1,223 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of the microscopic structure and density anomaly of the SPC/E and TIP4P-Ew water models. Molecular dynamics simulation results

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    We have investigated temperature trends of the microscopic structure of the SPC/E and TIP4P-Ew water models in terms of the pair distribution functions, coordination numbers, the average number of hydrogen bonds, the distribution of bonding states of a single molecule as well as the angular distribution of molecules by using the constant pressure molecular dynamics simulations. The evolution of the structure is put in correspondence with the dependence of water density on high temperatures down to the region of temperatures where the system becomes supercooled. It is shown that the fraction of molecules with three and four bonds determine the maximum density for both models. Moreover, the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant is obtained and analyzed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Insurance Law

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    Insurance Law

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    The protective role of cultural values on PTSD symptoms in Latinx immigrant youth

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    The number of Latinx immigrant children in the United States (U.S.) continues to rise (U.S. Customs Border Patrol [CBP], 2015; U.S. CBP, 2016). Latinx immigrant youth are exposed to significant trauma in their home countries and on their journey to the U.S., and as such, are at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, not every youth exposed to traumatic events is at equal risk for developing PTSD, thus indicating there may be other factors affecting or tempering the subsequent development of PTSD. Within the Latinx culture, there are cultural values that may serve as buffers against mental health problems, such as familismo, respeto, and simpatía. To date, there is little empirical data regarding the association between cultural values and the development of PTSD after traumatic exposure in Latinx immigrant children. Thus, the current study analyzed data from a sample of Latinx immigrant youth (N= 81) interviewed at a respite center at the U.S.-Mexico border. Binary logistic regressions revealed that higher levels of trauma exposure were linked to a higher likelihood of reporting elevated PTSD symptoms. Additionally, higher levels of familismo were associated with a lower likelihood of reporting elevated PTSD symptoms, thus suggesting familismo is a protective factor. Finally, endorsing clinically significant PTSD symptoms was associated with a higher likelihood of reporting elevated PTSD functional impairment. No significant findings emerged regarding respeto and simpatía. Future research should further explore whether familismo, respeto, and simpatía, and other cultural values serve as protective factors on PTSD in Latinx immigrant youth

    Oral Proficiency Language Testing for Medical Students

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    Many medical students begin medical school with second language skills and aspirations of becoming bilingual physicians. Up until this year, medical students were not offered any proficiency testing at UNM to determine whether or not their second language skills were adequate to provide safe patient care during their medical training. In summer 2019, Undergraduate Medical Education conducted a pilot project in collaboration with UNMH Interpreter Language Services Department in which 3rd and 4th year students were offered oral language proficiency testing. The response to the offer was quite interesting: students requested testing in many different languages and over 20 students tested. Most students tested at high enough levels of proficiency to be deemed prepared to provide safe language services in a second language. There were a few students who found that they need more study in the second language to ensure safe patient communication. Next steps will be to decide whether this testing will be routinely offered, if it will be required, and how it will be monitored

    Recombinants between Deformed wing virus and Varroa destructor virus-1 may prevail in Varroa destructor-infested honeybee colonies

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    We have used high-throughput Illumina sequencing to identify novel recombinants between deformed wing virus (DWV) and Varroa destructor virus-1 (VDV-1), which accumulate to higher levels than DWV in both honeybees and Varroa destructor mites. The recombinants, VDV-1VVD and VDV-1DVD, exhibit crossovers between the 5’-untranslated region (5’-UTR), and/or the regions encoding the structural (capsid) and non-structural viral proteins. This implies the genomes are modular and that each region may evolve independently, as demonstrated in human enteroviruses. Individual honeybee pupae were infected with a mixture of observed recombinants and DWV. The strong correlation between VDV-1DVD levels in honeybee pupae and the associated mites was observed, suggesting that this recombinant, with a DWV-derived 5’-UTR and non-structural protein region flanking VDV- 1-derived capsid encoding region, is better adapted to transmission between V. destructor and honeybees than the parental DWV or a recombinant bearing the VDV-1-derived 5’-UTR (VDV-1VVD)

    Mamíferos de Pamplona

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    En esta guía quedan recogidos todos los grupos de mamíferos que tienen presencia en el entorno de Pamplona, así como sus principales características

    Allosteric modulation of the GTPase activity of a bacterial LRRK2 homolog by conformation-specific Nanobodies

