of which have infrared colours consistent with Herbig Ae/Be stars. Supervised methods are very useful in order to obtain preliminary samples of variable stars extracted from large databases. As usual, the stars classified as Be stars candidates must be checked for the colours and spectroscopic characteristics expected for them

    Distribución y composición de la materia orgánica en sedimentos de la zona de oxígeno mínimo del Pacífico nororiental mexicano: implicaciones paleoceanográficas

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    Total organic carbon (TOC) content, total nitrogen (TN) content, elemental (C and N), and isotopic (d13C-TOC) composition of organic matter derived from both marine and terrestrial sources constrain the relative contributions from marine productivity, the mangroves, and the continental wind erosion of 36 carbonate-free surface sediments along the southwestern coast of the Baja California Peninsula. In general, the spatial patterns of TOC, TN, C:N ratio and d13C-TOC are similar. The maximum content of TOC (14.5%) and TN (1.6%) were measured inside the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). The stable carbon isotopic compositions were enriched in 12C in surface sediments at suboxic sites within the OMZ. The C:N ratio and δ13C-TOC values indicated that the organic sediment material is predominantly of marine origin, with a minor contribution from the terrestrial source or mangroves. In the stations near to the coast, the high values of the C:N ratio and the depleted 13C values suggest a proportionally greater accumulation of terrestrial organic matter. The terrestrial-derived organic carbon content is <10% at the continental margin and >40% at the stations near to the coast, based on a Mixing Model of End Members.El contenido de carbono orgánico total (COT), nitrógeno total (NT), la composición elemental (C y N) e isotópica derivada de fuentes marina y terrestre ha permitido delimitar la contribución relativa de la productividad marina, los manglares y la erosión continental (eólicos) de 36 muestras de sedimentos superficiales (libres de carbono inorgánico) en el margen SW de Baja California. En general, la distribución espacial de COT, NT, la razón C:N y el d13C-COT son similares. El contenido máximo de COT (14.5%) y NT (1.6%) fue observado dentro de la zona de oxígeno mínimo. La composición isotópica de carbono está enriquecida en 12C en sedimentos superficiales de sitios subóxicos dentro de la ZOM. La razón C:N y los valores del d13C-COT indicaron que el material orgánico en sedimentos es predominantemente de origen marino con una menor contribución terrestre o de manglar. En las estaciones cercanas a la costa, los mayores valores de la razón C:N y los valores empobrecidos en 13C sugieren una acumulación mayor de materia orgánica terrestre. El contenido de carbono orgánico derivado de origen terrestre es <10% en el margen continental y >40% en estaciones cercanas a la costa sobre la base del modelo de mezcla de “end-members”

    Molecular rearrangement of an Aza-Scorpiand macrocycle induced by pH: A computational study

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    Rearrangements and their control are a hot topic in supramolecular chemistry due to the possibilities that these phenomena open in the design of synthetic receptors and molecular machines. Macrocycle aza-scorpiands constitute an interesting system that can reorganize their spatial structure depending on pH variations or the presence of metal cations. In this study, the relative stabilities of these conformations were predicted computationally by semi-empirical and density functional theory approximations, and the reorganization from closed to open conformations was simulated by using the Monte Carlo multiple minimum method

    Direct and indirect approaches based on paper analysis by Py-GC/MS for estimating the age of documents

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    The age of a relatively old document is one of the pending issues to be resolved in the field of forensic documentary examination. Although nowadays there are a variety of analytical methodologies focused in the analysis of inks for dating documents, the paper analysis has attained little attention. This work aims to develop two complementary approaches for estimating the age of documents based on paper analysis employing the pyrolysis technique coupled to gas chromatography with detection by mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS): (i) a direct approach using the pyrolytic fingerprints and multivariate regression with artificially aged samples, and (ii) an indirect approach based on the identification of compounds characteristic of the document period. The direct approach has successfully allowed the age estimation of relatively old documents under police custody (up to 30 years of age) and the determination of a relation between the natural and the accelerated aging of paper under the used conditions. This approach is applicable to papers that have the same (or similar) composition and have been stored under comparable storage conditions. Additionally, the indirect approach is presented as an interesting perspective to ratify valuable information of the document age

    NIRS potential use for the determination of natural resources quality from dehesa (acorn and grass) in Montanera system for Iberian pigs.

