7,352 research outputs found

    A modular approach for assessing the effect of radiation environments on man in operational systems. The radiobiological vulnerability of man during task performance

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    A modular approach for assessing the affects of radiation environments on man in operational systems has been developed. The feasibility of the model has been proved and the practicality has been assessed. It has been applied to one operational system to date and information obtained has been submitted to systems analysts and mission planners for the assessment of man's vulnerability and impact on systems survivability. In addition, the model has been developed so that the radiobiological data can be input to a sophisticated man-machine interface model to properly relate the radiobiological stress with other mission stresses including the effects of a degraded system

    A Lambda CDM bounce scenario

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    We study a contracting universe composed of cold dark matter and radiation, and with a positive cosmological constant. As is well known from standard cosmological perturbation theory, under the assumption of initial quantum vacuum fluctuations the Fourier modes of the comoving curvature perturbation that exit the (sound) Hubble radius in such a contracting universe at a time of matter-domination will be nearly scale-invariant. Furthermore, the modes that exit the (sound) Hubble radius when the effective equation of state is slightly negative due to the cosmological constant will have a slight red tilt, in agreement with observations. We assume that loop quantum cosmology captures the correct high-curvature dynamics of the space-time, and this ensures that the big-bang singularity is resolved and is replaced by a bounce. We calculate the evolution of the perturbations through the bounce and find that they remain nearly scale-invariant. We also show that the amplitude of the scalar perturbations in this cosmology depends on a combination of the sound speed of cold dark matter, the Hubble rate in the contracting branch at the time of equality of the energy densities of cold dark matter and radiation, and the curvature scale that the loop quantum cosmology bounce occurs at. Finally, for a small sound speed of cold dark matter, this scenario predicts a small tensor-to-scalar ratio

    Using Your Library’s Objectives as the Organizational Framework for Library Documentation in Planning, Assessment, and Accreditation

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    The San Diego Christian/Southern California Seminary Library1 uses its objectives as the organizational framework for its strategic plan, annual report, assessment plan, and policies and procedures manual. This article describes how the library’s objectives compare to the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Standards (to ensure best practices), relate to the areas covered in the library strategic plan, annual report, and operations manual, and correspond to the standards and criteria from their respective accrediting agencies, showing how easy it is to identify supporting evidence for a program review or self-study when using this organizing method

    Oregon\u27s Hearing Officer Panel

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    Notes on Some of the Rarer Birds of the Ames Region

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    While the writer was living at Ames during several past years he took various notes on birds observed in that vicinity. During the years 1917, 1918, 1919 and 1920, regular excursions were taken, sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied with other bird enthusiasts and sometimes with his college students in bird study. It was only during the year 1919 that the writer taught the course in bird study for the Department of Zoology at the Iowa State College. While this course was taught by Professor H. A. Scullen and later by Professor J. E. Guthrie, the writer frequently accompanied the classes on field trips

    Mites Affecting the Poison Oak

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    According to the plan of nature animals are compelled either directly or indirectly to lay under tribute the plant world in order to obtain food; and so completely have they done so that it is doubtful if any, among the many thousands of species of the latter, are exempt from attack. Being thus exposed to the wholesale appetites of higher creation plants have been forced into the evolution of devices for warding off animal attacks

    Constitutional Law - Self-Incrimination - Relation to Loyalty Discharge from Government Service

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    A doctor, drafted into the Army as a private by authority of the Doctors Draft Law, exercised his constitutional privilege against self-incrimination in refusing to complete a loyalty certificate required for a military commission. The Army refused to grant the commission. In a prior habeas corpus proceeding, he had been ordered discharged unless granted the commission. Since the Army intended to grant the discharge under conditions other than honorable, the doctor sought an injunction to compel prompt honorable discharge. Held, injunction granted. Exercise of the constitutional privilege in refusing to complete a loyalty certificate could not be considered a confession of guilt of subversive association or activities, and, in absence of other grounds, the doctor was entitled to an honorable discharge. Levin v. Gillespie, (D. C. Cal. 1954) 121 F. Supp. 726

    Ablation Test Case Series #2. ITRAC Results

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    An Experimental Approach for Determining the Space Radiation Hazard to Manned Space Flight

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    The discovery of the earth\u27s radiation belts and the presence of other space radiations coupled with the advent of manned space flight demanded that the biological hazards thus imposed be carefully and thoroughly studied. A sound experimental program has been formulated and pursued by the U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. This program uses a multidisciplinary approach to develop a sophisticated technique for the measurement, interpretation and evaluation of the space radiation environment and its potential danger. This many faceted program includes the use of both manned and unmanned earth satellites, particle accelerators, computer analyses, and sophisticated radiation measuring devices. The end result of this work will be a radiation monitoring system, simple and economical, with adequate readout for the astronaut in the space vehicle, as well as, biologically meaningful dose, dose rate, and depth dose profile, rapidly available to the ground control facilities

    The Life and Behavior of the House Spider

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    Few species of invertebrates come under our everyday observation more than the common house spider, Theridion tepidariorum K. It is a familiar object in attics and in basements, in cellars and in outhouses of all kinds, in fact it will be found in almost any of the situations where there is shelter and moisture, and where insects may be found in sufficient numbers for food. In looking up the literature relating to this spider the writer was surprised to find that no one, apparently, had worked out its life history or made systematic observations on its habits
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