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    Mutations in the Parkinson's disease (PD)-associated protein leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) commonly lead to a reduction of GTPase activity and increase in kinase activity. Therefore, strategies for drug development have mainly been focusing on the design of LRRK2 kinase inhibitors. We recently showed that the central RocCOR domains (Roc: Ras of complex proteins; COR: C-terminal of Roc) of a bacterial LRRK2 homolog cycle between a dimeric and monomeric form concomitant with GTP binding and hydrolysis. PD-associated mutations can slow down GTP hydrolysis by stabilizing the protein in its dimeric form. Here, we report the identification of two Nanobodies (NbRoco1 and NbRoco2) that bind the bacterial Roco protein (CtRoco) in a conformation-specific way, with a preference for the GTP-bound state. NbRoco1 considerably increases the GTP turnover rate of CtRoco and reverts the decrease in GTPase activity caused by a PD-analogous mutation. We show that NbRoco1 exerts its effect by allosterically interfering with the CtRoco dimer–monomer cycle through the destabilization of the dimeric form. Hence, we provide the first proof of principle that allosteric modulation of the RocCOR dimer–monomer cycle can alter its GTPase activity, which might present a potential novel strategy to overcome the effect of LRRK2 PD mutations

    Financial execution 2007-2011 FEDER Galicia’s Operative Program 2007-2013

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolO Programa Operativo (PO) FEDER Galicia 2007-2013, que se inscribe no contexto do Marco Estratéxico de Converxencia Económica de Galicia 2007-2013, foi aprobado pola Comisión Europea no marco do Obxectivo Converxencia de España a través da Decisión da Comisión de 30 de novembro de 2007, C(2007) 6079, cunha axuda comunitaria de 2.191 millóns de euros, modificada pola Decisión da Comisión de 27 de marzo de 2012, C(2012) 1621 final. As súas liñas estratéxicas foron elaboradas pola Xunta de Galicia en colaboración cos interlocutores económicos e sociais e coas autoridades locais, nacionais e da UE. A execución financeira acumulada do período 2007-2011 alcanza 1.027,50 millóns de euros. Tamén se detallan as principais accións de publicidade e información e as boas prácticas levadas a cabo no ano 2011El Programa Operativo (PO) FEDER Galicia 2007-2013, que se inscribe en el contexto del Marco Estratégico de Convergencia Económica de Galicia 2007-2013, fue aprobado por la Comisión Europea en el marco del Objetivo Convergencia de España a través de la Decisión de la Comisión de 30 de noviembre de 2007, C(2007) 6079, con una ayuda comunitaria de 2.191 millones de euros, modificada por la Decisión de la Comisión de 27 de marzo de 2012, C(2012) 1621 final. Sus líneas estratégicas fueron elaboradas por la Xunta de Galicia en colaboración con los interlocutores económicos y sociales y con las autoridades locales, nacionales y de la UE. La ejecución financiera acumulada del período 2007-2011 alcanza 1.027,50 millones de euros. También se detallan las principales acciones de publicidad e información y las buenas prácticas llevadas a cabo en el año 2011The FEDER Galicia’s Operative Program (OP) 2007-2013, which is inscribed in the Galician Economic Convergence Strategic Mark 2007-2013 context, was approved by the European Comission in the Spanish Convergence Objective framework through November 30th, 2007 Comission Decision, C(2007) 6079, with a 2.191 million euro communitary help, modified by the March 27th, 2012 Comission Decision, C(2012) 1621 final. Its strategic lines were elaborated by the Xunta de Galicia in collaboration with economic and social interlocutors and with the local, national and the EU authorities. The 2007-2011 period finantial accumulated execution amounts 1.027,50 million euro. The main publicity and information actions are also detailed, as well as good actuation done in 2011S

    Convenio marco de colaboración entre Vicepresidencia y Conselleria de Presidencia, Administraciones Públicas y Justicia de la Xunta de Galicia, la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras de la Xunta de Galicia y la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, en materia de meteorología y clima

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    Convenio para establecer el marco de actuación en el que, en el ejercicio de sus respectivas competencias, la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología y la Xunta de Galicia colaborarán para la racionalización, coordinación, optimización y prestación compartida de los distintos servicios meteorológicos, climatológicos y medioambienteales, de cara a alcanzar mayores niveles de calidad, seguridad y eficiencia de los mismos, y una reducción de su coste