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    NIRS technology has been used as an alternative to conventional methods to determinate the content of nutrients of acorns and grass from dehesa ecosystem. Dry matter (DM), crude fat (CF), crude protein (CP), starch, total phenolic compounds (TP), α-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, fatty acids, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), total antioxidant activity (TAA) and total energy (TE) were determined by conventional methods for later development of NIRS predictive equations. The NIR spectrum of each sample was collected and for all studied parameters, a predictive model was obtained and external validated. Good prediction equations were obtained for moisture, crude fat, crude protein, total energy and γ-tocopherol in acorns samples, with high coefficients of correlation (1-VR) and low standard error of prediction (SEP) (1-VR=0.81, SEP=2.62; 1-VR=0.92, SEP=0.54; 1-VR=0.86, SEP=0.47; 1-VR=0.84, SEP=0.2; 1-VR=0.88, SEP=5.4, respectively) and crude protein, NDF, α-tocopherol and linolenic acid content in grass samples (1-VR=0.9, SEP=1.99; 1-VR=0.87, SEP=4.13; 1-VR=0.76, SEP=10.9; 1-VR=0.82, SEP=0.6, respectively). Therefore, these prediction models could be used to determinate the nutritional composition of Montanera natural resources

    A tactile model of the night summer northern sky for the teaching of astronomy to the BVI

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    Astroaccesible is an outreach project hosted by the Instituto de Astrof\'{\i}sica de Andaluc\'{\i}a - CSIC aimed at the teaching and popularisation of the astronomy among all publics independently of their capabilities and abilities, paying special attention to the collective of blind and visually impaired (BVI). Among the different strategies and resources using in our project, we have developed new 3D models representing in relief some of the stars, constellations and deep sky objects that can be observed during night from the Northern hemisphere in spring and summer. These models can be used by BVI to transmit to them the spatial configuration of the sky during night, but can be also used as an additional resource for all kind of publics to complement their sensorial experience. We also describe additional resources based on sounds that can also be employed to get deeper into this multisensorial experience. Finally, we summarize some of the activities and the context in which this new material has been used in the last 2 years.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. To appear as proceeding of the 15th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Societ

    Conformationally-Locked C-Glycosides: Tuning Aglycone Interactions for Optimal Cheperone Behaviour in Gaucher Fibroblasts

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    A series of conformationally locked C-glycosides based on the 3-aminopyrano[3,2-b]pyrrol-2(1H)-one (APP) scaffold has been synthesized. The key step involved a totally stereocontrolled C-Michael addition of a serine-equivalent C-nucleophile to tri-O-benzyl-2-nitro-D-galactal, previously published by the authors. Stereoselective transformations of the Michael adduct allowed us the synthesis of compounds with mono- or diantennated aglycone moieties and different topologies. In vitro screening showed highly selective inhibition of bovine liver β-glucosidase/β-galactosidase and specific inhibition of human β-glucocerebrosidase among lysosomal glycosidases for compounds bearing palmitoyl chains in the aglycone, with a marked dependence of the inhibition potency upon their number and location. Molecular dynamics simulations highlighted the paramount importance of an optimal orientation of the hydrophobic substituent to warrant efficient non-glycone interactions, which are critical for the binding affinity. The results provide a rationale for the strong decrease of the inhibition potency of APP compounds on going from neutral to acidic pH. The best candidate was found to behave as pharmacological chaperone in Gaucher fibroblasts with homozygous N370S and F213I mutations, with enzyme activity enhancements similar to those encountered for the reference compound AmbroxolMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2012-36365, SAF2013-44021-RJunta de Andalucía FQM-1467European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-People-2012-CI